That One Storm

By tehyaraeclark

93K 2.1K 266

Ella May Dean did not expect a lot to happen when her cousin Victor invited her up to his space station to he... More

The Job
Brooklyn Bridge
The Fantastic Five!
The Baxter Building
Bonding Time
Short Authors Note
That Was Unexpected
Author making excuses!
Just a Dream
Author Note :HIYA
Loose Ends
Loose Ends Part Two
Authors Note-Major Apology
Puzzle Pieces
Kidnapped Part Two

Things Happen

4.6K 107 12
By tehyaraeclark

*Ella P.O.V*

        I was buttoning my jeans when Sam burst through my door. I shrieked as I was tackled to the ground, landing with an Oomph and a wince as my bruise protested the movement.

        "I like air!" I gasped dramatically when Sam pulled her arms from around me. The brunette giggled.

        "Sorry." Samantha climbed off me, then helped me stand. She then crossed her arms and made a pouty face. "You didn't call me when you got back."

        "Sweetie I was busy." I said as I gathered my bags, groaning at how heavy they were. "But I did call, it's just that nobody answered."

        "Could have tried again." Sam followed me out of my room. I rolled my eyes.

        Sam was the baby of her family, and like my little sister. We had met in middle school, and even though she was younger than me by three years we were still very close. We had moved into an apartment together to share the rent, and just have fun. She taught in an elementary school, and had just been promoted to Principal.

        "I was really distracted I'm sorry." I said, walking down the stairs.

        "Uh huh." I laughed at Sam's child like behavior as she wandered ahead into the kitchen.

        "Hot shot?" I called, looking around from the bottom of the stairs.

        "Here!" He poked his head out from around the corner leading into the hallway. I waved him over.

        "Be a gentlemen and take this." I handed him the heavier bag and started to walk past him when he suddenly reached out and grabbed the other bag from my hand.

        "Hey!" I protested, stopping at the door to get my keys.

        "'Be a gentlemen,' you said." I snorted.

        "Don't sass me." I shouted to Sam that we were gonna be back in a minute, then opened the door for my "gentlemen".

        "Your friend is cute." Johnny said as I pressed the button for the elevator. I paused, the words bugging me. For some reason I couldn't see him with her, I didn't want him to be with her, I wanted him to be with-

        "Don't even think about it," I said quickly, more talking to my thoughts then him. Thank God he didn't notice.

        "Think about what?" Johnny asked.

        "You can't date my friend." I said, pushing the button for the basement, or car lot. I tried not to think about how my brain was saying I wanted to be with him. I didn't want to be in a relationship. It never seems to end well for me.

        "Why not?" I rolled my eyes, turning to him.

          "Because, things would be awkward." I said finally.

        "How so?" I sighed, trying to find words for it.

        "Um...." Thankfully the elevator doors dinged and another person got on with us, and Johnny moved behind me to make room. I recognized her as the old woman who gave out banana bread and cookies at the door during Christmas.

        "Hello Ella! Haven't seen you for a while!" I smiled at the cheery woman.

         "Hello Ms.Williams, how are you?" I asked politely.

        "Quite well, and who is this young man, your boyfriend?" I blushed, while Johnny just smirked and winked at me. Before I could speak, Johnny had to open his big mouth.

        "Yes." My eyes widened as he dropped the bags and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. He leaned over and kissed my cheek, then rested his chin on my shoulder.

        "How sweet." Ms.Williams said, turning to get off the elevator as it dinged at her stop. "Take care you two!"

            "Bye Ms.Williams!" I called after her. As soon as the doors closed I wriggled, trying to get free from Johnny's grip. I was painfully aware of his muscular chest pressed into me, and my face was probably flushed.

        "Johnny let me go." I said, pulling at his hands.

        "You smell really good." He said, ignoring my struggles. He turned and pressed his face against my neck, and I let out an involuntary giggle as his stubble tickled me.

        "Our stop," I said, tugging on his hands. After a minute of pulling he finally let me go, and I wasn't sure if I was grateful or sad that he let go.

         I made to reach for the bags but he moved in front of me and picked up both of them. I glared, but he ignored me. I wanted to do something really childish, like stick out my tongue or something, but I reigned in my urges and followed him to my car.

        "Pop the trunk!" I moved to the front and opened the door, pushing on the button that would open the trunk that was behind the wheel.

        "Why did you tell Ms.Williams we were a couple?" I asked. He shut the trunk and turned to face me.

        "Are you mad?" Johnny asked, and I frowned.

        "No... just surprised." I said finally.

        "Why?" I blew out a puff of air, blowing a piece of hair out of my face.

        "All your sentences end in question marks." I said, making to move past him. Johnny stepped in front of me.

        "Not all of them." He stepped closer to me, less then a foot of space between us. "When I said you smell good, that didn't end in a question mark."

        On that last sentence Johnny eliminated the space between us. I held my breath as he leaned down and pressed his face into my neck. Again I giggled at the feeling of his stubble on my sensitive skin.

          "You smell like watermelon, and strawberries." Even though I wasn't cold, the feeling of his warm breath on my skin raised goose bumps on my flesh, and I shivered.

        "Are you cold?" He asked, pulling away from me. I almost let out a sound of protest, but I bit my lip against it.

         "We shoul-"

         The loud beep of a car horn made me realize that we where standing in the middle of the driving space. I pulled away from Johnny and stepped to the side, letting the car pass. I tugged on my long hair, a habit I had.

        "Sam is probably wondering where we are." I said finally, heading back towards the elevator. Johnny followed me.

         "You never answered my question." Johnny pointed out. I ignored him, thinking about how I actually liked him being close to me. As I was pressing the button for my floor I suddenly I felt a dull throb from my lower stomach, and I winced, rubbing at the spot. I warily waited for something else to happen, for my body to start freaking out on me, but it never came.

        "Hmm?" I asked, realizing he had said something.

*Johnny P.O.V*

        "I asked if you were okay, you flinched." I said, frowning. I was worried that mabey she was about to have another attack.

        "It's fine." She said shortly, her facial expression vacant. Instead of bugging her more I stayed quiet, not wanting to push my luck.

        The ride back up to her apartment was silent, both of us locked in our own thoughts. Glancing over at her, my eyes kept floating back up to her neck. I could still smell her perfume, and it was driving me crazy. I wanted to bury my face in her neck and just stay there, lost in her fragrance.

        I couldn't help but let my gaze wander over her. Ella's jeans fit snuggly, flaring out at the bottom, barely covering the top of what looked to be converse. Her shirt was loose, the wide neck falling over her shoulder showing off a black strap. Midnight waves flowed down her back like darkness, broken only by the bright blue streak.

         My eyes wandered toward her face. The scratch on her forehead was mostly gone, and the cut on her lip was closed. Ella's eyes were a stormy grey, and unfocused as she thought. I noticed that she had taken a bit of hair and was tugging on it, something she seemed to do a lot.

        "Your hairs gonna fall out if you keep doing that." I said. She rolled her eyes, coming back down to earth.

          "What happened yesterday?" I asked, remembering how distressed she was.

         "What do you mean?" Ella asked, stepping off the elevator. Her apartment was at the end of the hall, the largest on the floor.

        "After Victor grabbed you." I managed not to run into her as she stopped suddenly in front of me.

        "It was nothing." She said eventually, then kept walking. I frowned.

         "There is something you aren't telling me." I followed her into her apartment, closing the door behind me. Ella turned to me.

         "Look, it was nothing I was just-"

        "Ella May Dean?" We both turned to look at a black man wearing a suit and tie, a police badge hanging around his neck. A woman followed behind him, wearing jeans instead of a suit, a matching badge hanging around her neck.

*Ella P.O.V*

        "That's me." I said, a small alarm going off in my head. They looked friendly enough, now why where they here?

        "I'm Detective Morris, and this is Detective Conway." The detective motioned at his partner and himself.

        "It's a pleasure, and I'm sorry if I come off as rude, but why are you here?" I asked.

        "Can we go into the living room?" Detective Conway asked. She was a cute blond, hair cut in a pixie style. I nodded and followed them to the living room, momentarily forgetting about Johnny.

        "Miss Dean, do you remember Michael Jones, a previous boyfriend of yours?" Conway asked. My body stiffened at the sound of his name, and I clenched my fists, taking a breath.

        "Yes." I said, trying hard not to faint or go into a rage.

        "We wanted to tell you that he has recently been released." My eyes widened.

        "Sam get down here!" I yelled. I needed moral support.

        "What do you mean released, he had 3 more years." I said. I felt something rub against my legs, and I looked down to see Seuss the cat demanding my attention. I picked him up.

        "He got released on good behavior." Morris said.

        "Who got released?" Sam asked, walking down the stairs.

         "Michael Jones." I looked over at Johnny. He shrugged. "I don't know whats going on."

         "But he has 3 years left!" Sam said, frowning.

         "Good behavior." I said weakly. She came over to me and rubbed my back.

        "So what now?" I asked.

        "Even though Jones got out on good behavior, he was still charged with cases of abuse, so he will be on a strict parole, and restraining order." I nodded, my cats purring calming me.

         "If you need anything, call us." Morris handed me a card. "We'll just let ourselves out."

        "Bye." I said distractedly.

        "Can someone tell me what's going on?" Johnny asked as soon as we head the door click closed.

        "Things happen." I said. I walked up the stairs to my room, slightly dazed. Closing the door, I made my way to the bed, still petting Seuss. I set him down, then sat next to him.

*Johnny P.O.V*

        I watched Ella's door close, a frown on my face. Who was Michael, and what did he do? Sam sighed heavily and sat on the sofa.

         "Who is Michael?" I asked as I sat next to her.

        "He was a old boyfriend of Ella's." I looked at her waiting for Sam to continue.

        "And?" I said, trying to persuade her into talking.

          "And he was abusive, so we put him away." She stood up, heading towards the kitchen. I followed her, noticing that all the pets seemed to be eating.

         "You put him in jail?" She nodded as she pulled out a cup.

        "He used to be nice. They were going to get married, at least until he went insane. Michael got possessive, and not in the cute way. He would start following her whenever she went places, make sure she wasn't doing anything." Sam paused, looking over at me. "You know, this isn't the first bad relationship she's had. There were a few short ones before, casual things. She never actually got hurt. That's why her and Michael went so well. He was kind and gentle, a wolf in sheep's clothing so to say."

         Sam turned fully toward me. She was frowning, absent mindedly tapping her fingers on the counter.

        "Ella acts really confident, she doesn't show emotions well, at least not the important ones. She will flirt and tease, but she won't go farther than that. I haven't seen her hanging out with a guy in a while. She said she wouldn't date again after Michael." Sam stared at me. "You must be pretty interesting to have stuck around this long, even if it is out of necessity. Don't screw it up."

        Sam walked past me and out of the kitchen, her cup forgotten. My mind was reeling. No wonder Ella looked a little unnerved when Victor had grabbed her. I leaned against the counter as I wondered what I would do. I could leave, give her some space, but that wouldn't do anything except make me worry. I needed to talk to her.

        Stepping over Stanford, who had decided to sprawl out in the kitchen doorway, I made my way into the living room. Sam was no where to be seen, probably in her room. I walked up the steps, and paused at Ella's door. After hesitating for a minute, I knocked three times.


*creeper face* guess who's back??? It's me!!! I finally made another chapter, let's do a victory dance! XD this story is back, can't say we're gonna be getting regular updates, but I will be writing more! I feel like this chapter is very confusing, and you need to help me out and tell me if it is cuz I have no clue what you the reader thinks! When I wright these chapters it's kinda like a trust fall, my stomach is on the ground doing squats, I don't know what the reaction will be, are you gonna love it, hate it? either way I'm gonna look back and be like "did I really write that?" (P.S I'm hearing this all in the voice of the genie from Aladdin, gonna miss you Robin! *tears*) I shouldn't be allowed sugar.

Annnnnnnyways, Read on! Kisses&Hugs


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