The Return of Superman - BTS

By Nitaescence

100K 1.5K 257

Idol&husband&fatherBTS x Wife&mother!Reader More

The Return of Superman - NJ
The Return Of Superman - SJ
The Return Of Superman - HS
The Return Of Superman - JM
The Return Of Superman - TH
The Return Of Superman - JK

The Return Of Superman - YG

13.6K 249 57
By Nitaescence

BTS members as fathers in The Return of Superman show

Suga x Reader

Genre : Fluff

Word Count : 2667

Author's Note -

It includes interviews and shootings.
*...* : sentences edited on the final images.Bold : cameras' position in the house or outside.Italics : dialogues.
/.../ : Time.(...) : Sound effects.[...] : camera movementsDigital Memories


*Let's visit the new Superman family's house.

Inside the apartment

[Tilt - an upright piano/CDs on shelves]. *This family must be composed of musician* [Pan - family's pictures] *The baby has grown up into a beautiful little boy* [zoom - on parents' pictures] *Min Yoon Gi is the new father!*

Yoon Gi : Hello, my name is Min Yoon Gi and I'm the father of 48-month-old Min Dae Won. Nice to meet you.

*Min Yoon Gi is a very famous rapper and singer-songwriter. He is a member from the K-Pop group BTS and also known as Suga. He married Y/N in 2025 when she was 2-month-old pregnant. Among the blessings they received, a very healthy little boy came to the world.*(Aww) [cutting - pictures of the couple and videos of the boy as a baby] *They form a very happy family.*

*Let's see what kind of father is Yoon Gi?*

Living room/ Kitchen

A peaceful silence resides this morning.

/8:00 AM/


[zoom] A room's door is opened. *Someone is awake* Y/N goes straight to the bathroom to take a shower. After a while, she comes out, dressed and goes in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. *Mom is up first.*

Y/N: Hello! We're the new family on The Return of Superman. My name is Y/N and I'm the mother of 48-month-old Min Dae Won. Nice to meet you. *She seems lovely*

Living room

*Morning begins in the Min household.*


Y/N decides on cooking some eggs, radish kimchi and rice with red and black bean. (amazement) She also prepares tofu with seasoned soy sauce and heats up some bean paste stew. *Delicious*

Child's bedroom

A little body gets up from his bed. *The pleasant scent invades the apartment.* *His stomach must have woken him up.* The child shuffles to the kitchen.


"Mom..." He says in a groggy voice.

"Good morning, baby!"  replies Y/N, squatting to kiss and hug her son, without touching him with her hands because of the food on them. Go wash your face before eating.

Her son obeys and leaves the kitchen.


He pushes the door open and takes his little step to be able to reach the sink. (Aww) *Dae Won is a big boy and doesn't need help.* [zoom] He looks at himself in the mirror after whasing his little face. *So handsome* Then, he goes back to his mother.


The dishes are all set on the table. *This looks yummy.* Dae Won pulls the chair to sit on it. Y/N gives him his own chopsticks and his plate full of fresh food. She watches him without uttering a word, pleased with a smile curving her lips. Her smile grows when her son notices her staring at him and he grins.

"Mommy, you don't eat?" He asks her, his mouth full.

"No... Not now." She answers, leaning back rubbing her belly.

A silence took place. Y/N puts more food in his plate.

"The baby is not hungry?"

*A baby?* (surprise)

Y/N laughs and shakes her head.

Y/N: Whenever me and my husband brought up the topic of children, he would repeat that one child is fair enough and that he wouldn't want more.

Y/N: He really is affectionate towards our son which may contrast with his public behavior. At home, he is the total opposite. He's really considerate and... has the basic skills.(laughs) That's probably one of the reasons that led us to have our second child. I managed to convince him and I also think that it'd be great for Dae Won to have a sibling to play with.

Y/N stands up to bring water and fruit juice on the table. [ Freeze frame and zoom on Y/N's baby bump] *Currently, Y/N is 3 month-old pregnant.*(amazement)

Dae Won keeps on eating as he looks around him. He points at something, questioning his mother with his eyes.

"The cameras?"

He nods and stares a few seconds before resuming eating.

"Dad is still asleep?"

"Hm... Even though he fell asleep early last night."

Parents' room

Yoon Gi is curled up in the blankets, motionless. *Still sound asleep* (laughs)

/9:52 AM/

Living room

Dae Won is playing with his toys. While Y/N hangs out the laundry.

Parents' room

*A dark figure goes out of the room.*

Living room

Dae Won raises his head and smiles. *Who makes Dae Won smile so big.* [Pan / zoom] *It's his dad.*

Dae Won stops in his tracks and goes to his father who is also walking to him. *The father and his son squeezing each other tenderly.*(cooing)

"The beauty has finally woken up." Y/N snorts, watching lovingly the two boys.(laughs)

Yoon Gi lies down, still hugging his son and stays still. *He woke up ... to sleep again*(laughs)

"Dad." says the little boy, laughing at his father's sluggish attitude.

"Hmm." Yoon Gi keeps his head nuzzled in his son's soft hair.

"You have to eat."

"Did you eat?"

"Yes with mom but she didn't eat."

"The baby?" wonders Yoon Gi, raising his head. to look at his wife

"Yeah, just morning sickness. Nothing to worry about."

"But last time, the doctor said that they would ease up and go away this week."

"Yeah, It's been almost five days since last time I threw up. It's getting better."

Yoon Gi keeps looking at Y/N as she hangs the last clothes. *Yoon Gi feel powerless towards his wife's aches.*(Aww) He gets up and hugs her before sitting at the table to eat his breakfast.

/11:45 AM/

Living room

Yoon Gi and Dae Won watch cartoons on TV. *They have the same position* (laughs)


Y/N goes back and forth between her room and the bathroom as she gets ready to leave.

Living room

The two boys can also see her as the hallway connects with the living room. Dae Won's eyes are glued to the screen while Yoon Gi's look shifts between the TV and his wife, amused by her talking to herself. After a while, Y/N appears, wearing a leopard scarf pattern, still busy packing.

"Dae Won, I just saw a cheetah!" (laughs)

Dae Won turns his head towards his father who's laughing silently, but doesn't get the joke. *Too bad, he didn't get it* (laughs)

Few minutes later, Y/N shows up with her suitcase.

"I'm ready to leave."

"You're not eating lunch here?"

"No, but this morning I prepared all the food you'll need for these two days so don't panic. You'll only have to heat it up." *Mom thought of everything*

"I'm not panicking." shrugs Yoon Gi.

"Dae Won, sweetheart, come say good-bye." cooes Y/N.

He stands up and walks towards his mother.

"You'll stay alone with Dad while I'll be away at your grandmother's okay? It won't be long and you'll enjoy your time together."

"Yes! Don't worry mom!"

They kiss and hug each other one last time before Y/N stands up to join Yoon Gi already at the door.

Hallway Entrance

"You call me if anything's wrong or if you ne--"

"Y/N, we'll survive without you!"

Y/N stays silent, an amused smile on her lips as she stares at him.

"Okay. Then it's all good, right?"

They kiss and say good bye.

/13:17 PM/

"Dae Wonaah!! You ready?"


Dae Won goes out of his room, dressed in clean clothes, and goes to the entrance door where his shoes are.

"You're taking the camera with you?" asks Dae Won looking at the object hanging around Yoon Gi's neck as he puts on his shoes for him.

"Yes. We'll take pictures and show mommy how much fun you're having with me. Done! Wear your jacket."

They leave.

At the park

The boys stop once they arrive at the park. Dae Won, walking ahead of his father, doesn't wait for him and runs towards the playground. Yoon Gi follows him steadily, his camera in his hand and his backpack on one shoulder.

"Be careful!" He shouts and sits on a bench from which he will have a good view of his son. He sees him making friends with some children and smiles looking at him having fun.

After getting his camera ready, Yoon Gi stands up and goes towards the slide his son is on to take pictures of him. He shifts from standing to squatting positions, looking at each pictures before resuming taking others.

Yoon Gi: Photography is actually one of my strongest passion. Since a long time ago, I've always liked taking pictures of my surroundings, friends or family. Nowadays, my wife and my son are my main models. (laughs)

Yoon Gi: Dae Won is very sociable and wants everyone around him to have fun. Seeing him all so happy always warms my heart and I like to freeze those moments. (cooing)

"Dad, look at me!" He shouts sliding down.

Yoon Gi interrupts himself to cheer him up. When he got enough, he goes back to sit down, keeping a eye on his son.

"Dad!" Dae Won comes back running a few minutes later.

"Are you thirsty?" asks Yoon Gi as he dives his hand in his backpack and hands him over a bottle of water. "You made new friends?"

He son smiles at him and turns his head towards the little figures waiting for him to come back, drinking two thirds of the bottle.

"We'll leave in ten minutes, okay."

"Why? It's too early to leave!" whines Dae Won.

"You don't want to go to the Kids' Café anymore?"

Dae Won's eyes light up, a beaming smile on his face and he runs back to the playground. (laughs) When it's time to leave, Dae Won says good bye to his friends and joins his father. They walk across the park to go to their next location. The boy walks ahead of his father, enjoying the landscape as he stops from time to time to look at flowers or bugs he finds on the ground. *Dae won seems to love nature* Yoon Gi takes out his camera again to take pictures of him. They eventually go out of the park and walk on the streets full of people. Yoon Gi takes his son's hand not to lose him. The presence of cameras pulls the public attention. Dae Won jumps happily when he can see the Kids' cafe's sign.


"What's this?" asks Yoon Gi as he comes closer to read the little paper tapped on the glass door.

[zoom on the sheet of paper] *Oh no!*

"Why don't we enter Dad?"

Yoon Gi sighs, smiling embarrassingly as he looks around him.

*The Kids' Cafe is closed due to construction work.* (disappointment) *What will they do?*

"Why is this happening today?" cries Yoon Gi, throwing his head backward.

"Is it closed?" asks Dae Won, looking though the glass and then to his father.

"Wait a second."

*Dad is trying to find a solution*

Yoon Gi doesn't want his son to feel sad and quickly looks on his phone for something. Dae Won keeps holding his father's hand as he looks around confused, waiting for his father to explain the situation to him. Suddenly, Yoon Gi squats down at his son's height.

"Dae Won the Kids' cafe is closed today but there is a cat cafe not very far from here, do you want to go there?"

"A cat cafe?"

"Yes, there are lots of cats in that cafe. You like animals don't you?"

Dae Won seems to reflect on the idea before slowly nodding his head. Yoon Gi stands up smiling, relieved to have quickly been able to find a solution.

Cat Cafe

*The father and the son enter.*

"Hello." Yoon Gi and Dae Won greet the waiters.

Three cats immediately gather around them causing Dae Won to move back abruptly, clinging on his father pants. *He is surprised.*(laughs) He disappears behind Yoon Gi when a cat attempts to climb on his father's leg.

"Don't be afraid, Dae Won. Look! Stroke them like this. See, it's soft." says Yoon Gi, kneeling down to pet the animal. Dae Won comes next to him, grasping his father's shirt. His father stretches his hand to show him that there is nothing to fear. Dae Won mimics him after a few seconds he's watched him. *He gets over his fear and lets the cats touch him.* "Good. Like this."

Dae Won smiles at his dad when one the cats licks his hand which Yoon Gi answers back with an approving nod. Yoon Gi stands up and walks towards the counter to order snacks as Dae Won walks away to the seats, followed by cats. Yoon Gi waits for his order as he watches his son beginning familiarizing himself with the place.

"Dae Won, you shouldn't bother those cats. Let them sleep in peace." He tells him as the boy pats the sleepy cats' head.

*They remind us of someone.* (laughs)

Yoon Gi comes back with a tray. Dae Won eats but his attention is continuously focused on the cats gathering one by one around his chair, waiting for a treat.

"Please, don't feed the cats with your food. We can give you theirs if you want." says one of the waiters from the counter as Dae Won stretches his hand with some of his donut's crumbs in it.

"Dae Won, you heard the woman. Finish your food and you'll be able to feed them after." warns Yoon Gi, eyes glued to his phone.

Once he's done eating, he goes straight to the counter to ask for cats' food. They give him some with toys cats can play with. Yoon Gi takes again his camera out. He also looks at the pictures taken earlier at the park and takes others in the cafe. Dae Won has fun as he feeds the animals, squealing with delight whenever one of the furry animals manages to catch the food in his hand, and plays with them. *As expected, they quickly became friends* (Aww) When Yoon Gi stretches, twisting his body left and right, one of the cats previously settled on the edge of the glass next to their table but out of his view, hops down next to him all of a sudden.

"Oh gosh... he surprised me." He says smiling at it as it joins the other cats around Dae Won. (laughs)

*Dae Won found a new toy.* The boy goes towards a wheel for cats and spins it making the cat peacefully lying down on it, go away. * You disturbed my nap* (laughs) He watches it before stopping the wheel from spinning to sit down on it.

"Dae Won, you shouldn't do that, you're too heavy. Look, the cats will get angry if they see you playing with their toys." (laughs)

Dae Won stops in his tracks to look at the few animals who freeze in front of him. He stands up immediately watching as two of them take his previous seat and spins the wheel for them.

Yoon Gi: At first, I said I wouldn't be on the show. I wasn't really keen on exposing our privacy. My wife didn't really objected to it and said to me that it would be easy to take care of our son since he is grown up. Then I also thought about my in-laws. They live quite far from us and cannot see Dae Won as much as they wish. This show will allow them to see their grandson more often. If they can be happy to see him through these images then I'll be too.

"Alright, Dae Won. It's time to leave, say good bye to your friends".

"Good bye cats!" he waves at them and they both leave.

*How was your time at the cat cafe?*

Yoon Gi: I liked it. We had a great time and I'm happy he had the opportunity to play with animals. For some reasons, I was really glad the Kids' cafe was closed, [zoom] children are louder than animals. (laughs) So we both enjoyed our time there.

                                                                                                          End of Day 1.

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