By bratzcartel

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By bratzcartel

"Nasir I'm so excited" Dion said rolling over
She decided to spend the night a Nasir's apartment since they had to leave at four in the morning.

"Yea I know go ta' sleep" he said

"I can't"

"Well you finna be up by yoself cuz I'm tired as hell and we got a flight at 4 so goodnight" he said

"But Nasir" she whined

"No Dion go ta' sleep" he said closing his eyes

She sighed and turned on the tv

"Turn it down go ta sleep"

"Not tired"

Once  it was 2:30 Nasir woke Dion up because she liked to take a long ass time to get dressed.

"Noooo 10 more minutes" she whined

"Get yo ass up Dee Now"

She had just went to sleep at 1.

She moaned and got up all she had to do was put on her clothes since she showered last night she put on a white T-shirt and her light pink Juicy Couture jumpsuit , her GUCCI gg blooms slide sandals and out her hair in a loose ponytail because she didn't feel like doing anything to it.

She  then went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face while Nasir showered

"And you say I take a long time to get ready" Dion said laying on the bed once he got out the shower
They sat at gate 47A and Dion laid her head on his shoulder since she was so tired

"Sit up Dee" he said he didn't like her laying on him

"I'm tired" she whined

"Should've went to sleep" he said 

Dion rolled her eyes and got up to go to a Starbucks Nasir had been acting an ass to her all day and she was tired of it.

She waited for her drink to be made so she sat next to a man.

"I know it's none of my business but are you alright?" He asked

"Uh I'm fine" she said laying her head down

"Dion" the lady yelled

Sighing Dion got up to get her drink and sat back down next to Nasir.

She scrolled down Instagram while drinking her drink.

"Gimme Some" Nasir said

"No" she stated

"Stingy ass" he said

"You been mean to me all day and then wanna ask for my stuff, No"

"How I been mean all day Dion?"

"No because you just want my drink" she said

"Ok but you be askin fa my shit and be havin attitudes so"

"You wouldn't even let me lay on your shoulder, shut up" she said

"You shut up, shoulda took ya ass ta sleep"

"I wasn't tired, maybe if you listened more you would understand"

"What you tryna say, ion listen to you?"

"I'm trying to say exactly what I said" she said rolling her eyes

They were both tired and also got in to moods where they could be quite irate in the morning times.
Dion leaned back in her first class seat as they rode in the airplane Nasir tried laying on her but of course she moved.

"Baby" He said

"No don't baby me"

He sighed "you still on that"

"Yes I am, now leave me alone so I can go to sleep"

"You got some to eat?" He asked not listening to what she said

She mugged him and closed her eyes while laying her head on the window.

"What can I get you handsome" the flight attendant said

"Can I have a sprite and one of them cookie things"

"You sure can, Handsome" she said joyfully handing him a pack of cookies and a cup of sprite

Once he left Nasir laughed

"Why she talkin to me like I'm a lil kid" Nasir said

"She was flirting" Dion mumbled

"Oh now you up"

After 3 hours it was finally time to land and Dion was still beyond tired.

"I'm so hungry" Dion said

"We'a eat on the way thea"

"Eat what?" She said holding his hand as they walked outside

"Somethin" He said releasing her hand putting his arm around her shoulder

"Why don't you ever wanna hold hands with me?" She asked

"I don't like doin mushy shit"

"It's not mushy, lots of men hold hands with their girlfriends"

"Yeah well I'm Nasir they them"
"The water is so blue " Dion said looking down at the blue water from there balcony in awe

"It's so nice Nasir" Dion said laying on the bed

"Mhm" He said focused on his phone

"Lets go do something" she said

"Maybe later" he said

"We've been here a whole 30 minutes and you've been on your phone the whole time"

"My bad, go put on a bathing suit"


"Don't worry bout allat just go do it"

"I hate-"

"Surprises I know that's why I keep doin that shit" Nasir said laughing

"Very funny, which bathing suit should I wear?" She said laying them out

"This Black one" he said

"You didn't even look at the rest" she said

"I already seen you in those, this one new" he said

After putting on her bathing suit she threw on a shirt and some shorts.

"Now where are we going?" She asked while putting her hair in a loose bun

"I'm not tellin you do you might as Stop askin me"

"I need to know because I don't wanna look like a bum in front of other people"

"Who said we gone be somewhea with Otha people?" He asked

"So it's just gonna be you and me?" She asked

"Ion know, is it?"

"Nasiruhhh" she whined

"Whaaaaaat?" He mocked laughing

"Ok just tell me if this is ok" she said

"Yea it's good Dee" he said
"So this is your boat?" Dion asked stepping on

"Nah I stole it" he said calmly

"What?!?" She said looking back at him

"Yes it's my boat Dion" he said

"You play entirely too much" She said rolling her eyes

"Yeah I know" he said starting the small yacht up

"Wet Dreamz huh?" She said laughing at the name

"I was 16 and the first night I used it I- uh nothin"

"You what?" She asked

"Let's just say Dreamz and the ocean wasn't the only wet things on this bitch" he said

"So you bring all your girlfriends here?"

"She wasn't my girlfriend so no" he said

"It's so humid out here, I don't know how I'm going to flat iron my hair for the wedding"

"Whatchu wearin?"

"I don't know, Ciara had us send our measurements to her and she's getting them made"

"She gone have y'all lookin a mess" he said laughing

"Well I'm gonna be around you the whole wedding so if I look a mess we're both looking a mess" she said smiling

"Nah you not finna fuck up my drip so we gone walk down this aisle togetha and I'll see yo ass around" he said jokingly while stopping the boat

"What are you doing?" She asked as he put the anchor down

"you thought I was finna just be drivin this whole time" he asked laughing

"Um what else would you do" she asked watching him throw the anchor down

"You ask a lot of questions you know that?"

"You sure do like surprises" she said

"Only cuz you hate em"

"Oouu the sun is hitting me, take my picture"

"Whea yo phone at?" He asked

"Take it with yours, I told you I don't have storage"

"And what make you think I want yo ugly ass in my phone" he said

She gave him a look and rolled her eyes.

"I'm just playin baby you fine as hell" he said holding his phone up

"Get my whole body" she posed

"Yeah ion know bout allat" he said

She rolled her eyes looking at the picture.

"I said my whole body"

"I like seein the ocean"

"My followers wanna see my body" she said sending the picture to herself

"I'll shoot all yo followers quit playin with me" he said taking off his shirt

"What are you do-" she was cut off by him jumping in the water

"Get in scary" he said

"I cannot swim and I'm not about to die so you're alone on that one" she said

"It's some life vests right thea put one on"

She grabbed the life vest and fastened it to fit her but she was still not about to get in.

"Jump" He said

"No thanks" she said dipping her feet in

"You got a life vest on, you not gone drown"

"Yea But I don't want to go under water at all"

"Difficult" he mumbled getting back on the boat

"I am not"

"Just step in using the stairs scary ass"

When Dion stepped on the edge of the boat Nasir picked her up.

"Nasir NoNoN-" he threw her in the water as she yelled out

"Nasir!!!!" She yelled wiping her eyes

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