Two's a couple, Three's a cro...

By Zzze_Baguette

54.4K 1.6K 273

Zane is an omega that's born without magic, in a world where literally everyone else has magic. He's 17 almos... More

Chapter 1 ~ Suprise Find
Chapter 2 ~ Say What Now!
Chapter 3 ~ Confusion
Chapter 4 ~ New Start and Complications
Chapter 5 ~ Secrets
Chapter 6 ~ Awakening
Chapter 7 ~ New Discovery
Chapter 8 ~ Rescue mission

Chapter 9 ~ Back Home

2.4K 97 37
By Zzze_Baguette

Zane P.O.V.

'Ugh, where am I?' I look around and all I see is white light. I try to lift my leg up but I can't 'Why can't I move?' I look down and see pitch black slowly creeping up my body. 'It's so cold and... dead? Wait, I've felt this before! When I passed out in the snow!'.

I realized that I was dying (again) and I started to panic. 'NO NO NO, I'M NOT READY YET' I start to struggle and move around but to no avail. I look back down and see the it's going faster and that it was now at my stomach. 'STAY BACK' At this point I even tried to push it back because I didn't know what to do and it just ended up swallowing my hands.

'STOP IT! I'M NOT READY! I'M NOT!' I feel it approach the base of neck and start to hyperventilate 'NO! I WON'T DIE! STOP! WAKE UP ME! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!!' I feel my body tense up right before my eyes shoot open. I try to sit up but bang my head on something.

"Ow, what the hell!" I say as I put my hand on my head and rub the sore spot. I blink rapidly trying to let my eyes adjust to my surrounding, I then hear a voice I didn't think I would hear again. "Zane! You're okay!" Before I could respond I felt myself in a warm tight embrace all around my body.

I could tell from how my body was tingling that it was my three mates. So I relaxed into the hug, and we just sat there for what seemed like an eternity. Some time passes and I feel them slowly let go, I fully open my eyes and see the three of them staring at me... pissed.

"Wh-" Before I could even finish muttering a word I get slapped by Blaze. "Ow! What was that for!?" I ask while rubbing my cheek. "That's for running off in the first place. From now on, you're NOT leaving the pack house unless we are with you.". Lain says right before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Excuse me! I have rights you know! You can't do that!" I shout while squirming to try and get out of Lain's grasp. They walk down the stairs and out the house, then proceed to walk in the direction in which I assume is the pack house. "We can and we will" Clayton responds to my previous statement.

After a bit more struggling, I gave up. I knew I wouldn't be able to get out of Lain's grip, and even if I did, Blaze and Clayton are lagging a bit behind to make sure I wouldn't be able to run. "You guys suck" I say under my breath. "We don't but you certainly will" Blaze retorts slyly.

I look at Blaze and he was wearing a smirk on his face while I just blushed so much. Clayton then smacked Blaze in the head "Ow! Hey, we were all thinking it" Clayton smacks him again and I just chuckle at the sight. Seeing a sight of that reminded me of how I used to do the same thing when Da... 'OMG I FORGOT ABOUT DANNY!'.

I felt all the color drain from my face, and apparently Clayton must of seen this because he then asks "Is something wrong Zane?". "Ummm, did you see anyone when you came and got me?" I mean, Danny is a dick but that doesn't mean I want him dead. "No, but don't worry. We'll catch the vampire that did this to you and kill him".

I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding, Blaze and Clayton didn't seem to notice anything but Lain might've. 'Why aren't you gonna tell them about Danny?' Jett finally decides to say something 'Because, I don't want Danny to be killed because of me'.

'And why not!? He literally kidnaped you!' Jett says surprised and pissed at my choice. 'I mean, he only did that because he lov- oh god, am I getting Stockholm syndrome. Great, now all I need is a yellow dress and a talking tea set and I'll be perfect'. (You better know where that was from) 'Did you just-' 'Yes Jett, yes I did'.

I was then abruptly snapped out of my thought when I heard Lain say "We're here" which most likely meant we're back at the pack house. As we kept walking, all the werewolves around ran up to us and kept asking if I was ok, or if I was hurt. Which felt pretty embarrassing, I did NOT like be the center of attention... most the time.

The three of them just kept saying that I was perfectly fine and just kept walking. I would've said something but just kept it to myself because I didn't think my three mates would appreciate it. A bit longer and we made it into the pack house,

I thought we would've gone to see the current alphas of the pack to tell them I was alright but instead I was taken upstairs and thrown onto a bed. "Hey!" I try to sit up but found some cuffs made out of water chaining me to the bed. "What the hell? Guys, you can't be serious. Let me go!" I yelled at them but they just ignored me and started walking out of the room.

"Get back here and let me out!" I tried to tug on the cuffs but Lain's magic on them were strong. Right before they closed the door, Lain looked back at me and says "It's for your own good Zane, sorry" Then shuts it. "You guys are dicks!" I was pissed at what they just did, that I didn't even notice the steam filling the room.

It was only when the room was getting hot did I finally notice something. 'The water cuffs, they're gone!' I was confused at what had just happened but I wasn't complaining. I went over to a window and open it to let the steam out 'Zane, you do remember what happened with Danny right?'. Jett asks

'Wha- oh yeah! Danny did say that I did use fire magic. That must be why there's so much steam in here.' 'I remember how Danny said that my magic was connected to my emotions. That must mean that when I'm mad, I use fire magic. And when I was in the bathroom, I was sad and used water magic. Then when I was being chased, I used air magic. So air must be when I'm scared!'

'And don't forget how fast your injury healed.' 'You're right. Danny said I either had used earth or light magic. Thanks for reminding me Jett'. 'So now we just need to figure out how to get out of this room' I look around and can tell this was the room I was supposed to be staying in.

I go over to the door and try to open it. 'Locked, figures' I look around a little more and the only other exit is the windows. I went over to one I had already opened and pushed the bottom a little further out. (The window is the kind that rotates like a water mill)

I look down and it was a three story drop. I let out a long sigh 'It's now or never' I back away from the window to the other side of the room. 'Zane, don't'... I full on sprinted toward the window 'OMG, ZANE!!!' And before Jett could stop me, I had already dove out the window.

My air magic wasn't activating so I started to panic "BAD IDEA! BAD IDEA! BAD IDEA!" I was probably an inch from hitting the ground, head first when I felt a current of wind around me and I was suddenly on the ground with my feet. I had did it.

"HA! I DID IT! AND IM NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN! WHOO!" I yelled out with my arms in the air. My adrenaline was so high that I couldn't even process the fact that I could have died right there. 'F YOU ZANE, I HATE YOU' Jett shouts at me but at the moment, I didn't care. I was just so happy that...


I did it, I finished the chapter finally. Are you proud of me now?😝

Anyways, I'm gonna be putting this book on hold. Sorry for this, but I have a lot of school work to catch up on and I also want to edit my book for inconsistencies, spelling errors, etc.

I will be putting up an author's note soon after this chapter is published containing how I'm gonna be putting up chapter and some other things about how this books world works and such.

One last thing, I dedicate this chapter to @hun_bunx Happy birthday!🎂🎈🎁

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