A Whirlwind's A Comin' - A Yo...

By GreaserMcGoo27

397 48 21

When the Regulators somehow get transported to the year 1965 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, they bump into the Greasers... More



225 5 6
By GreaserMcGoo27

A/N: So I lied, I guess. I changed my mind and decided to include Doc and Chavez in this story because it wouldn't be the same without them. Yen Sun isn't in this though, so sorry.

I tried to do the Regulators best I could so sorry if they don't talk Western enough.

Please enjoy the first chap and lemme know what ya think. :)

Sodapop mopped the floor of the DX, letting out a sigh, bored. Steve was lying back on his chair behind the counter, reading a car magazine, yawning.

"Man, if we don't get any customers soon, this is gonna be a long night." He gruffed, it being a slow day.

"Hey, there's only like two hours left until we close." Soda shrugged. "Then we're home free."

"But still, that's two hours wasted jus' sittin' here. Somebody has to come in...." Steve huffed.

"Well, maybe they're all jus-"

"Hold the phone," Steve interrupted, sitting up, watching out the glass wall.

"What? What?" Soda questioned.

"Look." Steve slowly pointed and stood, eyebrows furrowing.

Soda looked and his eyes widened as he saw what had caught Steve's attention.

Six horses were making their way towards the DX and it looked like each one had someone sitting in the saddle.

"Steve? Are those......cowboys?" Soda slowly asked, watching the horses, a little confused.

"I dunno.....but whoever the hell they are, they better not let their horses sh** in our parking lot." Steve mused, watching as the men rode their horses up to the building, looked around a little and then eventually tied up their horses to the bike rack as they each hopped off.

"They sure look like cowboys," Soda blinked as he watched them, seeing one was very tall, another short and one was blonde. They all looked like teenagers.

"Well then what are they doing here? They can't be getting gas." Steve shook his head a little, watching.

"Well here they come." Soda straightened a little as he watched the strangers come to the door, the little bell ringing.

The tall one gave the short one a push as he led the rest inside. "I don't wanna hear it, Kid, now shut the hell up. Now be respectable."

Soda blinked as the tall one walked the others in and looked at Steve, then Soda.

His expression was like granite, hard and mean, almost emotionless, his dark brown eyes giving him a look that showed he was in charge. He was very tall, with black hair and a large cowboy hat, a handkerchief around his neck.

Soda couldn't help but gape a little as the others filed in around the tall one and Soda almost squeaked when he saw all of them had holsters with big, shiny guns in them.

Suddenly realising this could be a robbery, he stepped a little closer towards Steve, mumbling an 'uh oh.'

The others were looking around and murmuring to each other lowly while the short one was smiling and giggling.

Soda instantly did a double-take when he looked at the short one, not sure if he was seeing him right.

"Uh, Soda, is that Two-Bit?" Steve murmured to Soda quietly, looking confused as well.

"I-I don't think so...." Soda blinked, watching with furrowed eyebrows, eyes drawn to the one that looked like their buddy.

The tall one gave the giggling short one an elbow to the stomach with a hiss, eyebrows furrowed. "Enough." Then he cleared his throat and looked at Steve and Soda.

"Howdy. My name's Richard. Err, this is my gang." He nodded back, looking tough with his granite expression.

Steve and Soda slowly nodded, eyes scanning over Richard and then the other boys, looking them over.

One was an Indian, another was a little pudgy, and another was completely covered in dirt, filthy.

"Well, i'm Steve and this is Soda," Steve swallowed and pointed to his friend, still skeptical, looking at Richard. "What can we help you with?"

Richard's eyes went narrow as he glared back as the short one suddenly wandered off to look at the many rows of chips, a few of the others following. "Um," He seemed to pause, clearing his throat. "Might I ask what year is it?" He looked a little skeptical.

Soda looked at Steve, blinking. "Why, it's 1965."

Richard's eyebrows raised to his forehead, his mouth an 'o' and his head quickly turned to face the blonde. "Ya hear that, Doc?"

The blonde looked surprised too. "Wh-What do you make of it, Dick?"

"Somethin' wrong?" Soda frowned a little, swallowing.

Richard looked back at him. "Um, no, no. Everything's fine." He gave a nod, huffing. "And we're in Tulsa, correct?"

"Of course." Soda nodded, eyeing over the blonde, taking in his features.

He was very handsome with long, soft, blonde hair and green eyes and looked very friendly. But he still had a gun like the rest of them.

Richard looked back at Doc and murmured something that Soda and Steve couldn't hear.

Suddenly there was a yell from the back of the store and what sounded like a hissing noise, followed by crazy laughter.

Soda and Steve's eyes widened and immediately looked around for Two-Bit, thinking it was him because of the all too familiar laugh, but Two-Bit wasn't here.

Richard whirled around and Doc turned too.

"Chivato!" Someone yelled.

"What's going on?!" Richard barked.

Suddenly the short one came running up towards the front holding a large bottle of pop in his hands, pop spraying out everywhere as he had one of his fingers in the top of the bottle, laughing crazily.

"Boy this place sure has some crazy things!" He laughed and pop kept spraying out, getting some on Doc and Richard.

"Hey! Sh**, watch it Kid, put it down," Doc hissed, reaching for it as the pop finally stopped coming out.

"Uhhh, he's gonna have to pay for that ya know," Steve drawled out, a brow raised, watching skeptically.

Richard growled as he glared angrily at the short one, reaching a hand in his pocket, putting some coins on the counter with a scowl.

Doc took the bottle away from the short one with a glare. "Jesus Kid, where did ya find this? Ya ain't supposed to be touching stuff."

"Back there." The short one grinned. "Hell I didn't know it was gonna do that...." He giggled.

Soda and Steve watched him closely, still wondering if it was really Two-Bit all dressed up like a cowboy. But this person, Two-Bit or not, was blonde and he had sideburns all the way down to his chin. Two-Bit's weren't that long.

Doc grabbed the smiling one by the arm. "Come on now, let's take it back where ya found it." He huffed, dragging him to the back.

"I'm sorry about my gang," Richard started, making Steve and Soda look at him. "We're jus' a little......lost.....and tired. We don't really know where we are and we're lookin' for a place to stay and a hot meal."

"A place to stay?" Soda's eyebrows raised and Steve's glanced at him skeptically.

Richard nodded, laughter heard from the back of the store. "Yes sir."

Soda hesitated and eyed him. "Are y'all real cowboys?"

Richard looked a little confused. "Um, of course."

Suddenly there was that crazy laughter again and the pudgy one and the filthy one suddenly ran around the corner, looking back as the short one ran after them. "Stop it, Kid!"

"Whoa, whoa, hey hey!" Richard growled and grabbed the short one by his shirt as he ran by. "What are you doing Kid?!" He snarled at him.

The one who everybody kept calling Kid squirmed a little as Richard held him off the ground. "Just playing tag, Dick....!"

"Well quit playing tag and stop running around!" Richard hissed and threw him to the floor with a glare. "Leave Steve and Charley alone!"

Soda and Steve watched, trying to see if it was Two-Bit. He looked just like him, same exact build: Short with a wide, adorable grin and bright, happy, blue eyes. The only thing different was his hair.....

The boy just giggled a little and scrambled away with a laugh and a happy smile.

Richard scowled angrily, growling out some swear words under his breath.

"Um, hey, if you'd like, you could come over to my place to stay." Soda offered kindly, starting to believe he and Steve weren't going to be robbed.

"Soda," Steve frowned and looked at him, not sure.

Richard looked relieved. "Whoa, for real? You sure?"

Soda ignored Steve with furrowed eyebrows, giving him a look. "Yeah, sure. My brother won't mind. I don't think......"

"Wow, that'd be great," Richard gave a nod, looking hopeful. "Thank you.....um, Sodapop?" He looked at Soda's name tag on his DX shirt.

Suddenly there came a shout from the back of the store where the others were. "Greaser!"

Steve and Soda tensed and instantly flinched, looking around for Socs, balling their fists, preparing for a fight.

"Rrr, Steve enough! Leave Chavez alone! Don't make me come back there!" Richard yelled, glaring back where scuffling could be heard.

Steve and Soda blinked, looking at each other, not seeing any Socs.

"Navajo!" The same voice yelled and it sounded like he was fighting someone.

Then there were some grunts and huffs. "We got it, Richard!" Doc yelled out.

Richard gave a snort and shook his head. "Sorry. When could we drop by?" He looked at Soda hopefully, wanting to be able to rest, his gang driving him crazy.

"Oh well, I should prolly call my brother Darry, first. So he knows how many to cook for." Soda swallowed a little. "Just six of you?"

"Um, yeah. Jus' six."

"Soda, I dunno if Darry will like this," Steve grabbed Soda by the arm, hissing a little, not willing to trust these guys yet, looking at Dick.

Richard watched, raising a brow at the two with a thin line of a frown.

"Come on, Steve." Soda hissed at his friend. "They've got nowhere else to go."

"So? Jus' look at them...." Steve said lowly.

The short one who got called Kid suddenly laughed crazily and came running around the corner, another bottle of pop in his hands, spraying pop everywhere, the others chasing after him, trying to stop him.


"Kid! Stop it!"

Richard whirled around with a growl, eyes going narrow, snarling at the Kid.

The young boy laughed hysterically and ignored the others, running up to Richard, spraying him with the pop with a smirk.

"God d*****, Kid! Jesus Christ, gimme that!" Richard snarled and swore, snatching the bottle away with a glare, now spraying it at the Kid.

The Kid just laughed and cackled and tried to block himself from getting sprayed. "Hey hey, stop it, stop!" He laughed.

Steve and Soda just watched skeptically, brows raised, Soda smirking a little, trying not to laugh.

Steve gave him a sort of glare, huffing. "See what I mean? They're insane!"

"They're not insane, they're just kids." Soda huffed with a look. "Come on, they're no better than how we act."

"Well, i guess....." Steve mumbled, watching as Dick whacked the Kid with the now empty bottle of pop.

"Hey, hey, cut it out!" The Kid whined through giggles even though the bigger one was hitting him, trying to block from getting hit.

"You little a******! God, now quit touchin' everythin'!" Richard snarled angrily, throwing the bottle aside, hitting the filthy one in the face, who let out an 'ow' and rubbed his head.

The Kid put up his hands in defense with a giggle, smirking happily. "Okay, okay, I got it, Dick...." His hair was wet and so was his face, wiping at it with a sleeve.

Richard snarled and wiped at his own face with his handkerchief, swearing with a angry glare. "Now get outta my sight...."

"Okay!" The Kid chirped and immediately bounced off, knocking a shelf over, the others scrambling to catch it before it hit the ground, hurrying after him.

"He's gotta pay for that pop, too...." Steve looked at Richard, watching him dig into his pocket with a snarl, pulling out some money, adding it to the rest.

"Funny little bunch ya got here, huh?" Soda asked with a smirk, eyebrow raised.

"Who me?" Dick's eyebrows raised, looking taken aback, but only for a second, scoffing. "Godless heathens is what they are. Drive me insane."

"Yeah, we drive my brother crazy too. He's like our leader too. But he keeps us in line."

"Puh, good for him. My boys hardly listen to me...." Dick murmured and turned to see the Kid suddenly standing next to him, licking at an ice cream cone happily with a smile.

"What the-? Where did you get that?" Dick hissed with a growl, balling his fists.

"Found it." The boy shrugged and licked happily with sparkling eyes.

"You f***** I told you to stop touching everythin'....." Richard hissed with a mean growl.

The Kid didn't listen, looking over at Soda and Steve, perking up as he read their name tags. "Ey, Sodapop!" He popped the last p in Soda's name.

"Gee that's a cool name! And to think I coulda been named Soda, Dick!" He giggled, smiling up at the tall one happily who just rolled his eyes with an angry scowl.

The happy, smiling blonde went up to the counter with his ice cream, hopping up and sitting cross-legged in front of Steve on the counter with a beaming smile.

"And wow, look a Steve! Jus' like ours, 'cept your face ain't covered with dirt." He laughed.

"Get off the counter, Kid," Richard hissed and pulled at the boy's shirt. "You'll get dirt everywhere....."

The boy's eyebrows raised. "Well then if I got it on this Steve, then he'd really look like Dirty Steve then huh?" He laughed happily and loudly.

Steve just looked skeptical, glancing at Soda with a weird look.

"Come on, Kid!" Richard snarled and grabbed the Kid's shirt, yanking him off the counter himself with a huff.

"And give me that ice cream!" He snatched the ice cream cone away, holding it away.

"Hey gimme back my ice cream!" The boy whined with a huff and started reaching for it but Richard held it above his head and the Kid was too short to reach it. "Dick! Give it back, no fair!"

Richard just sneered and pushed the Kid away with his other arm, scowling. "Maybe if you had listened to me, I wouldn't have had to take it away!"

The Kid growled and pushed Dick's arm off him, glaring, trying to reach for it again. "Give it back, Dick!"

Richard snorted and just held it away with a mean look, huffing.

"Hey man, just give it back to him," Soda frowned a little, watching, not understanding the problem.

Richard glanced at him and opened his mouth to say something but the Kid suddenly elbowed him hard in the stomach.

Dick growled in pain and hunched over to hold his stomach with his arms, swearing, and the Kid snatched his ice cream cone, instantly darting away.

"God d*****! Kid! Get your scrawny rat's a** back here now!" Richard snarled, reaching to almost pull out his gun.

Soda and Steve saw this and swallowed a little, both frowning, sharing a look.

"Um, how about I call my brother now?" Soda asked Richard softly, figuring he better let Darry know.

Richard turned and straightened himself, looking respectable again. "Yes, yes, that'd be great, thank you."

Soda nodded and went to the phone and Steve looked at Richard and held out a hand expectantly, eyebrows raised.

Richard growled and swore again, pulling out some more money to pay for the Kid's ice cream cone.

A few of the others came back around to the front, the Indian and the pudgy one and the one who Steve assumed was Dirty Steve, since he was the one covered in filth and dirt.

Soda went to the phone, dialing his number, waiting for Darry to pick up.


"Hey Dar," Soda smiled a little. "Hey, mind if I bring some friends over tonight? They need some supper and a place to stay. They just....uh, rode into town." He smirked a little, shaking his head.

"Um, sure Soda if they need a place to stay.....how many, i'll start cooking." Darry said calmly.

"Uh, six." Soda swallowed, knowing that was a lot.

"Six? Soda, that's nine people to feed....!" Darry frowned.

"I know, Darry, but they're a gang and there's six of 'em. They really need a meal and a good place to sleep. Come on, Darry, they're just kids like us." Soda frowned and looked back at the Regulators, seeing the filthy one and the Indian elbowing and shoving at each other roughly.

Darry let out a long, deep sigh. "Okay Soda.....but this is gonna be a big meal. I dunno if I have enough to cook for everyone."

"It's okay, Darry, I don't have to eat much, neither does Pony, I can eat some cake or chips or something if I have to.....Pony don't hardly eat much to begin with anyways." Soda shrugged.

"Well, alright. But I hope these friends of yours ain't expecting a huge feast." Darry sighed, running a hand over his face. "I'll start supper right away."

"Okay Darry, we'll be home after awhile. Thanks, I owe ya one." Soda smiled.

"Uh huh, you sure do. See ya, little colt." Darry shook his head and hung up.

Soda just smiled softly and hung up, coming back over to an expectant Richard. "Well, my brother said it would be okay. He'll start cooking right away."

"Oh wow, this is so great, thanks a million, Soda," Richard managed a soft smile, shaking Soda's hand in relief. "Y'all hear that boys?"

Dirty Steve and Chavez looked up from Chavez holding Steve in a choke hold and Charley looked over too.

"You mean, we're gonna have a place to stay?" He asked softly, looking timid.

"Yes, Charley." Richard nodded, relieved himself.

Chavez let go of Steve and said something in spanish. "It's about time," Dirty Steve huffed. "Why we coulda starved.....!"

"Not with your appetite, dirt face," Chavez sneered at him.

"Shut up, Greaser!" Dirty Steve snapped at him, almost punching him.

Soda and Steve flinched at the name and blinked, shifting a little on their feet.

Chavez and Dirty Steve were soon tustling with each other in another fight and Charley slowly made his way over to Richard at the counter, looking timid with his huge, brown eyes.

"H-Howdy, my name's Charley." He gave a nod, standing straight, looking at Soda and Steve. "I-I'm a pugilist. Sure is mighty fine of y'all to give us a place to stay." He looked relieved.

"Of course," Soda nodded, eyeing the pugilist over, reminded of Johnny with his big, brown eyes and almost cowardly appearance. His beard was scraggly and he looked friendly enough but also scared.

Richard looked at Charley and gave him a nod of approval and Charley nodded and slowly stepped back to join the others.

"Well, Richard, we can go home as soon as we close up for the night here. Should be about another hour or so." Soda nodded, shrugging.

"Okay. You mind if we stick around here?" Richard asked calmly.

"Not at all." Soda shrugged, not minding. "So.....y'all from the past or what?"

"Huh?" Richard frowned.

"Well ya came in here askin' what year it is and y'all seemed mesmerized by the stuff here. Not to mention y'all riding horses instead of having cars."

"Oh." Richard paused. "Somethin' like that I guess. We dunno what happened. Jus' showed up here all of a sudden, who knows?" He rubbed at the back of his neck, shrugging, looking skeptical.

"So time travel does exist.....cool." Sodapop smiled, nodding and Steve just crossed his arms, watching.

"Well uh, suppose I should introduce ya to the boys," Richard gruffed. "You met Charley. Over there is Dirty Steve and Chavez. They're always fighting. And there is Doc and the Kid."

Soda slowly nodded, glancing at everyone, wondering if this so called 'Kid' even had a real name.

"So y'all are a gang huh?" Steve asked.

"Of course! We're the Regulators!" The Kid exclaimed happily, popping up beside Richard, making him jump and scowl.

"Regulators, huh?" Soda nodded with a soft smirk. "Cool name. We ain't got a name, really. We're just Greasers."

"Greasers?" Richard's eyebrows raised and glanced over at Chavez once, who was still fighting with Dirty Steve, both hollering at each other and swearing. "Oh."

"Well I think they're mighty fine, boys," The Kid chirped, crossing his arms over his chest, rocking on his heels. "Giving us a place to stay and all."

"What do you know, Kid?" Richard sneered. "Didn't I tell you to get outta my sight?"

"Even if you did, I ain't leavin'. I can stay and talk to the nice gents here." The Kid huffed with a shrug.

"Yeah, well-" Richard gasped a little and he and the Kid ducked as some of Chavez's knives came flying in their direction, landing in the wall behind them, nearly hitting them.

Soda gasped and stepped back but Richard and the Kid seemed completely used to it.

"Maybe you should listen to me," Richard huffed and poked the Kid's chest.

The Kid huffed with a shrug, giving him a look that showed he wasn't scared. "Yeah? Says who?"

"I do, you twit!" Richard snapped with a growl, glaring. "Maybe if you knew how to not f*** things up!"

"Oh I f*** things up? Well sorry to rain on your pity parade, Dick, but I ain't the source of the problem." The Kid huffed, having attitude.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Dick growled.

"It means, i'm not the a****** f****** things up for everyone...."

Richard scoffed in almost disbelief, looking almost amused. "Really? Think so huh? Well lemme show you how things really get f***** up!" He snapped and shoved the Kid, tackling him down to the floor.

Sodapop gasped and watched with big eyes as the two began fighting on the floor. "Stop it, stop it! What's the matter with you two?!"

The Kid punched at Richard and kicked, trying not to get pummeled as Dick was much bigger and stronger than him, getting punched over and over in hatred.

"You ruined our f****** lives, Kid! You ruined everything! John's dead because of you!"

"Richard, Richard, stop it, stop!" Doc hurried over to try and break up the fight as Soda watched in horror.

The Kid snarled and managed to kick Dick off of him and into the wall, scrambling up and running towards the back of the store.

Richard already lept to his feet and snarled, chasing after him. Charley, Doc and Chavez hurried after him to try to keep him from pummeling the Kid.

Richard ran up behind the Kid and shoved him harshly into the glass doors of the pop coolers with a snarl, swearing and cussing him out.

The Kid tried to scramble away when Dick grabbed him and started slamming his head into the glass doors, making the Kid yelp in pain.

"Richard, stop it, stop!" Doc shouted as he tried to pull Richard away.

"Steve, they're gonna kill each other, whatta we do?!" Soda frowned with worry, unable to see what was happening, worried for the two that were fighting, mostly the Kid.

"Nothin' we can do, really...." Steve shrugged with a swallow, trying to watch.

Richard was shouting at the Kid and roughly shoved him to the floor as Doc and Chavez managed to hold him back. "I hate you, Kid! I hate your f****** guts!"

The Kid scrambled to his feet to get away and Dick snarled, pulling out his gun. "Oh no you don't!"

"Richard, no!" Doc shouted as Richard cocked his gun, aiming.

The Kid heard it and got back on the floor, whipping out his own gun in defense, cocking it hurriedly, not afraid to shoot.

"No Chivato!" Chavez hissed as he watched.

"Oh Christ!" Charley cried. "Everyone just stop fighting! Put the guns away!"

Soda gasped when he heard Charley, ducking under the counter a little. "Get down Steve, they're gonna shoot!"

Steve ducked, and Soda was terrified that someone was going to be killed.

Chavez grabbed away Richard's gun before he could shoot and Richard snarled, breaking free, starting for the Kid, who put his gun away and started running.

Dick tackled him quickly and pinned him down and the Kid punched him with a snarl, kicking and trying to flip him.

Soda and Steve watched with big eyes as the others hurriedly ran over, pulling Dick off him.

"You piece of sh**! I hate you! I wish you were never born! I never wanna see you again!" Richard shouted angrily in fury, kicking as the others held him back, glaring daggers at the Kid.

Dirty Steve helped the Kid up, who didn't say anything but panted and glared at Dick with narrowed eyes, his cheek red and bleeding.

"Get the f*** outta here, get out! F*** off!" Richard shouted in pure anger, kicking around and the Kid turned and started marching out without saying anything, looking mad.

"Chivato," Chavez grabbed his arm to try and stop him but the Kid shoved him off and marched out.

Soda gaped and slowly stood up as Doc and Charley let Richard back on his own feet, who scowled and snarled angrily. "God!" He went on swearing a minute, fists balled.

Soda watched, not understanding why this guy seemed to have so much hatred towards that Kid, who seemed innocent enough. Why was Richard being so harsh to him?

"Richard," Doc panted and gave him a look but Richard just growled, catching his breath. "Don't start. Everything's fine. It's fine......!" He hissed and Charley shook with big eyes, looking afraid.

"At least apologize to the workers for making a ruckus in their store." Chavez frowned, nodding to Steve and Soda.

Richard looked over at them, eyes widening a little, having forgotten they were even still here. "Oh. Uh, sorry. Sorry."

"I-It's okay." Soda said slowly, still in shock. "As long as no one's hurt. What was the kerbubble about?"

Dick snorted. "Nothin' of importance. Jus' the Kid's d*** fault again. As usual." He sneered. "You can just ignore him from now on. He's grounded anyways, that b******."

"Oh." Soda swallowed hard, a little uneasy and intimidated, thinking of Darry and the rest of the gang.

"Anyways, where were we?" Richard straightened himself to look respectable, the others murmuring, it quiet now that the Kid had left.

"Um, well....." Soda shrugged, his voice trailing off, not knowing what to say. "Me and Steve can start closing up, that okay?"

"Sure. We'll keep outta your way." Dick nodded, stepping back with the others.


Dick kept his boys out of the way as Steve and Soda cleaned and stocked and were closing up the shop.

The Regulators murmured to each other, mainly about the fact they had no idea where they were and why and how they got to be in the year 1965.

"How are we gonna get home?" Charley frowned deeply, looking scared.

"Maybe we should just stay here. Looks better off here than it did back home." Dirty Steve huffed, spitting out some of his tobacco into the garbage can.

"Well I don't think we can even get back home, now." Doc said. "Richard?" He looked at their leader, who rubbed a hand over his face with a sigh.

"Don't look at me. I ain't got a clue neithers. Like Dirty Steve said, maybe staying here won't be so bad for us. At least until we know how to get home."

"Besides, they got all this weird food in these baggies," Charley grinned a little, holding up some chips. "Looks like we won't go hungry."

"Nah, we'll just feed off what's left of Dirty Steve when he gets picked over." Chavez smirked, pulling out one of his large knives.

"Hey!" Dirty Steve growled. "Why I outta-"

"Hey, that's enough, you two," Richard snapped. "Keep the fights limited for once, okay? Soon we'll be somewhere safe once these nice boys close up."

"Can't believe they let us stay," Charley smiled softly. "Why they mus-"

"Get back here you little sh**!" Someone yelled angrily and everyone looked over to see the Kid running inside hurriedly, a furious Dallas Winston chasing after him.

"Dally?" Soda frowned when he saw him.

Dallas glanced at them briefly, panting, taking off after the Kid. "I'll kill you!"

The Kid ran over to the rest of his gang, hiding in the back, ready to whip out his gun.

"Whoa, whoa, what's going on here?" Richard took a step forward, holding out a hand to Dallas.

Dally snarled. "That one of your boys? He slashed my tires!"

Richard looked back to glare at the Kid, scowling. "This true, Kid?"

"I didn't do nothin', I swear it." The Kid huffed with a mean look. "He's jus' hacking on me, that's all."

"Look, I saw you do it!" Dallas snarled accusingly.

"Okay, okay, jus' calm down. I'm sorry 'bout the Kid. He'll get punished for whatever it is he did, okay?" Dick said calmly, not wanting to cause trouble with the locals.

Dally panted heavily, growling. "Well I ain't through with him yet!" He snapped.

"Don't worry, he'll be taken care of. It won't happen again."

Dally scoffed. "Yeah, okay. But i'll be keeping an eye out." He huffed and eyed the cowboys over skeptically, turning and marching out.

Richard growled and grabbed the Kid by his shirt and Soda flinched, hoping he wouldn't start another fight.

"Rrrr, what the hell is the matter with you huh? I told you not to cause trouble here!"

"I said I didn't do anything!" The Kid snapped and shoved at Dick. "Someone else did it and that guy thought it was me. I watched the other guy do it! I ain't even got a knife on me and you know it." He huffed.

Richard snarled and let go of him. "Why should I believe you?"

"Because i'm your-"

"Richard," Doc interrupted, not wanting a fight anyways, nodding towards Soda and Steve. "I think they're finished."

Richard stood straighter and gave the Kid a look. "I ain't through with you, Kid. Okay, Regulators, let's move out."

Soda and Steve were done closing up and they came around from behind the corner, looking at the others expectantly.

"Uh, we'll be going to my place in my car. Y'all wanna follow on your horses?" Soda asked softly.

"Sure thing. Let's go, boys." Dick nodded.

"Last one to their horse has to eat horse sh**!" The Kid exclaimed with a whoop, running out.

"It's gonna be Chavez because he does it with his horse!" Dirty Steve snorted, running out after Billy, the Mexican Indian running after him with a snarl.

Charley jogged after them and Doc and Richard just shook their heads with embarrassment, walking out with Steve and Soda.

The two Greasers shared a look and Soda locked the door, watching as each Regulator hopped up on their horse.

The Kid had already untied his horse and was riding around in the parking lot, whooping.

"Come on, Dog," Dirty Steve huffed and gave Chavez a rough push, trying to knock him outta the saddle as he grabbed ahold of Dog's reins, the horse starting to gallop.

Chavez snarled and managed to grab the saddle before he could fall off, swearing as he sat back up straight, nudging his horse's side with a heel, his horse, Bailey, starting to follow after Dirty Steve.

"Jus look at 'em, Steve," Soda smirked a little. "They ain't so bad." Soda went to Steve's car.

Steve sneered. "Look like lots of trouble to me. You saw their guns."

"Think one of 'em will let me ride one of their horses, Steve?" Soda got in the passenger seat, thinking of Mickey Mouse.

"Well i'll be d***** if they do." Steve huffed, getting in, starting the engine.

Richard was on his horse, trying to get in front of the prancing horses to take charge. "Dirty Steve, Chavez, that's enough! Let's ride out!"

The Kid whooped happily as he and the others began to trot after Steve's car as he drove off, keeping close.

The Regulators looked around in awe at all the new sights, unfamiliar with the streets and signs and fancy houses, murmuring.

Doc stayed up at the front of the gang with Richard. "Think everything will go smoothly, Dick?"

Richard just breathed out a sigh, eyes narrowed as he focused on Steve's car.

"It better."

A/N: The names of Dirty Steve, Chavez's and Charley's horses are the same as from the Young Guns Commentary, each of the three having their own name for their horse.

Dirty Steve's horse is Dog, Chavez's horse is Bailey and Charley's horse is Git Back, but he's also called Mr.Wizard, thanks to Casey Siemaszko :D.

I'll make up some names for Billy's, Doc's and Richard's horses though.

How was the first chap?

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