Crush (Camila/You)

Par uuuuuuuhhmmmmmmm

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Do you know why they call it a crush? Because that's how you feel when they don't feel the same way in return... Plus



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Par uuuuuuuhhmmmmmmm

(We'd be switching point of views towards the end of the chapter)

Camila's POV

I nudged Normani in her side. "There she is... Go talk to her," I nodded slightly towards Y/N's direction. She was sitting there with Dinah and Ally. From the looks of it, it seems like Ally's talking about something, but she wasn't paying any attention to either of them. She was just... staring down at her salad while mindlessly pushing it around with her fork.

Seeing her like that does make me feel bad. I mean, her being upset doesn't necessarily have something to do with me... but as far as I know, nothing else is really happening in her life right now. I'm not sure though. That's why I'm sending Normani to go talk with her.

"Why do I have to?" she groaned, "I don't even know her that well."

"You're my only friend who she thinks is nice and friendly."

"That's because I am nice and friendly," she sassed me, "What about Ally or Dinah? She's friends with them."

"They're ignoring me because I'm ignoring Y/N... and they--... You just go." I was going to say that I'm curious to know if she's gonna ask about me, and if I ask Dinah or Ally to check up on her, she wouldn't mention me because they know as much about my current life as her. I don't know how any of them are doing and they don't know about me. But Normani doesn't have to know everything.

"You owe me, girl," she pointed at me to emphasize her point and start walking over to their table.

"Hey, and don't mention that I told you to do this!" I yelled after her.

As expected, Normani sat down next to Y/N. Everyone at the table looked at her, surprise written all over their faces.

Y/N said something to her and then everyone suddenly looked over to my direction. I quickly turned my head away, pretending to be looking at somewhere else instead of at them. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Normani gaining back Y/N's attention, so I carefully went back to spying on them.

Okay... they were probably suspecting the reason why Normani appeared at their table. I told Normani to get on their good side and say that I'm being unreasonably stubborn right now and then just ask how she's doing.

I honestly don't know what they're talking about. Right now, I'm somewhere between 'I really wanna know if Y/N has asked about me' and 'I wanna run the fuck out of here and wish that I've never asked Mani to do this'... There's no way I can back up now, so...


You: what are u guys talking about now?

You: how has she been doing?

You: has she asked anything that's related to me?

Mani: You're interrupting

I glanced up from my phone and saw her giving me pointed look across the cafeteria. Wait, where is Din--

A hand slammed down on the table, making me jump up in shock. "Dinah?! What are you doing here?"

"I could've asked you the same thing."

"I was just... texting a friend."

"Oh really? Does that friend also happened to be Normani Kordei?" She snatched my phone out of my hands while I was distracted and quickly scanned her eyes over the texts. After she's read everything, she handed the phone back to me.

I gave her a hard glare.

She sighed and plopped down on the bench, "Is it you and your feelings again?"

"Shut up," I whispered-yelled.

She rolled her eyes at me, "She's sitting at least 10 feet away from you, it's not like she can hear it."

"Yeah, but others can and they might tell her."

"I honestly don't know what you're doing, man. Okay, I get that you like her, but don't cut her off completely because you can't deal with your feelings. Either you go back to being best friends with her or you just let go. Make up your mind, don't go all hot and cold on her." The warning glare she's giving me turned into a softer look before she continued, "Look... I'm not telling you to confess your feelings for her. All I'm saying is... Y/N's not as oblivious as she seems to be and she definitely has feelings too."

"I'm just scared that I'll lose her," I mumbled. I looked over to Y/N and saw that Normani's still talking to her.

"Did you tell her to say that?" I shifted my gaze back to Dinah and saw her tilting her head to one side.

"Say what?" I asked confused.

She raised her eyebrows at me, "Well, I mean, you obviously don't look as happy as your friend's describing you to be."

"I am happy," I said in the most confident tone I could pull off.

"Yeah, sure. It's not like you're looking miserable right now," she rolled her eyes at me. "And who's this new boyfriend of yours?"

"Oh uhm, he... uh... I met him a few days ago... at this coffee shop." I'm starting to regret more and more about telling Normani to tell them all these lies. I guess I was just trying to show Y/N that I can live perfectly fine without her, but thinking about it now, it made me realize how much of a stupid thing it was to do. I mean, even Dinah can see through it.

"You're a horrible liar, but if this is your decision, then fine." She nodded her head to herself and stood up. Just when I thought she was going to walk away, she leaned down to my ear, "By the way, she has a date with Lauren tomorrow, but I guess you already know that." She gave me one final pointed look and patted my shoulder before walking back to her table.

Why does she always know everything? The only thing I've ever told her is that I'm crushing on Y/N and at that time, these feelings I have for her weren't even this strong and serious yet.

I buried my face in my hands and groaned out loud. That night... I knew it was going to have its consequences, but I still kissed her. I guess the whole thing with Noah was kinda the icebreaker. For the first time in all the relationships I've had, I felt loved and cared about, even though it's still nothing compared to with Y/N, it felt like a real relationship for once. But of course, everything would turn out to be a lie. That just made me realize that... no matter how hard I'm trying to forget or get over Y/N by being with someone else, at the end of the day, nobody can make me feel the way she does.

I figured that if trying to find someone to replace her doesn't work, then maybe I should try something else. Like completely distancing myself away from her and I don't know... seeing her in a relationship with someone else. I just wanna destroy all my chances before I get false hope again. That should make me forget about these stupid feelings. And that is what I'm trying to do right now. Make her forget about me, so I can move on from her easier.


I adjusted the mustache above my lips and quickly hid behind the newspaper I'm holding. Lauren had just rung the doorbell, so Y/N could be coming out of her house any moment.

As if on cue, Y/N opened the door and greeted Lauren with a hug. I should've asked Lauren what they're going to do for this date. Well, at least I'm glad that they're going there on feet, because I don't have a car to follow them if they were to use something else.

This is literally one of the most ridiculous things I've ever done. I'm hiding my hair in a beret, there's a fake ass mustache almost covering my upper lip and I'm wearing some long coat and a scarf to pretend to be a random grandpa that's just passing by. All of this just to spy on a date I've set up.

It looks like they're heading to the beach. Okay, yep, they are. Long walks on the beach, huh...

I quietly sat down on the bench far enough away from them and watched as they walked along the shoreline, side by side. Y/N's been talking the whole time and from time to time, Lauren would say something back. Finally, there was a change of movement and they went to sit down in the middle of the beach on the sand.

I don't know how much time has passed by, but eventually, they both stood up to make their way out of here. I stretched my limbs too and started following them again. This is actually kinda creepy for me to do so, but... I just... I want to know how it went and what they did and if Y/N liked it. I know that nobody's gonna tell me, so I have to find it out myself.

Their next stop was to grab something to eat from a fast food restaurant before Lauren brought her back home. I don't know why, but I expected them to kiss. Well, I'm glad they didn't, but... from the looks of it, it seemed like they clicked with how much they had to talk about.

Welp, the date has ended. I actually have no reason to stay here anymore, but somehow, I found myself sneaking into Y/N's backyard.

From this angle, I had a pretty clear view of the desk Y/N's sitting by. Again, I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't her looking at... I don't know, what is that even. It doesn't look like a book, more like... a piece of paper.


Your POV

I held up the letter I was reading to shield my face from the Camila standing outside and carefully peeked at her. She's so stupid...

Shaking my head to myself, I shifted my attention back to the letter in front of me. I've read if dozens of times already, but I just still can't believe it.

Dear future Y/N/N,

I wonder what the 80-year-old you look like. You're probably all wrinkly and old right now, with a lot of grey hair. Actually, I don't think you'd be 80 when you're reading this. Knowing how impatient you are, you could be 20 now for all I know. I don't know... Let's just assume that you are a grandma when you're reading this. I wonder how many grandchildren you have. This is so weird to imagine, but I can see this picture in front of me... you being your old grumpy self sitting there in the front yard with the person you love and then your children and grandchildren are all playing on the street. And then your grandchildren pull a prank on you and you'll chase after them with your chanclas. It's such a beautiful scene...

I know that you've never really believed in love, but still, I can see you walking down the aisle earlier than me. Because... I don't know, I just have that feeling.

I really do hope we're still friends when you're reading this. We would've been best friends for over 70 years then. That's crazy to even think about.

And uhm... There's something else that I wanna tell you. I'm not sure if I would've told you this in the meantime already, but... I think I'm like like you... as in non-platonically... I'm sorry. I know we're best friends and that I'm not supposed to have feelings for you, but it just... I don't even know how it happened. It's like one day, I woke up and everything just began to feel different. Like whenever I hug you, I would feel this funny feeling in my tummy and sometimes, when we're being really close to each other, I would feel my heart beating really really fast. While other times, when I hear your laugh or when you wrap your arm around me or even when other people mention your name... just the simplest things can make my heart skip a beat. The books I've read describe these feelings as falling in love. So... does that mean that I'm falling in love with you? I've never thought so deep into it until now... Holy crap, I just admitted to you that I might possibly be in love with you... I mean, I can scratch everything away and pretend that I've never said that, but I feel like you deserve to know.

Even though I know I can't be with you in that way, I would still hope that we're still best friends in the future. You mean so much to me and I just can't picture my life without you in it.

And I also hope that you're happy, healthy and are living your dream right now. When you were younger, you've always said that you wanted to be a vet, adopt as many dogs as possible, own a llama and travel the world. I wonder if any of that has worked out.

I'm sorry it suddenly turned into a love letter. I already see myself regretting the crap out of this. Okay, I'm gonna close this letter off, put it in the box, get some sleep and forget that I've ever written this before I start overthinking everything.




The whole chapter's a mess. I might edit it later and maybe republish it or something, it's just late. I'm too lazy to reread everything now. Some sentences might not even make sense, but alright. I'm actually kinda disappointed at this chapter. It turned out way differently than I expected, and I don't even know what I was expecting.

So... you randomly had a date with Lauren and y'all talked about something. And we have Camila's side of the story... and you found out that Camila was 'probably in love with you' and she most likely still is. Oh and btw, idk if you remember this, but at the second chapter or something, it was mentioned that you have a crush on Lauren, if you didn't remember it, I'm sorry I've confused you with why Camila chose her.

I've written that letter out of boredom, so I'm sorry if shit made zero sense.

Next chapter might take some time because I haven't gotten much time to write it yet.

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