I Hate You [~EDITING~]✔️

By -S-N-O-

208K 7.9K 1.8K

How can you possibly fall in love with someone that hates you? Wouldn't it make more sense to hate the person... More

First Meeting
A Start of a New Ending
Pick N' Tell
Persuasion at Its Finest
A Dinner Party
A Piece of Me
I Don't Know
Hah You're Funny
I Like You
Good Boyfriend
A Guy Like Him
Not Friends
Other Things
Kiss Me
Instigator [Editing]
I Want You
New Arrival
Frequent Visitor
Pool Party
Kiss Me There
I Hate You

Confusion [Editing]

5K 195 124
By -S-N-O-

Christian's P.O.V

I knew it was coming, I just never knew when. My mom slams papers down right in between Sammy and I on the table. As we read the first pamphlet my heart completely sank to the bottom of my stomach.

"Eton College. . ." Samantha mumbles out. "What is this?"

"A boarding school Samantha. For boys if you must know." My mouth drops at this as I see that timely smirk plastered on my mother's face. She slams down another rack of papers right beside her.

"Charter-house school, mom what is this?" I read the dread and panic clearly in my sister's eyes and voice.

"That's going to be your school honey. Any other questions?" She crosses both her arms and stares at us with a bored expression. Instead of looking at her, I pick up the papers in complete disbelief that this  is  happening. She's actually sending us away and not only that. . .but she's separating us as well.

"You can't do this!" I hear her squeaky voice say on the verge of tears.

"I very well can. I am your mother and I am in charge of your education. It seems to me public school is doing nothing but corrupting your young minds. I want you to prosper and flourish in a better, richer environment."

"That's bullshit and you know it!" I grab Samantha's hand and shake my head.

"Of course you're fine with these arrangements aren't you Christian? You and loving other boys." I hear the mockery and disgust in her voice making me narrow my eyes at her.

" You and that boy across the street. I can't believe you would disgrace me with such behavior! No child of mine will be living such a vulgar, immoral life inside this house! You just purposely do things to make me look bad don't you!?"

"I don't care what you think about us and my choices of who to be with." I say angrily.

"All those marks on your neck. . .coming home late. The latenesses and absences. Your father had to explain to me that, that young man over there is your boyfriend and the reason for all your past actions. Your boyfriend Christian?! That's disgusting! That boy school will teach you the proper way."

"Mom, this is a mistake. You can't just-"

"You're a mistake. Both of you are."

That hurt. Those words cut so deep I can almost feel it piercing my heart. I knew the day our father died so did our mother. But this is just too much. She mine as well have said she hated us, but calling us a mistake?

I nod at this trying to bite back all the sour, bitter feelings coming to the surface. "My husband dies, my son becomes gay, and my daughter is nothing but a filthy whore you would find on the street! ALL of this was a complete mistake!"

"Sorry that we're such a disappointment to you, but calling Sammy a whore is wrong. It's entirely uncalled for and you know it." I see the tears streaming down her face and try my best to calm her down before my mom can say anything else to completely hurt her already withering self-esteem.

"She's a skank and she knows it. The Charter-house school will be good for her. I don't need her to end up pregnant just to shame me more. As for you. . .well as for you that boyfriend of yours will no longer come and visit you. You are not allowed to speak to him and any further relations you have with him will only speed up your timely departure."

"I'm not breaking up with him."

She laughs." Oh you think this is a choice?"

". . ."

"Christian Alexei Adams you have no more choices! You're leaving and you're not coming back. I'm through with your mess as well as your sister's." She continues to glare at us as she swishes through the papers showing us the pictures of the boy's school I will be going to, making my eyes glisten with fresh tears.

"They're both nice Christian/Catholic schools. I've never been the religious type but the both of you need Jesus."

I cover my eyes with my hand as I hear my sister's sobs increase just what my mom was expecting.

"Sammy, come here. Shhhh." I try to hug her as best as I can. Her sobs muscle into my chest making my mother frown disapprovingly.

"If you're going to send us away, that's fine. But don't split us up." We have never been apart. Ever. Not like this. If she is away from me. . .

"No, you both need to be separated from each other. You look what you two have grown into. Being with each other didn't benefit either one of you in the slightest!"

"Christian" She sobs into my shirt still a loud and uncontrolled as before. "It's the least you can do! She's my sister!"

"Wow.Wow.Wow. What's going on in here?" Daniel comes and kisses my mom's cheek and sits down allowing her to sit down on his lap.

"Samantha, stop that dreadful crying. Your father is trying to talk."

I see him eyeing the papers on the table as I continue to rub her back whispering how it's going to be ok. "I'll come visit you. You can come visit me. Don't worry. . .Shhhh. . ." she calms down enough to stop sobbing and all that's left is her sniffling. I feel so bad for her. I don't even know what to do. . .

"So you told them?"

"Yes honey. . ." She rubs his chest absently. His eyes are trained on me, but I continue to put all of my attention towards my sister. I'm glad he only has an interest in me. I swear if he ever tried something with my sister I wouldn't hesitate to kill him. I kiss her forehead and begin to rub her shoulders.

It's better if we do leave than to have to deal with this. I want to know she is safe. That's what a big brother is for. . .I gather Sammy up in my arms and make my way upstairs. I'm through talking to that woman. The moment I walk out of this house for good will also be the moment I stop calling her mom. I'm done with her. 

Sammy has constantly tried reaching out to her and she had only gotten the cold shoulder in response. I sit her down on her bed as I bend down next to it. "Sammy. . ."

"She is nothing but a bitch! I hate her!"

"And how does that help anything? How is that going to help this situation?"

Her eyes widen and slowly begin to fill with more tears. "I love you and that's all that should matter. We have each other no matter what. . .You just have to be strong Sammy. It'll be a new place with new people. You can have a fresh start. Take this as a chance, an opportunity to make a new start."

She nods her head as I smile at her.

"And. . .you? You have a great life here Christian. And Kai. What are you-"

"I'll be fine. . ."

"No, you won't Christian. You really like him, I can tell."

I let out a shaky sigh and get up. "I do. . .I really do like him. . .but how can I explain all of this to him and expect for him to stay with me? I know how long distance relationships end. . .and Kai. . .he's a very touchy, cuddly, snuggle person. He loves skin-to-skin contact so-"

"Christian. . ." I lock her door and walk out the room and quickly walk into my room. I don't want to hear myself lying out loud about my feelings for him. They run so much deeper than just simply liking him. And me having to leave is crushing me. I hear my door shut right behind me making me freeze right on spot. This cannot be. . .

"I bet you were going to lock the door weren't you?"

My eyes fall as I hear his voicing getting closer and closer to me. He walks around me and stops. "You thought you could avoid me?" A tinge of anger begins to leak from his voice making me nervous and frigid. I don't want to make any sudden movements. I honestly don't know what he is capable of. But like I said, I rather it be me than her.

"I wasn't avoidin-"

"SO it was him all along?! He slams his fist against my bed post causing me to flinch away from him. "You have been messing around with him this entire time?!"

"I have. He's my boyfriend." I say matter-of-factly.

"All those marks. . .all those little attitudes. . .and coming home late. . ." He clucks his tongue and starts to pace around me again.

"I'm willing to forgive you just this once. I am even willing to help you stay here just as long as you. . ." His fingers trail down my shirt. I back away from him until he grabs on it and pulls me towards him.

"Do everything as I say."

I push him away from me and make my way towards the door as I continue to face him. "I don't want to be here, so I don't need you. You can leave."

"Christian. . .you know I've been wanting you for a while now and you act like you can't tell!"

"Yeah what's your point? I don't want you, never been interested in you, and I want you to get away from me. I have a boyfriend if anything else. You're old. You're married. This won't work. Now get out my room."

I try to move away from him, but he pushes me against the door causing me wince. "You'll regret every word you just said to me." He says in my ear angrily.

"Then let me regret it."

"Your swim goals. Your friends. Your family. You're willing to give this all up just because you want to be a little prude. . ." I feel his fingers trying to move my shirt up and I smack it away from me.

"Fine." He grabs my chin into his hands forcefully as I continue to glare at him. "You know you could have stayed. I hope you enjoy Europe."

He tries to kiss my lips, but I move my head away before he can. 

"I HOPE you also enjoy your Catholic teachings as well. Have fun being a gay sixteen year old boy there."  He throws away my face scowl. 

As soon as he walks out my room I let my legs give way and fall to the ground a shaky mess and all. In less than a couple seconds tears start flooding down my face once I truly realize just how my life is turning into nothing but shambles and very bitter memories. 


Kai's P.O.V

I sit across from him eyeing him as he eats the last bit of the BLT sandwich I made and brought to him from home. As the days go by I keep finding it harder and harder to keep my hands from getting lower and lower. My eyes find every little accidental show of skin and my thoughts are getting dirtier by the second. It's getting sad. . .but I'm willing to wait for however long it takes.

He'll be worth it.

"What?" He looks at me skeptically causing me to smile and wipe away some crumbs from the corner of his mouth.

"Nothing. Just thinking about you." I say smoothly back. His eyes narrow in on me as I lean my back against the trunk of a tree.

I dig in my bag once I notice he won't say anything back and dig out a couple peppermints. Ever since I kissed him and he tasted like peppermint I couldn't but fall in love with the taste of it. "Kai I. . .I have a question."

"And I have an answer." I pop a peppermint in my mouth. "Do you want to have sex with me?" I almost choke on it and quickly spit it out. That was completely unexpected I mean. . .haha. . . I rub my hair trying not to show just how caught off guard I was.

"Are you seriously asking me this question? Or did you notice how I was staring at you just now?" My eyes scan down his body as I put another one in my mouth.

"I don't know. A little of both I guess." He says teasingly. I see him bend down and crawl a little towards me making me lean towards him and meet him halfway.

"The answer is hell yes. You're sexy as hell. I don't know who wouldn't. What? Is this a trick question or something?" I ask while playing around with his shirt. It doesn't take much for us to start from flirting to kissing to touching and feeling. One thing leads to another so quickly. It's crazy and I love it.

He kisses the side of my mouth making me just want to pin him down and start a long, hard make out session. But I know that will make me a little too happy. I kiss him back on his cheek completely forgetting about the peppermint still soaking in my mouth.

"Kai." I can sense the impatience in his voice taking me by surprise again. I feel his uneven breathe hit my cheek sending tingles down my body. The smell of his Dulce Gabbana cologne is close to intoxicating but the way he is looking is even more. His lips look soft and inviting leading me to move against him just a little harder till I have him on his back. I can feel his heart beating hard and fast against my chest only seeming to make mine go just as fast.

Since when was the last time I've ever been this excited, nervous to kiss someone, to hold someone, to. . .

His hands snake up the inside of my shirt pressing me further into him as his lips press onto mine in a painfully arousing, slow motion. I can taste nothing but the sweet, refreshing taste of mint. It goes from my mouth to his until nothing is left but bits and pieces.

My tongue feels around his mouth lightly tracing around his teeth. His hands begin moving up to my shoulder blades causing me to sink into him even further. My hands go up his sides and his breath only seems to hitch turning me on completely. He moans into me as his nails dig into my skin.

"Hey guys."

I press my lips against him on last time before I pull away from him and sit up. "Hey Jake. . ." Just by his slow actions and heavy-lidded eyes I can tell I really got to him. But it's not like I went entirely unscathed either. Someone has to keep it together in front of him.

"I interrupted something didn't I?" I see him wiping his bottom lip while staring absently away from me.

"Just a little bit."

"Well, good. You guys kinda forgot that you're outside. On school grounds."

I rub my neck absently trying my best to compose my breathing and trying my best to look normal in front of him but I'm unbelievably turned on right now. I knew this was going to happen. I gave in to him and now I'm feeling like this.

I feel his hands wrap around my back ignoring Jake all together. "Chrissy~"

"Jake I think we know where we are. I don't care who sees me or not. He's my boyfriend. " I hear him say in my back but loud enough for us both to here. My eyes widen along with Jake's. He really doesn't care huh. . .? I let a small smile cross my face not trying to show just how happy that made me. 

But even though he says that I know I'll be a major inconvenience. His swim match is coming up really soon and I don't want to be a cause of his lack of concentration. 

"It's not really about seeing Chrissy, I think it's more about how you were about to take his shirt off right in front of everyone nearby enough to see it." He says unable to hide the amusement in his voice. I don't even have to see him to know that his face is turning many shades of pink and red right now. It's really cute and I'm glad I can't see it right now.

"What? I have a nice body."

"I mean I thought I showed up right in the beginning of a very sensual porno." 

The bell begins to ring signaling the end of lunch causing me to tap on Christian's hands. I know he must be dying from complete embarrassment right now. He always gets embarrassed over little things like this. It's totally fine if he wants perv out on my body. Hell, he can touch wherever, whenever he wants to. I'm all his. 

"I'll see you guys in class." I notice how Jake's eyes keep darting from me to Christian finally getting the hint. 

"All right bye."

I take Christian's hands into mine and bring it up to my lips kissing them lightly. He quickly takes his hands back causing me to turn around and eye him with so much warmth and lust. I tone down the lust instantly once I notice him beginning to shy away from me. God who made him this friggin adorable??

He gets up and I soon follow after. "Sorry. . ." 

"Nothing to apologize for. Jake was just being a lil jerk. We should find him a girl or boy friend soon." I see his eyes downcast as he begins to tug at his blue shirt absently. Is what Jake really said to us really bothering him this much?

I look around and notice people going back inside in hordes. Some of the staff starts to come out shooing the lingering people inside causing me to grimace. I'll have to talk to him later. He looks at me timidly from his lashes and begins to walk away. I grab his arm keeping him in place just a little longer. "You know I don't care either. I wouldn't have minded at all if you stripped me right here where I stand. A shirt is something simple." 

"Can we leave?"

"Wait. What?" 

I look at him trying to figure out what is it that is bothering him this bad. "From school. Just for today." His eyes find mine again as he begins biting down on his lip. "I mean I guess." My confusion only worsens but soon simmer downs once I see that smile I always love to see appear on his face. 

Maybe it's about the swim match. He always seems to get all jittery when his matches get closer to the date. I can definitely help take his mind off of it, if that's what he means. Oh I can definitely do that. I let my hand slink down to his and hold his in mine.

His hands are always warm whereas mine are always cold. I tighten my hold on his hand just a little tighter. 

"Your hands are cold."

"They should be refreshing then." He leans in a little closer to me and lets out a sigh.

"They are."

I don't bother to say anything more and just let the silence sit. It isn't awkward. It's actually relaxing. His hand in mine. . .mine in his. . .walking through the halls of school with little to any care of what people will think of us. I take him through the door away from the classroom we are supposed to be heading in and down into the student parking lot.

"Usually I suggest we should skip. You on the other hand, well that's just rare." He grins at me and tightens his hold on my hand.

"Oh? Is someone starting to get cold feet now?" I smile at this and slowly bend down to his eye level. "I never knew we were getting married."

His mouth falls open and bright blush appears on his cheeks. "We're not." He says quickly and moves away from me. I grab his hand again not wanting him to get in the car just yet. 

"Christian. . .is something wrong?" I'm not stupid or anything. No matter how much he forces it or how many times he splashes his face with water I know when he is happy and when he isn't. 

"No well yea, but it isn't anything I can't handle. You know how swim matches are." I let go of his arm and he makes his way to the passenger's side flashing me a small smile. 

Is that really it? The swim match? Well, he seemed happy enough with me. . .it's just when I'm away is when I notice it. He lolls his head back against the seat and as usual takes my phone out of my pocket. He reaches over and plugs it up into the AUX cable and the music starts to play.

I glance at him wondering if what we did earlier has something to do with this. If it does then I will immediately apologize. . .though. . .he was the one about to take off my shirt. I don't think it's for that reason. As far as his step father is concerned, I don't think it has anything to do with him. He would tell me if something like that ever happened. He definitely would.

So then. . .what could it be?

I look at him again and his eyes catches mine making me focus back on driving. After a while he begins to talk. "Kai. . .I. . ." He lets out a sigh and decides to stare out the window not bothering to finish the rest of the sentence.

"Chrissy just tell me. What's up?"

I stop the car as I pull up at my house bringing all of my attention on him. Instead of answering my obvious question he unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out the car. I let out a sigh and follow his lead right behind him. 


"Kai I. . ." He makes eye contact with me finally nibbling on the bottom of his lip nervously which is beginning to make me unbelievably nervous. Is this how guys feel when they find out that their girlfriend is pregnant? Or maybe worse, getting dumped? Breaking up? 

I know it couldn't be any one of those things. . .could it?

"I think I'm in love with you."

I blink repetitively at this. Thinking I heard wrong I ask again. "You think what?"

"The view. . .I said I think I like the view from the beach from here I mean." His face is completely red at this point making me in turn blush for no apparent reason. My heart is beating extremely fast making me feel queasy. I could have swore I heard love and you,  but maybe that's what I just wanted to hear. Even so, it has got me worked up. "It's a shame that we never went when it's so close." 

". . .So is that what's been bothering you?" Before he can answer I wrap him up into my arms hugging him as tight as I could before I could do any serious damage. "God Christian you're too fucking cute." His head leans against my chest and I know he can hear just how fast my heart is beating against my chest. But I don't care. It's just the way he makes me feel. . .

"I'm not cute. . ." He says mumbling softly into my chest which only sends little vibrations into my body. I fight the urge to be turned on right now. Now isn't the time for it to make its appearance especially when I have him this close against me, but it's unbelievably frustrating.

"You are."

I feel his arms pressing against me and I finally decide to let go of him. "They say the person who says it first is the one who cares more. . .but what the hell. I really like you Christian. After going out with you for just this little bit of time I already think I'm beginning to fall in love with you. His eyes widen for half a second until he turns his attention away from me. If he could turn any redder I know he would have. 

" I uh. . .I have to go." He says a little nervously causing me to smirk. 

"Wait. Stay. Just come inside and talk to me for a little longer." It's not like I was expecting an immediate response.

". . .But my mom is. . ."

"I'll make you something sweet~" He has a big sweet tooth. It's sad how easily I can bribe him just with a few brownies or pastries. I see him chew on his lip again and God. . .maybe he shouldn't come over.

"Ok fine. It's not like I can do anything worse to get me in trouble than what I am in now." I open up the door gladly and let him walk in first. I look at the note posted on the door as I shut it. 

Hey Kai,

                I'm going to be gone for the rest of the day until late tonight. I have a verrrrrrry hot date with Thomas, you know the guy I have been talking your ear off about? Well anyway, be good, behave. No parties. No Drinking.

P.S Tell Christian I said hi. 

                                                                                       Love You! 

"My mom says hi." I say dully trying to stamp down my rising excitement. Oh this is bad. This is the first time in my life that I wished my mom was here when I had a guy over, especially Christian. After his confession it has only pressed my needs even further to the surface. I want him. 

So bad.

It was bad enough I couldn't control my urges in the locker room and now this. In my house? I mean him helping me along did more bad than good. I just wanted more and I knew he wasn't ready for it. So what did I do? I avoided touching him as much as possible for a week. A week!

"Oh she isn't here?" He asks as he opens up my refrigerator and pulls out a plastic bin full of strawberries. He is such a kid. . .

"No, I forgot about her date with this guy. . .she doesn't even like him Chrissy."

"She must like the way he looks then. It's not a bad thing you know."

I nod my head and move around the counter next to him. He bites into the strawberry not seeming to care about this little situation. And he shouldn't. I would never do anything he doesn't want to do. No matter how much I. . .

I see him lick the bottom of his lip as a trail of strawberry juice comes dripping down. 

This is just too much.

"So about my sweets. . .Are you going to make me something now or?" He dangles the question in air making me duck my head. 

"I might have to make that up to you another day." 

"Why not right now?"

I look at him for a moment and then begin to smile. "I believe we have different desserts in mind. . ." 

 He looks at me as a little smile creeps on his face. I feel his hands grab on to my sides causing my eyes to widen. What is he. . . Before I can ask I feel one of his arms wrap around my neck bringing me down to his eye level. His lips stop millimeters from mine making me riled from the need to feel his lips, his body pressing against mine. Why is he doing this to me?

"Do we. . .?" His hand drop down to mine slowly pressing me against the counter.  I look at him as I put my hands on the sides of him trying to figure out if he is seriously thinking about. . . He gives me a quick smile before capturing my bottom lip into his.

My mind quickly sizzles over with the feeling of his tongue tracing along mine in a painfully slow motion. His body rubs against mine as he presses further and harder until he pulls away from me. My mouth gradually falls open and a light blush spills onto my cheeks. "You're pretty easy to seduce Kai." I still feel his hands tracing along the inside of my shirt causing me to tuck in my lips. "I wonder if you made it this easy for everyone else." He says teasingly, but I can barely even hear him because of the feeling of my heart beat is now inside my ears.

"I'm pretty easy when it comes to you, I admit."  I wrap my arms loosely around his lower back trying my best to resist the temptation of coping some feels on his butt. Everything about him is tempting. Damn. "As for everyone else, they honestly pale in comparison to you."  

"Oh, so now you're slowly becoming the romantic huh?" He asks while leaning against me.

"No, that's really how I feel."

"So it's not because of what I just said? You're not saying it just because I did right?" I see him trying to search my eyes for any hint of mischief or dishonesty making me laugh. So I guess he did say what I thought I heard the first time? It could be just my wishful thinking.


"Are you lying to me?" 

His dark, blue eyes look at me with more intensity but it only causes my heart to beat faster. Never would I have thought I would end up like this with a guy like him and see how far I have completely fallen because of him. He reminded me so much of Adrian in the beginning I couldn't help but hate him. Karma is a broad.

"I would never lie to you. . .but sometimes I think differently of you." His eyes instantly fall from mine as he pushes away from me.

". . .I wouldn't lie to you."

"Then tell me, what's really bothering you."

"That was. . .I uh. . ." I let out a sigh as his gaze slowly begins to drop away from mine. If I let up now I know what happened before is only going to happen again. I don't want to ever feel like that again and I don't want him to either. " Do you want to. . .maybe go sit down?" I take his hand and lead him down the hallway towards the living room without an answer.

Finally, I'm making some leeway into his mind. I can't help him if I don't know anything. The door shuts silently behind us, but I continue to lean against the wall waiting for him to continue speaking. He turns around and looks me over. Not another word comes from him for some time, but I continue to patiently wait until he wants to start talking.

I mess around with my feet a little not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable if I stare too long. But what else am I supposed to do? I'm not going to allow him to get me like that again. "Christian. . ." 

I see him heave out a heavy sigh  as he begins to walk closer to me. Before I can say anything I feel his soft lips press against mine. Before long I feel myself getting lost into it. ". . .Just let me drown out all these worries with this. . .Being around you is all I really need right now." His eyes look straight into mine causing me to lose my breathe for a second. 

"Are you trying to seduce me again? It's not going to work this time." I say the last part completely unsure of how true that is. 

He lets out a little laugh and moves a little closer to me. "I don't know. Depends. Is it working?" I see his eyes fall to my lips and back up to my eyes. The corners of his lips are upturned. I wrap my hands around his sides lowly and fill in the little space that stands between our lips. I feel his hands against my chest and soon he pulls away from me before I can deepen it. "Kai I'm. . ."

"I know. I know." I grab his sides, that being my favorite part of his body. It's close to his chest and also very close to something very sensitive. All in all, it's a neutral ground. But God does it feel good. 

 "It's not that. . .I'm. . .leaving."

"For the summer? I would ask to come, but I know your mom hates me." I wrap my arms around him even tighter resisting the urge to push him up against wall and peel off every inch of his clothes. I'm weak with need right now. His little taunts isn't helping anything at all.

". . .Something like that." He mumbles lowly under his breathe before pushing away from me as his phone begins to ring. He looks down at it and immediately sighs out loud. "I have to go." 

"Your mom?"

He nods and I move out of the way to let him pass. "Christian." I go and kiss his cheek. 

"A couple months away from you isn't going to make me any less faithful." I see his eyes drop when I was hoping to see a smile.  

"That's it isn't it?" 

". . ." 


He swipes at his eyes and turns away from me. "I have to go." 

"Chr-" I see him walk down the stairs in an awkward walk-run strut and soon he's out the door with me tailing not too far behind him. 

"Christian, wait a minute." I grab his arm making him stop in the middle of my yard. "Talk to me." 

"He can't talk to you right now." His mother's voice chimes in as she walks closer and closer to him till she has his arm in hers. 

"Let's go." 

"Wait, we were-" She cuts me off completely.

"Didn't I tell you whatever you have with this- this young man had to end?" She says with a scrunched up face full of disgust. So I guess she found out about us. I let out a sigh. I told my mom that this would happen. She's just that kind of hateful woman. Well, no more dinner parties for us I guess. 

 "DO you want me to make you leave any earlier than I have to?" Leave earlier? My eyes narrow at her in complete confusion until it dawns on me. "You can't actually think I'll stop seeing him because you don't want me to." She pays me no mind and begins shuffling Christian out of my yard. 

"Mrs. Adams. be a little more reasonable here. Understanding at least? I really-" 

"I don't have to. He'll stop seeing you and end this disgusting thing you call a relationship if he knows what's best for him. I will not have my son dating another boy. I would think the same for your mother." 

"That's not up for you to decide." I say completely annoyed with this woman already. No wonder he isn't bothering to speak. I wouldn't want to talk to such a close-minded person like her either. I'm being nothing but respectful and she's just being- she's a fucking bitch. 

"It is now. Christian." 

"Listen, Mrs. Adams. Nothing you can say or do will stop me from seeing him. Sure ground him and take his phone away from him. I'll still see him at school and anytime after that." I say smugly while she continues to glare daggers at me. I know I may be making things worse, but God she is just a bitch! 

"Do you-" He cuts off his mom. 

"I. . .I can't see you anymore. . .Kai." His eyes fall away from mine with tears brimming from the bottom of them.  

I blink a couple times in complete disbelief. Before my mind can register to say something they're well across their yard opening up the door. 

"Christian!" The door slams shut causing a wave of emotions to wash over me. Confusion. Shock. Disbelief.

And then reality hits.

"He did not just. . .break up with me. . .did he? Because his mom ordered him to?" He broke up with me because of his mom? After I- I bite down on my lip angrily. My eyes narrow in contempt and soon enough I find myself back in my house slamming my own door shut. 


[A/N] A little trouble in paradise is starting to bloom eh? Well guys, as always, thanks for reading! :3 Suggestions and critiques are highly appreciated and recommended. Gimmie some fresh ideas! 

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