Dating the World: Country x R...

By YourHero213

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Living in the world of Hetalia isn't always easy for you. There's America challenging you to drinking contest... More

Introduction + Author's Note
Problems of a Drinking Contest {America}
False Impression {China}
Stubborn Love {Romano}
Dream Girl {England}
Friend Zoned {Italy}
Bad Touch {Spain}
The Matchmaker {Canada}
That Sexy Stalker! {Greece}
Confessions {Iceland}
Not So Innocent {Norway}
Friends with Benefits {Denmark}
I Just Want a Kiss! {Request: Canada lime}
Body Heat {Austria}
What Does the Fox Say? (Nordics drabble)
Tasted of Blood {Part 1/2} {Vampire!Romania}
Tasted of Blood {Part 2/2} {Vampire!Romania}
Valentine's Day Special {Allies}
Rare Treasure {Pirate!England}
Sun in the Rain {Punk!England}
Angel with a Shotgun {2P!America} {Part 1/2}
Angel with a Shotgun {2P!America} {Part 2/2}
World of Wonderland {2P!England}
Eyes on Fire {2P!China}
Don't Mess with the Babysitter {Nordic 5} {Harem}
SPECIAL {20 Countries}
Otaku Central {Japan}
City Lights Sparkle {Male!Ukraine}
Queen of Epicness {Prussia}
Monster Seasons {Scotland}
Super Psycho Love {2P!Canada}
The Raven's Orphanage {2P!Japan}
Kingdom of Hearts {Axis} {Part 1/2}
Kingdom of Hearts {Axis} {Part 2/2}
She Will Be Loved {France}
The Fallen {2P!Italy}
A Pirate's Life is the One for Me {Dark!Pirate!Spain}
Armageddon {Germany}
Numa Numa {Romania}
The Haunted {Russia}
Black Paper Moon {Romania... again.}
Semi-Automatic {2P!Romano}
SPECIAL: Part Two {20 more Countries}
Cliche Love Song {Denmark}
Last Christmas {Finland}
Shooting Isn't A Game {Switzerland}
Under Arrest {Turkey}
See You in Neverland {Spain}
A Black Market Masquerade {Mafia!Romano}
High School Never Ends {Gakuen!Prussia}
As the World Turns {Male!Belgium}
Dear Stalker {Male!Belarus}
Lilies and Lost Memories {Male!Liechtenstein}
What Have You Done? {Netherlands}

City Lights Sparkle {Part 2} {Male!Ukraine}

6.2K 160 41
By YourHero213

City Lights Sparkle {PART 2} {Male!Ukraine x Reader}

“D’you want me to show you the reason why I can’t cross my legs?”

Note:  So, I got asked to do an Art Trade over on DeviantArt. The requester wanted a sequel to “City Lights Sparkle”, and in return she’d draw me a pic of anything I wanted~ I got a gorgeous fanart of Romania x Ukraine, one of my favorite pairings! And she got this. Yeah… hope you might enjoy it as well (: … Slight ‘lime’ content, beware.

You were currently at Anya’s house, eating a bowl of popcorn on the living room couch.

Nikolai was sprawled over you—head resting on your lap—trying to get your attention. He was mindlessly poking your cheek, waiting for you to acknowledge him.

His straight, chin-length platinum hair tickled your bare knees, but you knew better than to shove him off your legs—after all, you had gotten used to living and were quite fond of it. His knives would give you quite the tragic ending. Besides, you were still young and hadn’t even married Demitri yet so there was no need to cut your life short by, simply, pushing your boyfriend’s brother off your lap.

“_____? Why are you ignoring me?” He hissed.

Oh great, he was getting impatient. Where was Demitri with that salt? You knew he was a bit of a crybaby and just as afraid of Nikolai as you were, but you still believed he could get his younger brother off you if he really wanted to.

And, since you’d been going out with him for the past two months, you knew he would want to. “Um… DEMITRI!” You shouted towards the kitchen. “Anyaaaa, I’m gonna start the movie if you don’t hurry up!” You called towards the stairs. She was probably still busy making her matryoshka dolls up there.

You were their guest. Well… mostly Demitri’s. Either way, HOW DARE THEY LEAVE YOU ALONE WITH NIKOLAI?

“Quit yelling.” He commanded, voice robotic.

Finally, Demitri came out of the kitchen and walked over to the living room. “_____, I brought the salt and season—NIKOLAI WHAT ARE YOU DOING.”

He shrugged, “…Her lap’s comfy.”

You sighed, and Demitri set down the popcorn salt and seasoning. With a humph, he reached behind the couch, pulled out a pitchfork (how did that get there?), and scraped his brother off your lap as if he were merely a rat. Thump.

“HEY.” The Belarusian protested, instantly jumping back up and dusting off his long gray coat, “What’s the problem, big brother?” He gritted his teeth. Obviously he wasn’t content with getting pushed entirely off the couch.

Demitri grinned sweetly and held the pitchfork close to his cheek, “I’m just doing what big brothers do~”

You couldn’t help it; you started laughing. They were so cute together. Demitri could hold the power over Nikolai when he really wanted to.

At last, Anya made her way down the stairs. “What was that noise I heard?” She asked, still clutching one of her dolls.

You thumb-pointed behind you to a pitchfork-wielding Ukrainian and his pouting little brother, “Nikolai fell.”

She smiled, “Oh. So are we going to start the movie now?”

Afterwards, things went by pretty normally. Although, Nikolai tried several times to scooch in closer to you, but Demitri kept reaching around you to pull on the younger’s long hair curl—causing him to hiss in pain—and then continue to watch the movie like nothing ever happened.

Actually, the film was more like a documentary. You’d found it on Netflix the other day and were instantly reminded of Demitri and his family. You’d picked it tonight, only because you wanted to see the Soviet siblings’ reactions to it. They had no idea what they were going to watch until you hit ‘play’.

It was, of course, about the Cold War.

… Needless to say, this was not a very good idea.

“The United States shall become one with Mother Russia, da?” Anya suggested in a shockingly sweet and calm voice once the documentary was over. A black-and-purple mass seemed to move around her that wasn’t there before.

“All Americans shall receive a knife to the back of the neck if they ever happen to cross paths with me…” Nikolai echoed in a similarly intimidating voice, dark aura surrounding him and platinum hair shading his eyes.

You swallowed nervously. “Um… S-So maybe I shouldn’t have, uh…-” Before you could finish, Demitri stood up and gripped your wrist. Surprised, you looked up—hoping he wouldn’t be as annoyed as Nikolai and Anya.

Wouldn’t that be a sight? You’d never seen Demitri angry; he was much too sweet and older-brotherly. He hadn’t even raised his voice at you before. You couldn’t ever imagine having any type of problem with him. He was, to put it simply, absolutely perfect. The best boyfriend ever. Shy as he was, but adorable and kind nonetheless.

So, in reality, you weren’t surprised to see a soft smile on his face as he pulled you up. “Let’s go outside for a bit, okay?” While I let these two cool off, you knew he was thinking it.

You grinned up at him, love-struck. “Okay.”

Still holding your wrist, he began to lead you out of the living room and out the back door. You noticed there was a small blush on his cheeks; so cute. Even though you’d been dating him for the past couple months, he still got flustered and shy around you. Just like that day at the mall, when you first met him.

He was working at Victoria’s Secret, awkward much? But it was only since Anya was the manager and she’d be giving him a bonus. She’d later told you that Demitri often had financial trouble, which was why he was currently living with her. Nikolai resided in the same house as well, but only because he was still a minor. Demitri graduated high school last year; you’re currently a junior. And a two-year age difference is definitely nothing.

Noticing the pink still dusted across his cheeks, you gave him a smile. Gently, you removed your wrist from his grip. Instead, you placed your hand into his and intertwined your fingers with his own.

This immediately caused him to gasp, albeit lightly. You giggled at his embarrassment—the way his cheeks went from pink to his entire face heating up bright-red. “Let’s look at the stars. I bet they’re so pretty tonight.” You mused as you both reached the door.

Shyly, he nodded. Keeping his hand laced with yours—and a small smile on his lips—he used his other to open the back door for you.

Once you both stepped outside and shut the door, you glanced up and instantly remembered exactly why he loved the country so much.

The open fields stretched on for miles, leaving you two isolated in Anya’s own property of land. Countless rows of tall corn stalks were to the far right of the house, while a large wheat field was to the left. The night sky looked like it was scattered with diamonds. They twinkled with a silver shine against the dark blue skyline.

Sure, you still loved the city, but being out in the open fresh air was something else.

“So, I told you not to come tonight…” Demitri looked towards you, worry clear in his innocent blue eyes, “I-I knew Nikolai was going to be home and I just-”

You stopped him from continuing, “-It’s okay. I’m not terrified of him or anything, just… intimidated,” He cringed a bit, but your smile gave him the reassurance he needed. “I’m not mad at you or anything…” You looked down to the porch ground. He was always worrying about you. Your health, your safety, your comfort—everything he could possibly worry about. And he definitely overdid it sometimes, especially with your comfort around his family, but that sense of overprotectiveness was one of the many things that you loved about him.

The date had not been horrible. It would have been nice if Nikolai and Anya weren’t there, so you could have gotten some alone time with Demitri, but you cared about them all in your own sort of way so things were fine. No need for him to worry about it. And that’s exactly what you told him.

“Are you sure, dear? B-Because we can plan another date to… to, um…” He trailed off, avoiding eye contact, nervously toying with the X-shaped clips in his golden hair, “…makeupforthisoneyouknow?” The sentence came out fast, rushed. Although you caught on to what he was trying to say.

Cracking a grin, you replied, “Sure, I’d love to go on another date with you.”

His elegant features quickly brightened with a smile. “Really? Oh, yeah I mean, of course…” He exhaled—as if he’d been holding his breath in short anticipation—and plopped down onto the patio couch.

You did the same, making sure to sit close enough to him so your knees were pressed up against his.

As usual, you noticed that his legs were spread abnormally far apart… but you already knew why.

“…I can’t cross my legs.” He’d told you that one day at the mall. “I-I’m sorry…I- I just can’t help that it’s this big…” Oh, how you remembered that day so perfectly.

“Hm, hey dear? What are you thinking about?” Demitri wondered aloud, his youthfully round face looking directly to yours.

You instantly snapped out of your M-rated thoughts, “…N-Notaboutyourdickwhat?”

Seconds after realizing what you’d just openly admitted, you covered your mouth in shock. The movement was so quick and so full of force that it let out a faint slapping sound.

Demitri just stared for a minute. His face soon drained of all color. After all, his unusually large size was another super-sensitive topic for him.

“I…” You tried to speak, but no words could come out. Sure, you were definitely not a pervert, and he knew that, but it’s not strange to wonder about someone whose… manhood was too huge to cross his legs, right? Especially if this person is your boyfriend. Your… lovely… boyfriend

“Oh. That’s… nice. Y-You’re not… ‘turned off’ or anything by it, right…?” His voice was shaky, nervous. He spoke as though it was his first time using such a way of words.

Ah, he was so cute. So, so, so unbelievably cute. You could barely even handle it sometimes. There were days when you almost wanted to tell him, Stop, seriously, that’s enough, you’re gonna kill me with your cuteness.

You shook your head, and he gave you a sugary smile that could very well give you cavities just by looking at it. He glanced down and placed his hand over yours, the moonlight illuminating his beautiful face. Slowly, ever so slowly, he touched his forehead to yours. “My dear _____...” He whispered, lips only centimeters from yours.

Even his breath tasted like sweet sugar. The natural scent of him—fresh air and countryside fields—mixed with the hot breath fanning over your lips.

You felt your heart pound even faster, head spinning.

And within that moment, he leaned in and gently pressed his warm lips to yours.

You felt his mouth mold perfectly to your own. So sweet, so shy, so careful. He almost never kissed you on his own insistence. This was a shame, because he was such a good kisser.

His lips moved in slow, perfect synchronization with your own, small moans escaping his mouth and a red steak dusting his cheeks. They warmed up your own and you caught his mewls of pleasure into your throat. You could almost feel his vibrations move down your tongue. Such an innocent boy… you thought in the back of your mind.

His hand over yours rolled over and laced itself in your fingers, while he used his other arm to carefully push you downwards. You complied as he leaned forward and gradually backed you up until your shoulder touched the armrest of the couch. Now straddling your body, his lips pulled back up for air and he hovered over your sprawled form.

The embarrassment was clear in his expression. But you could tell he was happy. Your relationship so far with him had only consisted of cute dates, hand-holding, hugs and very short, but tender kisses. Now he was lying over your body after your most intense kiss yet.

You caught sight of the nearby window’s light go out. Nikolai and Anya were probably heading off to their rooms for bed.

“Demitr—mmpf!” Your sentence was cut short as he planted yet another passionate kiss upon your lips. His body… it feels so good… you realized, and rose your arms up to tangle your fingers into his silky hair.

The moist brushes of his tongue against your lower lip made you wonder, for how much longer will you consider him innocent?

The night winds blew past the porch, making you shiver. Without hesitating, you wrapped your arms even tighter around his neck and did the same with your legs—around his waist. The pulsing feeling against the front of his pants only made you want him even more. You could feel the stiff heat hidden beneath the cloth of his slacks, covering his exact body part that always intrigued you since meeting him. Kissing him with even more vigor, you couldn’t help but tighten your legs around his waist even more.

Once he broke the kiss, he gave you another one of his I’m-shy-and-isn’t-it-cute? smiles. “I’m… sorry about that. I just couldn’t help it…” He squeezed your hand, “I was just wondering, since you told me what you were thinking about…” He paused once more, and leaned into your ear. “…D’you want me to show you the reason why I can’t cross my legs?” He whispered out huskily.


It was perfect. It was wonderful. It all felt so amazing. It started out all dreamy and gentle, and then it just got even better. Last night was your dream come true. Demitri was definitely a keeper and you now knew that for sure. He could speak his love, and now he could show it, too.

You were currently walking out of your last class. School had just ended and you were about to walk home with your friends. “Did we have any homework in World History?” You asked Eduard. Of course, your special night with Demitri had completely made you lose focus during class today.

“Yes, just the worksheet on the flags of the world.” He replied.

Toris tossed you a worried look, “Are you feeling okay, ____? You normally do so well in World History.”

Raivis nodded. “You were spacing out today.”

You instantly felt your cheeks redden a bit. “Um, no. I’m fine,” You responded as the four of you began walking towards the school’s exit.

Just as you reached the big double doors, they happened to shoot open with a crash—nearly hitting your face. “_____-! Oh, there you are, girlfriend.” Feliks quickly shut the door and faced you, “O-M-G, you would never guess what!” He squealed.

Getting over the shock of nearly getting hit by a huge medal door, you asked, “What?”

He giggled, twirling a strand of blonde hair around his pointer finger. “There’s like, a totally cute guy waiting for you by the gate. You need to see him! He is seriously adorbs~!”

Just as he told you the news, you began to overhear passing students speaking of the same person. “Is he the same guy that came by last week?”, “Who is he?”, “Didn’t he come here to see his girlfriend?”, “I sure hope not! I want to ask him for his number!”, “He was sooo cute~!”

You groaned. “Oh great…” All of the girls in the hall were already talking about him. And you hadn’t even reached the outside yet, which was where the school’s gates were. Apparently, that was where the ‘mysterious’ guy was waiting.

“Do you know him, _____?” Toris asked curiously.

“I think she does. Remember the guy that came by last Tuesday?” Eduard answered for you.

“Oh yeah! That really nice guy with the clips in his hair.” Raivis recalled.

You nodded slowly, “Um… yeah,” You quickly checked your phone for any messages, but there weren’t any from Demitri. “Maybe he came by to surprise me.”

Soon, you made your way through the crowds that had somehow formed near the gate. It felt like all the girls had stopped walking to get a glimpse of said boy. I never really noticed how often people stared at him. I guess it’s just because he’s so pretty, you thought to yourself. “Excuse me…” You said as you pushed past a group of girls that had been goddamn gawking (and, of course, completely in the way—why else would you push them…?). “Sorrynotsorry.” You quietly mumbled to them with a smirk.

“Oh, _____ dear?” Demitri asked once he caught sight of you. After realizing it was you, he smiled and stepped closer. “Prīvіt! I missed you.”

You smiled back. “Me too. What are you doing here?” As you spoke, you waved goodbye to your Baltic friends who had begun walking home.

“We had another date planned today, remember? I thought I might as well surprise you and pick you up from school.” He grinned, sunny as always. You caught the sound of girls sighing from behind and to the side of you. Funny, you hadn’t even known they’d been listening. Heh, heh… funny.

“Okay. Where are we going?”

He clasped his hands together, a slightly-worried smile crossing his face. “Oh… you’ll see.”

About fifteen minutes later, he pulled up to a familiar street. You were in the downtown city, and out your window you could see the very same mall where you’d first met him. He was heading towards the ice-skating rink.

“Um, Demitri…-” You began as he parked the car.

“-Don’t worry! It won’t be like last time, dear.” He let out a teasing laugh as he stepped out of the truck and closed the door.

You were still in a state of shock. It must have been long enough for him to walk all the way around the truck and get to your door. “____?” He asked once he opened your door for you.

You instantly went into pout-mode, still buckled in. “You know what happened last time.”

He chuckled, “But this is still where our first date was.”

You felt your heart skip a beat. He had remembered.

“And I thought you could try it again. Who knows, maybe you’ll be even better.” He was referencing the way you sucked at ice-skating. The first time you came here was the day after the mall with him, and you quickly learned that you were not made for ice-skating. He, on the other hand, being Ukrainian and all, was a natural born ice-skater.

“I don’t know…” You cringed at the previous memories. Falling, slipping, sliding off the ice. Definitely not the most fun activity for you, but the way Demitri had helped you out and tried to teach you was heartwarming. He was so kind about it; he made it all worth it for you. So… why not try it again?

Sensing your thoughts, he pulled you out of the truck before you could change your mind. “Come on. We’ll have fun,” He tugged on your arm to get you moving towards the skate rental booth. “I brought you one of Anya’s jackets too in case you got cold.”

As he pulled, you noticed he really was dressed warmly. He was wearing a knee-length, khaki-colored trench coat, baggy light brown slacks tucked into tall lace-up boots, and a long, thin white scarf around his neck. Behind him trailed the two ends of it, elegantly flowing down to his waist.

“Okay, then…” You finally agreed.

Within minutes, you two were on the ice. This time, he kept his arms around you as he led you to the center of the rink—which was where there were the least amount of other skaters. “Okay, remember what I taught you?” He asked cheerily.

He stood directly in front of you, and you couldn’t help but notice how the gray winter sky made his golden blonde hair stand out and his radiant blue eyes outshine all other colors. You admired how the two thin black medal clips pinning down his bangs made his straight, shaggy strands of hair frame his face, a thick piece of hair still covering his forehead. Overall, it made him look younger and even more innocent.

Even though you knew he had already lost his innocence.

He was about five foot eight, but looked even taller in ice skates. As you were distracted by the perfection that was him, he grinned and reached out his white mitten-clad hands to you. “See? You can stand on your own. I’d let go of you and you hadn’t even noticed.”

Indeed, you hadn’t noticed that you’d been standing in ice skates without holding on to anything. “Oh…”

He cutely tilted his head, “Want to try sliding? Hold my arm.”

He didn’t have to tell you twice. Suddenly wanting to be close to him for other reasons besides ice skating safety, you affectionately clutched onto his arm with both of yours. He’s so warm… you thought to yourself.

Trying to keep from blushing, he focused on the task at hand. “Now let’s ice skate~” Before you got the chance to let go, he took off down the skating rink at full speed.

“DEEEEMIIIITRIIIII-!” You shouted as he wove in between other skaters, turned corners, and glided down the rink with ease. “S-Slow down!” By now you were holding onto his arm for dear life.

“Hahaha, nope! You’ve got to like this, don’t you?” …He was right. The windblown feeling was exhilarating, passing cars driving down the streets were starting to look like colorful blurs and the city lights were long sparkles of silver and gold.

Within minutes, you were having the time of your life. “Go faster, Demitri~!” You held on tighter to his arm and carefully began matching your leg movements to his. That made the ride smoother and easier to maneuver for both of you.

Soon, you were skating with him, hand-in-hand and completely at ease. Still at high speed, of course. “This is so much fun!”

He gave you a loving smile, “I was hoping you might say that.”

After about an hour, you were still enjoying the ice but tired out of your mind. Freezing cold as well, especially right after you stopped skating around. You’d been cold before, since you hadn’t bothered to retrieve Anya’s jacket from the truck, but had barely even noticed. Now that you were getting off the rink, you needed warmth. Now.

As Demitri was giving his skates back to the clerk, you finished putting on your normal shoes and stood up. Teeth chattering, you strode directly over to him. He was busy asking the clerk about their newest job opening as you came up and wrapped your arms around him from behind.

“I was wondering if-ahh, _-_____...?” He stuttered, cheeks instantly blushing as he turned to see you hugging him.

“I was freezing. Let me hug you.” Paying no attention to passersby, you nuzzled your face into the back of his neck and affectionately tightened your hold on his chest.

He blushed even brighter, just as the elderly clerk began laughing. “Oh, young love~ so sweet.”

He smiled gently as he gripped your hands, which were clasped around his front. “Okay. Let’s go get something warm to drink.”


The freshly-ground scent of Starbucks hit your senses as soon as you walked in the door. It was in the very same mall across the street from the outdoor ice rink; the one where everything began.

“I’ll get our drinks. You stay here.” He stated as he gestured to a booth by the window.

“Okay.” Still a bit cold, you moved in towards the table.

Once he came back, Demitri handed you the drink you’d asked for. “Thanks.”

He smiled, and sipped his own cup. “You’re very welcome. I really had fun with you today, dear.”

You nodded, “Me too.” I wish every day could be like these last two dates with you, Demitri.

For the next fifteen minutes or so, you chatted with him about random and non-random things. He was so easy to talk to once he got past his shy mode. So polite, so sweet, so caring.

Once you were done with your drinks and all warmed up from the cold day, you remained at the Starbucks table. You were now seated beside him, snuggling up to his side. Passing customers noticed and cooed at the cuteness, while Demitri blushed bright pink and grinned nervously.

Later you’d even gotten out your smartphone and taken selfies with him. Many were cute and silly—you ended up posting some to Facebook.

A like and comment immediately followed. The like was from Anya, while Nikolai simply posted, “Why aren’t I there? T_T”.

While you were busy Facebooking (and hitting ‘deny’ on Nikolai’s marriage request), Demitri was fiddling with his napkin. He had no idea how to say what he was about to say. “Hey, dear?”

“Hmm?” You looked up from your screen and put the phone down.

“I, um…” He looked down, suddenly avoiding eye contact. You noticed another pink blush creep across his pale cheeks, “There’s… something I’ve wanted to tell you. For... a while.”

“Oh, what is it?”

He took in a deep breath, and looked you right in the eyes. “I… I just…”

“You what?”

He inhaled again, and suddenly grinned big. “… _____, I love you.”

You were momentarily caught speechless.

Demitri Chernenko.

… He loved you?

This was the first time he’d ever told you.

“_____?” He was starting to look worried. “_____, do you? Um, do you…” He looked down, suddenly embarrassed. He aimed his teary blue eyes towards your face again and mumbled, “…Do you love me?”

To which you slowly replied… “I do.”

And you did.

But little did you know, exactly six years from that day, at that exact time, you would be telling him the same two words. I do.

In your wedding dress.

A.N.: Ohmygosh. I really loved this ending.

The person who requested this fic specifically asked for “dates, school, marriage” to be present in it. So, I wrote the dates, tried my best for the school, and am hoping the last few lines would count for the ‘marriage’ aspect…

I think getting married is a huge deal, and if you were to write a fanfic for it, the story should solely be focused on the wedding and marriage. So I don’t think I’d be able to fit a wedding, dates, and school into a single one-shot… I hope this is okay. :D

(Oh, and yes, Nikolai’s tiny crush on Reader was for fanservice and personal amusement. Ha. XD)

Please remember to review, my dears! Sorry for the delay on Luciano’s chapter, but I really wanted to do this Art Trade. Thanks guys~

-Celine (:

Next time: 2P!Italy— “The Fallen”

(Really excited to post this one. Apparently I didn’t get enough of writing about fallen angels from 2P!America’s chapters. *squee*)

*** Speaking of Allen, go follow my 2P!America x Reader x America multi-chaptered story;  I’ve just posted it. Go follow naaAOOOO! ***

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