Woman Long Lost

By MimikuLanoue

8.2K 136 15

She was once Ciel's sister, but after the fire broke out. She could not take the pressure placed upon her. Fi... More

She Returns Chapter 1
Sealed Secrets Chapter 2
Secret Kills Chapter 3
Jack But Two Chapter 4
Kidnappings For Seals Chapter 5
Nuance Dogs Chapter 6
Frosted Rings Chapter 7
Troubled Princes Chapter 9
Curry Chapter 10
Lost Kings Chapter 11
Angels And Cults Chapter 12
Children and Torture Chapter 13
Pleasures And Punishments Chapter 14
Fall In Paris Chapter 15
A Demons Claim Chapter 16
Chains Chapter 17
Secret Ties Chapter 18
House Wife Chapter 19
Letters Chapter 20
Trancy Chapter 21
Games Chapter 22
Murders Chapter 23
Run Around 24
Circus 25
Secrets And Advancements 26
Unpleasantries 27
A Mother's Love 28
Fatal Fall 29
A Trip Of Horror 30
Flaming Love 31
Treasures To Never Be Claimed 32
Ships Too Far 33
Dead Parties 34
Fallen Blood 35
Priorities And Ties 36
A Mission That Shouldn't Be Taken 37
Escaping With Hell 38
Running From Death 39
Crystal's Of Blood 40
Children 41
Phantom Characters
Sweet Trips 44
Times Of Age 45
Threats 46
New Beginnings 47
Showdown 48

Puppets And Birthdays Chapter 8

289 5 0
By MimikuLanoue

Lorna stood looking out the window sadly. Sebastian stood behind her but didn't touch her. "Lorna. What is it that ails you?" Her frown deepened and she looked down at the snowy ground. "It's nothing." He sighed walking to her and wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her to him. She leaned back against him placing her hands over his arms. "Sebastian. You know what tomorrow is do you not?" He smiled softly down at her. "Why of course. It is your brother's birthday." She nodded and closed her eyes sadly. "I just. I don't know what to do for him. It's all my fault he went through what he did that day. I mean. I'm glad he got you, but. It shouldn't have been like that. Not on that day. Not on the day our parents died either." She shook as she fought back tears and her grip on his arms tightened. He frowned and tightened his hold on her. "It isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself." She turned in his arms so she was facing him and clutched his coat tightly as she cried. "How can I not?! If I had not left none of this would have happened! It's all my fault my brother has gone through so much misery!" He sighed placing a hand on the back of her head with his other arm still wrapped around her. She tried to calm down but found it hard. "Please Sebastian. Take care of him. If something were to ever happen to me. Please promise me that you will do everything to protect and take care of him." It hurt him to listen to her speak the way she was, but he understood. He leaned back a bit and tilted her chin up. "I will always protect him. It is in our contract to be a loyal servant. However, I am sealed to you too remember? It is my duty to protect you too. Nothing will happen to you while I am still here." She frowned looking away. "Sebastian, what is after us is a handful for even you to handle. This is why I took the measurements I had. This is why I made the deal I had. If my brother and I were ever in a life threatening situation. He comes first. Am I understood?" Sebastian sighed removing his fingers from her chin. "Yes." She nodded moving back. "Good. Come, we should go see what he wants. He is calling me." Sebastian looked at her confused and she hit the palm of her hand with her fist. "That's right. I haven't told you. I marked my brother so he could call me whenever he pleased or even find me." Sebastian raised a brow. "You would do such things to your own brother?" She scowled at him. "Of course not! get on that bed!" He chuckled at her and did as told. "I never thought I would see the day where it was you who would be putting me in this position." She laughed and climbed on him sitting on his hips. She moved her hips a bit grinding against him and he let out a soft groan of pleasure. She chuckled and leaned down undoing his coat and shirt. She licked the center of his chest before nibbling on it. She began sucking on the spot and ran her hands down his stomach. She sat up as soon as she was done and smirked down at him. "There. I have marked you as well." He scowled at her. "That is what it was?" She giggled getting off him. "Of course. Did you honestly think I would have my way with my brother?" He sighed and she shook her head at him watching the hickey fade into a black seal. She left the room laughing at Sebastian who wasn't very happy with her. She walked down to her brother's room and just walked in. Lorna walked over to her brother sadly. "Ciel I." He shook his head at her. "Never mind all of what you're thinking Lorna. I've been told that Elizabeth has gone missing. Come with me to find her." Lorna nodded. "Alright. Let's go." Ciel nodded and Sebastian met the two at the front. Lorna was slowly getting over her fear of the carriage but climbed in nonetheless. She jumped as Pluto jumped into her lap. She grabbed his arms trying to pull him away as he licked her neck. Sebastian grew irritated and pushed Pluto off her pulling Lorna into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her possessively and Ciel sighed at the two males. "Sebastian. Evidently the others have been working on a case of missing young children. I was sent a letter to help in this investigation. I want you to go and gather as much information on each victim through their connections." He sighed nodding setting Lorna down on the seat. Pluto was happy to prance back onto Lorna earning himself a glare from Sebastian as the butler left. Lorna sighed as Pluto hung on her back.

As soon as they were on the street Ciel tried to get Pluto to use a ribbon of Elizabeth's for him to follow her sent. Lorna sighed as he wasn't doing as told. She rose a brow as Pluto began dragging Ciel around. She followed him down an ally that he tried to pull Pluto out of. She shook her head at the two and reached for the leash but was intersected by Grell who jumped in front of her. Her eyes widened as her face nearly met with his chest. She jumped away from him ready to fight. "Well look at what we have here. It isn't everyday you get to see both Phantomhive's together without dear bassy. Tell me. What are you two doing out here all alone?" She growled at the reaper and reached for her brother just as Pluto ripped from his grasp. Ciel ran from her after Pluto causing her to chase after him. Grell ran after the three annoyed that he was ignored. Pluto ran down a few allies till he jumped through a window. Ciel ran through the door with the other two following, finding Pluto having a doll in his mouth. Ciel took the doll from him and Lorna frowned. "Ciel." He sighed. "I know." The two siblings walked to the open back door and looked at the big building. Lorna ignored Grell's comment and walked forward towards the building not paying attention to what anyone was saying to her. She felt a tug at the bottom of her dress but paid it no mind, ending up with her dress tearing a bit up the side. She began glaring at the building and began running. Ciel called for her and ran after her. Once Lorna threw the door to the building open she glared at the doll before her. It began walking towards her and Ciel ran to her side looking at it. "Lorna. What is wrong with you?" Lorna looked down at her brother. "This place. Get Pluto and get out of here right now. I mean it Ciel. Grell and I will handle things here. I want you to return home immediately." He glared at her as the doll walked towards them. "I'm not leaving you!" She huffed at him and took a step towards the doll but Ciel ran at the doll to protect his sister. The doll grabbed him by his neck and Lorna's eyes widened. She ran forward slicing it's head off grabbing the back of his coat. "Idiot! What are you doing?!" He huffed at her and began to move forward. "I'm not leaving you." Lorna frowned at him but decided not to fight him finding it useless. She walked next to her brother but threw her arm out in front of him stopping him as the doors in front of them flew open. Grell jumped in front of them pulling out scissors and Lorna did all she could not to laugh at the unfortunate reaper. "Grell wait! There's something unusual about these dolls." Grell didn't listen to Ciel's warning and ran at the dolls trying to hit them. He was knocked back by their metal hands and Lorna sighed. "Keep them busy Grell. Ciel and I are going to go find the culprit." Grell shouted at the two siblings but Lorna ignored the reaper dragging her brother along with her keeping him close to keep him safe. She ignored the puppet on the balcony who was singing and ran into another room full of masks who were singing the same tune. She ran faster hoping to get through to their target faster. She slammed the door behind her and held Ciel close to her as she panted softly. Her eyes widened at the symbol on the floor recognizing it from on Ciel. Her hold on her brother tightened as she tensed and began shaking a bit. "It seems you have the most unfortunate birthday's don't you young lord?" Lorna dropped to her knees ignoring Sebastian and held tightly onto her brother. "Lorna get a hold of yourself!" Lorna jumped out of the way of the door holding Ciel in her arms as it opened. A bunch of iron dolls walked in with the puppet following singing behind them. Sebastian jumped into the middle of the group finishing the song and killing off the dolls. Lorna looked down at her brother making sure he was alright. "You and your brother will do wonderfully made of iron and gold." The puppet began singing. Sebastian began singing that he would steal them away and so he did. He grabbed the two carrying them onto a bridge. Lorna put her brother down and he glared furiously at Sebastian. He went to slap Sebastian but mid swing Lorna caught his wrist. "Look Ciel. I understand you're concerned about Elizabeth's safety, but we can't save her if you yourself are in danger. Let alone if we are all dead." Sebastian nodded. "Your sister does have a point, besides. Just as you serve the queen, I serve you. So in any matter you come first as that is our contract and as a promise to your sister. Anyway, I have already searched the whole building top to bottom. Lady Elizabeth is not in there. So I have reason to believe she is in that tower." The three turned to the tower and Ciel turned to Lorna quickly. "Wait a minute. You're a lady! You should be on the top priority list!" Lorna gave him a sympathetic smile. "Sorry Ciel, but I signed my life away the minute mother and father passed. Your life is all that matters now. My life rests in Sebastian's hands now. He chooses rather I live or not. Even still. You come first as he is truly contracted to you." Ciel couldn't believe what he was hearing. He went to turn to Sebastian to order him but Sebastian spoke first. "I'm sorry my lord, but I cannot obey that order. Your sister is right. I am merely helping her by having a contract with her. It is not like our contract you and I. I am merely keeping her alive with our contract. So for you to order me to put her first would be against our contract." Ciel frowned and turned away from the two. He was going to find a way to help his sister and keep her alive as long as he could. He was sure of it. The three were distracted as Grell and Pluto ran over. Pluto jumped onto Sebastian who looked at the hound annoyed. Lorna giggled at the two but squealed as she was instantly clobbered by the hound. Sebastian grabbed Pluto by his collar pulling him off Lorna and helped her off the ground pulling her to him wrapping an arm around her. "Now bassy! How could you fondle a woman like that when you should be fondling me!" Sebastian glared at Grell and tightened his hold on Lorna. Grell fidgeted around playing with his scissors. "Now how about that kiss. Maybe a bit of tongue?" Sebastian was confused by this. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I can tie a not with a cherry stem with my tongue." Lorna giggled placing her hand on his chest. "Is that so? Well then. I know of some other activities you can practice with that tongue when we get home." Sebastian smirked down at her leaning down. "Well, then I suppose we'll just have to hurry here then won't we? I wouldn't want to keep you waiting." Ciel grew irritated and stomped his foot. "Quit flirting with my sister and get in there!" Grell was also unhappy by these actions between the two. "Yes! Why don't you come and flirt with me instead!?" Sebastian let her go stepping forward letting Pluto go as his collar began glowing. He let the hound transform and take off into the tower. The four followed but Pluto was no longer in sight. The four ran up a bunch of stairs until they reached a room that they found Lizzy in. Lorna stayed back letting her brother take care of her. She looked up finding the puppet. She instantly became alarmed but was too late to alert anyone when he dropped an ax into Lizzy's hands and controlled her with strings making her swing it at Ciel. Lorna ran at her brother tackling him to the side out of the way. She held onto him continuously dodging before throwing her brother at Sebastian, getting cut in the arm in the process. She cringed in pain but turned catching the ax as she was slammed into the floor harshly. Lizzy held the ax close to her chest as Lorna struggled to push it away. "Lorna!" She ignored her brother as she tried to fight off his controlled fiance. "Sebastian. Get him out of here. Grell. Cut the strings!" Her grip was weakening and the blade was now touching her. Lorna closed her eyes as her struggle became harder. She felt the ax go weightless and be flung from her as she lost all strength. Lorna laid on the floor panting softly with her arms laid spread out. When she opened her eyes Sebastian was kneeling beside her. "Are you alright?" She nodded sitting up. "Thank you guys." Grell pouted as he wasn't getting as much attention as he wanted. Lorna felt herself being instantly tied up and looked at the others as they were as well. She looked up at the puppet as he had a hold of the strings keeping them bound. Lorna flinched as her binds tightened a bit and squeezed on her wound. Sebastian distracted the puppet and it made him loosen the strings enough to free them all. Lorna watched Sebastian take out the puppet but knew he wasn't completely gone. She moved away from the door as the puppet got up and began walking to it. Lorna was the first to follow and run in the room as the puppet fell forward onto the floor just as it opened the doors. She glared at the chair clutching her fists listening to what the man was saying. Ciel ran to be next to her but her anger sky rocketed at his presence. "Sebastian! Take him out!" She began walking towards the man with angered strides and grabbed the back of the chair throwing it back making the back of the chair slam into the floor. A small puppet moved and ran out of the room. Lorna dropped to her knees clutching her hair tightly. Sebastian cautiously walked to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. Lorna let her frustrated tears run down her cheeks letting her hair cover her face dropping her hands into her lap. "Please Sebastian. Just take him home. Get him home safely." He frowned at her and walked in front of her. He knelt in front of her tilting her chin up. "Lorna, I don't know why you are so riled up. However, this isn't good for you. Please calm yourself." She nodded wiping her tears and let him help her up.

Sebastian carried Elizabeth to her carriage and sent her off before turning to Lorna and the others. "Well. Shall we be on our way? I'm sure your aunt is missing you terribly young master." Ciel sighed. "Madam red can do a bit longer without my presence." Lorna shook her head lightly before climbing into their awaiting carriage. Her brother and Sebastian soon followed. Most of the trip was peaceful. Things got a bit dicey when Pluto wanted attention. However, they all got home fine. Lorna left her brother to be mauled by their aunt as she quickly escaped to her room. Sebastian silently followed and shut the door behind him. "Care to explain your earlier behavior?" She sighed walking to the window. "The way that thing spoke. It was just like the man who was after my brother. Who is now after me. That man. He's an angel." Sebastian frowned at her. "Is this why you have gone to such extraneous lengths for him?" She nodded. "I would do anything for my brother. I have done everything for him, but I'm not done yet. My life isn't complete yet. Not until that angel is gone. I will fight it even if I die. I've already made an agreement with him. He's not aloud to lay a hand on my brother in any life threatening way. He has agreed to my terms. I am the only one he is after now." Sebastian walked up to her from behind and she bowed her head. "Then shouldn't it be you I should be protecting?" She turned towards him with a soft smile. "No." She placed a hand on his cheek gently. "No Sebastian. You shall keep our promise and put him first in any case that the angel comes after him and breaks our promise. I know it isn't like an angel to break their word, but it is always possible." Sebastian sighed placing his hand over hers closing his eyes. "Very well. I shall keep my end and protect the young master." She nodded leaning up on her tip toes to kiss him. He leaned down a bit so she wouldn't struggle. He wrapped an arm around her waist bending her back a bit to deepen their kiss.

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