Killian Jones One Shots

By BoozyBookworm

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A collection of one-shots based around the character Killian Jones from Once Upon a Time. contains smut and a... More

On My Knees
To Study? Or Not to Study? That is the question!
The Sea Hag
A Sample of Leather
After the Storm
Sleepless Night

At The Helm

1K 12 1
By BoozyBookworm

"I'm proud of you, love." Killian leaned down over where I was sitting with my books and pressed a tender kiss to the top of my head. I groaned in reaction to his compliment and pushed my textbook away with a heavy, bone-deep sigh.

"I can't imagine why. I haven't done anything worthy of being proud of." It was true. I had finals coming up the following week and had been *trying* to bust my butt studying. But it was an utter failure. Between issues with my sisters, a busy house, noise, and chaos, it was impossible to get any work done at home. That's why I had taken off right after school on Friday to join Killian on the Jolly. At least here I could get some peace, but the warmth of the sun's rays, the smell of the salt breeze, and the sounds of the waves lapping at the hull of the ship.... It was far more intoxicating than studying.

"You've made a lot of progress in your books." He made a motion to the pile of things I've finished and picked up my notebook from my mathematics course. It was open to a page where I'd been copying equations and he frowned. "...what is this? Some sort of runic text?" He waggled his dark eyebrows suggestively.

He wasn't serious of course, as Killian had seen the type of math I was required for class before, but his feigned confusion served its purpose in bringing forth a laugh from me and he smiled. "See? It's not all bad." He gifted me with a light kiss before stepping away and removing his duster.

"I'm relieving Aikens of helm duty tonight," Came the explanation to my puzzled look. It was edging on sundown which usually meant that Killian and I would be joining the crew for dinner before retiring to his quarters for the night, but, obviously, that wasn't happening now.

"Why? What's wrong?" I reached across the table and retrieved my literature notes.

"Made a bet at lunch that he could finish off the bottom of the pot," Killian pulled the left sleeve of the shirt he'd just changed into so he could reattach his hook and the clicking noise it made was familiar and comforting. What an odd thing to be attached to; the sound of his hook clicking home.

As I pondered the oddities that made me who I was, I became oblivious to Killian's talking and it must have become obvious because before I knew it I was being snatched out of my chair and carefully thrown over his shoulder as he laughed like a maniac.

"Wha- Killian!" Too busy laughing to fight, I squirmed against Killian as he placed me atop his bed and began tickling my sides. "Mercy! Ah- St- stop!"

He pulled back with a shit-eating grin and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "That's more like it."

"What is?"

"I haven't seen you smile since you started reading those bloody books," Moving to help me sit up, and then smoothing my hair down, Killian smiled. "Now, what do you say you take a break from your studies and join me at the helm, hmm?"

"I'd love to," My arms went around his neck and I kissed him slowly.

"Mmm... I've been far too busy of late..." Killian tilted my head back with his thumb and I parted my lips against his. It was a slow, passionate dance that we had engaged in many, many times. But no matter how many kisses we shared, each one was as magical as our first. With butterflies in my stomach, and my cheeks darkening in a blush... it wasn't hard for Killian to make me feel like a shy schoolgirl each and every time we kissed.

It was just as his hand was wandering up my bare thigh and daring to push under the material of my sundress that a shout at the open hatch had us jumping apart. "Cap'n? Are yeh still takin' the helm? Aikens is a right sore sight. Blowin' chunks all over th-"

"Yes, Mister Smee!" Killian's aggravated hollar was accompanied by him pulling away and wiping his mouth. "I will be up momentarily!" The look he gave me, from the top of my head down to my toes, was one of raw hunger and I couldn't help but bite my lip at the sight of his obvious arousal. I could tell how tempted he was to shirk off his duties to someone else for the sake of 'private time' in his quarters, but he'd already done that once this trip and I didn't like getting in the way of his responsibilities.

"I'll see you up on deck," As I passed him, I leaned in dangerously close and teased my tongue over his bottom lip. It brought forth a low growl from him, but still, I persisted. "Once you get *this* under control, that is." I teased a single fingertip over the bulge rising in his leathers and the breathy gasp that had Killian dropping his menacing look was almost enough to make me stay. God, how I loved to tease him. 

I could feel his eyes on my as I took to the ladder and made my way up towards the hatch, and I took my time with each rung while accentuating the motion of my ass. It wasn't something I did all the time, but Killian made teasing him far too much fun. Just as I climbed through the hatch and onto the upper deck, I heard him grumbling under his breath about what a 'bloody minx' I was.

"Ah, Miss Wrigh'. Good to see ya out from under all those books!" Mr. Smee greeted me with a warm smile that I returned.

"Killian insisted I take a break." Moving to stand behind the helm, I frowned at seeing that Smee was finishing up with setting out a small table and two chairs in a spot that was out of the way. "What's this for?"

"The cap'n's requested a private dinner for the two o' ya. Wants to have ya join 'im under the stars." He reached up and straightened his red cap before glancing over his work. The table had been set with a few things meant for eating, but the only food on it as of yet was a small platter of fruit.

"What's being served tonight? Not more stew, I hope." I wasn't trying to be rude, but the stew that had been served for lunch had left everyone a bit queasy. It's why Aikens was now puking over the side of the ship down below. 'Finishing the pot' is what the crew referred to the task of scraping the leavings from the stew pot and it was often left open for lost bets, dares, and drunken foolery. Poor Aikens.

"Not on my bloody life," The deep timbre of Killian's voice had me turning around to be met with the still hungry gaze of the man I loved. He'd managed to get things under control (for now), but the apples of his cheeks were still bright red from our shared passion down below. "I don't know what that shite was that Jack served, but it was most definitely *not* turtle."

Closing the distance between us, Killian wrapped me in his arms as Smee excused himself to fetch our food. "I'm afraid it'll likely be hard tack and not much else aside from the fruit." He placed a kiss to my neck. "We're running low on our stores because of how off-course the storm blew us."

"How far from port are we?" I knew that the Jolly was running low, but I hadn't realized they'd hit the point of eating hardtack and gruel. It made me feel guilty; at home, I had access to numerous grocery stores and restaurants, but there was no way for me to bring enough food for everyone aboard the ship. Not that they needed me to, or would want to trouble me with the task, they were grown men well capable of surviving on their own.

"A day, no more than two." His hand rubbed over my belly as he took a deep inhale of my hair and hummed in appreciation. "You finally used the new oils I bought you."

"Mmhmm," leaning back against him, I allowed my eyes to fall closed as we swayed with the motion of the ship. "Thank you. My hair's never been so soft." It was true. The oils that Killian had bought for me had worked wonders in taming my mass of curls and keeping away the frizzies. They smelled of roses and there was one with lavender as well, which I used at night to help me sleep.

"Dinner is served!" Smee announced his presence as he came up the narrow steps while balancing a plate in each hand. He set them down quickly and then took his leave again when Killian dismissed him.

"Well," he said as he moved to pull out my chair, "It's not gruel, but I do apologize for the poor state of things." Motioning to my plate which was made up with what resembled saltine crackers and a bit of salted meat that looked like over dried beef jerky, Killian gave me a look.

"It's okay," Instead of taking a seat right away, I went to him instead and wrapped his arms around his neck. "I don't mind it, Killian. I'm here because I *want* to be here. Not because I want to be pampered. If it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me." I sealed my words with a kiss, but Killian remained silent on the matter as a he gave a small hint of a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

Despite the poor excuse of a meal, we enjoyed ourselves while we ate. Killian brought out a bottle of a sweet red wine (knowing that sweet wines were my favorite) and we shared an orange for dessert. When the table had been cleaned off, we were left to our own devices as the sky turned completely dark and the remainder of the crew retired for the evening.

The evening moved into the night and Killian set our direction while taking the time to teach me how to use his sextant. It was a confusing instrument and the more he explained the more it confused me, but I was more thankful that he was patient with me. In another life, I think Killian would have made an incredible teacher. Strict, and stern, but he'd definitely be one of those that cared about his students' educations.

"Why don't you take the helm, love?" Killian stepped back and gently pulled me to stand in front of him before showing me where to place my hands.

"I have no idea what I'm doing." I allowed him to hold onto my wrist to adjust the wheel as he saw fit.

"That's quite all right, there's nothing you could do that would take us drastically off course before I catch it." It was with that statement that he pressed himself against my back and descended with an open mouth to my neck.

"K-Killian!" His stubble tickled and I squirmed against him until he popped off my flesh and growled, "Keep her steady, love."

I tried to keep the Jolly on the course that Killian had set by remembering which spokes he'd placed my hands on and keeping them steady, but it was a hell of a difficult task to stay focussed on when I could feel his hand slipping beneath my dress. The warmth of his rough palm pressed against my lower belly and he drew small circles over my flesh in a soothing pattern. I loved it when Killian held me like this, and as odd as it may have been, I love it when he rubbed my lower stomach. It was relaxing, and whenever I had cramps, it was the one sure-fire way to abate them.

"Mmm," My eyes fell closed as my head leaned back against his shoulder and when Killian adjusted his stance behind me, I could feel his growing interest. Of course, it hadn't completely gone away since my teasing him in his cabin earlier, and I almost felt guilty about it. But Killian knew how to handle those kinds of things, he was a man after all.

"How does it feel?" His tone was deep and gentle in my right ear and I couldn't help but shiver as it sent little tendrils of excitement over my skin and goosebumps rose to attention. His hand slipped a bit deeper and the tip of his middle finger just barely pressed beneath the silky lace of my panties.

"...good..." I spoke in a whisper, my voice sounding far too loud for the quiet stillness around us. Only the breeze through the rigging and sails, and the lapping of the sea could be heard on the otherwise seemingly silent ship. God, how I loved the Jolly Roger at night. Opening my eyes and looking up, I could see the light of the full moon reflecting upon the pristine sails and they appeared to glow. The decks were equally as well lit and, unfortunately the moon was so bright that it made it difficult to see the stars, but I didn't really mind that fact.

"I don't think I've ever seen the moon so big and bright. The city always blocks it out at home." Again I shifted back against him and gave a small moan as he dared to press his fingers deeper into the line of my panties before brushing over my curls.

"Mmm, we're near Arendelle." Killian's nose buried its way into the curls of my hair as he took a deep whiff. "The moon always appears larger here. Especially when it's full."

"W-wait," I pulled away from him and tried to focus past the aching in my core that had started from the dance of his fingers. "*Arendelle*?! As in Elsa and the ice and all that?"

He gave me a droll look while pulling his hand away and stepping back. In my hurry to face him, the ship had gone off course and he quickly corrected our heading. "Aye. Although the ice issue was sorted out a long time ago, I believe. They're now in the middle of a pleasant summer from what I heard last time we made port."

" real..."

"We've had this conversation, love." His tone was tired and bored, as it always became whenever I got shocked by the 'fairytale' people who were...real in his world.

"Well, yeah. But when we talked about it, we weren't sharing the same view of the moon as *Elsa*!"

"What *is* your fascination with the queen of Arendelle?" Killian's left brow dipped in question before he retook his spot behind me and placed my hands back on the proper spokes. He didn't wait for an answer as his mouth returned to my neck with a happy hum.

"It's not that I have a fascination with *her*. It's just... the whole concept of fairytale people being *real*." My teeth sank deep into my lower lip as I stifled a moan at feeling his fingers return to my belly and begin a slow trek downward. I was already so wet and aching from his earlier touches that it took very little effort for Killian to sink a finger deep into my core.

"Mmm, says the woman who has Captain Hook's finger deep with her aching quim," His teeth found my left earlobe and my knuckles turned white as I gripped the spokes tighter. "Tell me love, do I feel real to you?" Killian pressed himself against the curve of my ass and I felt his breath hitch.

"Y-yes," I dropped my head back against him and gasp for breath as he began to slowly fuck me with his finger that was quickly joined by another.

"'Yes', *what*?" Oh, dear Lord. He was using that commanding tone with me and it wasn't any mystery just what he was in the mood for tonight. It'd been a long while since we had played out 'Captain Games' (as I called them), and I could feel my nipples tighten in apprehension.

"Yes, *Captain*," My breathy and submissive response was enough to tell Killian that I wanted this, and he proceeded by bringing the cold metal of his hook to my hip. The point was pulled against the material of my panties, and with one quick pull, they were sliding down my right leg to pull at my feet.

"You have been rather obedient as of late. Perhaps I should reward you. Would you like that, Sera?" His fingers stilled in their movements and I whimpered at the loss of stimulation. "Would you like to be rewarded for your good behavior?"

"Y-yes, please, Captain." I tried to buck my hips down onto his hand but his left arm held me steady as he tsked.

"None of that, love. You know the rules." Killian began to kiss a trail from my ear, down my neck and to the top of my shoulder. With each kiss, he reminded me of a rule. "You will address me as 'Captain', understood?"

"Yes, Captain." He kissed me.

"You will do only as I say."

"Yes, Captain." Another kiss.

"You will not cum in any way, shape or form until I allow it."

"*Yes*, Captain." I couldn't help but moan as this kiss held a nibble before he lifted his head.

"You will be quiet. It won't do to have any interruptions because you can't keep your screaming under control."

I hesitated here. Out of all of the rules that Killian set forth, this was perhaps the most difficult to keep. "Y-yes, Captain."

Instead of kissing me this time, he spoke in a low, warning whisper. "If you cannot comply, the game will stop and you'll be retired to bed. Is that understood?" It wasn't a real threat of course, but the tone he spoke it in was enough to have me biting my lip with a moan.

"Yes, Captain."

"And, you'll keep your hands where I've placed them. Unless I tell you otherwise. If you cannot do so, I'll have to restrain you." Oh, I could just *hear* that devilish smirk on his face as he waited for me to answer.

"Yes, Captain. I will do my very best to adhere to your rules." I spoke in a gentle, light, tone. One that I used often during our games.

"Good girl," He pulled his hand away to take my jaw in hand and bring my head back for a rough kiss. THe angle was harsh, but Killian didn't force me to hold it for long as he knew it would make my neck hurt. As soon as he released me, his hand returned to my soaked core and I gasped as he pushed three fingers into me this time.

"Tell me, how does it feel to have your cunt stretched on my fingers?" His voice was a growl in my ear as he bit at my neck. I knew there would be marks come morning, but I loved having the evidence our time together on my skin.

"*Wonderful*!" It was a hushed whisper. I was panting, already riding high and longing for more my fingers worked against the spokes of the wheel, clenching and releasing the wood. I longed to be able to touch him too. To take his aching erection into my hands, my mouth, my body. And Killian knew it too, which was why he rubbed against me in a way the ensured I could feel *every* inch of his length even through the leather of his pants.

"You want it, don't you?" His teeth found my earlobe and he gave me a harsh bite that had me gasping. "You want my cock?"

"Y-yes, Captain. Please, Captain!" I was wantonly begging while trying to remind myself to be quiet. I had a reputation for being loud, but denied it like my life depended on it. Plus, I wanted to prove to Killian that I *could* be quiet if I set my mind to it.

"And where would you like me to put it, hmm?" He brought his face around as I turned to look back at him. "You're mouth?" Killian's eyes, blown wide and dark with lust, flitted to my parted lips hungrily. "Your aching quim?" His fingers thrust harshly inside of me before I felt him pulling out and trailing a sopping wet digit to my ass. His fingertip circled the rim of my puckered hole, and my eyes went wide. "Your tight little virgin ass?"

"Yes," It was a breathless answer given before I'd really thought on it, but I realized even as my cheeks deepened in a blush, that...yes. I really *did* want it.

Pausing as his finger pressed teasingly to my hole, Killian's brows shot up and his eyes flitted between both of mine before he dropped the game to ask, "Are you sure, Sera? You don't have to-"

"You asked me what I wanted, Captain." I spoke boldly, keeping up the charade. "And what I want is for you to fuck my ass."

Falling right back into the role of commanding captain, Killian's look turned dark and predatory in the most delicious of ways as he brought his hand out from under my dress and instead pressed his palm to my neck. It was just enough pressure to have me moaning, but he didn't choke me.

"As you wish," He looked me dead in the eye with an expression I had seen send grown men running in fear, but it only turned me on more. "Don't move from this spot. Understood?"

"Yes, Captain." He pulled away from me quickly, took just a moment to straighten his duster, and then descended down that hatch.

I was freezing despite the warmth of the night. Killian had made me so hot, not to mention being surrounded by his heat... The longer I stood, the more I began to actually shiver. But whether it was from feeling cold, or the nervous apprehension I couldn't tell.

From down below there was was a banging sound followed by cursing and I couldn't help but laugh. Whatever Killian was doing, he sounded frustrated as shit. And although I couldn't make out the exact words of his bitching, the grumbling was familiar and comical. Soon enough, however, his boots sounded on the ladder and he made his presence known once more.

The first thing I noticed was that Killian had removed his duster and vest, untucked his shirt, and was carrying an earthen looking jar in his hand. I frowned but didn't question him as he placed it upon the table we had eaten dinner on.The next thing I noticed was that he had removed his rings, which was a rare thing for him to do. In fact, the only other time I could remember him doing it was when I had convinced him to let me massage his hand with my new hand cream. It'd worked wonders for his aching digits, and had smoothed his skin. But the scent of lavender had followed him for the rest of the day, even after thoroughly washing his hand and the crew had kept mentioning that they smelled flowers. Of course, it had been Smee who had realized it was coming from Killian, and the poor man had been threatened to within an inch of his life for speaking up on the matter.

Returning to his spot behind me, Killian reached up and adjusted the wheel again as it had shifted without my realizing while I'd been watching him. "You really do make a poor excuse for a helmsman, love."

"Yeah, well, so would you if you kept getting distra- Ah!" Gasping as he returned to working my core with his fingers, I let the sass die on my tongue. His ministrations were slower and more gentle this time around, however, and it told me that this was a break in our game.

"Are you sure this is what you want, Sera? You *can* back out of it." Killian stilled the movements of his hand and simply cupped his palm over me. It was an oddly comforting thing to just have his hand covering me in such an intimate place.

"I'm sure, Killian," Turning my head so I could look at him I pulled my hand away from the wheel to press against his cheek. "I've thought on it before. It's not like it's spur of the moment. ...but if *you* don't want to, we don't have to."

"It's not that I don't want to. I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't," He looked away, and actual blush coming to the apples of his cheeks. "I just wasn't expecting you to be so readily willing to engage in such an act so soon."


"Well, everything else we've discussed beforehand. This....we haven't."

"We're discussing it now." I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. "I know why your hesitant, Killian. But it's all right. If you want to, we can."

There was a hint of a sparkle in his eyes, "Aye, love. I do."

"Good." I moved to put my hand back on the spoke it had been on but.... I couldn't remember which one it had been. "Uh...could you-" With a short laugh, Killian took my wrist up with the curve of his hook and showed me where to place my hand again. "Thanks."

"Mmm....terrible helmsman..." He mumbled against the tender flesh of my neck. His fingers began their dance once more and it wasn't long before I was gasping with renewed fervor.

"O-oh, Captain..." I tried to press back against him, but Killian held me firmly in place and growled when my movements became distracting.

"Remember the rules," The warning was met with a harsh slap to my bare ass cheek that rang out around us like a crack of lightning. I froze, my eyes going wide in fear someone might've heard it, but there was no sound coming from anywhere.

"Yes, Captain." I leaned forward as he pressed firmly between my shoulder blades and it wasn't long before I was bent at the waist with my ass sticking out behind me. Killian threw the length of my dress over my back and ran his hand over the lower part of my spine soothingly. I felt so completely exposed like this, more so than I ever had before, although that was likely do to the breeze now blowing against my drenched pussy that was perfectly on display.

"Mmm.... now that's *much* better," I could feel his eyes on me, roaming over my back and down to the most intimate parts of me. It was addicting, enticing... Killian was the only person to have ever seen me like this, and no matter how far we went with one another or what we engaged in, he found ways to keep it new and exciting for the both of us. He also knew that I worried about being enough for him, after all, he was older than me. More experienced... when we met, I'd been a virgin and not experienced in the ways of...well. Anything, really. But I'd known that he was what I wanted in life. And rather than taking advantage, Killian had been the perfect gentleman in every aspect. He waited until I was older, until I was ready, and he allowed me to make the first move. It'd been laughable, and embarrassing, but he'd taken it in stride and hadn't judged me on a thing.

The feel of his hand cracking down on my bare ass once more had my mind jumping back to the present and I couldn't help but smile at the stinging. I loved being spanked and I shook my ass at him in silent begging for more. Killian was more than happy to oblige me and his hand came down against each cheek three more times until he gave a satisfied noise.

"You should see your ass," His hand trailed up over my spine until it met the place where my dress lay halfway up my back, and trailed back down. "Red as me best vest..." He groped me hungrily before moving to trailing his fingers through my wet folds. Back and forth, again and again, slow and deliberately *not* making contact with my clit or entering me.

Groaning in frustration, I adjusted my hold on the spokes. My arms were starting to get sore and Killian must have picked up on it because all at once, he moved away only to come back on my right side with a rope in hand. He looped it around one of the spokes before nodding to me. "Stand."

It was difficult to do because of the stiffness in my back and joints, and I took a moment to stretch with a wince. My joints popped and I rolled my neck before looking to the rope. "What's that?"

"To keep us on track," He took my elbow in hand and guided me to the table as I huffed.

"Why the hell didn't you do that to begin with?! It would've saved a lot of effort on my part!"

All Killian did was give a shit-eating grin before pushing me forward over the table and moving my dress back up. He gave me a moment to get comfortable before asking, "Better?"

"Yes, Captain," His fingers were running through my folds again and I whimpered as he cupped them to catch some of the fluids leaking out of me to rub over my ass. The wet trail it created was cold and I couldn't help but shiver.

"Don't worry, love. You'll be warm soon enough," Oh, that cocky, overconfident, tone of voice. I would have shot him a look over my shoulder, but Killian chose that exactly moment to spit directly on my hole and push the tip of his pointer finger past the rim. He went slow and was careful not to hurt me, but even so it burned.

"If you want me to stop, Sera, I will." The commanding tone was gone as he leaned close and pressed a kiss to my shoulder. "Tell me how you want this... Guide me through..." It was the same thing he'd whispered to me when he'd taken my virginity. It wasn't that Killian didn't know what to do or how to please me, quite the opposite, but this was how he let me be in control even when he was the one doing the work.

"Just go slow," I winced as I pressed back against him. If his finger was this painful, how would it feel when his cock was in me? He must've had the same thought because he gently pulled his finger from me and moved away.


"I'm not stopping." He smiled down at me as I glared at him. I absolutely hated it when he babied me or thought I couldn't handle something. I knew it was because he of what he'd gone through with his first love and the loss he had suffered, but sometimes, it really irritated me.

"Then what are you doing? Cuz right now it really seems like you are." I adjusted the way I was laying against the table. "I promised I would use our safeword if I ever needed to, and that I would tell you if anything we did was too much. This isn't too much. It's just...tight."

"I know," His tone was that gentle, knowing one that could calm my nerves as much as it could piss me off. And right now, it was leaning towards the latter.

"So what are doing?" It was then I realized that during my shifting he had picked up the jar he'd brought up and was opening it. "What is that?"

"I believe it's my world's equivalent to the 'lube' you brought from home on your last visit." He tilted the jar once the lid was off and I saw that instead of a runny, sticky fluid, it was filled with what appeared to be-

"Crisco? It looks like fucking Crisco." I wrinkled my nose in distaste.

"I don't follow." The look of confusion that he gave me, then the contents of the jar was adorable. "What's Crisco?"

"It's.... Fat. For baking." I lifted my head up. "You're fucking my ass, not making cookies."

Killian's head tilted to the side as he looked in wonder to my bare ass and I could just *tell* that he was imagining something raunchy. 

"*What* are you looking at?!"

"Your arse."

"Well no shit, Sherlock. I meant *why* are you looking at my 'arse' with *that* look."

All Killian did was narrow his eyes as his tongue licked at the corner of his lip. It really would have been funny if I wasn't fucking *dying* from need. What with the look on his face, the jar of 'Crisco', and the obvious arousal that was standing at attention even within the confines of his pants. "Killian. Killian!"

Shaking his head and snapping back to attention, Killian huffed a small laugh and scratched at his ear with the point of his hook. "Sorry. I was just eh...Well, it doesn't matter." He moved closer, setting the jar on the table by my right elbow before going behind me once more.

"Nope. Not good enough." I moved my ass as he went to place his hand on it. "I wanna know what you were thinking."

"I was thinking about how delicious your ass is going to look when it's stretched on my cock." It was a deadpanned answer that was spoken in such a nonchalant way that I *almost* fell for it.

"Nope. Tell the truth. You literally spaced out, which is completely unlike you. What gives?" This time I rose from my place and turned to look at him in concern. "Are you okay? We can stop if you want to."

"I'm fine, love," His smile was reassuring, and the shine in the lust-filled depths of his eyes was honest. "What? I'm not allowed to.... 'Space out'?"

"No. It's just.. Not something I've ever really seen you do before. So fess up. What were you thinking about?" I brought my hands up to run over the soft material of his shirt. "Please tell me?" My bottom lip jutted out in a pout that I knew he wouldn't be able to resist.

"Cookies." He glanced away with his admission.


"You mentioned your ass and cookies in the same sentence. It reminded me of those decadent cranberry and orange cookies you brought from home." One thing that very, very few people knew about Killian? He had one hell of a sweet tooth. But he hid it very, *very* well. In fact, he had nerves of steal when it came to indulging, and very rarely did he ever. But when he did? It was absolutely adorable.

" mentioning cookies...and my ass....had you daydreaming about cookies." I was *so* confused.


"That... how can you completely space out about cookies at a time like *this*?"

"It wasn't just the cookies I was imagining." I watched as his blush darkened before my eyes.

Furrowing my brows, I narrowed my eyes until they went wide. "Were you fantasizing about eating cookies off my ass?!"

"Wha- No!" He frowned at me. "Although, I wouldn't mind using your cheeks for-"

"Then *what*?!"

"Fucking your arse while eating cookies, all right?! Bloody hell, woman!"

I froze with my mouth hanging open as I stared at him. I had brought my pointer finger up to shove in his face, but the reason why was lost and now I looked from my finger to him and back before lowering my hand. "You- *what*?"

"I envisioned taking your arse while indulging in the cranberry orange cookies." Again, his tone was deadpanned.

"I- you- wha-" Blinking rapidly, I shook my head. "*What* is it with men and eating during sex?"

"Those cookies were decadent."

"That has *nothing* to do with *anyth*- Nevermind." Giving in to my still burning desire (really, this had to be a show of how true our love was. How else could I still be *aching* for him after such a stupid conversation?!) I yanked his mouth down to mine and we immediately fell into a fight for dominance with our tongues.

When we parted, we were both left panting and I found myself perched on the very edge of the table. "God, I fucking love you, you goofball pirate."

"*Your* goofball pirate." He claimed my mouth again and I was all too happy to lean back against the table and use my elbows to support my weight. It wasn't how we'd started our game, but it was just as enjoyable.

When I felt Killian reaching for the jar, I pulled back and shook my head. "You are *not* putting Crisco on my ass."

"It's not bloody Crisco," His tone was irritated as he lifted the jar and held it in front of me. "Smell it."

"Uhm... you want me to smell something you want to put on my ass?"

There was no answer given as he just stared at me.

"All right! Fine, I'm sniffing the ass cream!" Sticking my nose out and taking a small whiff, I frowned in confusion and took another, deeper whiff. "It smells... like... Coconut?"

"Aye." He set the jar down and scooped some of the cream out before holding up his fingers as he rubbed it between them. "I got the idea from the oil you brought over."

"You- you made it?" I blinked in surprise.

"Don't sound so shocked. I made the remedy for your sunburn when you were as red as a lobster, too." He began rubbing the cream over my pussy and I dropped my head back with a grateful moan.

"It's not that... I just- Ohh..." He'd pressed two fingers into me and the sensation the cream created was unlike anything else. "It's- warm?"

"Aye. A lot of different ingredients went into making this cream, which I won't bore you with. Not that I think you're listening anyway," He lifted his gaze from between my legs to smirk at how I had sprawled out against the table with my hands up in my hair. "But one of the oils I added has a warming property. Helps with blood flow... increases... arousal and sensation..." He trailed off while pressing his thumb into my clit and the action had my hips raising from the table.

"Oh, God!" Killian began a 'come hither' motion with his fingers and quickly found my g-spot before he leaned over me and propped himself up with his braced arm. Our eyes met as I began to shake and just as I felt myself getting ready to fall over-

"Remember not to cum without permission, love." Damn him and that shit eating grin!

Gasping as my hands found the material of his shirt and gripped it in tight fists I tried to speak but couldn't find my voice. It was overwhelming, it was far too much, all while being *exactly* what I needed. "P-p-"

"What's that? Don't stutter, darling." He began to circle his thumb over my clit while still rubbing my g-spot and I dropped my head back down to the table. The collision was harsh and I was too out of it to realize that Killian had just managed to save me a lot of pain by placing his braced arm below my head. He'd be sore tomorrow from the impact, but I'd make it up to him.

"*Please*," It was a choked sob as my thighs tensed to the point of pain and all Killian had to do was give a single nod and I was falling over. He claimed my mouth in an open and sloppy kiss to swallow down my literal scream as I came around his still moving hand. Fluid gushed out with the force of my orgasm and I fell back once more against the table, as limp and relaxed as a wet noodle.

"Mmm," Killian hummed in satisfaction as he kissed the center of my chest that was exposed in the v-neck of my dress. "You truly are a marvel, my love. I don't think you've ever managed to come quite so hard before. I'm absolutely soaked."

"Huh?" I lifted my head in confusion and realized, much to my horror, that Killian was exactly as he had said; soaked. The lower half of his shirt down to the thighs of his pants bore the evidence of just how hard I had orgasmed and I felt the pull of shame and embarrassment at the mere *thought* of it. "Oh God, I'm so-"

"Don't." He was leaning over me again, his eyes still just as hungry as they had been when watching his fingers disappear into me. "Don't you dare apologize, Sera."

"Yeah, but- I- I didn't mean to!" I could feel my face burning with the evidence of my shame even as Killian nuzzled affectionately against my cheek in the way he knew I loved.

"You didn't mean to reward me for my efforts in making you cum? How rude."

"R-reward? How is my making a mess a reward?"

Killian simply shook his head and lead my hand down to press against his straining erection with a groan of actual pain at my touch. I had *never* felt him so hard without having had any real contact before.

"Holy shit." I breathlessly whispered while making myself sit up. "You got that hard just from....from making me do *that*?" My cheeks burned more in shy embarrassment. It didn't matter that he'd previously been fingering my ass or that he's seen me nekkid more times than I could keep track of. The thought of squirting, that word alone, was enough to make me bashful.

"Aye," His head fell forward as he took deep breaths at my *finally* managing to undo the laces to his pants. Once they'd been pulled open enough, I reached into the hot confines of the leather and carefully pulled him free. The gasp that escaped him when my fingers made contact with him had my stomach swooping. I loved it when Killian made these sounds.

"Holy shit," I repeated as I began to stroke him and realized that this really was the hardest I had ever seen him. "Does it hurt?" I swept my thumb over his leaking tip and spread the precum down his length as he shuddered with a groan.

"Yes," Killian's answer was whispered against my neck as he placed a kiss to my pulse point and it was then that I pulled my hand away and he actually whimpered at the loss of contact.

"Trade me spots." I pushed his pants down past his thighs once I was standing on shaky legs and Killian frowned at me in confusion. "It's my turn." I placed a kiss to his chin before motioning for him to sit on the table in front of one of the chairs. It wasn't until I was face to face with his straining cock that I realized something.


"Hmm?" He looked down at me with hooded eyes.

"Should we worry about being caught?" Normally when we fooled around in the more public parts of the ship, we were discreet, and our activities tonight had been anything but.

"No, I threatened everyone to within an inch of their lives. Anyone who interrupts us for anything less than a dire emergency will walk the plank." His head fell back as I trailed a single finger over his length. "*Fucking* *hell*, Sera! I ca- *Don't* tease me. It hurts far too much."

The fact that he was openly admitting that my touch was making him ache told me just how bad it was. Killian was the epitome of 'grin and bear it', and 'wait it out until the pain stops'. Rarely did he ever tell me when something was hurting him, and despite our mutual want in these activities, this was no different. Normally, he dealt with his hard-ons and I only knew how bad they were once we were in the throws of ecstasy.

Deciding that he'd suffered enough, I hooked both of his knees and tugged to indicated I needed him to move closer to the edge of the table. Once he was where I wanted him, I took his cock in hand and slowly lowered my mouth over his length.

I could feel his shaft pulsing with each hurried beat of his heart, and his familiar taste coated my tongue. If I didn't know better, I'd say that he had taken some kind of old-world Viagra, but I somehow doubted that was the case as he'd have told me if he did. That was one thing that we both stuck to our guns about; open honesty. It had taken a lot of time for us to reach such a point (not that we'd ever been ones to lie to one another.) but now that we were here? We worked to keep it so. There'd been a few times in the past when Killian had had... trouble staying hard, and a few times where he couldn't get there, but we'd worked out ways to abate the issue, and since I'd researched natural remedies, the problem had been nonexistent.

"Oh," An actual verbal gasp came from him as he bucked his hips and I nearly gagged on his length. I brought my hands into the action, wrapping one around his shaft, and massaging his sac in the other. It was a rhythmic dance, one that I had practiced and perfected just to Killian's liking. The more I worked, the quicker his breathing became until I felt the first few spurts of his seed hitting the back of my throat. It was forcefull and I choked as I hadn't expected him to finish so quickly. (Then again, given how hard he had been, it was no wonder.) I popped off of his length and allowed him to finished on my chest. It would stain the dress, for sure, but I didn't really mind. It was an old hand-me-down from my sister Piper anyhow.

"Bloody hell," His hand found my head and rubbed over my hair affectionately as I came to lean over him with a smile.

"I think it's fair to say you enjoyed yourself."

He laughed and fell back to the table with a sigh. "Aye, love. I always do."

"Mmm," I leaned on my elbow while placing my free hand to his chest. "We can call it a night if you want."

At that, he immediately perked up and took to sitting before pulling me up with him. "You underestimate my power." Did he really just quote my favorite movie? Yes. Yes, he did, and in that moment I fell even more in love with him.

"I didn't mean it like that!" I gave a high pitched shriek of laughter as he took to tickling me, and, of course, he'd had an ulterior motive as I soon found out. Effectively distracting me, Killian was able to easily scoop my against him before finding his feet and once again returning me to the table-top. He pressed against my knees to indicate for me to spread my legs and I complied.

"I do believe we have a game to finish." He arched a brow in silent question of if I wanted to continue.

"Yes, Captain. Please?" I watched as he retrieved the jar and began to spread his fingers with the concoction once more. Experience had taught me that it didn't typically take long for Killian to be ready for a second round and my toes curled in anticipation of what was to come.

"Please, *what*?"

Damn him. Damn him and damn how easily he slipped back into that commanding role! "Please fuck my ass, Captain." I wiggled closer to the edge of the table to make it easier for him to reach.

"That's a good girl," His compliment had me beaming with pride as I felt him rubbing the cool cream against my ass. He moved his coated fingers over my pussy and I couldn't help but moan. I was still so sensitive from how hard I came earlier that it was almost too intense, but still, he took the time to thoroughly coat my clit with the warming cream before pushing his fingers inside me. Instead of fucking me though, he scissored his fingers back and forth just enough to get me good and covered, not to mention turned on, before his fingers returned to the jar.

Once they were covered again, Killian brought his hand back to my ass and began to rub over my puckered hole. The warmth created from the cream was more intense here and I whimpered as he teased me. When he pressed the same fingertip from before into me, my head rolled back with a moan.

He stopped at the first knuckle and turned his finger this way and that to slowly stretch me. It still hurt this time around, but the warming sensation was oddly soothing as it began to spread deep into my ass from my entrance. My pussy was throbbing once more and I brought my fingers to gently run through my drenched folds.

"Bloody hell," Glancing down at hearing his voice, I saw that Killian was staring; watching my fingers as he pressed his own further in, and the hunger in his eyes was intense. One of my darkest, and most secret of fantasies was Killian watching me masturbate, and I worked now to fulfill that part of me by working my fingers the way I would if that's what I were doing.

It wasn't long before his finger had sunk all the way into me and he pulled out experimentally before looking to me in silent question. I nodded that I was ready for more, and he began to stretch me on two fingers.

The burning returned, a bit more intense this time, but it didn't last as my body became used to being penetrated in such a way. I matched Killian's scissoring fingers with thrusting my own in and out of my channel. The sounds created were obscene and if I hadn't been so caught in the moment, I'm sure it would have embarrassed me.

A quick glance down as Killian added a third finger showed me that his cock had once again risen to attention and I pulled my hand away from myself before moving to sit up. My ass was still hanging off the edge of the table, and it allowed Killian to keep working me open as I wrapped my hand around him. He gave a surprised jump as he realized my hand was covered in a combination of my own wetness as well as the cream, and the reaction from him was almost instantaneous. His erection jumped, straining and growing upwards towards his stomach as I stroked.

With a wicked idea coming to me, I kept him distracted while using my free hand to search for the jar, and once I'd found it, I scooped a generous amount from it and brought my hand to his length. It only took three strokes as I rubbed the cream into his velvety flesh before his head fell to my shoulder. We stayed like that for a long time, his fingers working my ass, while I had one hand on his cock and the other on my clit.

"Mmm, Killian..." Panting in his ear, I leaned my head to the side to kiss what I could reach of him. "I'm ready...please. I need more..."

"Tell your *captain* what you want, darling."

My head went back in frustration. Of *course* I had forgotten the game while he was the one to remember. One of these days, I would get him so hot and bothered that *he* was the one to lose character. But, his reminder had me smiling despite my irritation, and I happily slipped back into my submission.

"Please, Captain." I laid it on thick as I pulled away to lay back on the table and brought both of my hands to my breasts. "Please fuck my ass. I want to cum again with you inside me."

His eyes took on a glazed look as he watched me tugging at my nipples through my dress, but Killian managed to snap himself out of it enough to carefully pull his fingers from my ass and take his shaft in hand. He added more cream to me, and himself, before lining the head of his cock up with my hole.

At first, it seemed like it wasn't going to work. At least to me. The resistance was almost too much, and I started to worry that despite his stretching me he wouldn't fit, but just as I was about to voice that concern, Killian managed to press into me. I gasped, feeling breathless and full even at just the beginning of being breached. The sensation was hot, it burned slightly, similar to when he'd first put his fingers into me, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

"Are you all right, love?" The concern on his face and in his voice melted my heart. Even with as hard and aching as he was, *shaking* with his own need, Killian still forced himself to stop and check on me.

"Yeah." I panted with a nod. "Yeah, I'm good. Keep going. *Please*."

Permission granted, Killian slowly sank into me, bit by bit, until he was buried to the hilt. My eyes went wide as he slowly pulled back out and gave an experimental thrust. I had never felt so full and tightly wound in all my fucking life.

"Oh, holy shit." There were tears burning in my eyes as he began to thrust more readily, and I bit down on my fist to keep from crying out. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" My toes curled as his hand found my breasts and he massaged each for a moment before going to my pussy.

"Touch yourself."

"Wha- huh?" His thrusts were beginning to pick up in tempo and I shook with each impact. Instead of repeating himself, Killian reached for my hand and began showing me how he wanted me to touch myself. That in and of itself was hot as hell, and I happily obliged. "Yes, Captain."

We lost ourselves to the rhythm of our fucking and I couldn't focus on anything except what Killian was making me feel. It was sensual, despite the crude nature of what we were engaging in, and as I was pushed further up onto the table with each thrust, Killian followed me.

Somehow, I became aware of the fact that we were both literally on top of the table. Killian had cut away the top part of my dress and my breasts were now free from the thin material. His mouth latched onto one while his fingers pulled at the other, and all the while he never faltered in his thrusts. It was intense, and my body felt like it was burning in the most wonderful of ways from the inside out.

"Ah- *fuck*!" Clinging to him, my task of touching myself forgotten, I had both of my legs wrapped around him and rose myself up to meet each of his thrusts. "C-captain- please!" I sobbed with need as he continued his assault on my breasts.

"Please, *what*?" He pulled away to look down at me, managing a smirk before I tightened myself around him and he gasped. If we hadn't both been burning with the need to cum, I'm sure that would have led into a back and forth full of banter.

"*Please* let me cum!" I buried my face against his shoulder. "Please, please, please!"

Letting my loss of his title slide without remark, Killian found the lobe of my ear and tugged the tender flesh between his teeth before giving a gruff whisper, "Come for me, baby. Come for your captain."

That was all it took for me to throw my head back and scream. This time, however, Killian didn't bother to try and quiet me with a kiss. He was far too busy gasping and groaning from the force of his own orgasm as he emptied his seed into my ass. We stayed in that position for several long moments, panting and placing crooked smooches to what we could reach of the other. When I felt him slide out of me, I whimpered at the empty feeling and in that moment, I realized that I was going to miss how full he made me feel.

"Are you all right?" Killian stepped back enough to take a look at me and he paused with his head tilted to the side for a moment before reaching out and gently touching my quivering hole with his finger.

Wincing, I gave a groan. "Yeah, I think so. Just a little sore." I had expected the soreness, what I *hadn't* expected was my boyfriend's fascination with staring at my ass. Which he was still doing. "Uhm... hello? Earth to Killian! Just what the hell are ya looking at now?"

"Hmm?" He shook his head and blinked. "Oh! Eh, n-nothing."

"Something! Oh, God! Is it something gross?!" I hid my face behind my hands in mortification. "Oh, God. It *is*!"

"Wha- No!" Reaching up, he pulled my hands away from my face. "It's most definitely *not*....gross."

"Then *what* could you have possibly been staring at?"

He actually shrugged at me as his eyes shifted away. "It's nothing."

"Killian Alexander Jones. It so *is* something." I sat up. "It's fine. We don't have to ever do it again. We can pretend it never happened."

"No!" I jumped and looked at him. "It's not-" He sighed, seeing the look of embarrassment and shame on my face and his look changed to mirror mine. "It's not anything you've done, Sera. It's me. It- It's all me."

"That doesn't make me feel *any* better."

He gave an aggravated sigh while moving to pull his pants back on. When in the hell had he taken them off? And where the fuck were his boots? I was distracted from my mental questioning as he said, "Do you remember when I came to your world? And you were showing me the pornography on the magic screen?"

"You mean when you clicked a random popup of a girl advertising her famous cream pies only to find out that it *wasn't* the kind of pie you bake in an oven?" I arched a brow. "Of course I do. It was a bitch to get all the viruses off my laptop."

"Aye. ...that."

"I still don't fol-" And that's when it occurred to me, and as if I needed confirmation, I dropped a hand to touch at my ass as Killian attempted to straighten his shirt. Of course, my hand had come away covered in his seed (and thankfully nothing else) and I gaped at him. "You were looking at *that*?!"

He gave no reply as he moved to the helm and checked our heading. Satisfied that we were still on course he turned back and his cheeks were blazing as I said, "You were watching your cum drip out of my ass."

"Does that... bother you?" He looked to the sky, the deck, the open sea.

I thought about it for a moment. "" And it didn't. "I'm just surprised, is all."

"Why?" Still, he didn't look at me.

"Well, I don't know. It's just...kind of taboo in the world I grew up in. But I don't mind it.... it's kind of a turn on, actually." I bit at my lip as I found my feet carefully. Being the clutz that I was, I stumbled and Killian managed to catch me just in time. Caught up against his chest, I stared up at him in wonder.

"...what is it?"

"Nothing, I just-" I shook my head. "You never fail to amaze me, Killian."

His dark brows furrowed in uncertainty. "Is that... a good thing?"

"Of course," I kissed his chin. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Sera." He gifted me with a smile before claiming my lips in a short, but affectionate kiss. "Stay here, I'll be right back." He situated me in one of the chairs before taking his leave.

Glancing to the sky, and seeing how much the moon had moved told me we'd been at it for a very long time and I was honestly exhausted from it. How Killian could go through all of what we did and still somehow managed to walk around, talk, and attend to his duties baffled me. Sometimes, it made me wonder if the sex was as good for him as it was for me. I almost always passed out after, or at the very least became a limp noodle riddled with aftershocks, where as he rarely ever seemed affected by it. He rarely ever slept after which struck me as odd. One of the biggest complaints I'd ever heard from my sisters was how their men passed out right after sex. But Killian... never did. Maybe it was just his aversion to sleep, but... it still left me wondering, and more than a little self doubting.


", wake up. You can't sleep in a chair."

Sighing heavily and opening my eyes, I realized that I must've fallen asleep. Killian had returned from his cabin, freshly dressed and clean. He had also made me a pallet of blankets and pillows so I could sleep up on the deck.

"Is it all right if I clean you up?" Killian knew that I hated trying to sleep while dirty from sex, and he'd brought up clean water and a washcloth for me. Too tired to answer, I gave a nod and faded out once against as he scooped me into his arms.

I came to when Killian was tucking me into the blankets. Just how many trips had he made to and from the cabin? It made me feel guilty, but I was far too exhausted to argue as I shifted deeper beneath the warmth of my favorite blanket. It was blue and fuzzy, one from my world that I had gifted Killian for Christmas. I realized with a furrow of my brows that Killian hadn't just cleaned me up, he'd also dressed me in one of his shirts and I couldn't help but smile as he kissed the top of my head.

"Good night, my love. I'll see you in the morning." Was the last thing I was aware of as I watched his feet moving away from me.

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