Master Of Death

بواسطة Thinking_Of_A_Dream

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Harry Potter is the only one left alive after the battle of Hogwarts and is visited by one of the Valar to be... المزيد

Chapter One
chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - End

Chapter six

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بواسطة Thinking_Of_A_Dream

Legolas POV

We reached the end of the mountain path and found snow-free ground. Harry had paused, placing the snake on the ground. I was curious; I hesitated and watched the strange interaction. I could see and hear the snake hissing to Harry which struck me as odd; it was almost like a conversation. Harry kept his face blank and his body language was relaxed, maybe this was a usual occurrence, though I couldn't fathom how.

'Maybe he can talk to snakes? Or at least understand them? But that's impossible isn't it?'

I continued to watch; Harry's lips twitched up in a ghost of a smile before the snake began to slither away. I was captivated watching the young man as he stood up and glanced at me. I didn't bother pretending I hadn't been observing, and the wizard calmly walked over to me.

"Was the snake okay?" I asked as I tilted my head slightly in askance, a slight smile playing on my lips.

Harry blinked at me confused, "Yea-" he paused, looking into my eyes for a moment, as though deciding if he would be honest or not, "she was fine, just cold and hungry."

"She was hungry?" I repeated with an amused smirk, 'how can he know that?'

"Yes, she-" Harry paused shifting his gaze, brows drawn together slightly, "it was easy enough to guess. It looked like she hasn't eaten in a while and when she climbed to my shoulder, I noticed she was a female." He fumbled over the obvious untruth. I could sense the dishonesty but also a rather strong nervousness.

'What is he not saying? It can't be that bad.'

Harry's gaze met mine and we stared at each other, just for a few moments before he hurriedly turned back to the others. All I could think was that he's searching my expression and body language for something untoward. I go to speak but I am cut off by the company's need for rest; the Hobbits' stomachs gurgled in hunger.

Gandalf sighed, he seemed annoyed, though I knew him better than that. His focus was on the task at hand, and he is impatient. But with Gandalf there is always a hidden softness that others miss.

"I suppose this is a good a spot as any to stop for the night."

Merry and Pippin cheered as they quickly began getting food out, Aragorn began gathering firewood and Gimli was already getting his tinder box out. Everyone worked at getting camp set up, but now they had it down to a fine art. We stopped in a small glade at the edge of a forest, the clearing was open and flat. Everyone was set out in a circle, all facing the spot were Gimli would soon have a roaring fire, and Sam would surely cook something quite spectacular. With the sun just starting to set, it wasn't just safer, the view was also stunning.

"I'll go get some rabbits or something for us to cook." Harry looked over at the forest, wand slipping into his hand.

'He called it the elder wand right? I wonder why it is named as such. He holds it like it's all he has to keep going, but at the same time, it's like he wants nothing to do with it. It's strange.' I can't help but wonder about so many things to do with Harry. I can't help my focus being on him.

"I will join you." Boromir followed, his face carefully blank, as though he wanted to hide his thoughts on or from the strange wizard.

Harry only nodded and they walked away. As they disappear behind the trees, I feel his gaze on me too. I felt a strong urge to follow, not trusting Boromir with the young wizard.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to let them go alone? Even an Orc could sense the tension between those two." Gimli asked in his gruff voice, and I looked at him, knowing he's right.

"Harry would know if I followed them, and I don't think he would be welcoming of my concern." I replied with less vigour, the urge to follow and protect is strong, but the fear that he would not want that is far stronger.

Gimli snorted, turning away as Aragorn put the firewood on the ground. It's another ten minutes until Harry and Boromir returned, a rabbit in each hand. Neither one said anything as they sat down and handed over the spoils. Sam began getting the food ready. I quietly looked Harry over for injuries, only relaxing when I know that he is ok, when he catches my eye.

Later that night, I took first watch. The others needed their rest and I felt the need to think tonight. It didn't take long for everyone to fall asleep, it had been a long day's march, I was soothed by the sounds of soft snoring. Harry had been the last one to fall asleep. He is an enigma, one I was oddly drawn towards, it has been this that had my mind occupied tonight. There have been so many things left unanswered. I sighed softly, gazing at the sky.

'Who is Harry Potter? A wizard from a different realm? How does he already have experience with a Dark Lord? What realm? What kind of experience? How did he get here? Did the Valar send him?'

I turned my gaze to Harry's sleeping form, as I mulled over all these questions. He hardly eats or sleeps, he's constantly vigilant, and there's a strange scar on his forehead.

'Maybe if I could get him to open up to someone, he could relax easier.' All I wonder is if he would open up to me.

I was about to move into a more comfortable position when Harry twitched once, and then again; I noticed his face is twisted into an expression of pain. Immediately standing, I moved over and kneeled next to him. I reached out to wake him, only for Harry to grab my wrist, thrusting his wand to my throat. The first thing I noticed was the pure fear in his eyes, the second was the wand he held wasn't the same one he had drawn earlier, the elder wand. He gripped it like it was his last hope, like it was the most important thing he owned. There was an uncertainty with the elder wand, unlike the steady grip he has on this one.

"Sorry," Harry whispered as the tension dissipated, he then let go of me and put the wand away. I wonder if I should ask about the difference.

"It's alright, it was my fault for startling you," I whispered back as Harry reigned in his emotions, "you should rest some more if you can."

"I don't think I'll be able to." Harry shrugged, sitting up. He looks at me intently and he seems so lonely, I wonder again if he could open up to me, and I find myself wanting him to, more than before.

"I will keep watch; you don't have to worry," I told him.

He searched my expression for any lies. Eventually, he agreed and laid back down. I decided to settle next to him, I gently put my hand on his shoulder, a reminder for him that I'm there. He glanced at me, I think he huddled closer but I couldn't be sure. He closed his eyes, falling asleep a few minutes later. I remained where I sat until the others began to stir the next morning, moving before they see how closely I guarded him. Harry woke up as soon as I moved my hand, neither of us bring it up.

Harry POV

Last night had been...odd. Well, the whole day really. Ever since we left the mountain, I had felt Legolas looking at me and have caught his gaze numerous times. I've wondered what he's thinking about when he's gazing at me. Or just in general. I had let the snake leave once we reached warmer weather, and she made a comment about her and I making hatchlings together had we been the same species. If Legolas hadn't of been observing us, I would have laughed. As it was, it was difficult to not even smile. Since he questioned me -out of curiosity or suspicion I do not know- I can only assume he'd seen my struggle to keep a neutral expression.

I sighed, thoughts whirling around the blonde elf. After we stopped for the night and Boromir followed me to get some rabbits, part of me wanted Legolas to follow even though I would have been bothered by the protective nature of such an act. Boromir and I hadn't spoken a word to each other thankfully. But the weirdest part was when we went to bed. I had one of my usual nightmares, centered around the Battle of Hogwarts, and I watched as my comrades fell one by one as Voldemort laughed. I felt bad for nearly cursing Legolas, he didn't know not to wake me up like that, but I was grateful he did wake me.

I didn't have another nightmare after he promised to watch over me. The feel of his palm on my shoulder made me feel safe, something I hadn't felt for a long time. Sometimes I wondered what exactly it is I feel for Legolas. I had never thought about what my sexuality is exactly, having been focused on surviving the war. I assumed I was straight. However, looking at Legolas...maybe I'm not so straight after all? I wish Hermione and Ron were here so I could talk to them about this. I know they wouldn't care either way so long as I'm happy. I released another heavy sigh; felt Legolas' concerned gaze on me, and refocused on the idle chatter between the Hobbits.

We had been walking for a while now, and I've spent most of it either poking around the natural magic or investigating the knowledge I acquired of being 'The Master of Death'. I guess I was trying to ignore the intimacy I felt with Legolas last night. I decided early on to pretend the previous night never happened.

So far I had learned I could borrow small amounts of magic from nature, and possibly large quantities. I don't want to risk overloading my still unstable core. Another thing I learned is that the trees whisper, it is truly a wonder and I found it fascinating. I wondered if this is part of the reason that I experienced more natural magic here. As 'The Master of Death' I had immortality, I heal at an accelerated rate, I could sense specific life forms within a certain radius, and I might be able to use my magic to heal others - something I had not been forced to try yet. That could only be a good thing. The prospect scared me a little bit though, I was never good at healing spells.

'Hermione was though, same with Luna.'

A sharp twinge griped my heart and I momentarily stumbled before regaining my balance, only to find everyone looking at me.

"Are you okay Mister Wizard?" Pippin asked, eyes wide.

I smiled slightly at him, "I'm fine, I tripped over a rock."

"A rock, you say?" Sam questioned, eyebrow raised.

"Er- I don't see any rocks." Frodo gestured to the ground, which is void of rocks, Merry nodding in agreement.

"Neither did I, I guess that's the problem," I attempted a joke, hoping to move on.

"Never mind that, we're almost there. Come along now." Gandalf urged us forward, and we kept going for at least another half an hour.

We finally reached the doors of Moria. The first thing I noticed was the giant spark of life in the dank, dark lake - it was easy to recognize as a giant squid. I had a feeling this one wasn't going to be as welcoming as the one in the black lake at Hogwarts. Then I noticed the engraving on the cliff-face as the moonlight hit the hard rock, silver tendrils flowed through the engraving, it glowed brightly in the dark. The bright lines formed an intricate archway with vines wrapping around two shining columns, on each side is a holly tree. Words were written around the arch. I was more focused on the lake though, worried the creature might be woken up.

"Don't disturb the water." I warned the more mischievous Hobbits, only to hear a heavy thunk at the end of my sentence. I looked over at Pippin who glanced away guiltily.

"Sorry, Mister Wizard," Pippin said.

I sighed, hoping the squid didn't wake up. I kept an eye on the water as the others try to open the door. Gandalf tried many words, commands, incantations, but nothing seemed to work.

"What's 'friend' in elvish?" Frodo asked.

I blurted out "Mellon" before realising it.

I turned at the sound of a sharp inhale, and locked gazes with a shocked Legolas and Aragorn. Boromir's eyes were narrowed in suspicion, everyone else simply seemed to be curious. Legolas kept his eyes focused on me, and I could practically see him thinking. I looked away before anything could be said.

'I need to ask Eru about this.' I made a mental note to myself. Though I seemed to have no control as to when I would speak to this strange deity.

Before anything else could be said though, the heavy stone door slowly began to swing open. At the same time the squid started to emerge. Gimli let out an anguished cry, and fear gripped me like a giant knot in my stomach. The squid's numerous tentacles burst from the lake and reached for Frodo, the tentacles seemed to search and feel the small Hobbit, who squirmed. Frodo is trying to break free and cries out for Aragorn. Aragorn immediately went to Frodo's aid. Legolas joined the fray, all of us worked together to try and save the ring bearer. I raised the elder wand, I tried to direct my magic at the squid only, not wanting to harm my companions.

"Sectumsempra!" I shouted, my mind going to the man that saved me so many times and the creator of the deadly spell.

I cast the spell, severing many of the tentacles, including the one holding Frodo. Aragorn caught him as he fell from the clutches of the enormous beast, and we all rushed into the mines. The squid didn't give up easily, and grasped at the doors, trying to catch his prey, however it only managed to collapse the entrance behind us.

"Lumos," I cast the simple spell as Gandalf also lit his staff with a simple tap to the ground. I looked around, unnerved by all the skeletons littering the ground. We began walking, the silence only occasionally broken by Gimli. He still believed he would find his kin here, but we all could see that this was now a tomb.

"Do you feel that?" Legolas whispered once we were both far enough back from the group.

I nodded in reply, feeling the creeping life-form following our company at some distance. We eventually reached a three-way split in the road and stop. I had been busy feeling around what's following us, not paying attention to where we're going.

"I have no memory of this place," Gandalf muttered and sat on a nearby stone. Frodo eventually went over, and they spoke in hushed tones.

I turned to Legolas and whispered, "they do not feel threatening at the moment, but we should be careful just in case."

Legolas inclined his head slightly, and I was about to offer Gandalf assistance when he suddenly stood.

"Oh yes. This way." We followed him down the far right path, my senses on alert. Something dark laid sleeping in here.

"You remembered!" Merry said cheerfully.

"No, but the air isn't as foul this way." Gandalf pauses, "If in doubt, always follow your nose." Gandalf said proudly. He reminded me more of Albus when he said things like that.

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