Girls WANTED Weekend

By TW_Lioness

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Wet and Wild
Sweet Dreams
Breakfast of Champions
Suite Love
Road 2 Love
Backstage Bonding

Girls WANTED Weekend

165 1 2
By TW_Lioness

I woke up today knowing that this was going to be a very exciting day. My friend Lauren had gotten me tickets to see my favorite band The Wanted in Atlanta. We were going to make a weekend of it and was getting picked up in an hour. She wouldn't tell me where we were staying but just told me we had a hotel room in the city at one of the most exclusive hotels.

I was running around my room getting my last minute stuff together when i heard a horn honking. I looked out my window and saw Lauren hanging out of the moon roof of a Stretch Limo. "Happy Birthday Sarah. Let's get this party going!" I couldn't believe she went all out but I knew this was as much for her a it was for me. We were both huge The Wanted fans. She was in love with Max and Siva while my heart belonged to the one and only Nathan Sykes. I was really hoping to get to meet him but i wasn't holding my breathe.

I grabbed my suitcase and makeup case and headed downstairs. I said goodbye to my family and walked outside. The limo driver who introduced himself as Tony but u can call me "Big Daddy" and he winked at me as he grabbed my stuff and Lauren lept out of the limo. "SURPRISE, we are going to have a blast. I have been saving all year for this and it will be first class all the way. Big Daddy here is gonna take good care of us this weekend. He will be our bodyguard. " She laughed as she gave me a big hug.

"This is way to much you didn't have to do this! I can't believe u got a limo. Your crazy, but I love ya!" I was smiling from ear to ear so she just rolled her eyes at me and pushed me inside. "Lauren what did u do this is awesome. I knew u said u didn't want to drive to Atlanta but I never gave a thought to how we would get there."

We got settled inside and I heard the music kick on. Of course it was The Wanted and we both started to sing along. As Big Daddy pulled away from my curb I couldn't help but think "This weekend is going to be epic!" Even Big Daddy was singing along after the first few songs. The two hour trip flew by.

Next thing I know I feel us slow down. " Lauren, where are we?" looking out the window. " Wait are we at the Ritz?!?!"

"Yep, booked us a deluxe suite. This weekend is just beginning lady" she said as we pulled up to the front entrance.

We got out of the limo as Big Daddy unloaded our stuff. "U girls have fun I am gonna hang out down here till u are ready to go."

Lauren and I walked in the front door and were both amazed by how gorgeous it was. We went up to the front desk and checked in. We got the key and went to the elevator. As we're standing there i hear guys talking. They have an accent but never give it much thought because we are chatting away. The doors open and we walk in. I press number 22  and hear "You are on our floor that's cool!" I turn around and find myself face to face with NATHAN FREAKIN SYKES. BREATHE

"Hey there. How are you girls today?" Nathan says in that accent that drives me crazy. " What brings you to Atlanta?"

I am trying to speak but I am lost in his eyes and cannot remember to breathe. I snap out of it as i realize that Jay and Tom are with him.

" We are here to celebrate my best friend Sarah's Birthday this weekend. Decided to have a girls weekend away and we were going to see you guys as a matter of fact." Lauren smiled as she pointed at me and mouthed Oh My God.

"Well Happy Birthday, Sarah!"  Jay said and grabbed me and gave me a hug.

"Happy Birthday, Sarah. We need to celebrate!" Tom chimed in.

"Yeah I agree beautiful. Do You girls have any plans tonight?" Nathan asked as he smiled at me.

"We just got here. Haven't gotten to our room yet. Lauren booked us a suite so we are going to check that out and get settled a bit." I said but still couldnt stop looking at Nathan. He was staring at me and said " We have nothing going on tonight,we got in early and our show is not till tomorrow night. So we were just gonna hang out here. U should come to our suite tonight and hang out with us. We can celebrate your birthday! What do you think? "

"Sure sounds like fun, unless Lauren planned something tonight...Any more surprizes tonight?"

"Nothing really, just figured we would relax for a while and then go out. But we can do that at home rather hang with you fine Gentlemen." She laughed. "Unless someone better gets on at the next stop. We are all just chatting when the elevator stops on the 16th floor. The doors open and I see Lauren stop talking to Jay mid-sentence. "What is she looking at?" and then i see Siva and Max standing there in their Trackies and tank tops. They had just come from the gym. I thought she was gonna jump them both right there. I couldn't resist " I think something better just came along, huh Lauren" and I stick my tongue out at her.

Nathan says " This is Lauren and my new girlfriend Sarah" and he throws his arm over my shoulder. "We are gonna hang out with them tonight and celebrate Sarah's Birthday. Are you guys in?"

"On one condition I get Lauren!"-Max says as he smiles at her.

"Not fair I was hoping she would be mine tonight" Jay says and sticks his tongue out at Max.

"Boys,Please there is plenty of me to go around" Lauren laughs as she turns beat red.

We get to our floor and we all get out. " See You girls soon." Siva says. "Nice meetin' you ladies" Tom replies.

"Ok sounds good see you in a little bit. Can we bring anything?" I ask.

"Just your beautiful smile."-Nathan says and reaches over and grabs me in a huge hug. " Can't wait to hang out tonight." He whispers in my ear.

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