Andante, Andante

By danilynn87

169K 5.9K 2K

When Emma Swan finds herself at a crossroads in her life she makes a spontaneous decision about her summer th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Six

7.3K 234 85
By danilynn87

"Are you sure this dress is okay? It seems a bit short," Emma expresses as she tugs once again at the hem that falls just below her ass.

There's no bending down tonight, that's for sure.

"Yes, it's fine." Regina rolls those annoyed eyes yet again and grips Emma's wrist, tugging her along to the local bar. "You will fit right in and I think we both need to let loose tonight. No more ex-fiancés, no more thoughts about America. Just us, Sicily and a whole lot of alcohol."

"Alright, sounds like a plan," she complies happily while Regina drags her into a bar and plants her butt on a stool in front of a very handsome bartender.

A man with dark, sandy-blonde curls, hazel eyes and a warm smile that just won't quit. "Bella," he chants as Regina slides effortlessly onto the leather stool beside her. However, the way this man says, bella, throws Emma off for a moment because there's no signs of Italian descent curling around his words like Augusto.

"Ciao," Regina shouts over the loud music, her and the bartender both leaning forward to properly greet one another with small pecks to each cheek. "Graham this is my friend, Emma. Emma this is Graham."

"Nice to meet you, beautiful," he sweetly greets her, leaning forward to plant a kiss upon her cheek as well.

"You're not Sicilian," she blurts out the moment his warm lips leave her cheek.

"No," he laughs to himself while Regina smiles in return. "I'm from Ireland," he announces with his accent thicker than moments ago. "But I like to travel here to work during the summer, it's so beautiful here and the women aren't so bad," he jokes as his eyes ogle her body shamelessly.

"Oh Graham, leave her be," Regina states, turning her full attention onto Emma, her body lingering rather close, and sending her sweet scent to fill Emma's nose causing all her senses to go haywire. "Let's do shots, what would you like?"

"Ummm," her mind is blank, still trying to clear from the fog of her alluring aroma.

"Tequila?" Regina offers kindly when she realizes Emma won't be answering.

Emma shakes her head rapidly as the thought makes her stomach twirl. "No, too many tequila shots back in the day. How about lemon drops?"

"No Swan, too many cheap cranberry juice and Skol vodka back in college," her roommate admits and they both shudder at the thought. "I know," Regina's lips curl into a salacious smirk, "Washington Apples."

"What the hell is that?"

She just smiles that seductive grin, causing her eyes to light up in a way that always seems to place Emma under her spell. Regina orders two Washington Apples from Graham and slips her credit card across the wet bar top. As the bartender sets down their deep red shot glasses, he disappears with Regina's card.

"Ready?" Regina grins, offering a glass in which she eagerly accepts, needing something to help her relax around this enchanting woman.

She and Regina both clink their glasses together before they toss back the sweet alcohol. She hardly winces from the strong alcohol because of the sweet taste of apples that lingers upon her tongue afterwards.

For the next ten minutes, they take shot after shot, clinking their glasses to Sicily, to freedom, to fun, to everything else under this Sicilian moon until they are laughing happily with the buzz of alcohol warming their blood.

"Eight years is a long time to be with someone, especially at the age of sixteen," Emma mumbles, setting down her fifth shot glass a little too aggressively.

Regina shakes her head and slides the glass across the slick counter for Graham to catch effortlessly. "I thought no ex-fiancé talk?"

"You're drunk," she bluntly states, studying the flushed cheeks and tussled hair from this gorgeous creature through squinted eyes.

"You are as well, besides that was the purpose of this outing. I have been here three days now and I only have four left."

"Alright, let's make the most of it. Graham! Another round!" She calls out, leaning heavily across the bar.

Something catches Regina's eye, because Emma can feel the intense gaze burning a hole right through her chest, but the amount of alcohol coursing through her veins is far too much to investigate further or truly care.

"Give it at least ten minutes, Emma, you and Regina are going to spend the night with your heads in the toilet if you don't chill," Graham scolds, but he is still smiling affectionally toward both of them.

"Fine," she grumbles, hazardously sliding back into her stool knowing damn well he is right, they cannot continue at this pace if they want to survive.

"They have a nice fire just outside on the patio do you want to check it out?" Regina questions before turning her attention toward Graham and ordering two Southern Comfort and Cokes with limes, which he makes her even though he just denied Emma her shots.

"Yeah, that sounds nice," she responds before sliding off her seat.

Except, her foot slips and maybe she misjudged the distance between the floor and the bottom of the stool because she stumbles the slightest bit. Luckily, Regina catches her upper arm and steadies her balance.

"Maybe you shouldn't have this one," Regina muses, but still proceeds to place the cocktail in her hand.

"Oh shut up," she scrunches up her nose as her face blushes a deep crimson. "I'm fine. I'm just a known klutz," she fully admits, like it's something to be proud of.

"Whatever you say, Swan."

Regina takes the lead through the crowded bar. Hot sticky bodies are pressing against one another as people dance and devour each other's faces. The music consumes her body as the swift sound of the foreign language fills her ears. Her body is on cloud nine, buzzing from the alcohol and the comfort of her new companion.

When they step out onto the patio, the warm evening air envelops her limbs while her eyes take in the roaring fire off in the corner. There are people gathering all along the fire, creating a circle of joy. Regina wraps her free fingers around Emma's wrist and drags her toward the only available seat next to the fire.

"Ciao," Regina beams enthusiastically to the people huddled in a circle as she falls into the vacant seat.

The crowd repeats her greeting with even more enthusiasm while Emma is an awkward bumbling mess standing beside the seat while her mind races with where she should plant her bottom. That's when Regina tugs on her wrist causing her to tumble into the woman's inviting lap. Regina laughs Emma's favorite carefree giggle that she keeps reserved for only a select few, before she sips her drink and places it next to her chair.

A few people lean forward and begin speaking so rapidly in Italian. Emma attempts to follow along and hopes that she can pick up on a few words, but it all sounds like one big word that they are singing so sweetly.

Regina laughs as she happily responds while Emma proceeds to sit like a ventriloquist dummy upon her lap, waiting for her master to make her speak. Regina speaks animatedly with her hands just like all the other Sicilian's surrounding them. When her hand falls to her side, her fingers lightly brush against Emma's upper thigh, where her dress is hardly clinging on to keep her goodies hidden. Her entire body shivers in delight and is screaming for this beautiful woman to touch her like that just once more.

"Grazie ma non è la mia ragazza," Regina responds beautifully and there goes another chill running down Emma's spine.

She peeks over her shoulder at Regina's flushed face and whispers discreetly into her hair. "What are you saying?"

"They were saying we are a beautiful couple, but I told them, thank you, but she's not my girlfriend," Regina murmurs before she continues speaking again with the crowd.

Emma's chest explodes with an acidic burn that feels like jealousy, but she can't really tell what she's feeling right now from the alcohol. So, she wraps her lips around her drink and sucks down the cold liquid. The gentlest touch skims across her bare skin again, generating another set of chills. Those teasing fingers lightly dance across Emma's flesh persuading her core to throb with need.

She needs a distraction...

"I wish I could join in," she mutters into those thick raven tresses.

"I could teach you if you'd like," Regina kindly offers sending Emma's heart soaring as she gazes into those warm eyes. She just nods in return, somehow lost in this woman's spell once again. "Ciao, means hello."

Emma's face morphs quickly into an unamused glare. "Yeah, thanks Regina, I think I got that one down," she mocks with a dramatic eye roll prompting the woman below her to laugh wholeheartedly.

Those risky fingers are still against her flesh, but then Regina's whole hand is gliding over her thigh and squeezing lightly, almost playfully. Her breath vanquishes from her lungs in that second and she somehow forgets how to take a breath.

"Okay, come va, means how are you, that's important and simple to know. Now you try," Regina sternly instructs, very quickly changing her demeanor from playful drunk to serious teacher.

"Come va, how are you," she recites through a wide grin.

"Good," the brunette praises as her hand slowly caresses Emma's greedy thigh. She wants to continue this little game just to keep that hand moving, hoping that maybe it inches closer to a place that's hungry for her touch. "Dov'è il..." she slowly enunciates waiting for her to repeat.

"Dov'è il..."

"Dov'è il bagno, where is the bathroom?"

Emma chuckles as she repeats the popular phrase. "Dov'è il bagno?"

Regina nods with praise highlighting her gorgeous eyes. The way she's smiling, and her eyes are dancing is persuading Emma's lips to move in closer, invading her personal space. Emma is fully aware of the way Regina's hand is discovering every inch of her skin in the most tantalizing way and she has never wanted someone more than she does right now.

"Do you want to go take a walk down by the beach?" Her roommate mumbles into their intimate bubble as Emma nods along, Regina seeming just as lost in her eyes as she is in hers.

Emma eagerly jumps from her lap and places her drink down next to Regina's, only to be left behind. Regina stands from their chair and quickly mumbles a goodbye to the group of people they have been neglecting.

They walk, shoulder to shoulder with a very obvious wedge keeping them at a safe distance from each other, down the dirt path leading to the beach. Emma's heart is strumming with anticipation because she only has one thought crossing her mind.

Regina's lips.

Their feet sink instantly into the warm sand, the little particles slipping between their toes and leaving behind their footprints as they go. They stroll along the beach toward the shoreline, so they can relish in the ocean as it engulfs their feet before slowly trickling away. She and Regina slip off their sandals and hold them in one hand as they resume their relaxing walk.

"So..." Emma drawls as her mind fumbles for something to talk about. "How much longer do you have with clinical's before you officially become a doctor?"

"Well, I just graduated medical school, but then I have three years of an internship and residency."

"Wow, that's a really long time."

She hums in response, but is quick to turn the tables on her. "What is it that you do?" She questions as the back of her hand lightly brushes against Emma's.

"I'm a dentist assistant."

"So, how are you here? How did your job grant you three months vacation?" She investigates as she turns her full attention toward her, patiently waiting for a response.

"Well, I just graduated actually. It took me a little longer than most, but anyways, I didn't find a job just yet. I thought since I graduated, and I hadn't applied for a job quite yet then I might as well enjoy my life and travel before I commit."

"Well, that makes sense," Regina agrees as they find themselves further from the lively bar. "How about we sit?" Regina suggests since they are far away from the loud music and people enjoying their night.

"Sure," she shrugs and plops down into the sand without any grace or class whatsoever. Her hands fall deep into the sand disappearing somewhere behind her back as she holds herself upright and gazes out into the ocean.

"Così elegante," Regina swiftly announces.

"Co-sì el-eg-ante?" Emma attempts to repeat while Regina laughs in return.

"Italian is a beautiful, delicate language. The words should flow elegantly off your tongue," Regina slowly explains before she falls into Emma's lap, provoking her heart to come to a screeching halt. Through wide eyes she watches as Regina's arms drape gently over her shoulders. "Così," she husks sending that warm breath to coat her lips.

She swallows hard and blinks to regain her focus. "Così," she repeats even though her mind is only focusing on this stunning woman who chose to sit in her lap rather than beside her.

"Elegante," Regina breathlessly whispers as she closes the gap between them.

Emma's heart decides now is a good time to start beating once again while her eyes are glued to that tongue that rolls so graciously in Regina's mouth.

"Elegante," she attempts to copy the sound, but her voice hitches in her throat causing her to stammer embarrassingly so.

Regina softly chuckles under her breath as one hand leaves Emma's shoulder and finds purpose against her jaw. Her thumb sweeps across her thin bottom lip like she's trying to memorize the down curl of pretty pink lips. Out of Emma's peripheral vision, she notices the woman's chest rising and falling at a faster rate, only persuading her own to mimic the action.

She's not sure if the brunette is aware, but her tongue pokes out to wet her lips before her teeth scrape against her bottom lip in the sexiest manner. A flutter stirs in the pit of her stomach and sends a wave of excitement to ripple down toward the apex of her legs. She swallows as Regina moves at a snail like pace, eliminating the minimal space between them altogether.

Ever so delicately, Regina brushes her plump lips against Emma's, but she holds her breath, waiting for the blow that this is a mistake, because there's no way someone as beautiful and amazing as Regina could ever fall for her. However, Regina's lips, still wet from that velvety tongue, glide across Emma's, squashing her fears about the unexpected kiss.

Emma's hand rises from the sand and quickly brushes against her own thigh to wipe away the remaining particles clinging to her flesh. She rapidly moves her hand beneath the dark hair and grips the nape of Regina's neck. She pulls the smaller woman in closer while her mouth opens to its own accord. Regina doesn't hesitate, she follows the lead and dips her tongue into her mouth. The alcohol and coke are still lingering against both their tongues as they dance across each other for the first time.

Emma's heart takes off racing when Regina's hand tightens against her jawline, making sure she won't disappear from this moment. She even bites down on her bottom lip, eliciting a moan to erupt from Emma's throat just to confirm that this isn't a dream, and this is actually happening.

Emma jerks her even closer and relishes in the feel of those smooth legs rubbing against her own. Regina's tiny dress is keeping her legs closed, denying Emma the access she craves because she's desperate to feel the warmth of her core radiating from her body.

The alcohol buzzing through her blood clouds her logical thinking and tickles the part of her brain that encourages her boldness. Her hand slips from Regina's neck and blindly finds the hem of her dress, pushing the fabric up her thighs so she's no longer restricted and Regina doesn't even skip a beat as she slides even further up her lap, pressing her heated core against her abdomen. Emma's fingertips press into the warm skin of her thigh and glide with determination up toward the woman's sharp hip bone.

Regina instantly shifts closer, cautiously grinding her center against Emma's dress. Another moan escapes her mouth and disappears into Regina's, in the mix of their sensual kiss.

Despite her better judgement, she slowly breaks the kiss, but she makes sure to hold on tight, so Regina doesn't move too far away and feel rejected. Gently she connects their foreheads as they suck in the warm air between them.

"Regina," she breathes as her eyes remain closed so she can focus.

"Hmmm," she hums, the sound barely reaching her ears over the rolling waves behind them.

"What are we doing?"

Regina sighs, the question motivating her thumb to sweep compassionately against Emma's jawline. "Enjoying our vacation," she offers, but there's a hint of questioning in her tone.

"Have you ever been with a woman before?" The question bluntly escapes her mouth and she curses herself for the amount of alcohol she consumed this evening.

"Have you?"

Green eyes snap open as Regina quickly pulls away from their private bubble. "Well, yes...once. Ugh," she groans not wanting to divulge in this dirty little secret, but she's too drunk to actually keep her damn trap shut. "Before I came here, I was in Greece and I slept with a girl during a drunken stupor."

"Is that what this is? Another drunken stupor?" The brunette coldly quips as she pulls further away, creating an awful space between them.

"No," she hastily defends, her fingers clinging hopelessly to the sharp hip bone to ensure she doesn't escape. "I...ugh...I have no clue what this is, we just met, but I do know that this isn't just some stupid drunk night that I will soon regret or easily forget about," she tries to assure Regina through her random babbling, hoping to ease her worries about her true intentions.

"Are you sure about that, because you don't seem too confident?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I know I feel...something for you. I'm not quite sure what it is, but I only have four days left and I don't want to waste anymore time avoiding this," she strictly commands before using both her hands to pull this beautiful face closer.

Emma connects their lips feverishly, confirming her admission with a memorable, passionate kiss. It's almost impossible to sit up straight in the sand while drunk with Regina on her lap, so she falls back, bringing the small frame down with her in the process. Regina unexpectedly moans in response and thrusts her core with force against Emma's taut stomach.

"Let's go back," Regina murmurs breathlessly against her mouth in which Emma eagerly nods along, unable to form words with someone so hot on top of her.

They both scramble to their feet, scooping their sandals up in the process. Their feet shuffle at a faster pace, anxious to be hidden away in their private, secluded cabin. They scurry through the beach and stumble through the small village just below the farm. When they reach the dirt path, they have to climb in order to reach her parent's place, Regina slips her fingers in between Emma's and together they climb.

No words are spoken through their journey, both of them consumed by what's to come, knowing damn well what they really want. They stumble and fall into the one-bedroom cabin, while Emma fumbles to lock the door behind them. They don't bother with lights because Regina is far too excited to waste another second.

The sexy brunette slams her lips against Emma's forcing her back against the thick wooden door behind her. Emma groans in response as her fingertips glide along her face, needing more of that delicious mouth. Regina's sexy body presses flush against hers while Emma's hands find the curve to her ass, groping roughly inspiring her clit to pulsate with need. Regina quickly thrusts forward as Emma's thigh slips between her legs and presses with determination against her center. Regina moans loudly into her mouth and that's when Emma decides, she has to have all of this gorgeous woman tonight.

With ease her hands slip beneath Regina's round bottom and lift her effortlessly into the air, thanks to all the manual labor she has endured as of lately. Regina instantly wraps her legs around her waist, but Emma doesn't allow them to linger too long before she tosses Regina's tiny frame onto the bed.

She examines through hooded eyes, the way her body bounces into the mattress below while her mouth squeals in delight. Emma's lips curl mischievously before she falls to the bed on top of the sexiest woman alive. As she leans down, Regina meets her halfway, stretching forward to connect their lips with an urgency she has never quite felt before.

She smiles into the kiss, admiring the way her body tingles for this person she just met. Regina grips her face with both of her hands, keeping her in place while her body arches off the bed so she can feel more of her. And Regina can have all of her, she is hers for the taking.

Regina's hands slip from her face, but then Emma feels those light fingertips grazing the back of her thighs until she finds the hem of her dress. Regina's lips curl into a mischievous smile in the kiss as her fingers slowly glide Emma's dress closer to her ass.

"Let's get rid of this," she husks into Emma's mouth, persuading the blonde to sit up straight, straddling her hips because she can't seem to be too far from the brunette's warm body.

Regina pushes the fabric over her bottom and helps guide the material up her body until Emma takes over and peels the dress from her upper half. She tosses the garment off the bed and quickly falls back down to those perfect lips. She smiles with adoration just before she kisses her aggressively, expressing how that split second was far too long to be away from her goddess figure.

"Yours needs to go," she mumbles incoherently as Regina's body squirms against her own.

Emma leans back and allows Regina the space she needs so she can tear away her skimpy black dress. She slides the thin straps down her arms and eagerly pries away the fabric like she's opening a present on Christmas morning. She doesn't pay any attention to where she loses the dress because she's solely focused on the gorgeous body directly in front of her.

Regina lays down, stretched out below, her body wiggling with anticipation as she gazes up with lust filling her dark eyes. That look, that look of undeniable need is enough to send Emma over the edge right now before she even touches her.

Emma gently collapses to her mouth, capturing those swollen lips into the most tender kiss she has ever offered another human being. One hand buries itself deep into those thick locks while her other hand grips Regina's hip and she grinds forcefully into the lacy thong. Regina's nails dig deep into her flesh before dragging slowly down her back, leaving behind a trail of delicious red tracks that Emma wishes she could see. When Regina reaches her ass, her hands flatten against her flesh and she continues her path, her hands slipping beneath her underwear and groping her bare bottom once again.

Emma's hips gyrate instinctively while Regina's legs spread wide, expertly bringing her knees up. Her heels press into the back of Emma's thighs just below her ass, encouraging her to continue grinding roughly against her.

"Wait," Emma breathes, pulling away from the kiss to hold her gaze intently.

Regina's head tilts to the side like a confused puppy while a small pout forms upon her kiss swollen lips. "What?" She softly whispers into their intimate bubble as her thumbs caress Emma's bottom lip tenderly.

"I just...I don't want to rush. I mean...I want this to happen, I just want to take our time, does that make sense?" She rambles, but Regina cuts off her unsolicited words with a delicate kiss, coxing her eyes to flutter closed and her mind to draw blank.

"Emma, we have all night," this beautiful soul declares into the kiss, inspiring Emma's head to nod along.

Regina's delicate fingertips graze her skin lightly over her bottom and up her back, creating a path of goosebumps to pop along the way. Her touch is warm and gentle like the summer breeze they were engulfed in earlier that evening. Emma's lost in the serene strokes, so Regina's nose nudges into hers, encouraging Emma to kiss her once again.

Through parted lips, she captures Regina's mouth and moans as a deep shudder wracks her body. She dips her tongue inside her mouth for just a brief second before she vanishes, but she doesn't get very far without planting sweet kisses along her way. A kiss to Regina's pointed chin, another to her sharp jawline, one more to her warm neck and instantly Regina's head falls further into the pillow, granting Emma all access to her neck.

Regina groans as Emma's lips pepper the sensitive area with delicate kisses. Her fingers press a little further into Emma's back before one hand travels up toward her neck. She buries her hand in the unruly blonde locks and grabs hold of her neck, securing her closer to her body.

Emma's lips coast down her neck and plant wet, open-mouthed kisses across her chest that is rising and falling at a faster rate. When her mouth finds the valley of her breasts, her left hand cups a heavy mound, palming the erect nipple before rolling the bud between her fingers.

Regina moans breathlessly, inspiring Emma's mouth to find the neglected breast. Her tongue swirls around the pink nipple before sucking the peak into her mouth all while her fingers pinch the other. Regina reacts gloriously as her body lifts from the bed and her fingers grip Emma's neck even tighter. From her reaction alone, Emma's moaning into the heated flesh that is slowly growing slick with need.

Her left hand remains busy, caressing, palming, pinching while her lips descend the tight abdomen. The tip of her tongue pokes out and licks all the way down, passed her belly button toward her sexy black thong. Her fingers curl into the waistband but she doesn't tear them away just yet. She holds on tight while she places a loving kiss to Regina's right hip bone. She sucks the tan flesh between her teeth before licking the wounded area and then she repeats this action until there's a nice purple and red mark painted across the flesh. Emma takes a moment to admire her work, thanking her lucky stars in the process that she has this opportunity to claim Regina as hers.

"Emma," Regina pants as her hips lift from the mattress and slowly gyrate in the air, begging for her mouth to take her.

Emma places one more kiss to the hickey she created and slowly drags the panties down her smooth thighs, over her knees and tosses them to the ground. She falls back to her heels and studies every detail of the goddess figure before her; from her ebony tresses spread widely across the pillow, to her flushed chest and small, but perky breasts, down to her protruding ribs as she struggles to catch her breath, to her tight abdomen and finally upon her smooth mound that's glistening with her need for her...only her.

"You're so beautiful," she mutters as her hands roam eagerly up Regina's toned thighs.

Emma shudders, admiring the way the silky flesh feels beneath her gentle touch. Regina's hips are grinding uncontrollably, seeking out Emma's attention and she takes in this moment, never wanting it to end.

Her lips suddenly feel magnetized as they draw closer to Regina's aching center. She hovers over her core, feeling the heat pulsate against her puffy lips before lightly skimming the entrance with the tip of her tongue. Regina's body trembles instantly, provoking Emma's tongue to do a hell of a lot more.

Emma places a kiss just above her clit before forcefully licking up her slick opening. The wet folds feel glorious against her tongue, causing her body to break out in goosebumps all over again. Regina moans as her legs part, most likely to their own accord, seeking so much more of Emma.

The tip of her tongue slips easily into the quivering hole, exploring every inch of her, becoming more familiar with her tight silky walls. Green eyes are fixated on Regina's parted lips and closed eyes, she's studying every move the brunette makes, so she knows what sets her off. Emma curls her tongue, prompting Regina's body to fling forward and her hand to clench onto her crazy hair roughly.

Emma smiles victoriously before her tongue retracts from Regina's insides and travels up to her throbbing bundle of nerves. Her left hand pins her hip down while she thrusts one finger into her tight center.

"Oh fuck," Regina groans, her legs clamping down around Emma's head causing her own clit to flutter with need. Emma moans against the swollen nerves and adds another digit to meet its partner, deep inside her. "Oh god," she moans loudly, despite her usual low and seductive tone.

Her hand pumps slowly at first, allowing this woman time to adjust to her intrusion. She watches intently as Regina rises, balancing on one elbow while her free hand tangles in her blonde locks. Their eyes lock for a brief moment and Emma's heart skips a beat, knowing this is the most erotic scene she has ever seen.

Her hand picks up the pace, roughly slamming into her center, encouraging Regina to pull her head in closer so she can devour her greedy little clit. This sexy little thing, grinds uncontrollably against her face as her breathing picks up and her moans become unimaginably high pitched.

Green eyes stay strained to the body, watching her breasts bounce as she pushes her closer to her release. "Emma," she gasps sending an electrical wave to shock the pit of her stomach. "Oh god...I'm...fuck...." she incoherently spews as her walls clench deliciously around her fingers.

Emma sucks her clit and then proceeds to use the flat of her tongue to rub her in all the right ways, but Regina's struggling. She can easily tell something is haunting this woman's mind and keeping her from the release she seeks.

Emma roughly pins her hips to mattress and mutters, "relax," against her bundle of nerves while rapidly stroking her most sensitive spot deep within her center.

"Emma," Regina screeches as her body stiffens and her thick relief coats her fingers.

Regina falls back into the mattress while her body quivers from her orgasm. Emma's tongue expands and licks up the beautiful mess she created and is thoroughly proud of. She carefully places meaningful kisses all the way up her lover's trembling body and she cannot suppress her giddy grin along the way.

"Oh god...that...was..." Regina falls silent when green eyes meet brown, Regina examining her face as she hovers over her flushed cheeks. Her mind can't seem to formulate words, so Emma gently connects their lips, expressing that she doesn't need to speak in this moment, that just being there is enough for them in the moment. Regina tenderly cups Emma's face as she deepens the kiss, needing so much more of her. "So amazing," she finally utters while kissing Emma with everything she has to offer.

Regina abruptly flips them over with ease and smirks mysteriously before her lips latch onto Emma's nipple not wanting to waste another second or maybe she knows just how desperate Emma is right now for her touch. Her teeth suck the erect bud before swirling aggressively around and around, making Emma wish that tongue was somewhere else. Her smart mouth slides away from her nipple but sets up camp just above the top of her heavy mound. She begins sucking without preamble, causing Emma to hiss while she claws at the thin sheet below them.

Regina doesn't let up until she produces a deep purple love bite which she seals with a lingering kiss. Emma's hips buck forward, silently pleading for more attention. Brown eyes drift to meet green, Regina's pupils still dilated, but her irises are shimmering like a disco ball in the night. Her fingers are soft and light as they caress every inch of Emma's bare flesh, discovering every dip, every curve, every mark along the way. Regina has her body trembling violently beneath her touch. She's playing her body like a fiddle and she doesn't ever want her to stop because she swears, she can feel her body floating away.

Emma clenches her shoulder and slowly pushes her closer to her dripping center. This woman chuckles softly in response, but grants Emma the silent request. Manicured nails dig into her flesh as she slowly pulls away her soaked panties, but she's far too enchanted in her spell to care where those things end up.

Regina carefully lifts her leg and drapes the tingling limb upon her shoulder, her hands gripping Emma's hips with force and Emma can't help but notice how badly Regina's fingertips are trembling. Something in the air shifts and suddenly she's very aware of how shy Regina is becoming, nothing like the bold woman she spent all evening with. Regina's tongue timidly pokes out between her full lips, that are smudged with her dark lipstick, and very lightly brushes against Emma's folds.

Her tongue disappears, but then she is placing a tender kiss to Emma's bundle of nerves. A shaky breath disperses from her mouth and brushes against her wet core, causing a chill to run viciously through Emma's blood.

"Regina?" She softly calls out as her hand smooths over the dark head of hair, but Regina doesn't bother looking in her direction.

The brunette carefully presses her tongue to Emma's clit and licks forcefully. Her index finger sweeps across her entrance, spreading her essence that's all for her, around the folds. She then proceeds to press two fingers against her hole, slowly diving in.

"Oh yes," Emma groans as she relishes in the feel of this amazing woman filling her.

Blonde curls fall back into the pillow as her body lifts from the sheets like she's possessed by the damn devil. Emma's thumb skims across Regina's temple, hoping to soothe whatever her mind is running rampant with. She wants to push all those thoughts aside and focus on just them for the evening. Regina's fingers continue to pump tentatively but her mouth suddenly falls away. Green eyes peel open to watch just in time as Regina's head turns into her hand and places a single kiss to her palm.

Emma's bottom lip pouts out in concern, but then this extraordinary woman is pulling her clit into her mouth and sucking with determination, washing away all her concerns. Emma's hips grow wild as she slowly drags her higher and higher toward her climax.

With Neal, he never truly enjoyed going down on her and most of their sex was rough and fast. Her one-night stand, was a drunken blur with Tink, but she knows they were clawing and rushing toward their orgasms. With her other one night stand, Killian, she didn't even reach her climax before he came hard and fast. Now, with Regina, the woman is being ever so tender and taking her time. She doesn't think she has ever come at this slow of a pace, but she has to admit, she's truly enjoying the gentle touch.

Emma examines with great interest as Regina's head slowly bobs up and down, her tongue expertly caressing her clit. Her fingers are exploring her walls, exquisitely introducing herself as she finds her sweet spot. Emma's body jolts forward, her hand gripping a fistful of hair while she moans deliciously in response.

"Fuck Regina, you feel so good," she breathes deeply and watches as those closed eyes flutter in return. "Oh god, keep going," she mumbles, her eyes beginning to roll while the pit of her stomach clenches as Regina pulls her closer to her orgasm. "Yes," she gasps, Regina's fingers picking up their pace just a bit.

Emma holds on for dear life as her body stiffens, and the euphoric buzz viciously rips through her veins and leaves her entire body singing. Her body trembles violently as she releases all over the brunette, inevitably curling her toes in the process.

Regina waits patiently for her to fall back into the mattress before she extracts herself from her soaking core, causing Emma to wince. She peppers Emma's slick and sensitive skin with sweet kisses until she reaches her face. She lingers just above her, their noses almost touching and it's so adorable how shy she is.

"Of course, you're phenomenal in bed," Emma laughs, pulling this gorgeous face into hers to thank her with a hungry kiss and moaning loudly when she tastes herself all over this woman.

"I'm glad you think so, that was my first time with a woman," she shyly confesses prompting Emma's hands to jerk her face away.

"What?" She mutters in disbelief.

"I have never been with a woman before," she repeats as both their eyes intensely search one another.

A wicked smile spreads quickly across Emma's face as she pulls Regina into a searing kiss. "Well, it was only my second time, so no worries," she chuckles before Regina falls into the space next to her and they fall asleep faster than she ever expected.

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