children of the gods

By moonlightbueaty2255

381 6 2

Zeus,Hera,Poseidon,Demeter,Ares,Athena,Apollo,Artemis,Hephaestus,Aphrodite,Hermes,Dionysus, Hypnos,Nike,Janus... More

Introduction of characters.
The past come back
Keep trying
The end or start of something new
Old patches heal
We will stand tall and face it together
The secret is out.
familiar face come back.
Mad world
A new chapter of our lives
New family

War starts here and now!

16 0 0
By moonlightbueaty2255

Mel "Morning."

Abby "hey Mel, Chloe told me you went on a date, how was it?"

Mel "Good."

Athena "Morning."

Abby "Morning Chloe."

Helen "Morning."

Abby "Morning Riley."

Mel "Yeah, Ok I better get going I promised Caleb we would meet up before school."

Athena "Say Hi to him for me."

Mel "Yeah, I am not doing that, see yeah later."

(Mel walks the hallways until she sees fire outside.)

Mel "What the fuck?"

Hades "Hello Mel."

Mel "Omg, you did this?"

Hades "Who eles?"

Mel "I thought you died?"

Hades "You know I didn't die."

Mel "What do you want father?"

Hades "I thought I let you come here to kill your cousins?"

Mel "I thought you were going to take down olympus?"

Hades "I gave you one little thing to do."

Mel "I am not doing it."

(Peresphone walked into the conversation.)

Peresphone "Hades."

Hades "Peresphone."

Mel "Oh, well isn't this nice, One hell of a reunion."

Peresphone "Mel, why don't you got to Caleb."

Hades "No, Mel stays."

Mel "Why?"

(What they didn't know that Caleb was listening.)

Hades "If you think you are staying here, your not."

Mel "Yes I am."

Hades "You need to pay for not getting the job done."

Peresphone "No, she stays at the school."

Hades "Shut up Peresphone, you have never been their in her life."

Peresphone "Because you shut me out."

Hades "I only have a coward for a daughter, I used to have 2 loyal daughters."

Hades "But now they are gone, and I got stuck with a ungrateful daughter."

Mel "I hate you."

Mel "I hope your brothers and sisters kill you."

Hades "Then you just declared war."

(Hades disappears into fire.)

Peresphone He is not going to give up is he?"

Mel "No."

Caleb "Was that your dad?"

Mel "You saw that?"

Caleb "Yes."

Caleb "But pls don't get rid of my memory."

Mel "I won't."

Mel "But you need to keep quite."

(They had no idea that another student was listening to the whole thing.)

Mel "Um, Lets get going to class."

Caleb "Yeah."

(In Abby's room.)

Ali "Abby?"

Ali "You won't believe what I saw."

Abby "What did you see?"

Ali "I heard Mel talking with her dad, He looks scary."

Abby "yeah?"

Ali "Then they were talking about killing her cousins and somewhere I never heard of, and you know I have been everywhere."

Abby "What was the place name?"

Ali "It was so weird, uh, It was called Olympus."

Abby "Weird name."

Ali "Do you think that was hades the god of the underworld?"

Abby "they don't exist."

Ali "Yeah, your right."

Abby "I am always right."

Ali "i don't know, I have a bad feeling about these people."

Ali "We don't know them well enough."

Abby "So what are we suppose to do?"

Ali "I have no idea."

(At lunch.)

(Everyone meet up at the secret room.)

Belus "So we fight then."

Mel "It's not going to be that easy."

Eirene "he is to powerful."

Hermes "That is why we practice ever day."

Mel "That is still not strong  enough."

Athena "We need our parents."

Mel "I'll go."

Caleb "I'll come too."

Mel "No, Zeus will just get rid of your memories."

Caleb "I don't want to lose you."

Mel "You won't."

Athena "I will go with you Mel."

Mel "I know my dad, He will attach in 2 days."

Helen "If we get our parents we only have a day."

Mel "Get caleb some weapons and something to protect him if he gets hurt."

Athena "We will leave right now."

(Athena and Mel left, and went to olympus .)

(At olympus.)

Zeus "Athena?  Mel?"

Athena "Father we need your help."

Mel "We need all of you."

Hestia "What's going on?"

Mel "My father is planning on attaching the school in 2 days."

Mel "We can't fight him alone, We need your help."

Poseidon "Of course we will."

Zeus "Wait, Why?"

Demeter "The kids need us."

Metis "Their is no question, we are going."

(Hestia, Chiron, Demeter, Hera, Poseidon  got out of their seats and walked to Mel and Athena.)

Athena "Pls father, Helps us."

Zeus "Fine."

(The all went back to the school.)

Plutus "Thanks for coming to help."

Demeter "Come on son, you know I would have came."

Plutus "I know Mother."

Hera "lets get training."

(The principle came.)

Principle "Uh, Hello."

Hestia "hello."

Principle "Who are you all and what are you doing here?"

Athena "They are out parents."

Principle "Well maybe I need a heads up before your parents come to visit."

Helen "We know we should have told you, sorry."

Hermes "I need to talk to you in private."

Principle "Sure Ethan."

 (In the principle's office.)

Hermes "I need you to do something...I need you to take everyone in the school except me, Chloe, Cam, Liam, Penelope, Ben, Elijah, Lily, Alex, Riley, Mel and Caleb."

Principle "Why would I do that?"

(Hermes used his new power and made the principle follow his orders.)

Principle "Fine, I will take then for 3 days."

Hermes "Good."

(In the hallways.)

Jackson "Caleb."

Caleb "What's up?"

Jackson "You never told me how the date went?"

Caleb "It was good."

Jackson "that's all?"

Caleb "Yeah."

(Mel and Helen came up to them.)

Mel "Caleb, I need to borrow you for a sec."

Caleb "Sure, see you later man."

Jackson "Who are you?"

Helen "Riley, Mel's cousin."

Jackson "Nice name."

Helen "You are?"

Jackson "Jackson."

(Intercom :Students we are going on a field trip for 3 days, pack up we leave early tomorrow.)

Jackson "Uh, You want to sit with me on the bus tomorrow."

Helen "I would but I am not going."

Jackson "You have to go."

Helen "Principle told me and my family we have to stay behind."

Mel "Are you coming Riley?"

Helen "Coming."

(Caleb, Mel and Helen went to the secret room.)

Tanya "Are you ok bro?"

Jackson "Tay.. I think I am in love."

Taya "With who?"

Jackson "Riley."

Taya "Ok."

(Hermes walks passed them.)

Taya "Hi Ethan."

Hermes "Hi."

Hermes "I would love to stay and chat but I have somewhere I need to be."

Taya "Ok,Bye."

(In the room behind the bookshelf.)

(They trained for hours and hours.)

Mel "Caleb "Are you sure you want to help?"

Caleb "I love you."

(Hestia gave a smile at Mel.)

Zeus "Why do you love someone who is not a human girl?"

Mel "I am human."

Demeter "Your a demigod too."

Zeus "You know we have to get rid of his memories right?"

Hestia "No, Why?"

Zeus "He had seen and heard to much."

Zeus "What if he talks to other people and exposes up?"

Caleb "I am never going to do that."

Mel "he can keep the secret."

Chiron "Enough arguing, Get some sleep meet back here at 6am."

(The next day has passed so fast.)

Poseidon "Ok guys, tomorrow we face the most powerful guy, but together I know we can defeat him."

(In the underworld at night.)

Hades "I don't have to lose, I can bring my girls back."

(Hades brought Mac and Zara back to live.)

Hades "Welcome back girls."

Zara "What about Mel?"

Mac "Where is she?"

Hades "Mel, Don't get me started with her."

Hades "Mel betrayed me."

Hades "She is on their side."

Mac "Why would she do that?"

Hades "She found love."

Mac "Aww, good for her."

Hades "I brought you back so you can help he fight your sister and your cousins."

Zara "We will get it done father."

Mac "But Mel is our sister, now we have to kill her?"

Hades "Like I said, He betrayed us."

(The next day, everyone was ready.)

(They saw a big fire.)

(Mel saw Mac and Zara and she was shocked.)

Zara "Hello sister."

Mel "Your dead?"

Mac "Father brought us back."

Hades "And I brought my army from the underworld."

Hades "Lets begin."

(Everyone ran at each other.)

(Everyone defeated Hades army. but some of them of got hurt.)

(Hades Kill Belus and Arion.)

(Poseidon and Demter got mad.)

(They killed Zara.)

Mel "ahh."

Caleb "What's wrong?"

Mel "I felt Zara die again."

Mac "Ahh

Mel "You too Mac?"

Mac "Yeah."

(Mac hurt Caleb, but she did not kill him.)

(Mel kill Mac.)

(Then somehow hades hurts everyone instead of Mel, but they didn't die.)

Hades "Just us now."

(Mel pulled out the only weapon that can kill him.)

Hades "Mel, put that down."

Mel "No."

(Mel stabs her dad, he turns into dust.)  

(Abby came out of hiding.)

Abby "What was that?"

Mel "Hey Abby."

Abby "What just happened here?"

Athena "Nothing."

Abby "I saw you kill people and turn into.. Dust?"

Zeus "That girl knows to much."

Hera "What are we going to do with her."

Eirene "We got rid of her memories once before, we can do it again."

(Plutus and Hermes stood behind abby so she doesn't run.)

Abby "I am not the only one you should be worried about."

Metis "So, who is going to do it?"

Athena "I'll do it."

(Athena took her memories.)

Helen "We better get her to bed."

Hera "How do you know her?"

Mel "She is our roommate."

Athena "We will take her, you take Caleb to the hospital."

(Mel grabbed Caleb and took him to the hospital.)

(Mel sat their for the longest time.)

(Mel's POV:He if doesn't make it, I don't know what I will do.)

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