My Unworthy Prince

By Abbie_1412

1.9K 421 403

*Discontinued* Aria is an average teenage girl with regular mood swings and a crazy obsession with any male c... More

One - Tiger's P.O.V
Two - Tiger's P.O.V
Three - Both P.O.V's
Four - Aria's P.O.V
Five - Aria's P.O.V
Six - Aria's P.O.V
Seven - Aria's P.O.V
Nine - Aria's P.O.V
Ten - Aria's P.O.V

Eight - Aria's P.O.V

82 14 6
By Abbie_1412

Aria's P.O.V


Slowly, my confidence lowers leaving me feeling useless and drained. The harsh coldness of the white-covered door pressed firmly against my back is the only object stopping me from sinking down to the floor beneath me. I feel like a failure, the only achievement I have ever wanted in life seems impossible to reach. I could carry on thinking of possible plans to help me accomplish my goal but I know that they would all end in failure. A sigh escapes my lips as a dreaded thought enters my mind. Maybe I should take my mum's advice and give up on my dream.

My mum was always supportive of everything I did. When I was trying to learn how to ride a bike, she supported me, when I was trying to learn how to play the guitar, she supported me. But, ever since her "only love" died, also known as my dad, she started to only care about my half-sister, Sydney. Whenever Sydney did something, my mum would shower her with gifts and love, yet, whenever I did something, she wouldn't even acknowledge me. This still remains the same today. Recently, I got top grades on all of my exams but she didn't even care, the only thing she said was "that's nice". This is why, when I'm not at college, I spend most of my time in my room, I can't stand to be in the same room as my mum and watch her act like I'm not even there.

Then, my eyes widen with realization, I shouldn't be considering giving up on the only dream I have ever had, I should be attempting to prove her wrong and show her that I don't need her support anymore, I can do this without her. As soon as this thought crosses my mind, all of my confidence comes crashing back in waves, each one giving me more and more determination until a broad smile settles on my face, refusing to leave. I plan out what I am going to do and get to work.

Firstly, I stroll into my en-suite bathroom, ensuring that I close the long, baby blue curtains on the way. Deciding to take a shower before I start, I grab a fresh, cotton towel and hang it on the radiator beside me. I know that I will need all of the time I can get to think of a detailed and strategic plan, so I only spend a short amount of time getting ready. Once I'm done, I leave the bathroom and enter my bedroom. The temperature change between the two rooms causes me to wrap my arms around myself, desperately trying to keep warm until I find some comfortable clothes. I settle on khaki joggers, a plain white t-shirt and my soft white slippers. After this, I tie my semi-wet hair up into a messy bun and pull some strands out to frame my face.

Taking deep breaths, I make my way over to my polished, white desk and start browsing the internet using my marble-print laptop. Outcomes of the undecided plan begin to run through my head causing a wave of nausea to rush over me. This plan could be the beginning of a new life for me which scares and excites me, I know that I will be able to deal with anything that comes my way, but, the thought of going through all of this alone isn't very comforting. Focusing on the task at hand, I look for anything which could give me some inspiration.

I eagerly scroll down each page yet nothing which appears inspires me in any way. My good mood creeps away with each uninspiring website, my smile begins to falter and my eyelids start to droop. I don't know what else to do, I can't think of anything else which I could get inspiration from. I have tried celebrity backstories, magazine articles and documentaries but none of these resources has given me an idea of what to do.

Then, a noise slices through the silence which causes me to dart up and away from the chair I was previously sitting on. Once I notice where the noise is coming from, I place my hand on my chest to slow down my racing heart. Moving towards my phone, I scan the screen in order to check who is ringing me. The name shown on my phone fills me with hope and I instantly pick it up and press answer.

"Hello, Daniel?" I say into the phone, but, it poses more as a question than a greeting.

"Hey, Aria. I think I might have found someone" He responded.

"Who?" I say without thinking twice. If he has found a lead, I need to know it straight away. To some people, I may sound desperate, but, to me, I'd say I sound determined.

"Ajax Yates."

"Do you have any information on him?" I asked curiously, wanting to know how he could help me.

"Yes, I do, he is the leader of an underground gang. The gang is based in London and they target any wealthy family, including the royal family. The gang is pretty easy to join from what I've heard."

"That sounds great!" I say enthusiastically.

"But" As he mutters this one word, I know there is a problem.

"What's the problem?"

"They don't allow girls to join."

To be honest, I thought the problem would have been much worst. I expected something a bit more dangerous and thrilling, seen as the gang sounded quite serious. I am definitely joining that gang, I will do whatever it takes.

"Well then, I guess I will just have to go to London and persuade them" I state, making no effort to hide the mischevious hint in my voice. I'm not going to let one simple thing stand in between me and my dream, nothing can get in the way, nothing.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He questions.

"Positive" I declare, this gang will definitely be able to help me prove my lousy mum wrong.

"Okay, I'll be at the top of your street in half an hour, be packed and ready by the time I get there. Oh, and the code to get into the gang's hideout is wealthy blood". Well, the gang obviously isn't as serious as I thought it was seen as Daniel was able to get the code so easily.

"Alright," I mutter, deciding not to question the code, before ending the call.

Joining this gang will surely help me get closer to the Prince. Ever since I was younger, all I have wanted was to be in the spotlight and have millions of people know my name. Even though I never knew how to become famous, I still did everything I could to be the centre of attention. Once, when I was a child, a news reporter came to my school to film a speech which was being given by a famous artist. I did the only thing I could do to be on camera, I stood in front of the artist and started dancing. I couldn't dance very well, I still can't now, but I knew that people would know who I am, even if it wasn't for a very good reason.

I have always looked up to the royal family due to how famous they are. I have always been a bit jealous of them too, they have everything I want: money, fame and fans. But now, hopefully, I can use the royal family to my advantage and have the money, fame and fans which I personally think I deserve. All I have to do is keep my plan a secret, that way, no one will know the truth, including the Prince.

I know that some people may say that my plan is completely crazy and wrong, this is why no one can find out about it. I have been called many names in the past because of my dream. For example, people have called me a nutcase and crazy girl. So, I would rather not go through that experience again. The only reason Daniel knows about my plan is that I knew that I could trust him, I also knew that I wouldn't be able to create a plan without someone helping me. Still, fame comes before everyone, including Daniel. Daniel knows what will happen if he betrays me.

Noticing that I only have fifteen minutes left to pack and prepare for my new life in London, I begin to grab anything I come across and throw everything into my oversized suitcase. I hate to admit it but my mum was right, the overly large suitcase did come in handy. Once I have got everything I need in the suitcase, I zip it up whilst planning how I am going to get out of the house without being caught. I certainly can't just walk down the stairs and out of the house, that would be too risky. The only other option I have is to climb out of the window.

Without a second thought, I throw my suitcase out of the window and climb down from my room. Once my feet are on solid ground again, I make a run for it and I arrive at the top of the street just in time. I murmur a quick "hi" to Daniel and sit in the passenger seat. This is going to be a long drive.


"Thanks, Daniel, if I need you again, I'll give you a call" I voice whilst giving him a small smile and shutting the car door.

At the moment, my first priority is to get into the gang, I will worry about where I am going to stay later. I make a b-line to the address which Daniel gave me and arrive there within the hour. My nerves start to get the best of me as I am facing the house which leads to the gang's underground hideout. I know that what I am doing is going to help me, but, I can't stop the bad feeling from rising within me. Taking a deep breath, I make my way to the door.

The door has multiple streaks of dirt populating its surface, as well as a rusted metal hatch. I gently knock on the door, hoping that someone will actually answer. I look around and notice that the area is filled with abandoned houses, each one having smashed windows and destroyed doors. This place seems like a good place for a gang to hide. Facing the door again, I realise that no one has heard me knocking. Due to the fact that no one heard me, I knock again, but this time, I knock ten times harder than before. Suddenly, the metal hatch opens, allowing me to see a pair of evil-looking eyes.

"Code" The mysterious man states with a hint of boredom in his voice.

"Wealthy blood" I respond confidently, Daniel better have been right about this code.

The metal hatch is rudely slammed shut and I am left alone once again. I scowl, Daniel must have got the code wrong. Making no effort to give up, I raise my hand and go to knock again. But, before my hand manages to make contact with the door, it is pulled open, revealing a dangerous-looking man. The man stares at me for what feels like forever, before finally allowing me to enter the house.

I choose not to say anything and follow the man down to the basement. Panic rises within me, what if this is a trick? I ensure that my face shows no emotion so anyone who may be in the basement doesn't notice that I am panicking. We go around a corner and the man walks back up the stairs, leaving me standing alone.

"Well that was rude" I mutter.

"What do you want?" I hear in response. Once I turn around, I come face-to-face with the person who the voice belongs to.

I gulp, this man must be about 6'6" at least. He is definitely the leader. His all-black attire just gives it away, seriously, these gang members really know how to raise suspicion. They literally act and dress like someone you do not want to mess with, no wonder Daniel knew almost everything about them.

The man takes a drag from his cigarette and blows all of the filthy smoke in my direction, I swallow the urge to cough and death glare him instead. He chuckles before placing the killer against his lips again.

"I want to join the gang" I answer, making my voice sound as confident as possible. He takes the cigarette out of his mouth and places it on an ashtray beside him, once his hand is free, he thrusts it up into his hair and raises his eyebrows.

"What gang?" He says with venom dripping off every word as he slowly removes his hand from his chocolate-colored hair. God, Aria, why are you mentioning food at a time like this?

"Don't try and make me look like a fool, I know you are Ajax Yates, the leader of this underground gang and I would like to join" I snap, I have been through too much to waste my time playing games with him. Surprisingly, that wasn't me acting, I shocked myself with that one.

He scowls at my response which, I have to admit, scares me a little. I don't let him see that I am scared though. And now I'm acting.

"You're a feisty one, aren't you?" He says whilst a look of humor flashes across his face.

"Listen, I know this gang only lets men join, which is why I am prepared to do whatever it takes to join." I twiddle with my thumbs behind my back, it's a nervous habit of mine. Usually, it's biting my nails but that would be a bit too noticeable to Ajax who is currently stood in front of me.

"Okay then, let us see what you've got" He responds whilst smirking.

Two muscular men walk out from nowhere and stand on either side of Ajax. They both snarl at me and form their hands into fists.

"Fight these two" He states. He says it like it's a challenge if he thinks this is challenging for me, he has another thing coming. I may be scared of some things but I have never turned down a fight, if you think I would too scared to stand my own against an opponent, you are wrong.

"My pleasure" I vocalize whilst making my way to the center of the room. I then raise my fists as the two men stalk over to me with similar smirks. "This should be fun"


Standing victorious in front of the two men who are now currently laying on the floor in pain, I grin and turn to face Ajax. Ajax's eyes widen with shock as he stares at me in bewilderment. I smirk at his reaction. at least he might stop underestimating girls now, especially me.

"Are you going to let me join now?" I question.

"You're in"

*End of flashback*

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