Blood Moon ~ Klaus Mikaelson

By chimchimaesthetic

181K 4K 356

Klaus falls in deep with a girl trained to kill him . Started : 2014 Finished : - ©️hakyeonaesthetic More

Blood Moon (TVD Klaus fan fic)


5.8K 134 16
By chimchimaesthetic

Amelia's POV.

I slowly walked back the way I came, but having more energy to do so. I heard a small gust of wind and turned around, to be met with Klaus' hard chest. "Yes?" I ask impatiently. He takes his time looking at me, as if thinking about the pro's and con's of talking to me. "Um.. tonight I will be taking you out, so please dress accorddingly, perhaps where some of the clothes in the wardrobe of the other room, I had heard you had discovered. Make sure to be ready by; 9PM." He says hastilly, and is then just gone by my view, gone. He sounded nervous, I wonder. Where is he going to take make at 9PM that makes the big bag wolf so nervous.

I try to not let it get to me and I walk back to my room, and enter my other room and put Rude - Magic! on the stero and start dancing as it was only 1PM. (A/N: Video on side.) I would start to get ready in 4 hours. I sat down on the couch, and let out an exhuasting yawn, and my eyes had then faded into darkness.

Klaus' POV.

I think that went well, but I wasn't going to stick around to see the result. I knew that was the best way to get her out of the house without being suspicous. I walked into my painting room, and drawed the one thing I care about, Amelia.


After drawing at least nine sketchs, I heard a knock on the door.i ran through all the doors, racing to the front door, only for it to be revealed with my brother; Ellijah. "I heard." He only says that for me to realise what he means. "I have to do it, if she can't love me I will make her." I argue, knowing that he will have some moral speech about me oing this. "You know it won't be healthy for her or you, and she'll hate you more when she finds a way to break the curse." I sigh, here we go again.

I just slam the door in his face, I know for sure if I let him anywhere near Amelia, he wil tell my plans, and help her break the curse.

Ellijah's POV.

I ran straight to the people that I knew, that could stop all of this from happening, The Salvatores. I entered the boarding house un-announced, they all stared at me; Elena, Stefan, Damon, Alaric, Bonnie, Tyler and Caroline. "What is it the oh-so noble Ellijah?" Damon sacastically snorts. I look at him with disrespect, "Oh I don't know nothing much, but thebeautiful Amelia is going to be taking part in a ritual tonight, against her will I might add." I say with the same tone of voice. Elena gasps, "What an earth do you mean?" She was wearing a mask of shock, as were the others.

"Well maybe you could all sit down, this could take awhile." I politely say. They all take host on the couches as I stand up and tell them the story. "As you all know Niklaus and Amelia are soulmates?" The all nod eagerly to hearmore. "Well as the days progressed Amelia had grown more to hate Niklaus, and Niklaus had grown more to love and be possesive over Amelia. And well Amelia got hurt by Niklaus.."  "TELL ME WHAT HE DONE NOW!" Wow. That was weird I didn't know Damon cared this much. "Well Amelia got in the way of a umm.. meal." I said, hesitating slightly.

Bonnie gasped, with shock and sadness, "He fed from her?"

"Yes, he then quickly saved her, they kissed and then Amelia pulled back and said, 'No I don't want to be with a monster!' And as you can probaly easily guess that Niklaus wasn't happy with this and he went on a rampage, and sworn to make her love him.."  "But why does this have anything to do with a ritual?" Damon asked. How dumb is he? Stupid young vampires.

"Well Niklaus then called his witch, and asked for a way to make her love him. And she said that there was a ritual, that could make Amelia love him and do what he wants, and it take place tonight at the quarry on the blood moon." I finish. Gasps and crys of pain and sadness were sounded in the room. "Well what are we waiting for?.. Lets go ruin a ritual." Stefan concludes, we all agree and a plan begins to form, at prceisley 9:30PM we will stop the ritual.       

Amelia's POV.

I woke with a startle, it was 6PM, I guess I better get up.. no shit sherlock! really? Really.. really! I went up to the wardrobe and looked for some suitable clothes to wear. I found a; Short little black dress, which puffed out at the bottom, and som gold stillettos. (A/N: Outfit on side >>) I put some music on and went into the bathroom to have a well earned shower.

I stepped into the shower, before testing the temprature and cleaned myself up. I shampooed and conditioned my hair and then wrapped a towel around myself and dried my hair. I put on my blood-red lipstick (so ironic.) and put on smoky make up with a deep red blusher. I then put my hair in a half up-half down hairdo and then put my clothes on. By the time I had stepped out the bathroom and put some stuff in my purse (Make-up, money etc.) it was 8;50PM.  I decided I would look for Klaus, and hopefully be successful. I closed my door and went down the right corrdior, which was leading to more stairs.

I thought that since Klaus was all high and mighty, I would find him in the highest level of the oh-so big mansion. After going up the winding staircase, I went to the left corridor. I decided I would be brave and would try and look in some doors. I came across a small door and, thought that maybe he could be in here. The door I opened contained various painting equipment, and paintings. Wow. I didn't know he liked to paint. I went further into the bright room, and glanced at some of the projects he is currently working on. Most of them were of a beautiful girl, laughing and dancing around. I gasped. It was me. Why would Klaus be drawing me?

"Like it?" HIS voice comes from behind me, I turn around to once again be faced with his chest. I really need to grow a few more inches. "Umm.. Yes it is amazing." I mumble.

"I know. Now, come lets go." He speaks quickly. "Where? May I ask." I question, feeling even more suspicious. "You'll see.." ARRGGHH! I just want an answer is that too hard to get? I stayed silent though, even if that is what I so desperately was wanting to say. He lead me back down the stairs, and all the way down to the ground floor.I then followed his suit to his garage - which just happens to be the size of my apartment. And then into his BMW. 


We eventually pulled up at an entrance to a quarry. I started to panic. What were we doing here? "What's going on?" I question him. He looks at me evil dancing in his eyes. He doesn't say anything but just gets out the car and vamp speeds to open my door. I quickly get out in hurry to run to get away from the monster, that is my mate. I start to run in the oppersite direction he is walking, but he is infront of me in a flash, with not a very happy face. "Now, now sweetheart, don't run." His voice rings in my ears. His sinister smirk, was sending shivers down my spine, what was this? What was he going to do to me?

He grabbed my arm, hard. And then pulled me the other way right into the centre of the quarry. Then my eyes could suddenly make out a figure right in the middle standing on an Altar.Greta. What the hell was she doing here? "What is going on, why the hell are you here Greta?!" I finally let out the questions that have been bugging me for the past fifteen minutes. Greta looks at me questionabley, "She has no idea does she?" She asks Klaus.

"Nope. But I'll tell her now." He then turns to me, "You are part of a ritual love." And then turns away and back to Grets. I was way over the panacing stage by now, I was about to have a panic attack. I was breaving heaverly and was about to faint by the time I said, "Why are you doing a ritual whats it for, and are you going to kill me?" I question, again, and again. "Oh don't fret dear, Greta only needs a few drops of my blood and your blood to do this. I'm going to make you love me and do what I say." He looks at me his eyes filled with need, and his signature smirk tugging at his lips. I scream, "Help somebody any.." I feel warm hand on my mouth.

"No one can here you love, but this is just a preacaution." He whisper, and then puts a cloth around my mouth..chloroform..


I wake up and see Klaus and Greta prepearing for the ritual, luckily they don't know I'm awake yet. I take a quick look at my surroundings, I was tied to a poll. I then suddenly heard a noise, "Goodevening, Miss. Amelia prepare to get your mates ass kicked!!! Charge!!!" They all scream; Elena Damon Stefan Bonnie Ellijah Tyler Caroline and Alaric.

Klaus turns around outraged "Don't! Stay where you are! Greta!" Klaus shouts.

"Pone ante filum ignis hostes tuos, et rectam quae signacula magiae introitu abest!" She screeches in Latin, and a line of fire seals away their entrance to us. Oh damn it! The words are taken out of my mouth as Damon says, "Oh damn it!" Elena looks to Stefan, "  But we still should stay, for support." They all nod and look at me with sorrow, pain, sadness and love. I then turn back to Klaus who looks at me with a vial in his hand, "Ready?"

"No! I will never be ready, because I don't love you!" I scream. Klaus gasps pretending to be hurt, "Aww.. dear you hurting my feelings. Oh well too bad because yuor gonna love me soon." And with that he walks straight up to me, and slits my wrist, I gasp, and she a couple of tears. He collects a few drops of my blood, and then slits his own wrist, collecting some of his blood in a different vial.

He then slowly walks back up to the Altar and pours the blood in a bowl infront of Greta.

Greta then starts to chant, " Dedi sanguinem sacrificii natura contemnunt hanc potestatem mas, dare potestatem, ad dare huic animo muliebri maris, secundum naturam dare sanguinis nexus et vinculum caritatis hoc dare animam feminis alterius sanguinem. ad quaestionem facti non femina possit dicere sanguinibus masculi ad feminam. sanguis eorum sit motus in eo auget, una anima continetur animi, masculus et femina, sicut in eodem communicare volunt amorem. inter spiritus invoco, sinit esse vinculum Obsecro!" She shouts in Latin.

The fire around is put out, except the line of fire around the others.  I suddenly black out, but not before hearing the words, "It's done."


I woke but with a different feeling, a need, a need to be near Klaus.

Elena's POV.

I watched as Greta spoke in Latin, Klaus grinned in truimph and Amelia stood there trapped, and broken. I was crying by now, I was happy that Stefan let us stay, but sad I had to watch my best friend slowly have her choices taken away from her. Greta then started to stop shouting Latin, and we watched the scene played out before us. Klaus looked to Greta, finally taking his eyes off Amelia, the bastard. "It's done." That was only words I could hear before me and my friends started crying like hell, Amelia had blacked out and we were all scared about what would happen when she wakes up.

A/N Wow. that was MOST of the ritual, it was getting to long so I decided to do it in two parts. Thank you for reading, comment how you think it went, my longest chapter I had ever done, I even got some Latin down! Transalations below-

Pone ante filum ignis hostes tuos, et rectam quae signacula magiae introitu abest  ----

Place a line of fire in front thy enemies, place the line which seals away their entrance to me and my magic

Dedi sanguinem sacrificii natura contemnunt hanc potestatem mas, dare potestatem, ad dare huic animo muliebri maris, secundum naturam dare sanguinis nexus et vinculum caritatis hoc dare animam feminis alterius sanguinem. ad quaestionem facti non femina possit dicere sanguinibus masculi ad feminam. sanguis eorum sit motus in eo auget, una anima continetur animi, masculus et femina, sicut in eodem communicare volunt amorem. inter spiritus invoco, sinit esse vinculum Obsecro   ---

With the blood I give as sacrifice, give this male the power to defy nature, to give the power of control, give away the mind of this female to give to this male, as the nature of this blood and bond give the connection of love, to give this females soul to the blood of another. for the female to not question the actions the blood of the male can tell of the female to do. let their blood be there connection and their souls bind together in emotion to intensify their feelings, the female will feel the same as the male and they will both share love. i call among the spirits, lets this bond be given now!

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