His Wife

By Soojin_Oppa

808 26 0

- A bet, A lie, A fake marriage - How far would you take a lie? If it means proving your long-time rival wron... More

Chapter 1 - The Invitation
Chapter 2 - The Assistant
Chapter 4 - Double Date
Chapter 5 - An Innocent Charm

Chapter 3 - A White Lie

107 5 0
By Soojin_Oppa

Dion's POV

I sat at my desk looking through paperwork, Alex was walking around my office like a lost puppy. Touching any and everything.

"What are you, a child! Sit down and stop touching everything. It's annoying, I can't concentrate on my work."

"But I'm boredddddd." He whined. "You said this would only take 20 minutes but we've been here for three hours."

"I'm the CEO, which means I have work to do. You should take note, this could be you one day."

"You've just been reading all day. Hardly what I'd call work." He scoffed.

Just then Miss Jones walked into my office.

"Here are the printouts you requested. Anything else you need?"

"There was an client that I was supposed to see today but they had other matters to attend too, I'll need our meeting to be rescheduled. Book it for when I'm next free."

"I'll see to it, anything else?"

"I didn't know you got a new assistant." Alex intercepted and shook her hand. "I'm Alex, his cousin. Life of the party and overall great guy."

"Sorry, I didn't see you when I came in. I'm Tessa Jones."

"I hope Dion isn't working such a beautiful woman like yourself too hard." He flirted.

"No, not at all. I'm having fun."

"Alex, don't flirt with my assistant." I hissed.

"I give an innocent compliment and it's seen as flirting. I'm offended."

I pointed at the sofa, indicating for him to sit down and behave. He complied. Miss Jones smiled at us before becoming serious again.

"There's one more thing, someone is here to see you."

"Me? I'm not expecting anyone. Who is it?"

"There's a car park outside, the driver told me it was your Mother."

I let out a deep sigh and sank in my seat.

"...it's unavoidable, Dion." Alex sighed.

Alex was right, I can run and hide all I want but she'll never leave me alone.

"Very well, please escort her here."


Tessa's POV

I went down and waited at the entrance for his Mother. It seemed like he has a difficult relationship with her from his response.

"Oh! I remember you."

I looked up and saw the same older woman that I had help at the lift. She was Dion's Mother! I didn't even realise but now that I look at her, I see the resemblance.

Who would of thought that we would happen to meet each other again.

"Hello, again. I'll take you to Mr Flynn."

"You look more professional than the last time, new position?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm Mr Flynn's assistant."

"My son's assistant, impressive! You must be quite the hard worker, congratulations."

"You flatter me, thank you."

"I don't remember if I got your name last time, what was it?"

"Tessa Jones."

"Pleasure to meet you, Tessa." She shook my hand. "I'm Farrah Flynn."

We continued to Mr Flynn's office. When we arrived, I knocked and let Farrah in. As I turned to leave Alex grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me aside. He sat me down next to him on the sofa.

"Do you need help with something?" I questioned.

"Shhh." He whispered. "I just might, depending on how things go here. For now, tell me about you."

Dion's POV

"What is it now?" I asked with distain.

"Lose the attitude boy, I'm only trying to help you."

"You're trying to help the company. Not me."

"We're losing money and you can't deny that, look at the reports! It's embarrassing, you've turned my success into failure. All my hard work, years of it down the drain."

She picked some documents of my desk and started looking through them.

"We're not doing nowhere near as good as three years ago." She laughed. "You need my help, admit it."

"Your idea of help is getting me married into a rich family, I'm not doing that."

"Screw your feelings and man up, do what's best for the company."

"It's not going to happen."

"Listen, I'm not the bad guy here. If you were in a relationship then I'd leave you alone and try to find a better solution but you're not, so just give these women a try. You have so many to pick from."

"No." I said sternly.

"Who knows, you might actually fall in love and then the idea won't feel so bad anymore."

"NO!" I slammed my fist on the desk, my blood boiling. "I REFUSE."

"Give me one goddamn reason why! We have to look out for the future of our company, YOU'RE future! Why are you so reluctant?"

"Maybe I can help answer that, Auntie." Alex chimed in. He walked over, bringing Tessa with him.

"What are you talking about, Alex?" She sighed.

"You see, Dion didn't want to say anything but it's gotten to the point where it's just unbearable. To be honest I can't take it anymore either. This lovely lady here, Tessa Jones, is his girlfriend."


I looked at Alex then Tessa, who looked just as shocked as me. This idiot was about to get me in a ton of trouble.

"N-no, he's lying! I'm not dating her."

"Don't be shy, Dion! You can't keep it a secret for ever, if you don't come out and say it, then you guys won't stop fighting. Auntie, don't you think it's weird how he got a new assistant?"

"It's not weird, my last assistant left. I needed someone to fill her position. That's how business works!" I protested.

"He was against the whole marriage thing because he's dating Tessa. You've been putting a real strain on their relationship with your constant badgering. He was gonna tell you but you just made it so difficult for him."

My Mother turned to me, staring me down intensely. I quickly glanced at Alex, he shot me a wink, implying I play along.

"Is this true, Dion, are you in a secret relationship?"

"...I..." I sighed deeply and leaned against my desk. "It's not entirely true but it's complicated...we are in a relationship of sorts."

"Miss Jones, is what my son saying true, are you two really dating?"

"...I'm sorry, I wasn't allowed to say anything."

"I see, I need to leave. I'll call you later, Dion. Maybe we can discuss THIS over dinner at some point."

My Mother gave me an uneasy smile then left just as quick as she came. Me, Tessa and Alex stood there in silence, stunned by the whole situation.

"Well, that worked much better than I thought it would, right?"

"Are you-"

"A genius? A lifesaver? The hero you never asked for? All of the above? Yes, yes I am." He gloated.


"Wow! Hey, I just helped you get out of an arranged marriage, where's my thanks?"

"I can't believe this- what is actually going on."

I rub my hands together nervously and pace the room, trying to think the situation through. I looked over at Tessa who hadn't said anything, she must be stunned by everything that's just gone down.

"I'm so sorry about this, Tessa. I didn't think this would happen."

"Oh come off it! You went along with it, you could of denied it." He scoffed.

"You would of just pushed it further!"

"True! But-"

"That's enough you two! Arguing isn't gonna get us out of this situation, let's stay calm." Tessa advised.

"Just hear me out, Dion." Alex insisted.

"Not like I have a choice."

"All you two need to do it pretend to date, Tessa is single so that's a plus. Just make it obvious to your Mother that you two are serious, and she'll stop nagging."

"It's not as simple as you say."

"Here's what you do; act like a couple every chance you get, the more natural the better. That means physical contact. Dates are a must and they have to be often, be affectionate too. When the dinner happens with your Mum, just act like you've been dating for a year." Alex instructed.

Tessa didn't seem fazed by what was going on, she almost looked confident about the situation.

"Are you okay with this, Tessa?" I confirmed.

"Ah, yes! I know I probably don't have a right to say this but I think marrying for financial gains is wrong. I don't mind helping you out."

"So you're on board too." I moaned.

"I'm glad she's on board, now we to start operation; Fake Relationship. We need to get you on a date ASAP."

"Uhh, I might be able to help with that."

"Do tell."

"I have a friend who wants to go on a double-date, I wasn't planning on going as I had no date. This would be a good opportunity to get familiar with each other, we can even observe a real couple."

"Not a bad idea at all! Gimme you're phone and I'll put Dion and I's numbers in, then call that friend of your and tell her to be free this weekend." Alex directed.

"I can't believe this is happening."

After going over the plan a few more time, Alex finally let us go. I apologised to Tessa again but she seemed more than happy to help with this.

Faking a relationship to get out of an arranged marriage, that's a first.

Tessa's POV

As soon as I got home I went to Ashley, she was eating popcorn and watching a movie. I stood in front of the tv with the biggest grin on my face.

"I know you're beautiful and all but I'm actually watching something."

"It's happening."

"What's happening?"

"I have a date."

"Oh great! But I thought you said Brittany knows what you're CEO looks like, so how?"

I started giggling like a child, Ashley's eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open. She sat up straight and moved closer to me.

"The date isn't with him is it?"

I nodded my head vigorously and flailed my hands, she joined me in my excitement as we both cheered.

"How the hell did you hook up with your CEO? I can't even right now!"

"It happened so fast! Basically; he has mummy issues, she wants arranged marriage for money, he said no, she said why, his cousin said he's dating me, mummy said bye and now we are gonna have our first date."

"Amazing, Brittany is gonna be shook. Have you told her yet?"

"I thought you might like to hear the conversation so I waited till I got home."

"What a truly great friend you are." Ashley snickered.

I pulled out my phone and called Brittany.

"Hi, Brittany...Wednesday is a no...The double-date?...Can we move to the weekend, doll?...Seven-ish okay?...OK...Perfect...Bye."

"I don't know why I'm laughing so hard!" Ashley said between each breath.

"I know! She was all like "Oh! R-really, that's great! Can't wait!" I just wanted to laugh."

"You have to keep me updated on what happens on the date, you are actually gonna pull this off. Just three days till the weekend, you nervous?"

"I feel so many emotions right now but I just can't wait to get it over and done." I admitted.

The night went by quickly and next day came by, Alex had text me saying we were going out shopping after work.

It might sound crazy but I honestly thought that yesterday was a dream, I'm glad it wasn't though.

As I arrived to work, I suddenly felt a little anxious to see Mr Flynn. I mean I didn't really put up a fight to the whole idea.

But it's helps us both out, so it's a win-win situation. What could possibly go wrong?

I knocked on his office door and entered.

"Good morning, Mr Flynn. Here's your coffee."

"Thank you, did you uh get Alex's text?"

"About the shopping? Yes, I did."

"I'll be- we'll be going to get some new clothes. He suggested that it would be a good way too...Uh talk and get properly acquainted."

His body was as stiff as a statue and he refused to make eye contact with me, if this what's it's gonna be like then we'll be caught out in no time.

"Hey wanna hear a really embarrassing story?"

"...I guess? Go ahead."

I pulled up a chair and sat opposite his desk.

"So I used to go gym but then I realised I don't like suffering, anyways, I was using the treadmill and it was going pretty well so I decided to up the pace. Bad idea!" I laughed to myself. "Next thing I know it's going too fast and I'm being slammed against a hot, moving conveyor belt. Worst part is, it got my pants, somehow."

I sat there laughing at my own ridiculous story for a while before finally calming down and looking at Dion, who looked both horrified and confused.

"Ummm, do you have embarrassing stories? This is a team effort kinda-thing."

"No." He said blatantly.

"I don't believe you!" I whined. "Actually this would be fun, if we share stories with each other it'll help up get closer, right?"

"You're not wrong but I have nothing to tell."

"I bet if I asked Alex, he'd have a million stories to tell."

"...you're really serious about this."

He rubbed the bridge of his nose before looking at me.

"You don't have to say right now but you gotta promise you'll tell me a story, pinky promise?" I smiled.

I held out my pinky, waiting for Dion to return it. He finally broke and pinky promised.

Just as I was about to leave, Alex walked in, he smiled at me.

"Before you go, you two will be shopping at Gucci. It's your first fake date, so you gotta look the part. Don't sweat the money, get what you want, it's all on me."

"I didn't think it would be so expensive...we couldn't just go to Next or something?"

"That's a cute idea but no. There will be a car waiting outside when you finish so don't delay."

The shift went by fast and soon Dion and I were waiting by the front for the car. It was kinda awkward, he didn't say much or really acknowledge that I was there.

"...I was thinking about what you said this morning." He finally broke the silence. "It's not a bad idea."

"The embarrassing stories?"


"Does that mean you have one to share?"

"Not right now but eventually."

"A man of mysteries, intense. Lighten up and live a little." I giggled.

"Sorry but I haven't done that many embarrassing things, sounds like you have a ton of stories hidden up your sleeve though."

"One time there was this guy I really liked in college and was desperate. He had a thing for blondes, and I mean platinum blonde. Not to mention chicks with a big *ahem*" I gestured to my chest.


"Hahah! So young dumb me went and dyed my hair but that failed, ended up over bleaching it. I didn't let that stop me, after that I decided to stuff my bra with toilet paper but low and behold it was raining that day." I laughed. "Let's just say that was a horrible day and a recurring nightmare of mine."

"When you said embarrassing, you weren't joking. I can feel myself cringing hard."

Our ride finally came and we got in.

"See, this isn't to bad. We should try to be friends and then we can get through this situation much more easily."

"I guess, I still feel bad for dragging you into this situation."

If only he knew that I dragged him into MY situation way before we were even CEO and assistant. The world works in mysterious ways.

"If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me about your Mum? It seems like you two have a difficult relationship."

"I guess it's best that you know, we are gonna be in a fake relationship after all. She's just money driven and likes to be on the top of everything, there's a way she likes things to be done."

"She started this company, didn't she?"

"Yes and everyone praised her for that. She came from a poor background, married my Father who died young and inherited his wealth."

"Sounds fishy." I gasped and covered my mouth. "S-sorry, I didn't mean that." I stammered.

"It's okay, he died of a heart problem. She built this company in his honour, it was something he was planning to do. Now that I've taken over I'm doing poorly with it, she wants me to just give up my position to Alex or marry into money."

"Why Alex? He doesn't come across very...business savvy." I said in the nicest way.

"Exactly and he's not keen to take over anytime soon. I just need some more time to find the right contracts and I'll make more money. She just doesn't believe in me."

He rubbed his hands and sunk into the seat, I could see that he wanted to prove his mum wrong. It was sad to see him try so hard to live up to her expectations.

The car stopped and we got out. We were in a private car park, we followed security as they escorted us to Gucci. Once we entered staff greeted us.

I looked around but hesitated to touch anything, it was all so expensive, no way in hell I could just pick something up and take it. There's a top here for £850, who spends that much on a top?!

These items cost just as much as my bills, I hate that.

"Still haven't decided on what you want?"

"Oh! Mr Flynn- wait should I call you Mr Flynn or?"

"Just call me Dion, anything look nice?"

"I mean everything just looks extremely expensive, I feel bad for picking what I want."

"Then how about I choose for you?"

"I don't won't to trouble you, you're probably looking for your own outfit."

"I'm done already."

"That quickly!"

"Mmhm, come."

He took me over to the womenswear and looked through the dresses, pulling out a few every now and then, holding a few up against me.

He gave me the dress and some shoes. I went to the dressing room and tried a few on.

"Okay maybe this dress will be the one." He said unenthusiastically.

"That's what you said about the last three dresses, maybe I'm just now made to wear Gucci clothes. I have a more Primark type of body."

"Just let me see the last dress."

I came out wearing a cream Viscose jersey dress with a matching GG belt. Dion's eye went wide and he smiled.

"You look nice in that! Let's get you some matching accessories too."

"This is already £1,620. I can honestly use the jewellery I have back at home, I don't wanna buy a lot."

"My total was just over £15,000. Alex said he was paying so it doesn't matter, come now."

Why does it feel like he's doing this out of revenge. I suddenly feel really bad for Alex and his bank account.

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