Gray Skies Ahead (Skies Serie...

By ghost-jack-books

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Book One In The Skies Series A new kid shows up at Dalton Academy, becoming Kurt's roommate- and something mo... More



420 14 21
By ghost-jack-books

Kurt had gotten a mysterious note telling him to meet someone in the common room, and fearing it was from Skylar, he obeyed.

When he went down to the common room, however, he saw all the people that used to be his friends standing around, with Blaine.

He slowly backed away, but they saw him. "Oh! Kurt, you're here! I'm kinda surprised you actually came. We wanted to apologize, because we've been a bit harsh, and welcome you to game night!" Jeff said enthusiastically.

Kurt took a step forwards, looking at Blaine. "Come on, Kurt. I don't hate you, I'd at least like to be on speaking terms again."

Kurt nodded towards Blaine and they all cheered. He walked to them, speaking for the first time in a long time. "Wait, where's Skylar?"

"He speaks!" Thad declared jovially, causing Kurt and the rest to laugh.

"I'm over here." Skylar's voice said. Kurt looked over to see lying him on the couch, Sebastian next to him. Well, Sebastian underneath him. They were lying on top of each other.

"Alright, we're all here, let's get this party started!" Jeff exclaimed. The boys sat in a circle, a bottle in the middle of them.

"If this is spin the bottle, I'm leaving." Thad said.

"Aw, too straight for it?" Jeff joked. "Don't worry, it's Truth or Dare. It does involve spinning bottles, though."

"So, some rules.
1) You have to do the dare or tell the truth, no exceptions.
2) A question asked is a question asked, same with dares.
3) No repeat questions or dares to the same person. To another person it's fine.
4) If it lands in between two people, it goes to the left.
5) The person it lands on is who spins next, after receiving a truth or dare." Nick listed.

"I'll spin first." Skylar said. "I'm the newest."

He spun, and after a while it landed on Sebastian. "Truth or dare?"

"I'll take a dare."

"Hmm... let's start easy. And sexy. Take your shirt off." Sebastian did as required, causing Skylar to wolf-whistle and him to blush.

Next Sebastian spun, and it landed on Wes. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Wes said hesitantly. He didn't want to make a fool of himself.

"Do you like anyone?"

"Um, yeah." Wes answered quietly. This caused the boys to go into an uproar.

"What? Our fearless leader's in love?!" David exclaimed jokingly.

"You could say that." Wes said even more quietly, fiddling with a loose thread on the carpet. "Anyway, my turn."

He spun the bottle and it landed on Thad.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare. What's the worst you could do?"

"I dare you to wear your Dalton blazer backwards tomorrow for the whole day."

Thad looked shocked. "Are you trying to get me detention?!"

Wes shrugged. "You asked what the worst I could do was. Besides, you can tell them it was a dare. The Headmaster loves us."

"Wow, this is a whole new side to Wes." David commented, causing the boy to blush.

Thad spun the bottle, and it landed on David. "Truth or dare?"


"What's your sexuality?"

David looked a little shocked. Wes looked down to the ground, bracing for the worst.

"I'm bi." Wes's head snapped up.

"What?" He asked hoarsely.

David rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I hope it doesn't make a difference that I'm the only Warbler council member that's not straight- which, actually, when I think about it, is really messed up that everyone thought it was, like, the only three straight guys in the school."

David spun the bottle and it landed in Skylar. "Truth or dare?"


"Try to do a backflip."

Skylar shook his head. "Get ready to call an ambulance, I haven't attempted one of these in years."

He stood up, jumping and twirling but not landing properly and crashing on the couch. "Ow." He said, causing everyone to laugh and Sebastian to rush over and help him up. Kurt didn't dare laugh for fear of making him angry.

When he got back to the circle, he stretched his neck and spun the bottle.

It landed on Kurt.

"Truth or dare?"

The amount of inflection on which he said dare made it obvious that that's what he wanted Kurt to chose.

So he did. "Dare."

Skylar smiled evilly. He had a plan to expose Kurt for the freak he was. He pretended to think about it. "Hm, let's say... take off your shirt."

Kurt's eyes widened, and the color drained from his face. He didn't dare defy Skylar, so he slowly unbuttoned his blazer.

As he took the sleeves off his arms, everyone could see red lines through the white shirt underneath.

"Hey, what's on your arms, Kurt?" Jeff asked, confused. Kurt merely shot him a terrified look and unbuttoned the shirt, taking it off.

They could all see how unhealthily skinny he was, how his ribs stuck out of his chest. They could see that his torso was covered in bruises.

Most noticeable of all, they could see the scars and cuts that ran down his arms. His self-harm marks.

"Nevermind." Jeff whispered.

Kurt looked to Skylar. "How long do I have to keep it off?"

"Until the end of the game."

Kurt spun the bottle, aware of everyone's stares. He wasn't that fat, was he?

He crossed his arms over his stomach, trying to cover it up.

The bottle landed on Wes.

"Again? Hm... Dare."

"I dare you to tell everyone here your sexuality. You need to be honest. Be a true leader." Kurt said quietly. "I also want to distract attention from me."

Wes paled, clearing his throat. "You know?"

"You're painfully obvious, everyone else is just oblivious." Kurt whispered matter-of-factly.

"Um... Well... Oh screw it, I'm gay." Wes said, stuttering at first.

David looked at him, eyes wide. "Never mind, looks like Thad's the only straight one."

"And unlike you fools, I'm actually straight." Thad joked.

"Looks like it." Wes echoed, meeting David's gaze.

Wes tore his eyes away and spun the bottle. It landed on Blaine.

"Finally! I thought I had been forgotten. Truth."

"Who was your first kiss?"

Blaine chuckled. "It was this girl named Michelle. She kind of threw herself at me. It was also the day I figured out I was gay for sure." Everyone laughed at this.

Eventually the bottle made it's way over to Thad. It hadn't landed on Kurt again, thankfully.

Thad spun the bottle and it landed in David. "Thank god. The sexual tension is killing me, just kiss Wes already."

David looked at him, embarrassed and confused. "I didn't pick dare?"

"I don't care, just kiss. This ship will float."

Wes shrugged, doing something nobody would expect. He moved to the middle of the circle, grabbing David's face in his hands and kissing him passionately.

David didn't return the kiss, too in shock to do anything. When they broke apart, Wes sighed and fell on his back, acting the most unprofessional anyone had seen him act.

"I've been wanting to do that forever. You probably hate me now, or it's going to be awkward to be around you, but I don't even care." Wes said, looking up at the ceiling.

David leaned over Wes. "We can't have that, can we?" He asked, his hot breath washing over Wes's face.

Wes didn't say anything, he just leaned forwards and kissed him.

David returned the kiss, and Thad resisted the urge to cheer.

The rest were resisting the urge to laugh. Here were two of the most professional people in the school, both supposedly 'straight,' having a heated gay kiss in front of their peers.

When they broke apart, they were both gasping for breath.

"Get a room, you two! Seriously, I don't want you to stop, you should get a room so you can make out." Thad said, causing everyone to let loose their laughter.

Wes and David seemed to remember that there were other people there and quickly got back to their own spots, straightening their blazers and ties. It was too late, they couldn't straighten something that went though something so gay.

They were both still panting. "Um, it's my turn to spin, right?" David asked, cheeks flushed.

"Can I get a thank you?" Thad asked.

Wes and David looked at him. "No." They said in unison.

They then looked at each other and burst out laughing.

David spun the bottle, and it landed on Skylar. "Truth or dare?"


"Who caught your eye first at Dalton?"

Skylar thought for a minute. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't even consider Kurt as a dating possibility. It quickly passed, though, when I saw what kind of person he was."

Kurt snorted and muttered 'passed quickly,' causing Skylar to shoot him a pointed look. "Something you'd like to say, Kurt?"

Kurt paled and shook his head. "No, no. I just, um, find it hard to consider myself a dating possibility."

"No, you said 'passed quickly.' What did you mean by that?" Jeff asked.

"That's not what I said! I meant nothing, I said nothing." Kurt said quickly, growing panicked.

"This is why it passed quickly. He was exceptionally rude to me." Skylar said, faking innocence.

Kurt looked shocked. "Rude?"

"Don't you remember?" Skylar asked threateningly.

Kurt quickly nodded. "Oh, yeah. I'm sorry about that, it was uncalled for. You know, it's getting late, we should get some sleep." He got up and rushed back to his dorm.

Skylar sighed. "He tries to keep up this act to make people think he's perfect, but he's really quite mean." He said sadly, shaking his head and following Kurt.

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