Watching The Big Seven: Seaso...

By FaithScarred

58.7K 866 659

You already read the story, now read the reactions as The Big Seven and everyone else watch their future. More

Welcome To The Movies
How It All Begun
The Viking And The Hybrid Part 1 and 2
The Winter Spirit And The Boy
The Princess, The Thief, And The Girl
Meeting Each Other In A Not Good Way
A Kid Like You
Kingdom Dance And Lost Princess
Story Time
Letting Go Of The Past And Under Attack
Powers Unleashed
Story To The Prophecy
We Are The Big Seven
Bandits? No Problem
Lost Princess
So Alone, Dreams, And Trapped
Kingdom Corona Under Attack
A Royal Family Reunion
Guardian Of Redemption And Emotion
Getting Stronger And Captured
Gone, Faith, Death, Destiny
I Will Always Be With You
New Love Blooming And The Warning
Guardian Of Belief And Fun
Princess Of The Wisps
Guardian Of Freedom
Isle Of Home And Red Death's Plan
Lover's Reunited
See The Light And Black Night's Plan
Power Of The Alpha
I'm Proud Of You
Guardian Of Dragons And Change
We're Simply Meant To Be
Friends Forever
It's Over And New Spirit Of Fear


2.5K 36 29
By FaithScarred

Me: Another chapter has shown itself!

Want to see what it says?

Also, on my Deviantart account, MatrixMindAngel, you can find a picture of what Markus and Steve look like.

Now read.


The words, "Chapter 6 - Leaving", appeared on the screen.

Berk, two years later...

"Two years, huh? I really can't imagine anyone younger than 13-15." Mask spoke.

"...That probably came out wrong." Toothless said, causing Mask to face-fault. Triforce shook her head at this.

"Oh, yeah, everything from this point on is the future," Triforce calls out.

Hiccup's running fast with a bag on his back.


"I can't stay here. It's not safe anymore."

"Like it really was?"

"It was. I had Toothless."

Said hybrid clears his throat.

"Correction. I have Toothless."

Toothless smiled. "Thank you."

Hiccup looked ahead of him.


"Well, Astrid, your not wrong, and I chose a side."

"What does he mean by that," Stoick asked.

Astrid looks confused before her eyes widened in remembrance.


Hiccup gets to his feet - all eyes are upon him. He turns to find Astrid glaring at him, winded.


"Is this some kind of a joke to you? Our parents' war is about to become ours. Figure out which side you're on."

She grabs her axe and stomps off. Hiccup watches, stung.

-End Flashback-

All eyes turn to Astrid, who holds up her hands.

"I didn't know," Astrid shouts out.

Mask snorts in derisive laughter.

ASTRID (o.s)

"Hiccup! Get back here!"

Hiccup looks behind him to see Astrid barreling towards him, axe in hand. He resumes pace and continues to run.

"Gotta give her credit for her tenacity." Mask nodded. "Still, she really needs to learn when to quit."


"Oh, come on Astrid! Stop chasing me!"


"Not until you tell me how someone like you won Dragon Training and the honor of killing the Monstrous Nightmare!"

"I'm pretty sure Hiccup doesn't see it as an honor anymore." Jamie pointed out.

Hiccup groans, banging his head against his chair.

"Great. Just great," Hiccup groaned.

Toothless rubbed his back, a frown on his face as well.


"Of course. This makes things a lot harder."

Hiccup looked ahead of him.


"Well, gonna lose her."

Hiccup runs faster. Astrid growls after him.


"Slow down!"


"No way!"

"Do you honestly think he's gonna slow down with the way you're chasing him," Vanja asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, I think he's actually running faster," Wisp says, the ten-year-old jumping in her seat.

Hiccup moves past some bushes and into a small clearing and runs left and down, hiding in a hole underneath a tree trunk. Astrid runs into the small clearing where Hiccup was in. She looks around and growls again.


"I will not lose to you!"

Hiccup peaks out of his little hiding spot before doubling back, running the opposite direction Astrid ran. He doesn't see Astrid stopping from the hill she was running up and turning around, seeing Hiccup run off.

"Advice, Hiccup. Make sure you can't hear her footprints before exiting your hiding place." Rapunzel said.

"Gee, thanks. Now if this me could take your advice, everything would be perfect." Hiccup sighed, running his hands through his chocolate brown locks.


"Playing hard to get are ya?"

"He could do better, in my opinion."

Hiccup runs into the cove. Toothless is there, waiting. He's older now.

Midnight blushes at the older looking Toothless on screen, even though she saw him already.

"Nice cove, it's like Rapunzel's in a way," Merida comments.

Some people nod at her statement.


"Hiccup! What's wrong? You're late!"


"We need to go."




"We need to go now. Toothless, go into Dragon form; I'll explain why we need to go right now!"

Toothless complies, but in confusion. Hiccup secures the saddle on Toothless's back.

Black Night growled. Not only was his youngest son following orders from a weak human child, but he was letting himself be mounted like a common horse! He has some serious talking to Night Scale, he refuses to call him by his new name, when he comes home.


"I accidentally won Dragon Training. Astrid was going to hurt the Gronckle, so I had to knock the Dragon out. The Elder chose me to kill the Nightmare and Astrid was furious. I ran to my house and grabbed my stuff before running here. But Astrid started to chase me and I had to lead her away from here. But if we don't leave now we going have a problem on our hand's named Astrid."

Toothless' dragon eyes widen in understanding. After checking the saddle, Hiccup goes to get his bag and grabs it.



"She's in the cove," Rapunzel exclaims.

"That's not good," Flynn says.

Triforce reached over and grabbed Valka by the elbow to prevent her from going after Astrid, "Down Valka, you can't, not yet."

GASP. He turns towards the entrance to see Astrid standing there, gripping her axe. Hiccup freezes. Toothless stays still, seeing that Astrid didn't see him.



Astrid growls and steps forward.


"Alright Hiccup, you better tell me how you won Dragon Training."

Hiccup gulps. Astrid takes another step forward.


"And I'm not going to take 'no' as an–Hiccup, look out!"

Astrid's face changed from angry to panicked once she saw Toothless behind Hiccup. Hiccup held up his hands.

"A big black, dragon who so happens to be a Night Fury is standing behind Hiccup and you only now just saw him," Spitelout yells out.

"She was too focused on her anger on Hiccup," Fishlegs says, yelping when axe is thrown his way by said female Viking.


"Wait! He's-"

Toothless grabs Hiccup with his front paws and flies into the air, with Hiccup holding his bag in a strong grip.



"Geez, I wonder how this affected Astrid. For all she knows, she's the last person to see Hiccup alive." Mask wondered.

"Not good, I'm thinking." Merida said. "Considering he's Stoick's sole heir, I can't imagine how she'll feel, having to explain to her chief how Hiccup got snatched away by a Night Fury."

"He'll probably think she's crazy, then after Hiccup doesn't show up, start flipping out." Flynn added.

Toothless looks down at Hiccup with querying eyes. Hiccup looks at Toothless from his place on his chest, with one paw across his chest and right arm and the other across his legs. His free hand clutched his bag. Hiccup lets out a relieved sigh.


"I'm okay."

Toothless WARBLES in relief before flipping Hiccup in the air and flying under him, Hiccup landing on his back and in the saddle. Hiccup pats Toothless' side.


"Thanks, bud."

Hiccup points to a sea stack and Toothless lands. Hiccup gets off and looks towards Berk. Toothless walks next to him, shifting back into a Hybrid. Toothless puts a hand Hiccup's shoulder. Hiccup turns his head and looks at Toothless. Toothless looks guilty.


"I'm sorry. I panicked. I was afraid that she was going to hurt you."

"I wasn't gonna hurt him," Astrid shouts out.

"Oh, yeah, well, can you tell the future because Triforce just said everything from this point on is the future. So how would you be able to tell if you were gonna hurt him or not," Toothless asked.

Astrid is silent, staring at Toothless in shock.


"It's okay, you were looking out for me."

Hiccup looks back at the way they came.


"Besides, if I go back, Astrid will never leave me alone and ask me how I survived being taken by Night Fury. My father won't stop looking for me, no matter how many people tell him it's a lost cause. The only person that I'm going to miss is Gobber. Everyone else will just help look for me because to them I'm a Dragon Killing Champion."

Hiccup says the last three words with venom in his voice.

Toothless hugs Hiccup.


"Where ever you go, I'll always be with you."

Many awws went up, disgusting the Vikings and some of the Night Furies and those with dark and evil hearts.

"N'aww, this is nice~" Mask admitted.

"I'd disagree, but that'd make me a liar." Jamie said.

Hiccup smiles and hugs Toothless back, closing his eyes. Toothless retakes his dragon form. Hiccup climbs onto his back and they take off once more.

The scene changes to DunBroch. We focus on the Castle. Birds sit on the roof of the tower of the castle. People walk to different places when suddenly-



People jump at the shout, not expecting that.

"Oh, no," Flynn mumbles, "Merida only shouts like that when someone ticks her off, like really ticks her off."

"Geez, and Tony said these earbuds were top of the line! I'm docking him two months' worth of vacation days."

The birds fly away as the people jump and look at the castle, before quickly moving out of the way of the path towards the gate.

In a room, Flynn jumps in shock, falling out of his sleeping chair. Flynn quickly got up and ran to the door. He looks around, then runs to where the source of the noise. Flynn slips into the room and hides behind a pillar, taking a peak out around the corner.

"You brought him to the castle," Elinor shouts, angered.

"Oh, quiet up! You haven't found him and I wasn't gonna throw him out to fend of himself, forcing him to steal again," Merida shouts back.

"I can't imagine speaking to my mother like that." Mask said, visibly frightened by Merida's temper.

Merida is standing in the room in front of her mother and father, fuming. Her hands were clutched into fists, her face was red, and she was shaking with anger. Flynn's eyes widen.


"Oh boy, this isn't good."


"How can you do this to me! Didn't you care about my feelings or what I would think?!"


"Every princess must do this Merida. It is her job and her duty as a princess."


"So arranging a contest so three heirs can try to win my hand WITHOUT me knowing is your idea of peace?!"

"MOTHER," Merida screams, standing up in her seat.

"When are you gonna understand that I'm not some person you can order around! I'm not marrying nobody that you choose for me," Merida screams. Merida sits back down in her seat with her arms crossed.

Toothless rubs his ears. "I really think I'm gonna end up deaf by the time we're done here."

"Join the club, we have salmon." Mask said, ears slightly ringing from the proximity.

Flynn gasps.


"Definitely an 'oh boy'."

King Fergus steps forward.


"Now Merida, you can't stay single forever."

Merida turns on him in an instant.


"You're agreeing with her?!"

"Way to lose points with your daughter, King Dad!" Hiccup called, earning a few chuckles.

Fergus groans, holding his head in his hands. He never liked making his daughter angry and liked her the way she is.

King Fergus flinches.


"What about my freedom?!"

Queen Elinor adopts a stern expression.


"You're going to give it up."

Flynn and Merida both gasp; him in shock, her in anger.



Merida tenses, but before she could go on another screaming match, Hiccup reached over and covered her mouth and gave her a look, pleading her to stay quiet.


"You're going to give up your freedom, you're going to give up sword fighting, you're going to give up archery, you're going to start acting like a princess today. No more freedom, no more exploring. It's time to start acting like Princess, Merida."

Merida goes to shout but Queen Elinor holds up a hand.


"My decision is final. Say good-bye Merida."

Merida SCREAMS into her mother's face. King Fergus and Queen Elinor stand in shock.




"Good grief..."


"Fine! Have it your way! Now you deal with the consequences!"

Elinor looked worried, despite shocked that her daughter screamed in her face.

Merida turns and runs out the door. Queen Elinor still looks shocked. King Fergus looks at his wife.


"Why did you have to take it that far? I agreed to the marriage, not to take away what makes Merida happy."

Queen Elinor looked at her husband.


"To be a proper wife and queen Merida must give up what makes her happy. She will find new happiness, like how I did."

King Fergus shook his head.


"But she isn't you, just like how she isn't me. You can't control her like that."

Queen Elinor glares at her husband, who remains steadfast.


"It may be a little of my fault for agreeing to the marriage, but whatever happens now, is entirely your fault."

"Thanks, dad!"

Fergus lets out a small smile.

"And the lost points have been regained." Mask sighed.

"Oh, cut him some slack. Jolly guys like Fergus are always sweet on their daughters." Triforce smiled.

King Fergus walks out the room, leaving a shocked Queen standing still in her spot. Queen Elinor removes herself from her shocked state and begins speed walking after her husband.

Flynn, taking the empty room to his advantage, runs out of the room. After hiding behind statues, behind corners, and silently walking behind some guards, Flynn finally reaches his destination. He knocks quickly and quietly.


"Come in, Flynn."

Flynn stepped inside the room, closing the door. Merida turned and looked at him and gave a small smirk.


"Only you would be silent when you knock on my door. You're the only one who does knock quietly actually."

Flynn laughs as he walks over to Merida's dresser, standing on the opposite side of the door.


"Well, I have to be silent, or I would be caught a lot."

Merida laughs and turns towards her bed. Flynn's face loses its smirk as he peers over from where his place at the dresser and looked to see what Merida was doing. Merida was packing food in a medium size bag, three black capes were lying next to the bag.


"Your father scolded your mother about what she did. He said that while it may be part of his fault that he agreed to the marriage, anything that happens now is your mother's fault."


"Thanks, dad."

People blinked at the words Merida just said a couple seconds ago and to now.

Merida grabs a cape and tosses it over her shoulder to Flynn who catches it. The cape is black with turquoise surrounding the edges of the cape and the ends.


"Put it on. I got four more just in case."

Instead of turquoise, Merida's cape has red surrounding the edges and the ends. Flynn put it on.


"We're leaving?"


"Oh yeah, we are. Let's go get Rapunzel. We both know that she's been trying to find a way to leave her tower after she discovered she was kidnapped."

Gothel gasped and looks shocked. What?

Mask goes aside to Triforce. "Remind me, at what point in your story did you get these guys; like which chapter?"

"A couple days before this one," Triforce said.


Merida, Rapunzel, Flynn, and Pascal all laugh. Rapunzel opens her mouth to speak-


"Rapunzel! Let down your hair!"

GASPS. Pascal falls off Rapunzel's shoulder. Rapunzel scoops him up.


"Quick! Hide!"

Rapunzel runs to the window to let Gothel in. Merida and Flynn runs to the hole in the floor. Merida exits first, Flynn follows and closes the opening. They start walking, but Flynn trips. He shoots his arms out to catch himself, and Merida covers his mouth with her hands. Muffled talking between Rapunzel and Gothel can be heard. Flynn's boot lace is stuck in a crack. They trade exasperated looks. Merida crawls over and pulls the lace out of the crack. They push a stone out of the way. They gasp silently as Gothel stops right in front of them, watching as Rapunzel walks up the stairs. She CHUCKLES cruelly.


"It's very easy to fool Rapunzel with how naive I made her. Then again, kidnapping her from her real family so I can stay young for years because of the flower's powers is what I really want her for."

"You know, there's something called a Villain Ball. Whenever someone holds it, they do a lot of things that typical villains do, including foolishly blurting out their plans." Mask groaned.

"But amusing when they suddenly ask, 'How did you know?!'. You can't help but give them the 'Are-you-serious' look," Triforce commented.

They cover their mouths, but their eyes are wide open. Rapunzel comes back down the stairs and hugs Gothel.


"My new dress is hanging with the others. Thanks, mother!"

Gothel puts on a fake smile and returns the hug.


"No problem my dear. But I must be off, I have to go grab the berries in the bushes before the birds eat them all."

After Gothel leaves, Merida and Flynn come out and tell Rapunzel. No words are heard, but Rapunzel looks very upset and angry but she hugs Merida and Flynn.

-End Flashback-

Gothel looks at Rapunzel, only to see her cross her arms and look away.

"Honestly, why would she even think of getting sympathy from the girl she whisked away from her parents?" Hiccup asked, disgusted with Gothel's greed.

Merida walks towards the door and opens it.


"Come on. The faster we move, the better."

Flynn nods and follows Merida, shutting the door behind him. Merida and Flynn snuck past guards and through the kitchen. Flynn couldn't help but grab a pastry and eat it, causing Merida to shake her head.


"Sometimes, you are like my brothers."

Flynn smiles and winks.


"Well, you and Rapunzel are like sisters to me."

Rapunzel, Merida, and Flynn look at each other and smile.

"Honestly, are you lot having a competition as to which bonding scene is more adorable?" Mask groaned, again.

She rolls her eyes, but she's visibly touched. Once outside, Merida and Flynn run to stables and to Angus. Once aboard, Merida has Angus ride to the gates and into the forest.


They arrive in front of the vines to the entrance that leads to Rapunzel's tower. Merida and Flynn walk through the vines and to the tower, Angus following. Rapunzel's at the window. She waves. They wave back.


"Is Gothel coming back soon?"


"No! She's gone for three days."


"Good. Pack up, Rapunzel! We're leaving!"


"Really! You mean that I don't have to stay in this cove anymore?! That I can step outside the vines?!"

Merida and Flynn laugh and nod. Rapunzel squeals and runs away from the window. Shortly after, golden hair flies out the window. Rapunzel slides down her hair, with Pascal on her shoulder. Rapunzel touches down and Merida walks up to her.


"Let me braid your hair so it doesn't get in the way."

It takes time, but Rapunzel's hair is in a pretty braid. Merida hands Rapunzel a cape that had pink surrounding the edges of the cape and the ends. The three ride out on Angus, Rapunzel's squealing of happiness and excitement following. The three laugh as Angus runs in a direction in the forest.

The scene changes again, this time at Jamie's house.

Jamie's mother was sitting in a chair, listening as Jamie told him what happened the other day with Jack, his best friend.


"-And then Jack came out of nowhere, throwing snow all over me! It was so cold!"

Jamie shivers as he remembers this. Emily laughs.

Jack smirks, looking at Jamie a teasing look.


"Well, son, that was a great story. You have an amazing imagination."

Jamie frowns.


"It's not my imagination. Jack Frost is real. You need to believe in him the see him."

Emily shakes her head but smiles thoughtfully.

"Hmm...maybe she does." Merida grinned.

Three knocks are heard at the door. Emily turned towards the door in confusion.


"Strange, I'm not expecting anyone today."

Emily walks towards the door and opens it. She immediately SLAMS it shut, and seals herself against it.

"We should probably warn any of the younger members to avert their eyes. This next part isn't for the faint of heart." Mask cautioned.


"Open the door right now!"

Emily tenses, her eyes going wide. No, no, no, no, no! What was Markus doing at her house? No, forget that. How was she gonna protect Jamie from him?

Emily runs to her son, grabs his hand and runs to the cabinets under the sink. Opening it, she pulls out a backpack and hands it to Jamie.


"Your sister is safe at her friend's house, but you are not. You need to run Jamie. Run and don't turn back."

The banging at the door intensifies. Emily puts Jamie's shoes on his feet and the backpack on his back. Poor Jamie looks confused.


"Mom, what is going on?"

His mother grabs him by the shoulders and looks him in the eye.


"Your father has come for you."

Jamie's eyes widen in horror. Emily opens the back door and pushes him outside.

Jamie gasps, paling. He begins to shake in his seat, fear flooding his being. Pitch smiled at the fear he was getting from the mother and her son.


"Run Jamie, run!"

Jamie turns and sprints as fast as he can. Emily watches him until she hears the door break down. She seizes up before her features in contort in enmity. She turns to see a greasy looking heavyset man with a pistol in his left hand.

Those who knew what a gun was gasped when they saw the weapon in his hands and feared for poor Emily's life.

"Keep it together..." Mask admonished himself, while gripping his fists tightly.


"Hello, Emily."



Markus looks around.


"Where's my son?"

Emily lifted her head up.


"You mean Jamie? He's not your son."


"Jamie? Is that my son's name? Has a nice ring to it. So, where is he?"

"He's not your son you twisted monster," Emily screamed.

Emily remains silent, annoying Markus. He glances at the empty door and then the forest. He smirks.


"You told him to run, didn't you?"

She gulps to clear her throat; he's got his answer and shakes his head in disappointment.


"How far do you think that he's going to get?"

He walks past Emily, pushing her out of the way and into the wall as he walks out the back door. Emily quickly recovers. She leaps on his back and SCREAMS FURIOUSLY. She strikes him in the head and he begins to bleed. He does his best to throw her off, but she locks her legs under his armpits, continuing to bludgeon him in the skull with her fists.

Viking women smiled at the fighting spirit Emily had to protect her son.

Markus lifts his gun to her leg and fires. Emily screams and falls.

"Coward!" Mask roared.

Markus turns to Emily and kicks her in the chest before running into the forest.

Jack lands in the yard, smiling. He sees Emily holding her leg and grows concerned.


"What happened to you?"

"What, Jack Frost, couldn't hear the gunshot," April mocked.

"He was too far away to hear the gunshot. He can fly fast and that's how he ended up there seconds after, but during the seconds before that Jack could have been miles away when the gun went off," Triforce said.

April went silent, an angry frown on her face.

People run over to the yard, running to Emily; Jamie's friends are with them too.


"Emily! Are you alright? We heard screaming and a gunshot."


"Her leg!"

They all look at Emily's wounded legs. The mothers grab their kids, moving them away from the site. Pippa's mom, Cassy, grabs her phone and calls 911. Jack gasps and walks closer to Emily, kneeling next to her. Jack looked down at Emily's leg. He looks back up when Emily spoke.


"He came! Jamie's real father came for him! Markus is not supposed to be out of prison! He must have escaped! I told Jamie to run into the forest to get away, but Markus is chasing after him! I tried to slow Markus down, but he shot me in the leg!"

The men try to keep Emily down. Jack pales at the thought of Jamie in danger. Jack stands up and turns towards the forest.


"No, don't move! You're losing blood!"


"No! My son is in danger! I'm going to go find him!"

Just then, a car arrives and Steve runs out, Sophie following him. Steve goes to Emily's side.





Emily grips Steve's shirt as she weeps. Sophie's being lead away from the scene by another mother and to the other kids.


"Markus came. Jamie's running. They're both in the forest!"

Steve stands up.


"You guys stay here and try and tone down the bleeding, I'm going after Jamie."


"I'm going with you."

Steve nods. They both run into the forest. Jack looks at them before looking back at Emily. Emily grew paler.


"She won't make it by the time the ambulance gets here."

Jack kneels next to Emily again.

Jack stares down at the wound before looking at the men who were trying to take off their jackets to stop the bleeding.

Jack looks at the wound, reaches out, and touches it. Jack freezes the wound with thick ice, so the wound would numb, but at the same time, slow down the bleeding.

As Jack did this, he didn't see Emily's eyes slowly blink at the ice forming on her leg before looking at him, his form becoming visible to her.


"Jack Frost."

Jack, hearing his name, looks up at Emily, who looks at him. Jack gasps in surprise; an adult who believes.

All spirits and the Guardians jaws dropped in shock, Jack included. An adult sees Jack, an adult.

"Why so shocked," Gobber asked.

"Well, you know how I said children see us spirits? Well, adults can to, but that is rare, considering the fact that they lose their belief. Some can keep it, but what they see is very limited," Jack explained.


"Save my son."

Jack nods firmly, stands, and flies off into the forest.

The scene changes to show Jamie. Jamie pants as he continues running. He looks behind him quickly. Markus' bellows an echo around the forest


"You can run, Jamie! But I will find you, no matter where you are!"

Jamie whimpers. Suddenly, a hand reaches out and grabs Jamie, making Jamie scream and kick and throw his arms around. Markus tries to pin Jamie, but Jamie hits a sore spot with his leg. Markus lets him go, holding his prized area.

"Man or beast, that always hurts." Mask chuckles, before giving Jamie a thumbs up.

Jamie blushes at the cheers his action caused as Jack rubbed his head, a bit of a protective flare in it.

Jamie runs again, the scream of pain and anger and running footsteps making him run faster.

Jamie runs around the trees. Jamie stops and looks behind him, seeing that Markus didn't see him. Jamie runs into a small hole between two rocks. Jamie stops breathing when Markus walked into his view. Markus looks around and GROWLS before running off. Jamie sighs in relief and slowly crawls out. Jamie looked at where Markus ran off before slowly backing up.

A hand suddenly pins Jamie's hands to his sides and pulls him into a chest. Jamie's ready to scream before a hand covers his mouth.

Everyone tenses, thinking Markus caught Jamie again.


"Relax Jamie, it's me. Jack."

Sighing, everyone smiled at the fact Jack got there.

Jamie shoved Jack, prompting Jack to push Jamie back.

Jamie sighs in relief as Jack lets him go. Jamie turns around and hugs Jack. Jack hugs Jamie back with one arm, looking around before jumping up into a tree. Jack looks down at Jamie as Jamie looked up at him.


"Your mom's fine, I froze her wound a bit so she could live."

Jamie sighed in relief and hugs Jack again.


"Thank you, Jack. But I can't go home. Markus will find me there and hurt someone else. He wants me so bad."


"Then I'll take you with me. I'm won't let him get you, not when I'm around."

"Yeah, I'm not gonna let that man hurt you, Jamie. I'll die first," Jack stated.

"Looks, like you got your own bodyguard Jamie, but you might want to add five more because we aren't gonna let him hurt you either," Flynn said.

Jamie looks shocked but smiles in excitement.


"Thanks, Jack."

Jack smiles, lifts Jamie into his arms, and flies off in a random direction.

The scene changes to black.

Suddenly, flames burst in front of the screen. Two silhouetted boys walk through it. They stare into an orange sunset overtop a cliffside. They run and jump, disappearing from view. Seconds later, a boy rides a dragon towards the sunset. The dragon ROARS in triumph.

Vines cover the screen, but they slowly part way to reveal three silhouetted teenagers riding through a thick green forest on a horse. The horse NEIGHS loudly.

Ice covers the screen, then shatters to see two silhouetted boys walking through a blue snowstorm, but wearing bright smiles through it.

"Well, that was an interesting prologue." Mask grinned.

"I asked you to do it, and they seem to like it," Triforce said, pointing at the awed crowd.


Me: I hope you guy's liked this somewhat.

Mask and I are doing what we can to get this stuff done, but don't rush us!

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