It's Whateva

By KennyB85

149K 6.6K 5.1K

Bella Brooks, a woman who came from the projects in now doing good as a assistant manager at M&T Bank. Once s... More

Welcome Back
Date Night
Family Outing/Gotcha!
Sweet Warning Signs
Nothing Changed
Reality Check
Family Fun/Revenge
New/Old Flame
Hit&Dip/Talk That Shit
The Dinner/Boss Moves
Coming Clean Part1
Coming Clean Part2/Let's Play Part1
Let's Play Part2
No Longer In The Dark
Test One
Merry Christmas
Bottom Line
Michael's POV
Table Turner
Hurdles Part 1
Hurdles Part2
Work In Progress
Sneak Peek
Different Point Of Views
Attitudes/Mr. Dodson
Mi Familia
Remember When....
ALERT!!! (Not A Chapter)
All Eyes On Us
Mother Know's Best
Sneak Peek
YES/At The Harbor
Strategy Part 1
Strategy Part 2
The Angel in the Devil
My Beautiful B
Growing A Pair
Emotional Roller Coaster
The Shake Up
New Fanpage Alert!!!

Straight Bullsh!t

3.1K 127 111
By KennyB85

"Here are the files you asked for and they all have been proof read and I left notes where I found eras...anything else Bru...Mr. Reed?" I asked before taking a step back. I was somewhat proud of my self because this was the first time I asked without rolling my eyes.

Bruce looked up from his computer screen and smirked before thumbing through the files I placed on his desk. He sat his pen down and leaned back in his chair.

"You're making progress." He nodded towards me. I raised a brow and folded my arms over my chest. The smug look he was giving me was annoying the hell out of me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked and he gave me his big smile, before sitting up and speaking.

"You didn't roll your eyes this time." My mouth dropped while he laughed lightly and went back to whatever it was he was doing on his computer.

I found out shortly after the dinner that Bruce would be spending two months at our branch to get a feel for things and how we all worked together. He also was in charge of four fires at the beginning of the years so a lot of people were on their toes while he was around and buttering him up. Me on the other hand, I was trying to stay AWAY from him as much as possible, but somehow I always found myself in his office doing something for we didn't have other assistant managers here or like he didn't have an assistant himself!

"Anything else Mr. Reed?" I asked again while checking my watch. This day dragged along all the way to the finally second and him not answering my question was making it worse. He bit down on his lip and glanced at me before opening his mouth.

"Yes their is one last thing...a question actually." He shut down his computer and stood up. He walked around to the front of his desk and took a seat on it right in front of me.

"And what is that Mr. Reed-" I asked while letting out a sigh. He looked down at his watch and smiled.

"It's past five Bella, call me Bruce-" I smacked my lips and gave him a boring look.

"I rather not-" Bruce rubbed his hands together before folding them in his lap and shrugged.

"Why are you so cold to me?" He blurted out. He looked at me with those blue eyes that always seemed to pierce through my soul and honestly, it took me by surprise.

"Excuse me?" I asked and he stood up and placed his hands in his pockets.

"I mean...I know we broke up and I was a bit on the controlling side...but last I checked...we didn't have a bad break up. No one cheated, no domestic issues...why are you so cold to me? I mean honestly, what did I do to make you treat me the way you do?" I opened my mouth a few times before biting down on my lip. Bruce just stood there patiently waiting for an answer and finally I just blurted out what I thought was a good one.

"Because if I'm not, you're going to think we are getting back together and that is not the case-" Bruce cocked his head to the side and gave me a half smile.

"Oh really? You sure it's not the fact you make yourself hate me because you're scared we just may get back together?"

"You have a wild imagination-" I held my hands up and started to back out of his office, but he grabbed my hands to keep me put.

"Really? Okay...I will not make one move on you at all...will you stop being an ice queen to me now?" I gave him a boring look and pulled my hands out of his grasp.

"And I can trust you-" I asked and he genuinely looked offended by me questioning him.

"Give me one reason why you shouldn't? I've never lied to you Bella or giving you any other reason to NOT trust me-" I sighed and placed my hands on my hips while he stood directly in front of me and I saw his face was starting to turn red.

"No Bruce, but you do say some slick shit-" Bruce laughed in my face and sat back on his desk while covering his mouth.

"As you do too damnit! Bella! Cut it out!" He threw his hands up and I pushed his shoulder to get him to stop laughing at me.

"Don't yell at me like a child Bruce...look at you! Still being controlling-" I pointed my finger in his face and the only thing he did was kiss it; making me draw it back and glare at him.

"This is not being controlling...because I want you to stop having a pointless attitude with me...for no fucking reason-" He started to grow angry again and I smacked my lips.

"I have my reasons-" Bruce folded his arms across his chest and raised a brow.

"Name them." I looked at him and for a second appreciated his physique. I don't know if it was because it's been awhile or if he got bigger since the last time we've been together. I felt myself bite down on my lip and went back to his face and saw him giving me that smug smile again...shit! He caught me looking.

"I don't have to name shit-" I finally said, but he cut me off.

"Because you don't have any-" He said and stood up. I watched him walk back around his desk and pick up his suit jacket from off the back of his chair.

"Are we finished here? I need to go home." I said while looking down at my watch and back at him. Bruce put his jacket on and gave me a look I knew all too well.

"Good evening Miss. Brooks" I huffed because that look meant it was over...but only for now.

I quickly walked out of his office and back down to my own. I don't think I breathed fully until I was behind my door and leaned into it while catching my breath.

After I got myself together, I pushed myself off of my door and started collecting my things. I was picking up my jacket when my watch went off. I looked down and saw it was a text from Michael asking if I could watch Mya.

I thought about it for a second...I haven't seen her in months! I sighed and replied back yes.

Things with Michael and I have...somewhat went back to normal...almost. No sex, no kisses, no flirting, no touch...just friends. I think he still has his guard up with me and I have turned on my idgaf switch and stopped caring. I have apologized for my part in the situation and that's that. I still believe it's things he could have done differently, but whatever. His life, his issues.

I left out of my office and was headed to the elevator and pushed down.I was checking my phone when the doors opened and stepped in without looking up and bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so..sorry." I mumbled out once I saw it was Bruce. He just nodded his head and moved to the side. I saw he already hit the G button and just kept looking at my phone until we hit the garage.

"See you tomorrow and be careful Bella." Bruce said while walking over to his Porsche. Without a second look he got in, honked at the security and was gone.

I slowly made my way to to my car got in. I just sat there for a second and thought...why was I giving Bruce so much attitude? Our break up wasn't bad, I cut out on him because of his ways, but we were good friends before and during our relationship...maybe I should relax a bit around him and stop giving him the cold shoulder.

I made up my mind I was going to apologize for my actions towards him this week and try to be better...shit, he was about to be my boss anyway.


"MOMMY!" I just walked through the door and stopped in my tracks...what did she say?

"Uh...what did you say My-My?" I sat my things down while Mya did the most unstable run over to me I've ever seen and just realized...she's running!

"Mommy!" I picked her up and she started kissing me.

"Michael!" I called out while hugging her to me and giggling. Michael came out of his room wearing only dark jeans and his chains. He was putting his watch on and looked up at me.

I watched Michael's movements and let my eyes roam over his body. It's been so long and I hated that my body reacted to something as little as him just standing in front of me shirtless.

"Sup?" He asked and I looked him over again before clearing my throat.

"Uh...has Mya been calling everybody mommy?" I asked while she played with one of my braids. I currently had two long french braids. Michael smirked and shrugged.

"Not that I know of, she calls her mother Mo." Before I could ask anything else he went back into his room and I guess finished getting dressed.

"Cake!" I looked down at Mya and raised a brow. She looked at me and smiled showing her baby teeth and dimples.

Mya wiggled out of my arms and grabbed the bottom of my skirt. I stopped her and took my heels off before following her into the kitchen area and she pointed up. I looked at the cabinet and opened it to see three boxes of coffee cakes and rolled my eyes.

"No Mya-" I said while she held onto my leg with one arm and reached up for the boxes.

"CAAAAKE!" She yelled out and I sighed. I shut the cabinet and picked her up.

"Michael did Mya eat food yet?" I called out. I saw Mya almost had the handle and moved my body so she was now further away and she started to fall out a bit.

"NO!" He yelled back and I sighed.

"No cake, food first." Her eyes started to water and I started to feel a headache coming on. I opened up the fridge to see what he had and realized I would have to cook...this is some bull shit!

"NOOOO! CAKE!" I put her down and point my finger at her while being stern.

"No Mya!" Mya screamed and fell out while I looked for something for her to eat. She can have her damn fit for two seconds and than I was going to smack her butt.

Michael walked out pulling down his shirt and got in between us. He reached over me and got a cake out of the box and opened it before giving it to Mya. I tried to get it back from Mya, but he blocked me.

"Michael she needs food first!" Michael picked Mya up and looked down at me looking annoyed.

"She's alright, she'll eat later-" He turned his back on me and walked into the living room and put her in her play pen while I followed.

"That's not the point, she'll be on a sugar rush and a two year old shouldn't be-" Michael turned around and got in my face; causing me to backup a bit.

"Look! I said she's good okay?! Damn!" Michael walked back into his room; leaving me standing there looking stupid. I looked down at Mya before looking back to where he went and stormed to his room.

Michael was sitting on the side of his bed putting his black Tim's on when I picked up a pillow and smacked him on the back of his head making him almost fall off the bed. He stood up and glared at me.

"The fuck Belle-" I threw the pillow at him and pushed his chest...well I tried to with both of my hands.

"No FUCK YOU! I apologized for my actions to you, but I will be DAMNED if I let you talk to me or treat me any kind of fucking way while I'm doing your ass a favor-" Michael threw the pillow at the top of his bed and was now up on me.

"Oh like I've done with you huh!? You don't like when the shoe is on the other foot-" I looked him over like he was crazy and took a fewsteps back.

"Nigga I am not some damn teenager and I don't need you teaching me no fucking lessons in life! We are fucking grown ass people my nigga!" Michael smacked his lips and put his grill in.

"I know our fucking ages Bella! I already told you I was still pissed at you-" I folded my arms over my chest and was glaring at him. This dude really was still feeling a certain way!

"I apologized, if you feel the need to still be in your fucking feelings oh fucking well! Now Mya eating all of those damn sweets is another story and not good-" Michael turned and mugged me.

"She's my fucking daughter-" My eyes got wide and zapped the fuck out! I got in his face and worked my neck with every word I spoke!

"WELL STAY YOUR BLACK ASS HOME AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR FUCKING DAUGHTER THAN!" I yelled as loud as I could in his face and walked out of his room. I glanced over at Mya and saw she looked a bit scared and held her arms out for me, but I just grabbed my stuff up and left while ignoring Michael's calls for me to come back...fuck him AND his business!


I walked into work the next day groggy as fuck and late! Michael kept blowing up my phone to the point I turned it off completely...not realizing by turning it off I turned my damn ringer off and woke up twenty minutes late. I went into my office and sat all of my things down and took a few sips of my coffee before sitting it on my desk as well.

I took a few deep breaths and grabbed the other coffee and made my way up to Bruce's office. He door was cracked and I heard him talking so I guessed he was on the phone. I knocked twice before walking in and saw Mr. Montu sitting in his office.

"Oh I'm sorry-" Both sets of eyes were on me and I quickly backed out.

"Wait, Bella is everything okay?" Bruce tried to stop me by asking. I was going to ignore it, but I remembered I had his coffee and walked back in.

"Yeah everything is fine...I didn't know you were having a meeting-" Bruce smiled and waved his hand at Mr. Montu and he laughed as well.

"Oh no, we were just going over a few things...what's up?" I sat his coffee down in front of him and shook my head.

"It can wait, I got this for you though." Bruce looked at the coffee and than at Mr. Montu before getting up and smiling at him.

"Excuse us for a second Mr. Montu." Montu smiled while Bruce guided me out of his office and shut his door.

"Is everything okay Bella?" I bit down on my lip and started playing with my fingers.

"I...look Bruce I thought about what you said yesterday and you were right...I have been acting very rude to you for no reason and I'm sorry...I know a coffee isn't going to erase how I've acted towards you...but I do hope it's a start." I rushed out and the more I rambled the more Bruce smiled.

Bruce nodded his head and gently grabbed my hands before bringing my knuckles to his lips and I instantly felt at ease. I knew it wasn't him flirting...that's just how he was, but in the past I made myself think it was a way of him controlling the situation and trying to get back with me. Bruce pulled me into a hug that I openly welcomed while mouthing a "thank you God" before we pulled away.

"Thank you Bella, but I'll only accept if you accept my apology...I haven't been the best to deal with leading up and after our breakup...I don't blame you for your actions afterwards...but I honestly wasn't ready for how you started treating me months later." I sighed and nodded my head. He grabbed my hands again and i gave him a small smile.

"I know and I do accept your apology." Bruce rubbed his thumbs over my knuckles before releasing them and licking his lips.

"Well thank you for the coffee and I will see you later to go over more clients-" I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"What about Morgan-" Bruce gave me a knowing look and shook his head.

"Fuck no, I think she wants to fuck me." I laughed out loud and shook my head.

"I'll see you later Bruce-" I waved, but his tsking stopped me.

"Mr. Reed...I don't want anyone thinking I'm showing favoritism" He winked at me; letting me know he was joking and I smiled at the gesture before making my way back to my office.

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