The Reign Of Vause

By Rach-xo

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Sequel to Vauseman: Forever and Always. As PoPi has reached global success, the Vauses have come back from th... More

Vegas calls
I miss you already
I hate long distance
Night of loneliness
When Piper broke my heart
Business dinner with Wyner
Viper in Vegas
Vegas. Day 3
Spending time with Polly and Finn
Last day in Vegas
Coming back to New York for a weekend
Alex is due back
Oh fuck you
Get over here
The next morning
What the fuck?!
Oh dear God
Fine line.
Was it something I said?
Cheer up babe
Love and luck is all about perspective
In your arms
The Vauses and the Blooms-to-be
Penny for your thoughts
The One That Got Away- An Alex Flashback
I have an idea
PoPi before Christmas
After the 4th July party
Phone calls
Piper's Christmas present
Christmas shopping with Nicky
Why not?
Christmas Eve morning
Holy shit dude
Piper, meet Diane. Christmas Eve flashback
Packing for Connecticut
An awkward dinner
The pork chop story
I just love my family
Piper before I met her
Midnight snack and chat
Getting ready for my wedding-Piper's flashback
Piper's nightmare
Christmas morning
Snowball fight
Alex's yoga and Christmas dinner
Tickle war
Piper Vause? MRS Piper Vause?
Alex's gift to Piper
Wedding flashback
Christmas theme park
Piper's book
Rio flashback
Alex's Surprise
Larry said what?!
Vauseman crash the Varry wedding
The closet
Wait, Alex! No!
Round two
Unwanted intruders
A piece of Alex's mind
Landing in Paris
Turn bad memories to good ones
Piper's flashback of Diane's funeral
Refresh our memory babe?
The pastry restaurant
Big baby
Strip poker
New Year's
Club flashback
Nightly stealing
Duvet stealer
My Piper
Bar flashback
The Vauses become aunts
Speaking of new things
Alex dating Piper- A flashback
Familiar faces
Drowning my sorrows
I'm sorry babe
Wedding dress store - Piper's flashback
Is that Mrs Vause?
We're going where?!
Piper's fantasy
Cal's favourite cocktail?
Dreams and nightmares
I have something to tell you

Things to sort out

919 7 0
By Rach-xo

(Alex's POV)

Looking behind my shoulder, I watched as Pipes went into Polly's office. I smiled lovingly at her and Polly's now closed door. Our office doors were glass so I could see them laughing together. It made me think back to the time when I thought Polly was my competition when she wasn't. Speaking of my competition, Wyner was waiting in my office in one of the two chairs opposite my desk. After Piper had dinner with her, she'd texted me saying Wyner had flirted with her. From Nevada I couldn't do anything but now I was back.
I had called her this morning when Piper was sleeping and pretended that we were prepared to give her a discount on her next order from us since she was a loyal client. She agreed to meet me in my office.
She was holding and looking at the framed picture of Piper and I on our honeymoon that I had on my desk. I tightened my lips, unamused and opened the door to my office,
"Hello Wyner, my wife tells me you did business over dinner recently. I'm sorry I couldn't be there, I was in Nevada on other business." I tell her shutting my door behind me, sauntering over to sit at my desk to face her and subtly emphasising 'my wife' at her.
She jumped and immediately put the picture back, I'd taken her by surprise.
"Oh. Alex, hello, well I'd say it was more of a lunch but yes we did and no need to worry about it. Piper was lovely." She smiled nervously.
'I think I have every need to worry when it comes to you dealing with Piper and yes, Piper generally is lovely.' I thought to myself.
"Is that so? Piper told me that you insisted on calling it dinner." I said, falsely smiling at her.
"Oh uh, well, yes I did but who says 'business lunch' am I right?" She stutters nervously and continues,
"That's a lovely picture you have of you and Piper." She says, nodding at it.
I glanced at it and smiled, suppressing the thought that a week later Piper would have a bullet in her shoulder that would leave a scar.
"Thank you, we took that picture together on our honeymoon." I told her.
In the picture, we were in our pool on our island and I had taken a selfie of us, wanting to document our honeymoon, Piper likewise. Our two glasses of wine sitting behind us with the sun glinting in the red liquid, our sunglasses on top of our heads, Piper sitting across my lap with her arms around me at the edge of the pool like she had done when I took her to Kubra's mansion in Java and both of us smiling from ear to ear, I literally couldn't have been any happier when I took the photo.
Wyner brought me out of my memory.
"Anyway, you wanted to see me about a discount Alex?" She asked.
I glanced at her, my expression growing subtly and gradually colder.
"Actually Wyner, I asked you here for other purposes." I told her, getting up to perch on my desk, asserting myself to be literally higher than her.
"But you said on the phone-" She starts.
I stopped her,
"I know what I said on the phone. Listen Wyner, you'll be dealing with myself or Polly in business meetings from now on, more often Polly I would expect since Piper and I have other business ventures." I started.
"Have I done something to Piper? Have I offended her?" She hurriedly asks, upset at the thought of hurting my wife, which was actually my job: to get upset if Piper was upset.
"I'm afraid you've offended more than Piper." I tell her. Suddenly, there was movement outside my office, it was Piper walking to her own office to start her work for the day. Wyner's expression lifted when she saw her just as Piper glanced in to smile at me.
An idea sprung to my mind.
"Give me a sec would you Wyner?" I ask, smirking at an unsuspecting Piper and getting up to walk out to her.
"Oh, um, sure." Wyner said, taken by surprise as she glanced at my reason for interrupting this meeting.
I opened my door when I got to it,
"Pipes, could you come here a second?" I asked but she hesitated. She knew me. She knew what I was up to.
"Sure Al, is everything ok?" She asked genuinely concerned but also very definitely suspiciously.
I beckoned her to come over with my finger like I had done 10 years ago convincing her to come with me to Bali.
"Just come here." I said, smirking, knowing she would.
She glanced at Wyner then approached me slowly. I knew Wyner was watching us. When Piper was close enough, I grabbed her hand and quickly pulled her into me. She let out a surprised "Oh" before I pulled her in and planted a deep kiss on her lips. She happily returned it.
Satisfied, I broke the kiss,
"Everything's perfect. Okay go get on with your day and I'll see you later." I said smiling at her, gently slapping her on her cute little butt and sending her back on her way to her own office. I leaned on my door and folded my arms, watching as she smirked back and went to her office, getting on with her day and by the looks of it, a pile of paperwork. I smiled and lingered for a few seconds longer. Watching her contently.
Wyner cleared her throat from behind me,
I rolled my eyes and closed the door again, going back to sitting on my chair. Fixing the position of the photo Wyner had been looking at before.
"Alright Wyner listen, it doesn't need a rocket scientist to work out that you are interested in my wife. I am telling you now, she is unavailable." I tell her coolly.
"Has she said something? Only, she left in quite a hurry when I met her for uh, lunch." She asked.
"She has actually, she left in a hurry to ask me to, I suppose, deal with you." I tell her and continue,
"Look Wyner, I am not particularly happy with the situation you have put us in with you being one of our top clients and me being married to your crush. Just a reminder Wyner, your crush? Well, I love her. A lot. And I would really appreciate it if you left my marriage alone." I tell her, trying my best not to get angry.
She gawped at me. Not knowing what to say. She eventually said something,
"Yes um, well, that's not a problem. I will meet with you or Ms Harper instead from now on then." She said, her voice sounding upset.
"Thank you Wyner, I'm glad we've straightened this little matter out." I said leaning slightly back in my chair, continuing,
"Now, about that discount, we at PoPi are giving you and your company a 15% discount on all of your outstanding orders in the future, this discount only stands for outstanding orders meaning, to receive this discount, your orders must be a large bulk, otherwise any other orders and purchases you make here that are deemed below bulk, will be priced as originally made. Does this sound fair to you?" I inform and ask her, bringing out the paperwork from my drawer for her to sign if she agreed.
She simply nodded.
"Great. Would you just sign here please?" I ask her, sliding the agreement across and handing her a pen. She took it and signed. We stood and shook hands,
"Thanks Alex. I'll be in touch." Wyner said with thin lips, indignant that her crush on Piper had been rumbled. I buzzed my phone to my secretary Melanie.
"Melanie, could you please show Wyner out?" I asked.
"Sure, no problem Mrs Vause." She replied and opened my door for Wyner to leave, shutting it again when she had left.
Boring stuff done, I sat back down and opened my laptop. I began searching for venues of clubs that had been recently put on the market in Paris. To my surprise, the club the cartel always went to in Paris had been put up for sale. Piper and I had memories there. I clicked 'Buy' immediately.
"I love watching you do business. Reminds me why I fell for you in the first place." A voice said from behind me.
I turned around, Piper had silently opened my door and was leaning against it, arms folded, standing in the entrance, smiling at me.
I quickly closed my laptop over and turned to smile at her.
"Ooh so that was the hook that landed you then? And here I was thinking that you fell for my lines." I smirked.
She laughed and uncrossed her arms, coming in and draping herself over the back of my chair, wrapping her arms around my mid section.
"What're you hiding on your laptop?" She asked.
"Nothing." I say guiltily, smirking up at her.
"Alex Pearl Vause. I am your wife. I know you. Spill." She says, unravelling her arms from me and moving to open my laptop.
My reflexes were trained to be faster than hers from my drug dealing days so I was able to quickly snatch her hand away from my laptop, stand up from my chair, spin her around to sit on it and pull the chair towards me in one swift motion. Like any other business chair, it was black leather, on wheels and was able to spin. I was standing above her, her legs between mine as I grabbed the chair handles and leaned down so my body was in the shape of an 'L'. Piper was giggling which made me chuckle in return.
"Piper Elizabeth Chapman Vause. Can't a girl surprise her wife anymore?" I ask smirking, leaning down to kiss her and she leaned forward to meet me halfway.
She broke the kiss,
"Hmmm she can but she surprises me too much these days and makes me feel and look bad." She smiled.
"Oh, well if you don't want it-" I started, teasing her.
"Hey wait no! I never said that!" She laughed hurriedly.
I simply smirked and brought my knees up onto the seat of the chair, one on either side of Piper. Holding her face in my hands and kissing her. She wrapped her legs around my mid section and I stood up again and spun us around so I was back in my chair.
"Hey Pipe, your mom's on the line asking if you're both still good for Christmas.... Oh God I'm sorry!" Polly states, shocked, as she came in to my office looking for Piper.
Piper immediately jumped off me and my chair, quickly wiping away my lipstick from her mouth and fixing her blouse. I threw my head back against my chair and sighed.
Piper cleared her throat. "Great. Thanks Pol." She said, walking towards the door as I spun my chair to watch her.
"See you later baby." She smiled at me and left, whispering something to Polly. I caught the words 'she's never', 'like you' and 'keep doing'. I glared at Polly who caught my meaning and quickly walked back into her own office.
I swivelled my chair back around and opened my laptop. I copied and pasted the given email address of the club's seller and sent them an email with the price I was willing to pay. Within half an hour, they came back agreeing. The club was now ours. I smiled and brought out my cell phone.
"Jason, I'm going to need the jet to take Piper and I to Paris." I told our pilot.
"When?" He asked.
"New Year's." I told him, grinning.

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