By humioka

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How did Noah take this? More



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By humioka

The week leading up to the kissing booth kept Elle and Lee busy.  She hardly came over to the house and when she did her and Lee were holed up in his room.  I could hear them talking and laughing and I was losing it.  I needed to see her up close.  Watching her from a distance at school was not enough.  I noticed a girl started hanging out with her and Lee and eventually found out her name was Dallas.  That she was a military brat from Texas.  I wondered could this be the Dallas Lewis was talking about.  Nah, that is highly unlikely.  Funny thing is she is related to Rachel.  I noticed that on Wednesday Lewis showed up to pick up My Shelly in his stupid vintage truck.  OK, it is cool and all but hey as long as he is going somewhere alone with my Shelly it is stupid.  I just so happened to be close by when I heard that girl ask about the guy in the truck.  All Elle tells her is that he is a friend from Norwood High and that they went out to eat.  I wonder why did he regret breaking up with My Shelly and want her back.  I hear her say it reminded her of someone she knew from back home.  I stand there trying to figure out if I could get these two together so he leaves my girl alone.

While standing there I hear "Well then you should do the kissing booth to help you get over him or find a new boyfriend.  I think I might do it as well."  Wait, hold the phone MY SWEET INNOCENT SHELLY doing a kissing booth.  I don't think so.  "Really Shelly"  She turns around looks me in the eyes and rolls her at me "Why do you care?" I hear her ask "I don't," I tell her and lean in close whispering in her ear "but I will make sure no one goes near the booth if you are participating."  "Oh, you when are you going to get it into your head you do not tell me what to  do."  "Your right I don't but I do tell the guys what to do."  I am enjoying this because even though I never intended for her to hear me say Really Shelly and she did now I have a very interesting game in front of me.  "Ahh just go away, Noah."  I couldn't help but grin because what I am about to say is going to make her mad but make me oh so happy.  "no can do Shelly Lee took M&D to the airport we are having a party after the carnival."  "Wow, two weeks in a row."  "Yep, so guess what I am your ride"  "really car or bike"  "Bike"  I grin knowing will have to wrap her arms around me.  She leans in and whispers "nope I will just text Lewis."  I lean in and whisper in her ear.  Trying so hard not to brush my lips against it and nipping her earlobe.  "no you will not you two broke up and why are we whispering."  I see her glance at Dallas and say "fine you win Noah but only because if I don't let you my dad and your parents will kill us both."  Yep knew that one was coming she hates getting in trouble or getting us in trouble.  I also noticed that while I whispered in her ear her breath caught.  I loved it because my heart was racing.

As she climbs on behind me I grin and say "my place or yours?"  I chuckle because I know she is staying at our house since Max is out of town and Brad is staying the weekend at a friends house.  "not funny Noah.  Yes, I am spending the night my dad is out of town as well and Brad is spending the weekend at a friend's."  "OK hold on.  As she places her hands on my waist just lightly touching me I grin to myself and take off so she is forced to wrap her arms around me and hold me tight.  As she grips me tighter I chuckle because I am proud I got her to hold me and cuddle with me something I have been hoping for ever since I realized I am in love with Rochelle "My Shelly" Evans.  We all went to bed early since the fair is the next day.

We all take off together to the fair and as soon as we arrive they take off heading to their kissing booth. I start heading 5gat way looking at all the other booths.  I see the kissing booth ahead of me and head straight there.  When I get there I see her texting I glance at her phone but she was done and was putting away her phone.  "Who are you texting."  "none of your business."  I see her whispering with Rachel and I get annoyed I can't hear her.  I need to know if she is doing this damn kissing booth.  I will not let anyone else kiss her.  I walk up to her "Hey Shelly can we talk?"  She looks at me and smirks "I can I don't know about you."  Then she walks away.  I see Rachel follow her, of course, I follow them and I hear their conversation.

Rachel:  "you really are making him pay aren't you" 

Shelly: "no, I am just still mad he would think I would sit there and make-out at a party just because everyone else does." 

Rachel:  "Elle he really is sorry. I heard him tell Lee that this is driving him nuts. He said this is the longest you have gone without talking to him" 

Shelly:  "I know Rachel but he needs to understand he can't tell me what to do. I understand he wants to protect me but what is going to happen next year when he is gone or better yet if we all end up at different colleges." 

Rachel:  " I see your point but you need to forgive him. Everyone is noticing how you treat him and how he is reacting and they think you two are having a lovers quarrel, and that you were cheating on him with you know who" 

Damn I didn't realize I am giving that much away to people.  Are they really starting to know that I am madly in love with her.  That she is all I can think about.  Shit.

Shelly:   "just in the same room as me my heart rate spikes and I feel as if there is no one else around" she giggles 

Rachel:  "damn girl you are in love"

Wait shit I too busy thinking I didn't catch who this guy is.  Well I know it isn't Lee if she told Rachel the guys name because then Rachel would be pissed. Who else could it be...wait who am I kidding I know it's me simply because of the way she responds to my presence.

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