The Royal Romance Book 1

By ZimmerGurl

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Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia. Travel to the beautiful kingdom of Cordonia with the Crown Prince... More

Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time
Chapter 2 : Welcome to Cordonia
Chapter 3: Reunited
Chapter 4: Save The Last Dance
Chapter 5: Off to the Races
Chapter 6: Queen of Hearts
Chapter 7: Fire and Ice
Chapter 8: A Waltz to Remember
Chapter 9: Race to the Finish
Chapter 10: Beach Party
Chapter 12: As Sweet As Apple Pie
Chapter 13: Hunting for Love
Chapter 14: Fair Game
Chapter 15: The Brothers Beaumont
Chapter 16: The Beaumont Bash
Chapter 17: Lady In Waiting
Chapter 18: To Be A Princess
Chapter 19: Long Live The King

Chapter 11: The Apple of His Eye

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By ZimmerGurl

A couple weeks later, I'm in a limo with Bertrand and Maxwell on our way to the Cordonian countryside...

Waking from a nice nap, I stretch my arms and let out a yawn. "I hate to be cliché, but... are we there yet?"

"Almost, Riley. Believe me, I'm as excited as you to get out of this car... especially since we're going to Applewood!" Maxwell raises his fists in excitement while Bertrand rolls his eyes.

"Is that really the name? Applewood? Everything in Cordonia has been so grand, but that's... quaint!"

"It's decidedly appropriate. Applewood Manor borders the largest apple orchard in the entire kingdom, and that's where they first cultivated the apple varietal Cordonia is most famous for..." Bertrand glances at me waiting for my response.

"Oh, right. This famous apple is called... The Cordonian Ruby"

"Very good, you've been paying attention. The Cordonian Ruby is a red varietal that's pleasantly crisp with an intense flavor that has notes of honeyed caramel."

"You know, that's probably the most poetic thing you've ever said."

"Certain subjects call for a little poetry."

"Like apples, obviously"

"Precisely. Now, let us review your role this weekend in earnest..."

"'In earnest'? You make it sound like I need to step up my game..."

"Oh, you do. Since the King's announced his retirement, everything as changed..."

"I guess the announcement was pretty serious, huh? I saw King Constantine talking to Liam about it at the beach party..."

"Really? What do you know about it?"

"Well, I know that the prince wasn't expecting the announcement."

"Hmmm, interesting... Anything else? Has he talked to you since?"

"No, I haven't seen him around much lately..."

Maxwell puts a hand on my shoulder and smiles, "He's probably busy with preparations for the Coronation..."

"That's precisely the reason we need to make a more concerned effort. We're no longer playing for the title of princess. If Riley marries him, she will be queen. The stakes are higher than ever. We must succeed."

"Bertrand... You know I actually care about the Prince, right? We have a relationship. If he chooses me, it'll be because he cares for me, and I care for him."

"That's good. Use that. Let your sentimental heart fuel your competitive spirit."

"Bertrand..." I raise my voice in anger and scowl at him.

"I'm merely preparing you. The other ladies are only going to get more competitive, and if you do care about him, then you'll get serious."

"Well, that I can agree to."

"We're running out of time after all. There's only about a month and a half before the Coronation Ball at the end of the season."

"So soon?" My heart starts racing and I begin to feel anxious.

"Time flies when you're jet-setting around Cordonia." Maxwell chimes in and moves his hand in an airplane motion.

"So what do I need to do? What are my directives for the day?"

"No time to play coy. Spend as much time with Liam as possible"

"But if you can't do that, try not to get in trouble." Bertrand glances between Maxwell and I and we begin to chuckle. "According to my reports, you, Duchess Olivia, and Countess Madeline are the frontrunners..."

"But Liam and I have a special connection."

"His Royal Highness isn't the only one who matters. Olivia and Madeline may not be foremost in the Prince's heart, but they are popular with other royals, the nobles, and the public. They're both going to try to undermine you."

"Olivia's been trying since the beginning, but I've stood my ground. I don't know that much about Madeline."

"Her mother is Cordonian nobility, which is where she gets her title of Countess, and she's practically royalty on her father's side as well. Her family is powerful, and she's grown up immersed in the intrigues and maneuverings of courtly life. Don't underestimate her. She's used to winning. Anyway, you won't be able to avoid either lady in public, but try your best to keep your cool and be diplomatic, especially when the press is around. You've done remarkably well so far, but there's still room to fail."

I nod, as the limo makes a turn and begins to slow down.

"We're here!" Maxwell glances out the limo in excitement and I follow.

Exiting the limo, I step onto the sprawling estate of Applewood Manor!

A large stone manor stands elegantly amidst manicured gardens, and beyond it, vibrant fields of grass and trees stretch out before me.
"Beautiful... I can get used to this."

"This is Applewood. It's where we'll be staying for the next few weeks..." Maxwell grabs our bags from the limo and walks with me down the long packed-dirt driveway leading to the manor.

"Now we should settle in quickly. The Apple Blossom Festival will last today and tomorrow, and the first kick-off event is starting this afternoon..." Bertrand rushes us towards the manor while glancing down at his phone checking the time.

"What kind of apple-themed activities are we talking about?"

"Delicious ones." Maxwell smiles at me, "Apple-picking, apple-baking, apple-tree planting..."

"We Cordonians take our traditions very seriously. Be sure to show enthusiasm for all the events." Bertrand gives me a serious stare and looks me up and down, "That starts with finding something suitable to wear... Nothing too flashy. Just something that says you're relatable and quaint..."

I raise my eyebrow at him and smile, "I've got this."

I walk into the boutique with the perfect look in mind. The look is called 'Boho Beautiful' which is a simple white dress with flowers gently decorating it and a gold belt around my waist. If this doesn't say 'a day in the countryside', I don't know what does...

I exit the boutique twirling in my new dress.

At the apple orchards, I am escorted past a crowd of people eagerly awaiting the beginning of the Apple Blossom Festival! All the ladies vying for Liam's hand stand in a loose semicircle under the shade of a large apple tree. I join them, squeezing into the only empty space between Olivia and Madeleine.

"Shouldn't you be in the back somewhere with Drake and the other commoners?" Olivia looks down at me and laughs. I look at her and try to come up with the perfect come back.

"Shhh... It's starting." Madeleine interrupts my train of thought and my eyes are focused on the orchard now.

My attention goes to the King and Queen standing in the center, proudly smiling near several wicker baskets full of brilliant red apples. The press throngs around me, quieting as the King raises his arms.

"Welcome to the annual Apple Blossom Festival!"

"As is tradition, myself and several ladies of the court will sample the apples of the first picking of the season!" The Queen gestures, and the apples are distributed to the suitors. I take mine, cupping it in my hands.

"It's so red... it really is like a ruby."

"Looks delicious." Hana smiles up and waves at me.

"Oh, it is... I can't wait for you both to try it..." Olivia looks at us with an evil glance and I scoff at her looking away.

"You know, I actually look forward to this every year..." Madeleine looks down at her apple with a sigh of gratitude.

"Ladies, if you will.." The Queen grabs our attention, "Please try your apples."

One of the reporters edges closer with a cameraman, "Make sure you look over here! We'd love some reaction shots!"

Reporter De Luca from trend shouts over to me, "And a shot of that ensemble, Lady Riley.... Ruffles are on trend for this summer's lineup! It's perfect!"


The ladies taste their apples...

"Oh!' Hana exclaims.

"Delicious." Olivia smiles with a satisfied look plastered on her face.

"As refreshing as a summer breeze." Madeleine's dainty bite and reaction please the press and community.

I take a big bite of my apple... only to have my mouth fill with a sharp, nauseating mix of bitter and sour tastes. Fighting back a grimace, I swallow the apple and put a smile on my face as the cameras click. "That was... tasty"

"It looks like you enjoyed the Cordonian Ruby, Lady Riley?" Reporter Brine asks as he jots down notes.

"It certainly has character."

"I wasn't expecting such a sour taste!" Hana frowns and tries to turn away from the cameras.

"The first crop of the season always has a particular bite to it. I rather like the taste personally." Madeleine remains composed and smiling, ready to rule the press.

"You WOULD" Olivia gives Madeleine a snarl and rolls her eyes.

The King clears his throat, calling everyone to attention, "It looks like our ladies enjoyed their apples. I'd like to extend a special thanks to our apple growers and farmers for preserving our noble tradition..."

"And with that..." The Queen smiles and raises her arm, "Happy Apple Blossom Festival!"

The crowd cheers, and the people start dispersing into the orchard to pick apples. I am about to join them, but the reporters rush forward, trapping me with Olivia and Madeleine.

"Would it be alright with you ladies if I asked a few questions?" Reporter Brine asked, extending a friendly smile.

"Of course! Fydelia has always generously supported the CBC. I look forward to your favorable report." Madeleine says with poise and confidence.

"And I haven't forgotten the amazing article about the Nevrakis family history in Trend several years back." Olivia puts on a fake laugh and puts a hand on her hip to show some sass.

"Your family has always been as fashionable as it is noble." Reporter De Luca exclaims as she gives a polite head nod.

"Well, Mr. Brine, Ms. De Luca, I don't have a history with the CBC or Trend... But I can promise you a compelling story. The Prince and I are close. I've seen a side of him that he doesn't often show in public. Wouldn't you want to hear about that?"

"Trend would be interested in Lady Riley's insights as someone on the inside." De Luca flashes me a smile.

"Thank you." I smile back at her and get a little giddy when I start thinking about Liam.

"Lady Riley makes an excellent point, and I'd like to remind everyone that we all have a relationship with the Prince that could provide a unique spin." Madeleine directs the press's attention back on her.

"Yes, I've been Liam's friend since childhood." Olivia guides their attention back to her.

"And I myself am close to the Prince and have the pleasure of calling the Queen my friend. Now, any other questions?" Madeleine starts to look annoyed.

I'm afraid I started a popularity contest with these girls, but with matters of the heart. I know that Liam has known them for longer, but I can't help but feel a real connection that's so different from anything else I've had.

"Just one last one..." We all look at reporter Brine and smile, "You've been at court enjoying all the events of the social season has to offer, competing for the Prince's attention. At this stage, who do you think the Prince will choose?"

"The Prince is loyal and dedicated. He'll do what's best for his country and people." I put my hand on my heart that's pounding.

"But you're still wishing it'll be you?" De Luca asks, inching closer.

"With everything in me. But I know Prince Liam will do what's right, and I'm trying to be worthy of being his choice."

"Can I quote you on that?"

"Of course."

Madeleine gives me a poised look that I can tell has pain behind it, "Very well-put, Lady Riley."

"Really?" I think that's the first compliment she's ever given me.

"Yes. I know I find the Prince's devotion to cause and country inspiring."

"As do we all, Lady Madeleine," De Luca finishes writing down quotes in her notebook and gives us a grateful smile, " That's it for questions."

"Thank you ladies." Brine glances at me, "Especially you Lady Riley. Your answers were quite interesting."

"You're welcome."

The reporters walk off. Olivia glares at me, while Madeleine considers me thoughtfully.

"That was... informative. Lady Riley, you answered with such grace and poise."

"Oh. Thank you, Madeleine."

"It was rather enviable. I only hope you can keep it up without any mishaps. Some women can't handle the pressure."

"I can." I cross my arms and glared at her.

"As can I." Olivia chimes in, " If either of you thinks you've won, you've got another thing coming."

"Oh, Olivia dear... I think we all know where we stand. May the best woman win." Madeleine struts aware, leaving me and Olivia to huff and puff in her direction.

Olivia shakes her head and stalks in the opposite direction. I find Maxwell and Bertrand on the sideline.

"You did well up there with the press." Bertrand nods, "Madeleine didn't shake you."

"Yeah, but I'm beginning to see what you mean. She spun everything positively for herself."

"Still, this gives me hope."

"Also, thanks for not giving me a heads-up about the apple! You said it'd taste like caramel!" I angrily cross my arms and snarl at Bertrand.

"I said it had an 'intense flavor'! Besides, if you can't handle something as simple as a sour apple, I shudder to think how you crumble when presented with a real challenge."

"Whatever. SO what happens now?"

"Right now I suggest you two go down this path and enjoy a stroll through the royal gardens... I have it on good authority that the Prince is there now. I'll catch up with you later."

"Come on, Riley," Maxwell grabs my arms and entwines it with his, "I'll show you where to go!"

My heart starts to beat faster and I get excited to see Liam again.

Maxwell and I head towards the gardens when I hear Bertrand's voice... sounding agitated.

I turn around and see Bertrand standing with a familiar figure...
"Hold on, Maxwell. Is that Bertrand talking to the reporter from Trend?"

Across the path...

"Ana, you're being unreasonable."

"Not the way I see it, Bertrand"

Bertrand turns angrily and storms off.

I whisper to Maxwell, " Looks like something's up. Any idea what's going on?"

"Not really. Bertrand doesn't let me get involved with House Beaumont stuff. He thinks I'd just screw it up."

"That's not fair, Maxwell!"

"I kind of see his point. I am kind of a screw-up..."

"Don't let Bertrand get to you. You're as much a member of house Beaumont as he is!"

"It does look like things didn't go well with that reporter... Maybe I could help... But wait, I don't want to distract you. We're supposed to be going to find the Prince."

"Bertrand would probably like it better if we find Liam instead..."

"Yeah... as much as I'd like to help our cause, I trust Bertrand to take care of it."

A little while later, I arrive at the gardens. Everyone from court strolls among the beautiful flower beds. I look around, trying to spot Liam.

"Where is he? I don't see him... He's been a little off since the Regatta..."

"Well, Bertrand said he was here... I'll look around."

While Maxwell wanders off, I notice there's an 'Exhibit Closed' sign on the gazebo.

I sneak into the gazebo, and there, I find Liam looking contemplatively at a still pond of golden fish.

"Riley! I..."

"Is something wrong?"

"No. It's just..." He lets out a sigh and turns away, "It's nothing. Nevermind."

"Liam... I can tell something's bothering you. What is it?"

"Riley, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Do you... do you think you could handle being queen of Cordonia? Truly?"

"Could I handle being queen? I haven't spent as much time at court as some of the other ladies, but I'd like to think I could do a good job..."

"That's... good" He gives me a smile and I smile back at him.

"Is that what's been on your mind recently?"

"That's part of it. But as for the rest... I... It's not something I can talk about. With anyone. But trust me, if I could... You'd be the one I'd want to tell."


I reach out and touch his arm. He leans into me for a brief moment, embracing me tightly.

"Honestly, I'll be fine. Anyway, It's just boring royal business. Not worth troubling you about in any case."

"Well, then, maybe I can join you in the gardens."

The Prince and I walk away from the gazebo and wind our way through the flowers.

"I've always loved the view here."

I glance around at the beautiful flowers in perfect bloom, "it's magical. I've never seen so many apple blossoms."

"The festival is a special time of the year for this garden. I could stay here all day, but..."


"I have pans to meet Drake."

"Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you."

"You're welcome to come with me. He'd probably be happy to see you. He sort of dreads this day every year."

"He hates apples?"

"Not quite. Today is Drake's birthday."

"Today's Drake's birthday!? We've got to celebrate!"

"Drake isn't really the type to celebrate. He usually spends the day hiding out in his room. Sometimes I'm able to convince him to have a drink with me... But that's about as far as it goes. Ah, there he is now.."

As we walk through the garden, I see Drake, Hana, and Maxwell.

"Why do you look so happy to see me? Oh no... god no..." Drake holds up his hands signaling me to remain quiet.

"Yes. Happy Birthday."

"Liam, you told her?"

"My deepest apologies, Drake. I forgot that it was such a closely guarded secret." Liam chuckles and gives him a friendly pat on the back.

"It's fine. It doesn't matter, because this is the last we're ever going to speak of it ever again."

"You don't want to do something fun on your birthday?" Hana gives him a sad expression, "Even I was allowed petit fours and an hour playing with my father's cat each year..."

"Man, Drake, even Hana feels bad for you." Maxwell pats him on the back and chuckles.

"I don't need fun to enjoy myself. Besides, what could you jokers possibly want to do that would be fun for me?"

"Are all Americans as fussy as Drake is about birthdays, Riley?" Maxwell glances at me and cocks his head.

"Drake's an American?"

"Half. On my mother's side."

"That gives me an idea... Do you have any American Western-themed bars here in Cordonia?"

Maxwell raises his hand, "Checking on my phone now."

"How about that Drake? Whiskey, mechanical bull riding, and some good old' American fun."

"I guess it doesn't sound horrible... but I can't ask you guys to sneak out for that."

"Nonsense. I'd love to." Liam puts his arm around Drake and smiles at me.

"I'd also like to understand more of Riley's American culture!" Hana jumps up and exclaims.

"And I'll take any excuse to drink and dance the night away! Plus, I just found the perfect place!" Maxwell gesture for everyone to gather around his phone.

"I don't know... Do you really want to do this, Riley?"

"I almost think we have to with that outfit she's got on..."

I twirl and let out a laugh.
"I say, We're goin' out tonight!"

The group shouts and then is quickly shushed by passersby.

"Yeah... something tells me this is going to be a night to remember."Drake puts his head in his hand and smiles.

"The party has arrived!" Maxwell shouts as we enter the bar.

"Oh? Where?"

"It's us, Hana. he means us." Drake puts a hand on her shoulder and sighs.

"Exactly, my good man. As in, we're the life of the party."

"We... are?" Hana looks around with disbelief.

"Well. Some of us."

"I can't believe you actually talked me into this." Drake glances toward me and I smile.

"First order of business... we've got to get you a birthday drink!"

Liam puts his hand on the small of my back which makes my whole body tingle, "I'll buy the first round."

"On his birthday? Any bartender with a heart would give him a free drink to start the night off, don't you think?"

"Free drinks are something that happens when you're a woman, Riley." Drake scoffs and crosses his arms. "Even on my twenty-first birthday, I didn't get so much as a free drop from anyone."

"No? Well, let me see what I can do. Come on, Drake."
I pull Drake over to the bar with me.
"Hey bartender, my friends here are celebrating his birthday today! Can we get a drink on the house?"

The bartender thinks it over... and nods!

"It's like everything I know is wrong." Drake has a puzzled look on his face and I just chuckle.

"Heh. Good of you to admit it."

Drake snap his fingers, "No, wait. I figured it out. Of course, he'll do it for you. No one says no to a hot girl."

"Drake, do you want this free drink or not?"

"yes, ma'am."

"Then I believe the appropriate thing to say is 'thank you'"

"I'll decide whether or not I should thank you once I see what you order for me."


"It's really starting to feel like my birthday now. Gotta admit I thought you might make me suffer."

"What can I say, it's your birthday. Everyone deserves to have at least one day out of the year when people are nice to them."

"A guy could get used to this."

"There you two are!" Hana comes up to us and leans on me.

"Prince Liam just paid the guy operating the mechanical bull. He wants Drake to ride!" Maxwell shouts, excited, trying to pull Drake toward the bull.

"Me? No way."

"I figured you wouldn't want to, but Liam says you're some kind of expert."

"Is that true?" I laugh and look at Drake.

"There's only one way you'd get to find out, and I'm not drunk enough to make a fool of myself yet."

"Personally, I'd rather see Hana try..." Maxwell says, poking at Hana.

"Oh! I couldn't. I wouldn't even know where to begin!"

"Yeah, that's why it'd be fun! Okay, tie-breaker vote.... Riley! Hana or Drake?"

"Hmmm... Drake! You're the birthday boy, after all!"

"Yeah, yeah. SO you keep telling me."

"DRAKE! DRAKE! DRAKE!" All of us start shouting trying to get him to go.

"Okay, okay! I'll do it. Just... quiet down. You're embarrassing me."

"That's kind of the whole point..." Maxwell takes Drake's arm and leads him towards the bull.

Glaring at Maxwell, Drake slings a leg over the mechanical bull...

"How do you start this thing?"
The bull begins to buck and twist! Drake easily swivels his hips and throws his hands back, keeping perfect balance.
"Hah. Not even a challenge."
The bull begins to buck faster...
"Okay, that's a little harder..."

"Come on, birthday boy! You can last longer than that!" I shout clapping my hands.

Shooting me a look, Drake grips the bull tighter, even as it wildly bucks and pivots!
"Is that all you've got, bull?"

A second later, the bull turns in a complete circle and bucks hard, throwing Drake off! He barrels into me and the two of us end up tangled on the floor.

"Whoa! Sorry, Summers."

"Heh. My own fault for making you do it."

Drake helps me up, "True."

As the band begins to play a new song, Maxwell's eyes light up, "We should hit the dance floor!"

"I don't think you can waltz to this." Hana says, looking uncomfortable.

"Yeah, exactly the point. I mean REALLY dance. Like, the fun kind of dancing."

" What would that entail?"

"I could tell you, but it's going to be a lot more fun to show you."

Maxwell heads to the dance floor, the rest of the group following closely behind. Stepping out onto the dance floor, I take Prince Liam's hand in mine.

"Lady Riley..."

"we're not at some courtly royal function. It's just Riley right now."

"Of course." He gives me a smile and a wink.

I sway against the Prince and notice him blushing...

"Liam.. what could you possibly be thinking right now?"

"Ahem. Just how enjoyable it is to have you so close..."

"That's funny, I was just thinking the same thing..."

Liam smiles as he puts a hand at my waist, happily holding me.

"Even in a crowded country bar, it's amazing how everyone else in the room seems to fall away when I look into your eyes."


As the night continues, my friends and I dance...

"And this, Hana, is the 'sprinkler'" Maxwell displays his moves as Hana looks on intently.

"Ooh, do you have sprinkles?"

"it's... water. Just forget it."

And dance...

"Liam, get in the middle of the circle and show us a move!" I shout as we all create a circle.

"I couldn't possibly."

"Do it!" Drake shouts, tipsy.

"LIAM! LIAM! LIAM!" We all start to shout his name and he holds his hand up.

"Very well, if it'll avoid causing a scene..."
Liam claps and, backing up a few steps, runs forward and does a flip!

"Whoa! I didn't know you had moves like that!" I grab him and throw my arms around his neck.

"As part of my education, my parents had me take a few years of gymnastics. I'm afraid that's more or less all I remember."

As the last song of the night winds down, the group gathers to leave...

"We shut this place down!" Maxwell stumbles around with his hands thrown in the air.

"What did you think Hana?" I laugh and face Hana.

"This was scary... but a fun kind of scary?"

"You'll learn to love going out. Just wait till next time." Maxwell wraps his arms around Hana and she laughs.

"Wait, next time?"

"I hope there's a next time... as long as we can find another way to sneak out." Liam wraps his arm around me and I get a warm feeling.

"We'll make it happen." I smile at him and feel a sense of home.

As everyone heads to the door, I notice Drake hangs back, "Not ready for your birthday to be over?"

"Heh. Maybe. You know, to tell you the truth, I always dreaded my birthday when I was a kid. My parents tried hard, really hard, to give me the best birthday they could. But I kind of always knew that no matter what they did, Prince Liam's parents were going to top it. My parents got me a toy T-rex? Liam's parents got the entire palace staff to dress up like dinosaurs for his birthday. My parents got me a cake shaped like a car? Liam's parents got him a cake the SIZE of a car."

"Drake... That must've been hard."

"I mean, sure, it wasn't easy, but I knew we were lucky to live at the palace and even be invited to Liam's birthdays. So I didn't really care about that stuff. Never saw these birthday parties as a competition. But they were hell on my parents. They knew they could never even come close to what my best friend was getting... and that killed them. So around when I was nine or ten, I made a decision to stop trying. No more birthday parties, no more cakes, no more presents... all I wanted was to spend the day with my family doing something fun. My parents loved it. Made them feel like they could really give me something special."


"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm a total marshmallow. Just don't tell anyone else."

"No promises... but..."


"Drake, I hope I didn't get in the way of any family traditions tonight."

"Nah. My family's not here anymore, so I wasn't really expecting anything tonight. Anyway, tonight has actually been... well, it's been really fun. And if I'm being honest with myself, it's felt a lot more like those special birthdays with my family than I thought it could..."

"Drake, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

"Yeah... I'm glad you dragged me out. Anyway, we should call it a night."


I grab Drake in a tight hug, "I'm here for you... anytime."

"Summers!" He shoots me a surprised look.



The next morning, I hear Bertrand and Maxwell calling to me from the hallway...

"Rise and shine, little blossom!" Maxwell seems chipper and excited.

"Day two of the Apple Blossom Festival. I hope you're prepared to fight for your time with the Prince, Riley."

"And for all the apples! you've made an apple pie before right? And you're pretty good at planting apple trees?"

I open my eyes wide from my sleep and realize how unprepared I am. "Uhm."

*Will you impress or fall flat in the conclusion of Cordonia's Apple Blossom Festival? Find out in the next chapter!*

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