ocean ~ bts & got7 fanfic ~ 1...

By whimsicalbushes

107 2 0

2 years after an unfortunate accident during training with her group BLACKPINK, Hae has finally built up enou... More

9. (18+)
12. (18+)


11 0 0
By whimsicalbushes


I woke up with my bed sheets slightly damp from my swimming costume, I looked at my phone to see a text from my brother.

Noticing that it was nearly 12, I cursed at myself knowing by the time I shower and put on makeup I'll have only 10 minutes to get there. Fuck! It takes at least 15 minutes by bus. I'll skate board there, I can go through side streets and alley ways then. I felt happy with my plan.

I jumped up and rushed into my bathroom saying Hi to Jinyoung on the way.

-time skip-

As I finished up with the last of my make up, I had a quick play with my hair to make sure I looked presentable enough for the outside world. I had curled it into loose waves and I loved my hair, it was darkish brown at the top and it went into a bright blue at the ends.

I had a quick look in the full length mirror in my bedroom, 'I look pretty cute today' I thought to myself, I was wearing my dark green old skool vans, some black ripped jean shorts with a black crop top and a dark green flannel around my waist, grabbed my board and black backpack and rushed out of the house to the mall. It was too hot for jeans today so people are just gonna have to see my scar.

-time skip-

I was skating up to the cafe when I noticed some dude with yellow floppy hair sat outside with 2 other boys. I couldn't take my eyes off him, there was just something about him. Since I wasn't looking where I was skating ran into a damn lamp post. I could hear a familiar laugh chuckling near me, I turned to see Mark pissing himself whilst JB was trying his hardest not to burst out with laughter. To my surprise they was sat with the banana hair coloured boy.

I grabbed my board and picked myself up off of the ground before brushing myself off. I sat down with a fake angry look on my face.

"Hae, come on you have to admit that was funny as fuck" Mark said between laughs.

"I'm fine by the way, thanks for asking" I said sarcastically pretending to be annoyed.

"Oh shut up. Drink this." He said sliding a chocolate milkshake towards me.

"Ugh." JB looked at me with disgusted face as he slurped on his strawberry milkshake.

We had a fake 'beef' on twitter over what was better, chocolate or strawberry milkshakes. It was pretty funny and a lot of fans ended up shipping us together but JB was like an older brother to me and he treated me like Mark does, as if I was a little kid.

I turned to the yellow haired boy next to me and smiled saying hello.

"Sup I'm Kyum" He said casually. He had a very strong jawline and cheek bones that were pretty much perfect, his skin looked so clear and healthy. I could tell he was really tall even though he was sat down. He was wearing a plain black top, some black jeans and what looked like some kind of chunky creepers. He was pretty stylish to say it was such a basic outfit.

As the day went on, me and Kyum got along so well, we had the same sense of humour so it was a pretty fun day.

We stayed at the cafe until around 5, after Mark and JB wanted to continue shopping for a little while but Kyum was tired and wanted to go home. I said I'd go with him but I felt bad making him walk home since he had quite a few shopping bags with him so now we are on our way to the bus stop.

As we stopped at the bus stop a fan spotted Kyum and rushed up to say hello to him, she introduced herself as Lily and I must admit Lily was really pretty. She had long blonde hair, quite a bit of makeup on but it suited her, she was also tanned and pretty tall. She made me look short and dumpy so I tried to not stand so close to her. I assumed that she was around my age or older. She was also in a tight dress that showed quite a bit of cleavage, I could tell Kyum enjoyed the sight of this.

I felt a slight twang of jealousy at the sight of him checking this girls chest out. But like I have a boyfriend so why do I feel jealous at all, I've only known this dude for a day as well.

Lily finally left and I scoffed at the sight of her, I couldn't help myself from doing so, I quickly bit my lip realising what I had done.

"What's the scoff for?" Kyum smirked. "Are jealous of me talking to some girl?"

"Pfft, please. No, you can do what you like, I've got a boyfriend." I said looking away, trying to not let him see that I was embarrassed.

I don't understand any of these feelings, I definitely don't want to date him though.


"Pfft, please. No, you can do what you like, I've got a boyfriend."  I looked away slightly sad at the fact she was taken. I don't even know her enough to like her wtf.

I shook my head and the bus pulled up to the stop. Me and Hae stepped on, Hae told the driver where we was going as I had no clue and I paid, much to her disagreement. We sat down in silence and I wished I hadn't have been suffering with jet lag yesterday. I would've gone to BamBam's birthday thing and I would've met Hae sooner, I wouldn't say I fancy her but like I wouldn't mind kissing her or anything like. Wait! What am I saying? That's Mark's sister, hyung would kill me.

[A/N] I personally think this chapter is a bit shit and ill probs end up editing it later but here you go for now:) I just realised I keep calling Hae 'Ava' which is the main character in my GOT7 FF so apologises for that. I will try not to do it again

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