The Daily Quests of Loquat an...

By Morseraadh

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My name? My name is Rui. Just because some stupid vase fall on my head I got transmigrate to another world wi... More

Author Introduction


562 23 7
By Morseraadh

-That's pic of 'nowhere'-

"..." Conversation

'....' Rui thought

--....-- Rui flashback

(Third POV)

"So.... your name is Rui right?" said the white bulb. "My name is Zen, I'm the one who transfered you to this space, we need your help."

Rui and Ark look at him like he's growing second head. He didn't know that the white bulb have a name. Well, at least he's not going to call the white bulb, white bulb. Rui look at the dragon. " So you won't eat me?"

Ark sigh. " Honestly, I never eat human flesh, and I find it disgusting." Said the white dragon while he is lay down trying to take a rest, his enormous wing flapped behind once and relax on his huge body.

"Good.." At least he's not going to become someone dinner.

"But, why you need my help?" Ask Rui to the white bulb.

".....Well, to put simply, We need your body."


"Okay.... It's weird..." Rui scrunch his nose cutely. "but what for?"

Zen and Ark look at each other. "Because your body and soul are perfect vessel to hold Ark."

"....." Rui look at him at disgust, you know well the look that given to the pedhopile. Eewww...

DUAAKK!!"Hey!! Why you hit my head?!! I didn't say anything! And That's hurt! What if I became stupid....." Rui's grumbling.

"You already are!" scream tge frustrated white bulb.

"Hey! That's mean!!" Rui pout cutely.

"You should just let him finish, he is scary you know..." whispered Ark. Well it's like their friendship kinda abusive. Haha...

Rui nod his head "He is temperament, I wonder why you want to become his friend." Rui sigh.

"I wonder too..." Ark sigh too.

"O-ho~.... so both of you join force huh... " Zen glare to them. Everythings is become cold.

"We-well... " Ark and Rui sweating a lot, they didn't know that a cute bulb can be scary too.

"Sigh,,, whatever, I'm going to continued why we here." said Zen. "And You!" Zen pointed at Rui. "No INTERRUPTING! Got it?!!"

"YES SIR!!" Salute Rui. damn bulb, Rui didn't even cutting his speach yet he was blame.

"Ehm.. So... we're going to continued our conversation before." Zen look at Rui. "Well, Rui in your world, you already die. Because some error in the 'nowhere' and some... ehm.. of my 'doing'..., I bring you here and I want you need to reincarnate in the next world while become a vessel of Ark's Soul and Orb." Explain Zen clearly.

"Okay, so I just have to reincarnate and bring the dragon inside of me, right?" Rui confirming his next duty.

"Yup, you right!"

"You know?" Ask Rui
"Both of you are suspicious... Everything is suspicious!" "I don't want that dragon suddenly control my mind and take over my body!" Rui say to them. "What is your purpose? Don't tell me I'm just kinda a doll that you will use to achieve something evil and throw me away and scheme me so everybody will take on revenge on ME, ALONE!!!" Rui Glaring to them, let out some steam from your body is really exhausting. "Don't tell me, I am right?!" his eyes glaring at them, trying to look scary, but it fail... Really... He looks like angry kitten.

'He is watching too much drama...' Both Ark and Zen sweatdrop.

"Ha....." Ark and Zen sigh.

"Okay, Enough." Said Ark. "Rui..."


"....Do you have a dream?"

"Of course I have. don't divert our conversation!"

"No, no... I'm not." Reply Ark. "Come on sit down, Zen you too, let me explain everything okay. After all it is all my selfishness..." Said Ark with soft tone, his eyes seem too sad and far away like he's seeing something that he couldn't reach. "Well Rui, when you in your world die, I've died too." His eyes closing, like try to remember something in his past life.

"Eh?" Rui sound confuse.

"I already died from the old age."

"But aren't the dragon have immortal life?" Ask Rui.

"No, We're not." Ark's eyes opened, his eyes is big red, but it's not scary anymore, now Rui can see that his eyes fill with wisdom. "Compare to human life we are really immortal though. After all, I live almost ten thousand years in that world." Explain Ark. "I am the living prove of human civilization, I see them born, struggling, grow strong, being betray, their conflict, their love, generosity, hate, lust, greed, live together, becoming old and die in happiness. I see them all, over and over again, and... inside this sacred heart, grow feeling of..." Ark take a deep breath. Leaving his pride as a sacred beast.

"...envy... to them... to you..." His red eyes meet Rui Green eyes, his eyes piercing through his soul. Like he already see Rui life, watching like some kind of old movie, until he died.

Rui stunned at his confesion, after all he is sacred dragon. Even in the game, dragon have the highest level of all creature in the world, kindda like the final boss. So, it's weird when the mighty dragon who have everything's want to be puny human. "Why are you envy.. us?" Ask Rui. "You know, human is known as evil creature too, we create war, even in your world have already seen this."

"I know... you, human destroy each other. But that's not what I envy of you." Said Ark. "I simply envy you because..."

"because?" Ask Rui.

" have 'Love'."


Ark sigh. it's embarrassing really. "Rui, A dragon is an individual creature, we live alone in our land."

"You mean... in your world you are the only dragon?" Rui tilted his head, look confuse, but that look cause the dragon give him soft smile, 'his next vessel is really cute' thought Ark.

"No, it's not. We live in each our territory. We never meet and have a daily life like you do. We protect our territory, if we're trespassing, we fight until one of us died." Said Ark, it sound sad... you know, when our life in modern world being crowded yet we feel alone, because we keep away from the society and to much focus on our gadget, and here... someone is alone... wanting to feel how we live.

Rui's head bow. "So, that's why you need me? Because I am human so you can feel indirectly what we face on our life?"

"That's right. Actually me and Zen often go to the city, change our form as a domestic animal." His eyes look at Zen.

"That time we had fun." The good memories is sad, because we know that it will never happen again for the second times.

"It's really warm. To live together. Three of us." Ark once again close his eyes reminiscing the life he live in the past.

"I just hope to feel warm again."

--'I hope I can make 'him' happy. So, 'he' didn't need to leave me alone.'--

Rui sigh "Okay... So you just wanna live like human right?" Rui look at the dragon.

"Yes we are..." answered Ark.

"Eh.. Hold on... You mean the white bulb too?" Ask Rui.

"What? You have a complain about me?" Zen glaring at him.

"Of course no....haha". 'because you just scarier than the dragon'

"Hmph! You will see that My skill more usefull than that dragon!" Say Zen proudly.
"Now!! Enough chitchat! Everybody be ready!! I'm going to synchronize and send us to the next world!" their body shine brighter and brighter until their body vanish from that space.

Now in 'Nowhere' is empty. The stupid trio never notice someone watching them all the time...

He smirk.. 'looks like I need to greet them.'


Good day everybody. I hope you like this chapter.

By the way I almost cry when Ark explain his reason to Rui.

Next chapter will be late, because I have to work of course.... I hate Monday!!!

See ya...


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