Deadpool's Day Out

Galing kay opal_infusion

317 7 3

So one morning Deadpool (me) woke up and found himself in a park, disheveled, blood stained, (seriously, my f... Higit pa

Part 1: Rise and Shine and WTF?!?
Part 2: A Quick Detour
Part 3: Big Trouble In Little Chinatown
Part 4: Along Came A Spider
Part 5: Brooklyn Bro Down
Part 7: The Girl From U.R.A.N.U.S.
Part 8: Operation: Bust Some Fools
Part 9: Operation: Clean Getaway
Part 10: Journey To The Center Of Black Bart's HQ
Part 11: I Can't Even
Part 12: Central Park Showdown
Part 13: Thank You For Being A Friend

Part 6: Brooklyn Bro Down 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Galing kay opal_infusion

I was feeling pretty dejected. I was in a trash can (yet again), Doc Ock got away, and worst of all, I'm stuck with a Spider-Jerk who serves as a literal reminder of what I'll never achieve. On second thought, maybe I do belong in this trash can.

"Deadpool? You over here?" I saw Spider-Jerk head towards me as soon as he found me.
"What do you want? Don't you have a villain to go stop?"
"You wanted to come with me, remember? Besides, it's your fault Doc got away, so you're going to help me stop him whether you want to or not!"

I looked at him, anger all over my face.
"Excuse me? My fault!? Doc is only attacking because he knew The Avengers were gone with the wind! Something YOU neglected to tell me! And to add insult to injury, you decided to tell me once again how I'll never be an Avenger, even though I was the only here to help you!"

My blood was boiling over. I hadn't been this angry in a long time.
"So you know what?! Fuck you! Fuck you, I'm going home! You're on your own!" I yelled as I was trying to get out of the trash can.
"Listen Deadpool, if Doc Ock gets the plutonium to make his fuel rods, the city is going to be in major trouble!" I stopped my struggle to look Spidey in the eye.
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

Spider-Man sighed and lowered his head
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I was out of line. It's just that when you questioned if Tony told me the truth, you re-aggravated a doubt I already had in my mind. The truth is I wanted to go to the moon base, and I was irritated when Tony told me I had to stay behind.
I've always wanted to go into space, and it made me wonder whether or not he and the other Avengers were actually going to the moon. But that's no excuse." He paused for a moment before he continued his apology.

"You don't have to accept my apology, but I need you to know that I do need your help. Like you said, you're the only one here who can help me. And if we don't move soon, hundreds of thousands of lives will be on the line. So what do you say?" Spidey reached out his hand for me to grab it. I was hesitant, but eventually I relented and grabbed his hand.
"Okay partner, let's do this."

He pulled me out of the trash can, and we started walking to the sidewalk. I looked at Spidey as something came to my mind.
"There's just one thing I don't get. How did Doc Ock know The Avengers would be gone today? Did you guys put out a public service announcement about it or something?"

Spider-Man looked at me and replied "Honestly, I don't know. We made sure to keep the moon base and the scheduled visits to it top secret. That's something I'm going to have to figure out, but it'll have to wait until after we stop Doc Ock. Now come on, we have a lab to get to."

"Just be sure to grab my belt this time, I don't want another wedgie."
Spider-Man chuckled as he grabbed my belt. He shot a web so we could lift off. I stuck out my arms and shouted "Up up and away!" as we started swinging.

MacArthur Labs
10 Minutes Later

We landed outside of the lab. It was quiet. Too quiet. At first we thought maybe we beat Doc Ock to the lab, but then an all too familiar sound broke the silence and crushed that theory. "BOOOOM!!!" There was now a giant hole in the wall on the side of the building. And out of that hole came Doc Ock, with what appeared to be two containers full of the plutonium he was after in his hands.

He chuckled to himself and said in a dark tone "Now I just need to take this to MY lab, and then I can make the fuel rods I need to make my Supersonic Boots even more powerful!"
I looked over at Spidey and asked if he had a plan.

"Not at the moment. But we need to think of something quickly." I looked at Doc Ock, then back over at Spidey. Suddenly it hit me.
"Lightbulb! Hey Spidey, have you seen Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back?" Spider-Man looked at me all confused. "Uh, yes? Why?"
"Because I have an idea!"

Fast forward a few moments later and I was running towards Doc Ock, setting my plan in motion. As I was running towards him, I shouted
"Hey Shemp! Where's Moe and Larry!?"
Doc Ock didn't look too happy to see me.
"You again! I thought I already disposed of you and the wall crawler!"

I smirked at him and said "Nah, I'm like a bad rash. I'm hard to get rid of. Now come on, let's play! I'll start!" I ran over and tapped one of his mechanical arms
"Tag! You're it!"

I started running away from him when he yelled at me in an annoyed tone "I don't have time for these juvenile games! I have more pressing matters to attend to!"
"Whatsa matta, you chicken? Bok bok bok! Should I call you Doctor Chicken from now on?"

Now Doc was mad.
"I will obliterate you!"
"You have to catch me first, Doctor Chicken!" I said as I winked and shook my tail feather at him.
For Doc Ock, that was the final straw.

He tried moving his mechanical arms forward to chase after me, but there was one little problem.
See, while I was busy taunting Doc Ock, Spidey quietly snuck around and wrapped Doc's mechanical arms up in webbing. Similar to what Luke Skywalker did to the AT-AT imperial walkers in Empire Strikes Back.
And if any of you readers have seen the movie, then you can pretty much guess what happened next.

Doc Ock did a total face plant on the street, which in turn knocked the containers of plutonium out of his hands. Spider-Man shot webs at the containers to grab them. But just as he got a hold of them, Doc Ock unleashed a loud KABOOOOOOM!!! with his supersonic boots.

He used all four of them at the same time to break free of the webbing that tripped him up.
When he stood up, we saw that his face was as red as a New England lobster.
He was beyond furious.

Doc looked around until he spotted Spider-Man, the containers of plutonium still in his hands.
Spidey set the containers down beside him.

"Uh oh, Doc Ock is having a temper tantrum! Looks like someone needs a time out!" he said as he shot multiple webs at Doc Ock, trying to bring him down. Unfortunately, before he could wrap him up completely, Doc Ock let out another big sonic shockwave, breaking the webs yet again.

Doc Ock then started shooting sonic blast after sonic blast at Spidey, but thanks to his spider sense and quick reflexes he was able to dodge them. "BOOOOM! BOOOOM! BOOOOM! BOOOOM!"
It became clear that the only way we were going to be able to stop Doc Ock at all was if we took away his booming booties.

Suddenly I came up with another idea.
"Hey web head!"
"What Deadpool? Can't you see I'm kinda busy right now? Whoa!"
Spider-Man said in an annoyed voice as he dodged another blast.
"Shoot your webs at two of Doc's boots and try to pull them off!" Spider-Man quickly understood my idea and did just as I told him.
I, meanwhile, ran towards Doc Ock and latched on to one of his boots and started pulling.

Doc had stopped his blasting at this point and just kind of looked at us dumbfounded. He then laughed and said "You two morons think you can just pull my boots off? Well I've got news for you, they don't come off so easily! They are latched into my mechanical arms, so pulling them off is practically impossible!"

He then blasted both me and Spidey, causing us to lose our grips on the boots.
"BOOOOM!!! Whoa!"
Spidey hit a brick wall and landed by the plutonium containers. "BOOOOM!!! Yeow!" I hit a parked car and went through the wind shield.
I hope the car's owner has good insurance.

As I pried myself out of the wind shield, Doc Ock resumed blasting at Spidey, who had already dusted himself off after hitting the brick wall. I gotta hand it to Spidey, that was a quick recovery time.
I started pulling out shards of glass from my body, trying to figure out a Plan C.

Doc Ock said the boots were latched to his mechanical arms, so we can't pull them off (learned that the hard way. Ouch.).
Then I thought "What if we cut them off?" as I pulled out my katanas. But then I remembered how one time Spidey explained to me that Doc's arms were basically made of a mixture of strong metals (didn't really pay attention to the details, it was really boring).

Anyway, I looked down at my katanas, and thought "What if I made them stronger?" But how? Suddenly I saw something shiny on my blades. It was the sun.
That gave me yet another idea (damn, I'm on a roll today!).
"Lightbulb! Hey Spidey, keep Doc busy, I'll be right back!"
He shouted back "No worries! I've got it all under control! Yikes!" as he dodged more sonic blasts.
I then ran towards the lab as fast as I could, katanas in tow, to get the ball rolling.

About five minutes later, I was running back out of the lab, my katanas now red hot (about as hot as the surface of the sun!).
In case you haven't figured it out, I went to the lab to find a torch to heat up my blades.
And if my blades are hot enough, I should be able to execute my plan without a hitch.
I just needed to find a good place to strike. I looked around and spotted a streetlight right above where Doc Ock was standing.

I juggled my katanas in one hand as I used my grappling gun to latch onto the streetlight. I nearly dropped my katanas when the gun started pulling me up (thank god I didn't, otherwise the plan would've been ruined).
I climbed up and put one of my katanas in my now empty hand, getting ready to attack. Luckily Doc Ock was distracted by Spider-Man during all this.

"Bonsai!!!" I yelled as I jumped.
This stopped Doc Ock from blasting as he was now turning towards me. Once I reached Doc Ock I quickly sliced off two of his booties (and part of his arms).
Just as he was realizing what happened, I sliced off his other two boots. He was left looking at his stubby metal arms in shock. While he was stunned, I yelled "Spidey! Get the boots!"

He shot webbing at all four boots and grabbed them, setting them beside the plutonium containers. Then I set my katanas down and punched Doc right in the face, knocking him down. Spider-Man wrapped him up in a web cocoon so he couldn't escape.
Now we just needed to wait for the cops.

About twenty minutes later, Doc Ock was being loaded into a police van, quietly stewing in his anger.
I shouted "See ya, Shemp! By the way, I like Curly better!"
He said nothing as a cop closed the back of the van. After Spidey and I gave our statements to the police, they drove off with Doc Ock, and we returned the plutonium containers to the lab.

We also gave them Doc's severed mechanical arms, boots still attached. As we walked out of the lab, I asked Spider-Man a couple of questions that were on my mind.
"So where are they taking Doc Ock? And why did we give the lab his arms and boots?"

Spidey replied "They are taking Doc Ock to a special confinement cell at The Raft. As for the boots, the people at the lab are going to try to separate them from Doc's arms so they can analyze and study them to see how they work, and maybe use the data to develop useful technology."
"Oh. Cool."

We walked silently for a moment before I built up the courage to ask Spidey another question.
"So, now that Doc's taken care of, you wanna go with me to get some tacos?" "Thanks but no thanks, I have to get back to Avengers Tower. I need to find out how Doc Ock knew about The Avengers' moon trip."

"I lowered my head in disappointment
"Oh, okay. I understand."
I think Spidey sensed my said disappointment, because he quickly followed with "Maybe some other time?" I lifted my head back up, hopeful that he meant it.

He then shot a web, turned to me and said "Never thought I'd say this, but thanks for your help, Deadpool."
I tilted my head with a smile and said "Any time, Spider Boy."
He started swinging away, shouting "See you later, Merc!"
"Later web head!"
I smiled as I thought to myself "Hanging out with him should be fun."

"I thought you didn't like Spider-Man?"
"I never said that!"
"Earlier you were all "Fuck that guy!" Pretty sure you don't say that about people you like."
"I was mad at him, we were fighting! We made up, teamed up, and beat Doc Ock! Did you miss all that?!"

"Uh, no. I wrote it. I'm the author, remember?"
"Whatever. Point is, we're friends now, and we're going to hang out one day. JUST friends, nothing more, so don't you or the readers get any funny ideas!"
"Lol, whatever you say, Wade."

Welp, that's the end of Deadpool's team up with Spider-Man. I hope you all liked reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Last chapter I asked if I should write a short story about The Avengers' moon base trip. Now I'm going to ask if I should right a story about Deadpool and Spider-Man's hang out. Should I, or should leave that to your imaginations? Comment on this chapter to give me your answer. Also, don't forget to vote, and stay tuned for Part 7! Trust me, it's about to get a whole lot crazier. Have a wonderful day everybody!

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