Black butler one-shot

By Ciel_Michalis_

819 5 2

Many little stories in this book. Warning: some will be 18+ (if you under 18 just skip the chaper) I don't ow... More

I love you....
A big day!!
I finally found my only true love.
author part.
Finding out that ciel is having a baby
Telling the servants Sebastian's secret.
Ciel's dream.

The letter for the queen

47 0 0
By Ciel_Michalis_

Its was a few weeks now that pass and I did tell Sebastian that he was going to be a father now, well he took it every well and he was happy about it.

Everything was back to normal but not really, I am debating whether or not to move to America or stay here in London.

I heard a knock on the door and it's my loving boyfriend Sebastian, he came up to me and said.

“What are you doing Ciel?”

“Well I was thinking maybe we could move to a different place just the two of us and our child”

“Oh ok, but why you want to move away?”

“Well I think I don't want our child go through what I been through and me as the queen watchdog.. I really don't want anyone to get hurt”

“Okay Ciel”

I smile a little and look up at Sebastian and tell him to come closer to me, he did and I sat on his lap while he sat down on my chair. I continue doing my work until I finish, Sebastian was sleeping when finished my work so I let him sleep a little bit more after all he my butler.

I grabbed a piece of paper and got my pen, I started to write a letter to the queen.

I finished the letter and put in a envelope and put a stamp on it. I call snake and May-Ren to deliver it to the queen at once, they nods and did as they were told.

I sighed softly and look that Sebastian was still sleeping, I smile and giggles a little. I turn around and face him and kiss his cheek then lips and finally his neck, he slowly wrap his arms around me.

“Did you had a good nap Sebastian”

“Yes but I like more is when you woke me up”

I blush really hard.

“Well if I didn't wake you up you wouldn't make dinner and not sleep tonight”

“Oh it's that so”

“Yeah, don't be so cheeky Sebastian”

“Okay but you like when cheeky Ciel”

“Yes I do but sometimes you just do it to make me blush”

“Yes that true but I love it when you blush like that”


He smiles and kiss my forehead and hug me, I smile and hug him back. I couldn't stay mad at him, he too sexy and beautiful.

“Well I have to go and prepare dinner now, I will call you when it's done okay my love”

“Okay love”

“I love you Ciel”

“I love you too Sebastian”

He got up and went to the kitchen while I was still in my study room, I got really bored really quickly. Until I heard a knock.

“Who is it?”

“It's me Ciel~ said Emily”

“Okay come in”

Snake came in with queen Victoria herself.

“Queen Victoria?! Why are you here? If you don't mind me asking”

She sat a chair in front of my desk.

“Well your servants gave me a letter that I was surprised about so I wanted to come here and confirm if that letter is true or not”

I look down and nods

“Yes the letter is true, I moving far away from London because..” I pause myself.

“Because of what Ciel?”

She looks at me worries in her eyes.

“Because I want to start a new chapter in my life and living here bring me back that day when my parents die and me and my brother were kidnapped by some we don't know so that why I want to leave here”

She looks at me and hold my hand, I look up at her confused. She never do something like this before, but I am happy that she care for people like me.

“I understand that you want to run away from London and never want to come back but you are the queen watchdog, and I can't give this job to anyone.”

“I know but I can't stay here any longer I sorry”

“It's okay, I will try to give to someone else that good as you did.”

“Thanks Queen Victoria”

“No problem and just call me Victoria okay”

“Okay Victoria”

She smiled and got up and hug me tightly and she said her goodbyes and left. I was happy that she understands what I am going through but at the sametime I I am worry for that person to be next queen watchdog.

A few hours later Sebastian came back into the room and said that dinner is ready, I nod and went with him to the dining room. I sat on my usual chair and Sebastian bring my food that he made for me because barld can't cook just expold up the kitchen every time.

“This looks delicious Sebastian”

“Thanks Ciel”

I nod and started to eat what is on my plate and on the table.

“Someone is little hungry”

I look at him with my side eyes while I was eating, and yes he tell the truth that I am hungry but I don't want to say it.

After I was done with eating, he clean up the table and then carry me to my room.

When we got to my bedroom, he sat me on my bed while he get my PJs.

“Well my Ciel, do want to take a bath before bed or tomorrow?”

“Um.. tomorrow I am just too tired for a bath”

“Okay Ciel”

He came up to me and undress me to put my PJs, after that he put me to bed and then he started walk back to the door until I grab his tail-coat. He turn around with a confused face

“What happened my love?”

“I want you to stay here”

“I will but I have to finish my work ok”

“Okay but do its quickly”

“Okay my love”

He smiles and kisses my forehead and finish what he was doing, after a few minutes later he came back. I smile and move a little for him to lay down next to me, he chuckled softly and lay down next to me and we snuggle with each other all night all.

The End


This may or not been from my other book and made it better but if you don't know what I just say.. then just skip it.

But thanks for reading.
If you like it you can share it or like it.

And now good bye.

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