Viva La Vida (Harry Styles Fa...

By wingsmarina

1.4K 13 7

Melrose Martin had an odd life. She grew up on the road with her fathers band, Coldplay and never regretted a... More

Nice To Meet You...Not.
Fresh Start
Cupcakes and You
Jack and Rose
Messing Around
Fixing & Breaking
Home Is Where My Broken Heart Is
Irish Charm


112 2 0
By wingsmarina

Melrose POV

It was 6 am. 6 bloody am. 

I was glad to be back home. London. I loved every single thing about this place. 

I watched all these bags pass by me at the claim. All of which were not mine. I was getting rather annoyed.

This is why I don't like airports. People were rude, you had to take your shoes off at security and you could never find your luggage. This was beginning to look like a shit day. 

I huffed and sat myself in front of the claim. I wasn't moving until I got my luggage. It had everything in there. At this rate, I'd be wearing my jeans and dark green jumper for the rest of the tour.

I was about to give up on any hopes of finding my bag. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar bag with roses on it roll beside me. 

I turned around to see Harry smiling at me. I grumbled and got up grabbing my bag and walked towards him.

"How long have you had my bag?" I bit at him. I wasn't really a morning person.

He shot me a smirk. "Woah. Woah. Woah. Don't get all grumpy. I just got it. It was next to my luggage on the claim." 

He was lying. "I saw you get your baggage like 20 minutes ago." I crossed my arms getting angry. I needed to take a shower. My hair had slowly turned from being straightened into its natural curly state and because we weren't in an actual hotel, I had to wear my glasses. My contacts were in my luggage.

He grinned at the ground. "Right. And I saw you getting angry at the claim. It was cute."

I slapped him across the head and smiled my bitchy smile. Before I could beat him anymore Paul came over. Boy was I glad to see him. I needed a hotel and sleep fast.

"Change of plans guys. Were performing in Dublin first. The whole schedule has been changed. So, therefore, we are hopping on to the tour bus when we get out of here." He looked stressed, but that was normal for Paul. He was a babysitter for 5 hormonal teenage boys. Who wouldn't be stressed?

I started to freak out a little. Is the tour bus stocked? I needed my food. Do we have a shower there? Wi-fi? Couches? Oh god, this was looking bad.

Paul must have seen my worried look because he spoke up clarifying things. "We already have everything on the buses. Except for what you guys brought with you. We have two buses. One for the band and style team and the other for the boys."

He gestured towards the airport exit. "We'll be on the buses for about 2 weeks before we get back to London. Let's go. We need to make it to Dublin by night." 

I walked ahead of Paul and the boys with the band and other people of the style team.

I heard Harry talking to Paul. I could tell he was trying to whisper, but obviously wasn't succeeding, as I could hear him. "Melrose should stay with us. We'll have an empty bunk."

I think I heard Paul chuckle. "Yeah, Harry we all know you want her there just so you can charm her."

Harry sighed. "And what's so wrong with that?" He was defensive.

I stopped listening before the conversation got weird. Why would Harry want to charm me? We didn't really get off to a great start and I think that's going to affect how we are towards each other. Plus, I wasn't really pleased with him today. The dumbass taking my luggage and then calling me cute for getting angry.

Fuck him today. 


We had been on the road for about 30 minutes. I had already found several things wrong with my bus. The shower wasn't working. The wi-fi was weak. Oh, and I was on a bus full of boys. Since Lou travels separately with Lux and Tom, that left me on the bus with all of the band, who were boys.

I was sitting in my bunk when I felt the bus jolt. This is great. What? Were we in a crash or something?

I walked to the front of the bus to talk to the bus driver. I was the only one up. "Hey Joe. What's going on?"

Joe looked up at me and laughed. "Damn traffic. At this rate were going like 2 miles an hour."

I looked out the front window and saw endless amounts of cars. I couldn't even see the beginning of the traffic. It was that backed up.

I turned back to go to the couch area. I found Josh there firing up the Xbox. "Care for another player?"

He looked up at me and smiled. "Uhh, sure. I'm playing FIFA though. Don't know of many girls who like FIFA..." He laughed as he handed me a controller.

He was in for a surprise. Of course I've played FIFA. I travel with my fathers band. Who are all men. 

Five games later I was kicking Joshs' ass. "Yeah! Suck it bitch!" I did a dance around the room while pretending to throw fake confetti. 

"I cannot believe you are that good at FIFA. I underestimated you." He laughed. 

I looked out the window. We had barely moved an inch in this traffic. I wonder if the other buses' water was working. This would be a perfect opportunity to go over there. We weren't moving at all in this traffic. Why not?

I had Joe page the other bus and ask if the water was working. It was, so I quickly grabbed my towel and change of clothes and went over the other bus.

I was greeted by Paul who was sitting up front watching the traffic. "Paul, it's not going anywhere." 

He looked up at me and laughed. "Yeah, I know. Just wishful thinking."

I looked up to see a sight I wish I hadn't. Harry was on the couch with Louis straddling him. Harry was holding a Yorkshire Tea box up above his head trying to keep it from Louis. I looked over too see Niall taking pictures of this whole encounter. 

I shot Paul a weird look. "Are they like this all the time?" He just nodded and kept looking at the traffic.

I cleared my throat and waited for the boys to acknowledge me. Harrys head snapped up to look at mine and his eyes grew wide. He kicked Louis off and ruffled his hair to the side. He grew a blush and I couldn't help but crack a smile.

"I'm glad to know what you guys do in your free time." I walked past them towards the bathroom.

Before I could enter, Liams' head popped out of the bunk. I guess he had heard my voice. "Hey Melrose. What are you doing here?" 

"Oh, the water isn't working properly on the other bus, so I came over here to take a shower." He gave me a nod and I went into the bathroom. 

Before I turned the water on, I heard some of the conversation that was going on outside.

"Hey, Harry! She's gonna be naked soon. Go get your glimpse!" I heard Nialls' voice call out. Little pig. I thought I'd like Niall, but he seems to like to have a dirty mind.

I won't think anything of it. Their teenage boys. It's what they do.

I looked around the bathroom and how it was already dirty. These boys hadn't been on this bus for more than 2 hours and they already made it look like a tornado came through.

The water felt good running along my back. This had been such a whirlwind thing. I hadn't had time to even call Dad or collect my thoughts.

I got out and put on my clothes for the day. We would probably be stuck on a bus all day, so I settled for a pair of running shorts and a purple tank with a grey knit sweater. It seemed stupid, but I liked wearing sweaters with shorts. It made me feel, I don't know, at home.

I dried my hair and left it in its natural wavy curl state. I wasn't impressing anybody. 

I put on my everyday makeup. Foundation, mascara and cat eye eyeliner. I didn't like eyeshadow unless I was going out or going to something fancy. 

I stepped out to see Harry sitting on his bunk right across from the bathroom. I gave him a smile.

He was already staring at me. "Hello. Earth to Harry?" He snapped out of it and smiled back.

"Hi." He smiled at me and I walked towards the front of the bus. 

I was greeted by Niall screaming at the TV. A football game was on and I guess he wasn't excited about how it was going. 

I kept watching and I started to get angry as well. "What the hell was that, ref? He totally made that! Goal or fuck you! Goal!" 

Niall turned around and gaped at me. He then proceeded to high five me and we both turned our attention back to the TV. 

I ended up staying in their bus for the rest of the game. I glanced over at Louis who was filming me and Nialls antics during the game.

I heard my name being called from the back. Sounded like Harry.

"MELROSE! MELRO-" I got to his bunk before he could call my name again.

"Geez Harry, I'm here. What?" I laughed and shot him a smile.

Before I knew it, he had pulled me into the back room. Normally, it was a big room with a bed, but they had turned it into an empty room. I'm guessing for writing music or just going to relax.

"I wanted to show you something." He smiled at me. He tugged me to lay down on the floor with him, face up.

"Watch this." He pressed a button and it turned all of the lights off. The ceiling lit up with fake stars. It was the coolest thing I had ever seen. If the other bus was like this, I was making this my new room. 

We were silent for a while, until he spoke. "I come in here just to think sometimes. We had this same bus on the last tour, so I love it." 

"It's great. This is. Like. My Dad never had this!" He laughed and I turned my head towards him. Even though it was dark, I could still see the outline of his face. He was attractive....wait. No, Melrose. You cannot be thinking this.

I turned to took back up to the ceiling. I felt Harrys hand graze my palm and my breath hitched. I don't know why. I don't have feelings for him. Or do I? NO! Again, Melrose. Stop. Stop it.

Harry POV

My hand grazed hers. I hadn't mean for it too, but when I did, I felt electricity go through my hand. 

I got nervous all of the sudden. 

Without thinking I grabbed her hand and intertwined my fingers with hers. I watched her out of the corner of my eye. She didn't exactly pull her hand away, but she got up and headed for the door.

"I have to go, but thanks for showing me this. It's really. Nice." She bolted out the door.

Great Harry, scared her off. And maybe ruined any chances of..wait. So I did feel something for her. 

Great. This tour will be just great.

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