Fire Meets Fate (Jace Wayland...

By RowanMorgenstern

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[DISCONTINUED FOR NOW] "Like gravity from underneath, We can't outrun our destiny. ... More

Cast and Introduction


1.7K 58 11
By RowanMorgenstern

Stronger Than Heaven (Warning, full cringe)


The three of us stepped out of the portal Clary made. A sudden laughter filled the silent air as Luke bent over panting, the laughing continuing to fall from my lips as I looked down at him. "Having fun there?" A smirk appearing onto my lips as he looked over at me.

"I will never get used to that." He said, standing up straight with a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "Now, stop laughing, Ari." He said again, making me stop and clamp my mouth shut, giving him a short nod while trying not to laugh.

"Of all places, why would she come here?" Clary asked, letting herself gaze at the scenery.

"I brought her here, it's my farm." Luke responded with a proud smirk.

"Wait, Papa-Luke has a farm?" I asked aloud, my arms crossing as I began to follow Clary and Luke who were already walking towards the farmhouse.

"Yes I do." He chuckled, throwing his arm over my shoulder "I stayed here six months back when I first turned, when my life fell apart." He paused as he gestured towards the house "That farmhouse is where I put it back together."

"Let's just hope it has the similar effect on Cleophas." Clary stated as she took hold of my hand and pulled me up the steps, leaving Luke to now walk behind us.

"Wouldn't know, I haven't heard from her since I brought her here." Luke replied, leaning against the railings.

"Can't say I blame her, being held captive by Valen-bitch and then being poisoned." I muttered.

"That sounds terrible." Clary frowned.

I looked at her and raised my hand to knock on the door before speaking. "Very terrible." I stepped back as Luke walked to stand in front of the door.

"Cleo. It's Lucian." He raised his voice, knocking on the door again.

Cleophas opened the door, her face and emotions held confusion as she looked at Luke before looking at Clary and I. "Ariana, Clarissa." She walked towards us, pulling the both of us into her embrace. Woah, I was not expecting that shit to happen.
I smiled and cupped the mug of coffee Cleophas had gave to me, my eyes gazing at the beauty of the farm as Clary spoke. "Ithuriel..." she started as a small sigh left my lips.

"He's helped us before, I think he likes me." I smirked, moving to sip my coffee.

Cleophas chuckled before responding "And you think he can help again?" Clary and I exchanged a look that Cleo must have seen as she sighed "Iron Sisters have ways to communicate with the angels. But I can't do that for you."

What the hell does this woman think she's doing? She better have a good explanation for that.

"You can't? Or you won't?" Luke asked.

"I've tried to contact the angels." New-Cleo-Rio explained, but as hard as I try, they will not answer."

"Why the hell not?" I asked, putting my coffee down and leaning forward, placing my elbows on the table.

"I'm not certain." New-Cleo-Rio responded "I sometimes wonder if my own irredeemable actions have severed my ties to the heavens. I'm useless."

I made a humming noise and leaned back, resting my head against the patio fencing and closed my eyes. May as well get a tan while I'm here.

"But you two, Ariana and Clarissa." Cleo spoke up, did I react and sit up? Of course not, I stayed right where I was. "You two are far from

I felt someone nudge me, almost to the point of falling off my chair "Hey!" I yelled, opening my eyes to see Clary staring at me with her serious face. I playfully shivered and sat up properly "Oh god, you'll give me nightmares with that face."

"Shut it, Ari." Clary sighed before looking at New-Cleo-Rio again "Sorry about that, what do you mean?"

"You two are not Iron Sisters, but Ithuriel's blood, including Raziel's for you Ariana. It runs through you."

"Hold up." I cut in, waving my hands around as I spoke "You think, me and this carrot can summon Ithuriel?"

"Ariana, please stop with the snide comments." Luke sighed, trying not to laugh as I looked at him.

"Can you and Clary stop attacking me, please." I said in a serious voice "Do you see me telling you both to shut up when being yourselves." Clary and Luke both looked at me, not saying anything. " Yeah that's what I thought!"

Cleophas chuckled as I leaned back in my chair, my arms crossing as I stared at the scenery again, honestly it annoys me so much when people tell me to stop being—oh look, a pretty butterfly.

"Only an Iron sister has done it before." I vaguely heard Cleo say as I stared at the pretty butterfly. "There may be risks. But it's worth a try."

"What risks?" Luke spoke up as I looked at them again, I heard risks, I'm ready for an adventure.

"There's a chance it could anger Ithuriel. He could lash out at them, well one of them has to call for him."

Clary and I looked at each other, who the fuck will do this, none of us are speaking, she's just staring at me. Maybe she's mute now, or I'm just too concentrated on my thoughts to see her speaking.

"Not it!" Clary and I shouted at the same time, making me yell out in surprise as I said it a second too late. "Shit!" I exclaimed. Clary gave me a smug smile as we both turned back to look at the two amused adults in front of us.

"Fine, I'll do it." I muttered "Ithuriel's never harmed me before."

"He chose those moments to appear to you." Cleo informed me "Summoning an Angel is a whole different story."

"Ariana." Luke spoke up, leaning forward to place his hand over mine "I know this is important, but so are you." Aw, that's so adorable, but bitch I want to help my man!

"So is my arrogant blonde boyfriend." I informed him, smirking as he nodded his head. I would much prefer Clary to be doing this instead. But okay.
It was dark now as we stood in the middle of the woods. This is some creepy shit right here, what's gonna happen now? Some crappy Serial Killer gonna come and kill us....because I'm fine with that. I'm kidding.....

Cleo drew a circle in the dirt using a stick, but the poor stick got thrown onto the floor after she was finished. Clary and Luke were standing next to each other as I stood facing Cleo. "This contains traces of adamas, to help call the angels." She sprinkled it inside the circle as I groaned, I so didn't wanna do this, but I'm doing it for Jace and Jace only.

Cleo gestured for me to step into the circle, I did as she gestured and walked into the centre, looking at her. "Activate your angelic rune." Cleo stated as I stared at her, using my power to active it instead of using my stele. Cleo didn't look surprised as she smiled. "Now repeat after me." She said as she began to speak Latin, I have no idea what she was saying, I just copied her.

The outline of the circle lit up gold around me, making me look at Cleo in surprise as she spoke "They've heard you." No Shit-Sherlock.

"What the Sugar-Honey-Ice-Tea happens now?" I asked, not wanting to swear when the angels were listening.

"For you to hear them, we must leave you here." Cleo frowned, what the fuck did she mean 'Leave me here' I swear if anything crazy happens....

"Leave her here?" Luke said at the same time as Clary spoke "No way!"

"You're a downwolder and I murdered an Iron Sister, how do you think the Angel will react to us?" Cleo informed Luke before looking at Clary "You can stay, but it's better if she was to be alone."

"Guys, just go away." I turned to look at them "I'll be fine, I'll hopefully have my old Angelic buddy here with me soon." I joked.

"May the angel be with you." Cleo stated before they all walked away from me. Come back! Just kidding, bye!
A bright light came crashing down onto the dirt covered ground as I moved back, staring down at Ithuriel as he stood up straight, letting his wings close behind his back as he walked towards me. "Ariana." He stated, his accent is 10/10. "You should not be here."

"Ithuriel, I'm sorry for summoning you and all, and if you're angry, I totally understand." I stated as he sighed, his bright blue eyes gazing into mine as he shook his head.

"It's alright my Child." He stated "I'm here for you." I smiled as he continued to talk "You've come because of Jace."

"You know what happened?" I asked, fiddling with my hands.

"I do." He nods.

"I need to know." I frowned "Is Jace...did I make him like this because of what I did?"

"No." He shook his head making me sigh out in relief. "But returning from death has left him vulnerable. You now face the greater threat than you realize."

"I don't understand." I said, confusion lacing my voice.

"A great evil has arrived in the realm of the mundane." Ithuriel explained.

"The Owl." I scoffed.

"The Owl has a master." He corrected me "It's name is—" a loud scream filled the air a claw like hand was thrusted through Ithuriel's chest making me scream in shock and stagger backwards. "I'm sorry." I whispered at Ithuriel. He gave me a small nod before his whole body burst into a bright light, sending me flying backwards, hitting the hard, dirt covered floor .

I quickly turned onto my back as a loud screech was heard, my eyes widening as a fucking,
Ugly flying demon, let me say it was massive. Stood over me. Leaning close. "What the fuck let you be created." I cringed, staring at the demon as it placed it claw over my chest, I felt something being taken away from me as I gasped, watching the bright blue light appear.

I felt my vision grow dark as I fell onto the ground, unconscious.
I gasped awake as tears fell down my cheeks. When the hell did I get on this couch. "It's okay, you'll be okay." Luke stated as he helped me to sit up.

"Ari!" Clary said as she rushed into the room, moving to sit next to me, taking my hand into hers. " Are you okay?"

"I don't know."

"What happened out there?" Cleo quickly asked "Did Ithuriel appear?"

"Ithuriel." I muttered, memories of what happened suddenly hit me as more tears fell. Clary pulled me into her arms, letting me cry out as I re-lived the horrible memories.

It's all my fault.

Authors note,
Sorry it's so funny in places and then bad in others. I'm in a weird mood today.

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