Crazy Life

By ChimChim_Jimin23

30.1K 435 44

Melanie Calaway is a 30 year old girl who works at WWE as a WWE superstar who fights both male and female in... More

Ch.1:: The Skull Crusher vs riot squad
Ch.2:: Not The Same Anymore ????
Ch.3:: Night Off 😤
Ch.4:: Running into a old friend
Ch.5:: Workout/running into the boys
Ch.7:: Emotional 💦🙏🍷🍺
Ch.8:: WWE Return (2 months)
Ch.9:: Night Out With The Girls
Ch.10:: Silence is a girl's biggest cry
Ch.11:: Dean ????????
Ch.12:: Dean pt.2 💦🙏
Ch.13:: Comforting Roman 🙏💦
Ch.14:: break up
Ch.15:: Gang
Ch.16:: Salsa*music* party
Ch.17:: part 2
Ch.18:: pt.3
Ch.19:: Bhadbhabie vs Roman
Ch.20:: pt.2 😊😰😶😭
Ch.21:: pt.3
Ch.22:: Photo shoot
Ch.23:: Commentary
Ch.24:: Nightmares😭😪
Ch.25:: Pt.II
Ch.26:: Surprise🎉 😭💵
Ch.27:: Craziness 😭🤬👹
Ch.28:: Pt.2😏💉

Ch.6:: Saving The Shield

1.3K 18 1
By ChimChim_Jimin23

Melanie's pov::
Right now I'm sitting here in my locker room wearing my ring gear. Then I saw that the evolution was attacking the shield making me super pissed off anger then I ran to the curtain and told them to play my music. I did my evil laugh as the lights  went out.

Then I came out crawling really creepy like more creepier than my normal entrance and the last time where I attacked bray wayatt. Red smoke coming out as I crawling then stood up real quick pointing to the evolution as I'm taking off my mask.  I ran into the ring real quick and speared batista then gave Randy a neck breaker. Then last but not least I flipped triple H And broke his arm from the arm breaker.

Once they escaped the ring I screamed loud and stood there down on my knees licking my teeth Like a creepy blood drinker starring at them. Once they headed backstage I went and checked on the boys. 
I checked on Roman first
MC- Romes are you ok?

He shook his head no
RR- everything is blurry

MC- hold on lemme check on the boys

I went to see if dean and Seth were ok and they said the same thing as Roman.I picked them up and put all of them on my back at once and carried them back stage as I stopped and carried my mask as I was carrying all 3 of them on my shoulders to the backstage making the crowd go wild.

Cole:: look! Lanie is carrying 3 grown ass men on her shoulders as she carrying her mask!!

King:: she's been working out a lot I can see! But again she's the daughter of the dead man so she's strong.

I smiled as I heard them talking about how strong I am.I carried them to the trainers.
MC- doc! Boys!

He came out checking on the boys as I set them down.
MC- so? How are they doing, what's going on? *worried*

He pulled me out of the room and closed the behind him.
Doc- they have a concussion they have be out for 2 months.

I felt so pissed off 
MC- ok thanx doc

He nodded and went inside but turned around facing me worried.
Doc- you should put a ice pack on those shoulders.

MC- I'm fine doc I'm more busy worried about the boys.
I went in and put the boys back on my shoulders as I grabbed my mask and took them to my room and sat them down on my couch as I changed into some lazy clothes.

Then I packed up and went to grab the boys things from their room and brought them to my room. I Picked out outfits for each of them. I told Roman to go take a shower. Then I did the same thing with dean and Seth and handed them their clothes.
Once they got done taking showers and dressed I started Romans hair and put it in a low man bun.I did the same thing with Seth and combed deans hair back making it bad ass. I went to load all the bags in the trunk then closed it and went to grab the boys. I put dean on my back and wrapped my arms around Roman and Seth's neck and closed the door then headed to the truck. I unwrapped my arms around the boys neck and opened the backseat door and set Roman on the seat and put the seat belt over his shoulder and lay him down on the seat but making room for Seth after I did the same thing for him. Then I went and put dean in the front seat as I layed the seat down a little bit for him to relax. I put his seat belt over his shoulder and went to open the trunk and grab my 3 blankets then closed it and put a blanket on deans body then closed the door then headed to Roman and put his feet on the door then layed the blanket on him then closed the door then headed to the other side and did the same thing to Seth and closedthe door then headed to the drivers seat and got in and closed the door then headed to the next city.  I stopped at the gas station and grabbed snacks and put some gas in my tank then payed for everything then kept driving. I put some relaxing music on so it can help the boys sleep more and to relax.

I noticed that the boys were watching me sing the music.  
MC- you guys hungry? *keeping my eyes on the road as im asking the boys*
I pulled out a bag of porkgrines and handed them  to each of the boys then pulled out red,yellow,blue Powerade and handed dean the red, roman the blue,and Seth the yellow as I pulled out a blue machine naked juice for me. They all ate their snacks as I only drank a lil bit of my diet juice.
Then I heard my phone rung so I looked at it and saw that it was my uncle stone cold Steve Austin so I answered it with one hand on the wheel.
MC- hello?
SC- hey sweetie how's it going I saw what happened on raw.

I sighed

MC- I'm still pissed off uncle. It just reminds me i have to take care of 3 more assholes. Plus everybody knows that I have enough stuff on my plate right now to handle so to have to handle 3 more people is just adding more to my plate.

SC- honey but you gotta put your anger on a punching bag because if you do it to those people than you're gonna hurt them.

MC- that's the point of the job uncle is to injure them and put them in a coffin. Have you not watch what I've done to bray fucking wayatt? He fucking deserves to be dead and broken for messing with the deadman daughter! 

He sighed
MC- anyways I'll ttyl I'm driving to the next city. 

I hung up and put it back on the charger. I was pounding on the wheel and blare the music loud.Then I calmed down but was still pissed off.

Tears were running down my face as I was leaning my arm on the window as I was leaning my head on it as I was driving to the next city with one arm. I wiped my eyes and kept driving as I was. Tears ran down my face when the next song came on because it's part of the reason I'm like this people just don't know about it.


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