Back in the Old Times

By Chat_noir987

76.8K 1.5K 3.8K

In present day (Y/N) didn't care about much. All that mattered was what party she was going to that night and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Part 32

Chapter 20

1.5K 27 50
By Chat_noir987


Alexander's POV

I held my stack of papers close to my chest and I rushed to Washington's office. I was running a little late and I had so much work to do. I quickly opened the door and I sat my papers down on his desk.

"Mr. President, you asked to see me?"

He was standing in front of his window and he looked back at me.

"I know you're busy."

I picked up one of my papers and I started reading the words I had written down.

"What do you need sir?"

"I want to give you a word of warning."

I sat my paper down and I looked him in the eyes.

"Sir, I don't know what you heard, but whatever it is Jefferson started it."

He handed me a slip of paper and looked at me with a concerned face.

"Thomas Jefferson resigned this morning."

I was so happy. He was finally leaving! "You're kidding."

I opened the letter and I started to read his resignation when Washington pulled the letter away from my eyes.

"I need a favor."

"Whatever you say, sir, Jefferson will pay for this behavior."

Washington hushed me, "Talk less."

I ignored him and kept talking.

"I'll use the press. I'll write under a pseudonym, you'll see what I can do to him."

He tried to slow me down. "I need you to draft an address."

I was so happy I couldn't stop talking.

"Yes! He resigned. You can finally speak your mind-"

He started to pour a drink for himself. "No, he's stepping down so he can run for president."

I grabbed a glass and poured myself a drink.

"Ha, good luck defeating you sir."

I took a drink from my cup and Washington looked over at me.

"I'm stepping down I'm not running for president."

I spit my drink all over the floor and I started to cough. After a few more coughs I looked up at Washington. "I'm sorry what?"

He laughed at my outburst with the drink.

"Relax have a drink with me one last time. Then we'll teach them how to say goodbye."

He took a drink from his cup and I just stood there dumbfounded.

"No, sir, why?"

He sat his cup down onto his desk and he picked up one of my papers and started to read it.

"I want to talk about neutrality."

I picked up another paper about the war with Britain and France and I handed it to him.

"Sir, with Britain and France on the verge of war, is this the best time-"

He took the papers and let them fall to the ground.

"I want to warn about partisan fighting."

I bent down to pick up the papers. "But-"

When I looked up I was faced with a pen.

"Pick up a pen start writing. I wanna talk about what I have learned. The hard-won wisdom I have earned."

I ran my hand through my hair. "As far as the people are concerned you have to serve. You have to continue to serve."

He shook his head no. "The people will hear from me one last time."

He sat down at his desk and I sat down across from him.

"Mr. President they will say you're weak."

He smiled, "No they will see that we're strong."

"But your position is so unique."

"So I'll use it to move them along."

I was getting overwhelmed by this news.

"Why do you have to say goodbye?"

"If I say goodbye the nation learns to move on. It'll outlive me when I'm gone. Like how the scripture says: Everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree and no one shall make them afraid. They will be safe in this nation we've made. I want to sit under my own vine and fig tree, a moment alone in the shade, in this nation we've made."

I nodded my head and I picked up my papers and went back to my office and started writing Washingtons address.

Though, in reviewing the incidents of my administration, I am unconscious of intentional error, I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have committed many errors. I shall also carry with me the hope that my country will view them with indulgence; and that, after forty-five years of my life dedicated to its upright zeal, the faults of incompetent abilities will be consigned to oblivion, as I myself must soon be to the mansions of rest. I anticipate with pleasing expectation that retreat in which I promise myself to realize the sweet enjoyment of partaking, in the midst of my fellow citizens, the benign influence of good laws under a free government, the ever-favorite object of my heart, and the happy reward as I trust, of our mutual cares, labors, and dangers. One last time.

I ran back to Washington's office and I handed him the address I wrote. He smiled and had it sent off to be printed to the public.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow morning. So why don't you go home and get some rest and meet me back here with your family. I'm sure they want to say goodbye to me as well. I am going to miss them when I leave."

I smiled and nodded my head and I began my journey back home.

I walked into my house and I shut the door behind me. As soon as the children heard the door shut I was bombarded with hugs from everyone, including the new toddler John Hamilton. (Y/N) let Peggy pick the name of this child, and of course, we already knew it was going to be John. He was already five years old and Philip was already fifteen!

I hugged all of my children and then I saw (Y/N) walk into the living room. She was holding her baby bump and she looked tired from watching the kids all day.

"How are you and the baby doing?"

"Oh the baby is doing fine, but I'm a different story, I'm exhausted. How was work today?"

A frown appeared on my face and (Y/N) stepped closer to me.

"Alexander, what's wrong?"

"Washington is leaving office tomorrow. He's not going to be president anymore."

"What, why!"

"He wants to return home to live out his final days there. But he invited all of us to come and say goodbye tomorrow morning."

(Y/N) held her baby bump and then she looked up at all of us.

"Well then I guess we better get some rest here soon because tomorrow is a big day for Washington and we don't want to be late."

I smiled and hugged her and I heard her whisper something to me.

"I know this is really hard for you Alexander, but everything will be okay."

She was right. I had been Washington's right-hand man since the war and now he was leaving. I should have seen this coming sooner or later.

After dinner (Y/N) and I put the younger kids to bed. The older kids like Philip, Angie, and Alex Jr. could put themselves to bed. We both tucked John underneath his blankets and he soon fell asleep. (Y/N) went to go check on the other kids while I went into our bedroom and changed.

I was lost in my thoughts. I couldn't stop thinking about what would the office be like after Washington leaves. I kept thinking until I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I looked behind me to see (Y/N) pushing herself closer to my back. I smiled as she squeezed me tighter.

"(Y/N) what are you doing?"

"I forgot how warm and cozy you are. Plus I just wanted a hug."

I playfully rolled my eyes and I turned to face her.

"(Y/N) you're forty years old and you're saying that I'm warm and cozy. Don't you think that is a little funny for a woman your age to say."

She rolled her eyes. "I could be eighty and I'll still hug you and say that you're warm and cozy."

I laughed at her and I gently kissed the top of her head. I helped her change into a nightgown and we both laid down on our bed. I turned to look at her and she was almost asleep. When she's pregnant the baby makes her extremely tired and she just wants to sleep.


She turned her head to look at me. "Yea?"

"Who do you think will take office next?"

She yawned and looked back at me, "I don't know. But knowing you, you'll probably take office someday. Unless you do something stupid that'll cause you to never be president, but I don't think that will happen."

I thought about what she said and I was reminded of the stupid affair that I had with Maria. I broke it off with her as soon as I paid James all of his money. I haven't seen her in years. I'm glad that she's gone and that the affair is kept secret. Maybe she was right, maybe I do have a chance to be president one day.

-the next morning-

I was up early so that I could take me time to look presentable. I put on my green suit and I laid out a nice (f/c) dress for (Y/N). I also laid out her hair ribbons and her brush on her dresser. I looked at the clock and I saw that it was seven in the morning, it was time for everyone else to get up and get ready.

I walked over to (Y/N) and I gently nudged her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me with a tired grin.

"What are you grinning at?"

"You. You know I love that suit on you."

I playfully rolled my eyes and I helped her get out of bed.

"Come on get dressed while I go get the other kids up."

She yawned and started to undress herself from her nightgown. I shut the door behind me and I walked into Philip's room first. I swung the door open and he jumped awake from his sleep. He quickly sat up and pushed his curls out of his face.

"What the heck dad! Can't you wake me up like a normal person for once!"

He picked up his pillow and he threw it at my face, I caught it and laughed at my son. I threw his pillow back at him and he started to go through his closet to find a suit to wear.

I walked to Angie's room next and I knocked before I entered. I heard her faint voice, "Come in." I opened the door and I saw her in her favorite light pink gown that her aunt Angelica had gave her. She was in front of her mirror trying to put her hair up, but I could tell she was struggling.

I walked behind her and I took the brush and ribbon from her hands. She looked behind herself to face me, "Dad what are you doing?"

"I'm helping you with your hair because you looked like you were struggling."

"Ugh, dad I'm fine."

"How do you want your hair?"

She shrugged her shoulders and faced forward, "I don't care."

Since I had to help (Y/N) with her hair multiple times I knew that I could easily help Angie. I pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and I tied it with a ribbon.

"There all done."

She looked in the mirror and she smiled. "Thanks dad. I didn't know that you could work well with hair."

"Well, I had to help your mother with hers when she was too tired to do it."

She giggled and then continued fixing herself up before we left. I then moved to Alex Jr. and James's room. I woke them up the same way I did Philip and they both threw their pillows at me, I laughed as they got mad at me. It was always fun to wake up the boys like that.

I went to go wake up John next but I was already beat to it. (Y/N) was already helping him into his clothes.

"Well you got up fast today."

"I didn't want us to be late. I want to get there early before everyone starts to form a crowd to see Washington leave."

I nodded my head and I helped her get John ready. Once she was finished dressing him I took over the rest. So she went downstairs to make sure that the carriage would be ready in time.

After a few minutes, I heard her call out, "Okay everyone come downstairs, the carriage is here!"

The children went down the stairs first and I held John in my arms as I walked down the stairs. We each walked out of the door and (Y/N) shut it behind her, then everyone piled into the carriage. The children stepped in first and then (Y/N). I passed her John and she sat him on her lap and then I walked in and the carriage driver shut the door behind me.

Once we were in the city, it all became a reality. The streets were lined with people, everyone wanted to see Washington one last time. As I passed the crowds of people they began to shout out to me. I just sat back and didn't pay attention, I didn't want the attention. I just wanted to get to the office as soon as possible right now.

Once we were at the office I saw Washington's carriage waiting for him. I quickly opened our carriage door and I helped my family get out. It didn't take long for Washington to make his way out of the building and head towards us. He engulfed (Y/N) in a hug and she gently hugged him back.

"Thank you for coming and bringing your family."

"Of course Washington. We couldn't miss you returning home."

He smiled and then looked at the kids. He hugged all of the boys first and ruffled each of their hair. John didn't want to let go of him. Angie then stepped up to him and she quickly hugged him. She let a few tears fall from her eyes, she was going to miss the president. He was there for her in many ways, he was like a part of the family for us.

Washington hugged Angie back and when she pulled away from the hug he wiped her tears away. "Please don't cry, Angie."

She smiled and wiped away the new tears that were forming. "Okay, I promise I won't cry."

Then Washington made his way to me, I stuck my hand out for a handshake but Washington opened his arms for a hug. I hugged him goodbye but he whispered something in my ear before I pulled away.

"You made me proud son."

I remembered all those years ago when I yelled at him for calling me son. Now I didn't mind that he called me that, besides my father in law George is like a father to me. I pulled away from the hug and I returned next to my family. We watched as the crowds around us grew.

Jefferson and Madison made their way out of the building and they stood next to us. I caught Jefferson looking at (Y/N) and I just shot him a glare.

I saw (Y/N) look up to me, "Hon just ignore them. Focus on Washington right now."

I listened to what she said and I turned back to face Washington. His wife, Martha, waved goodbye and then she climbed into the carriage. Washington was next and he waved goodbye to everyone who came out to see him finally retire.

The crowd cheered for him as he climbed into the carriage. He closed the door behind him and the carriage started to slowly roll down the street. We all waved goodbye until we couldn't see him any longer.

Washington was now gone.

-time skip-

John Adams was elected President and Jefferson became the Vice-President. Next thing I knew Adams fired me and called me a "creole bastard." I couldn't take his taunting any longer so I did what I do best, I wrote and published my response.

My exact words were, "Sit down John you fat motherf*cker!"

Everyone was saying that I was out of control, but honestly, I was fine. Adams deserved this! He shouldn't have fired me and brought my name down. My thoughts ran wild as I was in the middle of writing a letter. I quickly stopped then when I heard a light knock at the door.

It couldn't be (Y/N) or any of the children because they were out in town doing some shopping. I opened the door and peeked out to see Jefferson was standing there.

I opened the door to allow him inside, "Mr. Vice President." He walked inside and then Madison came in after him.

"Mr. Madison." As soon as he came into my home Burr walked in.

"Senator Burr." He shut the door behind him and I grew worried.

"What is this?"

We walked to my office and then they pulled out an envelope full of papers. Jefferson smirked and talked with a sense of attitude.

"We have the check stubs from separate accounts."

Madison walked up behind him and backed him up.

"Almost a thousand dollars, paid in different amounts."

Then it was Burr's turn.

"To a Mr. James Reynolds way back in seventeen ninety-one."

I was nervous that they had found out about the payments but that was impossible I hid everything.

"Is that what you have? Are you done?"

They continued to speak about ruining my name and how my career is ruined because of the money I gave to James Reynolds. That's when I snapped at the men.

"Ha! You don't even know what you're asking me to confess. You don't have anything at all...unless."

The three men stopped and looked at me, "Unless?"

I began digging through my things trying to find the letter that I had hid years ago.

"If I can prove that I never broke the law, do you promise not to tell a single soul what you saw?"

The men shook their heads yes, and I handed them the letter James had wrote to me. Once they were finished reading it they all looked at me with shocked faces.

"She courted me. She escorted me to bed and when she had me in a corner that's when Reynolds extorted me for a sordid fee. I paid him quarterly, I may have mortally wounded my prospects but my papers are orderly! As you can see I kept record of every check in my checkered history. Check it again against your list and see consistency. I never spent a cent that wasn't mine. Yes, I have reason for shame but I have not committed treason and sullied my good name. As you can see I have done nothing to provoke legal action, are these answers to your satisfaction?"

They just stood there shocked until Jefferson finally spoke up. "My god..."

Madison coughed and started to walk out of the door, "Gentlemen, let's go."

I stopped them before they could leave, "So?"

They looked at each other and then back to me.

"The people won't know what we know."

"Burr! How do I know you won't use this against me the next time we go toe to toe?"

He walked next to the door and had his hand on the doorknob, "Alexander, rumors only grow, and we both know what we know."

He then shut the door to leave me in complete silence. Now they know about the affair, they could easily betray their word and spread the news. I had to find a way out of this, I had to write my way out of this.

I picked up a pen and as many pages of paper I could find. I knew exactly what I had to do from here, if I could write my way to revolution, if I could write (Y/N) love letters until she fell, if I can write about the constitution and defend it well, then I can write my way out of this affair.

I dipped my pen in some ink and then I let it flow across the top of the paper. I sighed and I read the title that I had just created.

The Reynolds Pamphlet

Word Count: 3461

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