
By GwenBug

841 41 0

Emily has left her life as a human and is now what she was meant to become. Being a new born vampire has its... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Thank you!!!

Chapter 2

39 1 0
By GwenBug


When Emily awoke I was overcome with a sense of relief and joy. Even though I could tell she did not recognize me at first, I was beyond happy to see her alive.

She looked so beautiful, her pale skin and dark pink lips enticed me, her auburn hair looked darker than before. Her eyes though, they were a bright red, I knew she was starving and in pain. I didn't want to scare her, so I spoke slowly and softly to her. Before I knew it she was on top of me, drinking from me.

As a royal, it was taboo to let anyone in the lower classes drink from me. I had forgotten what it felt like, and to be bitten by her was like the high of a drug. The toxins in her venom made my body feel like it was floating.

I did my best not to move, I waited until she was able to stop herself. When she did though, she was crying. I hated to see Em cry, I knew she was scarred. I immediately tried to comfort her, holding her close to me.

I tried to ease her sadness with calming words and soft touches. I'm pretty sure she was the only person I've ever done this to, soothe someone who was sad and scarred. This girl was the only person who could make me so... docile, yet at the same time filled with so much strength. I feel as though I could move worlds for her, or gather galaxies in my hand just to show them to her.

Emily stopped crying, I let her observe her surrounds. I knew her heightened senses must be a bit overwhelming, which is why I made sure the room was extra dark and nothing would be near to distract her when she awoke.

She looked at me, touched my face, ran her fingers through my hair, and to my surprise, even kissed me. I wanted so desperately to kiss her back, but I remained mostly still, I knew she would need to adjust to this new life before we could do the things we use to.

Emily backed away though, and when I looked at her again, her eyes were a bright red, but she looked scared. I held onto her, not letting her jump up and try to get away from me.

"It's okay, don't freak out." I whispered to her, stroking her soft hair. "This is how it is when a new born wakes up, it'll start to get easier in a few days, I promise."

"It hurts." I could hear the pain in her voice. I knew the pain of the hunger all to well, it was agonizing, but I could only imagine what she must be going through as a created newborn.

"I know." I lifted her chin to look at me again. Her eyes a brillant bright red, I leaned in and kissed her forehead, then moved her to rest on my shoulder again. "I want you to take more Emily, you need your strength."

At first I thought she would object, but slowly Emily moved her mouth to my neck. I felt her fangs pierce my skin, a small pain followed by euphoria. I couldn't help the groan that escaped me, this time I held her close, rather than try and stay still.

I felt my own fangs slide from my gums, my body felt light and my head fuzzy. I couldn't think straight, the room span so I closed my eyes. She was taking a lot from me, but I didn't mind, losing every drop of blood in my body wouldn't kill me.

I heard her growl again and she bit down harder. My arms tightened around her body, trying to encourage her to take more. However shortly after my action she released herself from me and sat back. I opened my eyes, looking down to meet hers.

"Feel better?" I asked with a smile, Emily nodded and looked away, she seemed embarrassed.

"Where are we?" She asked.

"Still inside the warrior coven, don't worry though, I made a deal with Cyrus. He let Henry and Emma go, he's letting us stay here for awhile, no harm will come to you or your family as long as we remain here until you're able to leave."

"What do you mean 'able to leave', I'm pretty sure I can still walk." I shook my head.

"Em right now you are extremely dangerous, being a newborn means you have very little self control and you'll probably kill the first human you see. Cyrus and I agreed we can't let you leave the coven until we know you have control over your hunger."

"Oh..." Emily looked down, she seemed upset by what I said.

"Don't worry though, we won't be here forever, and the second we can leave I'll take you to go see your mom and sister." I said trying to comfort her, she nodded and looked up at me.

"How long was I- uh unconscious?"

"Only two days, I was kinda surprised you woke up so quickly." She shrugged.

"Maybe it's because of the whole Electus thing." She paused for a moment. "Wait am I still human at all?"

I hadn't really thought about that, I was more concerned with her waking up. I never considered wether or not she would still be human-ish when she turned.

I took a deep breath, trying to see if Emilys scent had changed. To my surprise, it hadn't at all, which could mean she did still have some human left in her.

"I think so, your scent didn't change, but I can't be sure." She nodded again and leaned in a little closer to me, closing her eyes.

"I get what you mean by peoples scent now, you smell really good." I chuckled softly.

"Remember my scent, it's a good way to be able to find me if you ever get lost. Also, you will be able to tell if someone is human or vampire just by their scent."

"Everyone says mine is different, what's different about it? I think I'll be able to understand now." She looked up at me again, her eyes a dark red. I knew they wouldn't return to green for at least a couple days.

"It's because you carry human and vampire scent, humans smell like sweet things usually, like honey or vanilla. Vampires however smell earthy or like things in nature, that's the best way I can describe it." I didn't really know how else to put it for her, it wasn't necessarily something that could be explained.

"Okay, well what's my scent then?" She gave me a small smile when she asked. I took another deep breath and smiled back at her.

"Amazing, sweet like caramel and dark chocolate, but also like fresh Lily's and a running water fall." I kissed the top of her head and she sighed sleepily.

"Thanks for calling me sweet." She giggled and I couldn't help the smirk that formed on my lips.

"Anything for you sweetie." I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she laughed softly. The sound of her laugh made my chest feel tight, she looked so beautiful when she laughed.

"Can I take a nap? I'm really tired for some reason." Emily asked.

"That's not surprising, you'll be easily worn out while you adjust." I moved to let her off my lap. She laid down on the bed, pulling the covers over her. I was about to get up and leave her to sleep but before I could she grabbed my hand.

"Will you lay with me?" She asked in a small voice.

"Of course." I smiled and climbed into the bed with her. She scooted closer to me while we wrapped our arms around each other.

"Goodnight." She whispered closing her eyes, I chuckled.

"It's like four in the morning." She shushed me and put her hand over my mouth. I smiled and kissed the palm of her hand before moving it.

She took a deep breath and quickly fell asleep. I watched her to make sure she was asleep before closing my eyes as well.

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