Forever & Always || Yoonmin

By yoonminssparadise

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Yoongi and Jimin were best friends growing up. Almost inseparable. No matter what happened, they always stuck... More

its almost over
thank you
Special Chapter


422 28 34
By yoonminssparadise

It was the next day, and they decided to go to the hospital. Jimin got checked in and they immediately began running tests. They drew three tubes of blood, took X-rays and did a MRI. When they were done, they had to wait for the results.

It took about forty-five minutes for the results to come back from the lab and when it did the doctor came to them almost immediately.

A middle aged woman with short brown hair came out and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Dr. Brenner, it's nice to meet you both."

Yoongi instantly stands as Jimin stays seated. Yoongi shakes her hand, "Nice to meet you."

"If y'all could follow me, we can talk privately."

She turns to walk away as Yoongi looks back at Jimin, who was looking up at him with concern. Yoongi helps Jimin up, since he was in a little pain and they follow the doctor.

They come to a room that looked like an office and Dr. Brenner tells them to sit. They do and she sits on the other side of the desk moving some paperwork out of the way.

Yoongi and Jimin share a look as Yoongi places his hand on Jimin's to comfort him as Dr. Brenner began to speak.

"So, I wanted to come in here and speak privately because of what we had seen."

"What did you see? Is everything okay?" Yoongi asks, not taking his eyes off of the doctor.

"Well, it's more serious than we thought."

Yoongi squeezes Jimin's hand as Jimin looks at him. They didn't like the sound of that. "How serious are we talking?"

Dr. Brenner sighs, "Very serious. Unfortunately, I don't have any good news."

Yoongi never took his eyes off the doctor while Jimin never took his off Yoongi. He could see how bad this was affecting him, more than his own self.

"Jimin has stage 4 lymphoma. Cancer of the lymphatic system, which makes sense why his lymph nodes are swollen."

Cancer. It played in Jimin's head over and over. He was scared it was something bad but he never thought it'd be cancer.

"Cancer?!" Yoongi screeches as he looks at Jimin who showed a look of sorrow. He looks back at the doctor, "Is there anything we can do? Can it be cured?"

"I mean there's always chemotherapy.. but there's a problem."


"The cancer has spread.." she pauses, taking in a deep breath, " his spinal cord."

Yoongi's eyes go wide, "What does that mean?! Can we not do anything?"

"Well, this type of cancer is rare, but it's still treatable. The cancer in the spinal cord can be too. There's always surgery and chemotherapy for that too."

Jimin looks down as Yoongi looks at him.

"I'm really sorry. I wish there was more I can do.. but I'll let you both discuss what you two would like to do and we can go from there."

She stands from the desk and goes to walk out, Yoongi gets up and follows her. "Doctor wait!"

She turns to him. "Yes?" They we're outside the room so Jimin couldn't hear them.

"If Jimin gets the surgery, will it help?"

"It will help better than if he doesn't."

"Can he beat this? I mean what's the survival rate?"

"To be honest, it's very low. Even with surgery. The surgery can add as little as five months to his life. But he could also live a lifetime. It really just depends."

"And what if he doesn't do the surgery?"

"Then, I'd give him two months max." Yoongi lowers his head as he rubs his forehead. "I only say that because Jimin's immune system is already weakened. With him having HIV and now cancer, his chances of survival is much lower than someone who is healthier. But, he can still survive, it's not impossible."

Yoongi nods looking back at the doctor.

"Just talk to Jimin and see what he wants to do."

Yoongi walks back into the room, slowly walking up to Jimin who was sitting in the seat, spacing out. He notices Yoongi come up to him and it brings him back to earth. Yoongi sits down and he turns to Jimin, taking his hand in his. "The doctor said they could do surgery to try and remove what they could and then you could do chemotherapy."

"So I'll be bed ridden, lose my hair and look sick? I don't want to be like that." Jimin replies leaving Yoongi surprised.

"Jimin, we have to try. I know it sucks but we can't just give up."

"How do we even know this will work? She said this cancer was rare and what if it just comes back and I go through all that for nothing? I mean what are the chances I'll even survive?"

"She said it can add as little as five months to your life."

Jimin scoffs, "Oh wow, five months."

Yoongi was becoming frustrated. "Yeah but if you don't do it then you'll only have like two!" He snaps at Jimin and Jimin was taken back. His eyes going wide at the older.

Yoongi lowers his head, rubbing his forehead again, "I'm sorry, it's just frustrating that you're just giving up so easily." He looks back up at Jimin, "I mean, don't you want to be here with me?"

"Of course I want to be here with you."

"Then why are you giving up?!" Yoongi raises his voice again, making Jimin uneasy. He didn't like seeing Yoongi get upset and he had to admit he was giving up to easily. Yoongi lowers his head again and closes his eyes. Jimin could see a tear fall from one of them.

He places his hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "Hey, I'll do the surgery okay? And the chemo. Please don't be upset."

Yoongi looks up at him and shakes his head, "If you really don't want too, you don't have too. I don't want you to do this just for me."

"I'm doing it for us. I do want to be here with you. I'm just so overwhelmed and I feel so helpless.."

Yoongi leans in and hugs Jimin, "Don't worry Jimin, everything's going to be okay. We will get through this!" He pulls away. "I'll be right here with you. I'm never going to leave your side."

Jimin smiles and nods, then Yoongi kisses him on the lips, "I love you."

"I love you too Yoongi."

-sorry this chapter wasn't super detailed.. it was mostly dialogue.. but anyways, yeah jimins got cancer. but maybe he will beat it! i guess we will see!-

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