The 9th Servamp (RE-EDITING)

By notyourangelthough

5.1K 110 17

Thought that there were only 8 Servamps? Well think again, there's 9! WHAT?! Yep. Kaida Kelly is your ordi... More

OC Information
Chapter 1: Crystal
Chapter 2: Later
Chapter 3: Team
Chapter 4: Lawless
Chapter 5: Subclass
Chapter 6: Not YOU Again!!!
Chapter 7: Arrow
Chapter 9: Crystal's Orgin
Chapter 10: Bad Ass
Chapter 11: Final Battle
Chapter 12: Aftermath
Sakuya x Kaida OS
Belkia x Kaida OS
Kuro x Kaida OS
Misono X Kaida OS
Lily X Kaida OS
Mahiru X Kaida OS
Lawless X Kaida OS

Chapter 8: Miku Miku?

141 5 0
By notyourangelthough


I love Mikuni too 😍

Enjoy the chapter!

Third person POV

Kaida was sitting in her room typing away at the computer Yukino gave her and Crystal. She was trying to see if there was a known cure for the stuff on Crystal but the computer said it didn't exist.

"Ugh!" Kaida pushed the computer off her lap and fell backwards onto her bed. She then turned onto her side and looked at Crystal. Kaida reached out her hand and pet Crystal's soft fur.

'Dont worry, I will help you.'

Kaida got up and went out to see Tetsu, Misono and Mahiru surrounding the ball Kuro was in. "Maybe you guys need your eyes checked. Get close, don't you see little Kuro rolling around inside?"

They got closer and Tetsu tapped on the ball. "Hey Hot Springs guy stop tapping. I'm a delicate ball so you should handle me with care," stated Kuro.

"Listen! He's talking now," said Mahiru. "I don't hear anything, sorry," Tetsu said. "You might be able to see him but to us, this is just a solid black ball. At least you can still talk to him," said Misono. Mahiru sat up and looked to see Kaida. "Kaida! Come here!" Kaida walked over. "Kuro talk!" said Mahiru.

"Hi Kaida, how's Crystal?" he asked. "You heard him right?" asked Mahiru. Kaida shook her head. "Sorry but no," said Kaida.

"He asked how Crystal was," said Mahiru. Kaida looked away. "Right. I'm tell him later," said Mahiru. "What? Tell me what later? Tell me now. I wanna know what happened to Crystal," said Kuro banging on the ball a bit.

Tetsu, Mahiru, Kuro, and Kaida were now outside. "I have an idea. How about we just break the ball so Mr. Sloth is free to lie around and complain in full size again," Tetsu suggests.


"Tetsu we have to be super careful about it we don't know what this thing is!" said Mahiru. "Sure thing."

Tetsu put the weird saw thing on the ball. "Kuro tell us if it hurts." Kuro screamed. "We didn't do anything yet!"

"Alright ready?" Tetsu got ready. "No! Tetsu wait. This isn't right. It's not how we should be trying to get Kuro back." said Mahiru.

"Thanks Mahiru."

Kaida nodded. "So he did notice?"

"Thinking simply this is my responsibility, I'll get him out. Just sit back and watch Kuro!" Now Mahiru had the weird saw tool. "And here I thought you came to your senses," commented Kuro. They began scratching and hitting at the ball while Kuro screamed and Kaida watched in awe.

"Wow, we couldn't even break the thing," said Tetsu. "You guys might be going about this the wrong way," said Kaida. "You think?" asked Mahiru scratching his head.

"Tetsu, you have visitors," said someone. They went to see this blue whale and a guy that were named Kranz and Gil.

"It's Licht, he's gone missing," said Kranz 'passing out'. Mahiru bowed. "I'm so sorry. I tried to save him but couldn't stop them from kidnapping him. In fact he actually protected me."

"They have Lawless too. This Tsubaki fellow must be one immensely strong vampire fellow. I'm glad to see you're still safe at least," said Kranz. "But I should've done more!"

"Maybe this is a good thing. Being held captive may calm those two down a bit. They've been getting far too out of hand lately. Haha!" said Kranz.

"What?! Don't be ridiculous!!"

Everyone was now sitting at the table.

"We'll figure out a way to rescue the two of them before midnight, we have too. Their safety is our priority, we should avoid conflict if we can. Is this overgrown mascot any good in a fight?" asked Misono.

"Yes of course, he's Lawless subclass. He can take care of them himself," said Kranz.

They said some stuff about Lilac. And next thing you know....

"Can I see your hand?" asked Kranz. "I guess so," said Hugh. "You see this isn't just plain water in here this is harmless to humans but against vampires, it's quite toxic!" said Kranz.

"Ugh!" Hugh fell over. "Hugh!" said Mahiru. "Oh dear I didn't know he was a vampire," said Kranz. "Why did you think he was dressed up as a mini Dracula?" questioned Kaida.

"It's just holy water. I can use it to knock out any vampires that might attack me," said Kranz. "Aaahh! What the hell were you thinking?! I won't forget about this!" complained Hugh kicking around in Tetsu's arms. "Oh I so apologize. I keep this around at times when Lawless gets unreasonable," said Kranz.

"I didn't know stuff like this existed," said Kaida examining the bottle. "Where did you get this?" asked Mahiru. "There's a traveling antique dealer that sells these kind of things," said Kranz.

"Antique dealer?" asked Mahiru. "Yes, he's a peculiar fellow," said Kranz. Everyone was around a computer looking at the screen. "You know this guy?" questioned Tetsu. "Kinda. I guess I'll stop by his shop and see what he has. Oh. Kaida, you should come too. Just in case he has something that can cure Crystal," Mahiru stood. "Okay," said Kaida. She stood also. "That man is bad news," said Misono.

"Why do you?"

"He just is alright?! Don't trust him!!"


"Now Misono it's not like we have much of a choice at a time like this," said Lily. Misono sighed. "I guess we'll just go our separate ways for the time being."

Kaida grabbed her jacket and put it on while Mahiruh did the same. "You guys be careful alright." said Kaida. "Heh! I need to be telling you two that. We'll be fine," said Misono.

"This plan is right up my alley and reckless," said Tetsu. "Not reckless, it's brillant!" boasted Misono. "Okay, I believe you."

Kaida went to grab her shoes and Crystal. She decided to lay her comfortably in her bag. "Ready?" asked Mahiru. "Ready!" she replied. They both left.

"I really hope this place is easy to find," said Mahiru. Both him and Kaida were on a bus. And since they were, Kaida put her bag on her lap so she don't smush Crystal. "Agreed. I also really do hope he can help Crystal. I'm scared this could kill her," said Kaida.

"Wait. What's going to kill Crystal?!" asked Kuro. "Can you tell Kuro what happened Kaida?" asked Mahiru. Kaida nodded and told Kuro what happened to his sister and showed him Crystal then put her back. Kuro was definitely not happy about it.

"That bastard! I'll kill him!" he said.

It was kinda weird for Kaida to talk to him since she couldn't see nor hear him but she knew he was there and listening thanks to Mahiru.

All of a sudden Kuro yawned and decided to take a nap. The bus stopped and people got off. "Hey Kuro, you awake?" asked Mahiru. No response.

Something appeared next to Mahiru and Kaida making them both jump up. "A fox?! What the hell?!" said Mahiru. "What a tease, I was hoping to find my subclass here with you two," said the fox.

Kaida glared. "We know that voice!" The said fox started expanding and both teenagers jumped off the bus while Mahiru told Kuro to hide.


Everything cleared and was back to normal. "What? There wasn't an explosion?" questioned Kaida. "I don't know but that was definitely Tsubaki," said Mahiru.

"What's wrong? That was a real bouncy wake up call," said Kuro. "You're okay," Mahiru looked to the ball. "Yeah. I'm immortal. Worry about you and Kaida. You two are definitely way to killable," said Kuro. "Well at least you still have your sense of humor."

"Tsubaki is on the move, so we should be too!" Mahiruh got up and ran off with Kaida following him. They came up to a store.

Kaida reached for the door but it opened itself. Kaida knew that was never good so she hid behind her friend just in case.

"Welcome back Miku Miku. I'm afraid I have some bad news to report to you. I accidentally broke something that you treasure today, I'm so sorry! But honestly it's your fault for putting something of such value within my reach knowing me like you do. It really couldn't be helped, it's not that bad, just missing a face!" said someone.

A doll with no head was shown and Kaida and her friend were both weirded out.

"But don't worry I melted the head down and made it into a special potion just for you!"

The door swung open causing Mahiru and Kaida to fall back. They saw a man.

"Just think, this doll you love so much will forever be a part of you, doesn't that sound wonderful? The two of you as one and you'll have me to thank for it! Cheers! Hahahahaha!" the man looked down to find Kaida and Mahiru.

"Who are you?" they all said at once. They got up and followed the man inside.

'This place looks more like a convenience store than an antique shop.'

"So the reason we're here-"

"Mikuni isn't here right now," said the man.

"Mikuni?" questioned Kaida. "Um... right. So what are you doing here? Are you one of Mikuni's employees or just a friend?"

"A friend?! Of that guy?! I'd rather die." he said. "What about you two? Are you both one of his servants?"


"I'm just an acquaintance of his named Mahiru Shirota with my friend Kaida Kelly,"

"Haruto Sato and Keida Kenny those are nice names."

"Not my name!!!" said Kaida. "How did you manage to get every syllable wrong?!" said Mahiru. "Hmm.. Mahiru Shirota and Kaida Kelly..." the man began looking through some papers or whatever. "Welcome to.... my research laboratory!!!"

The man pushed both of them down onto a seat in front of a mirror. "Now have a seat Cakoru Yamada and Selene Telly!"

"Mahiru Shirota!"

"Kaida Kelly!"

"Why don't you let the good doctor examine you? Have some um... tea!" the man poured some liquid in two cylinders for the two teenagers. "What is this stuff? It isn't tea is it?" asked Kaida.

"Just a welcome drink for the Eve of Sloth and Eve of Hope! Cheers Mitsunu Hanouka and Karin Kiwi!" said the man. "Who the hell are those two?!" asked Kaida. The doctor sighed.

"I shall admit that I'm not good at catching people's names, there are more important things to remember," he took out a marker and began writing on Mahiru face and did the same for Kaida.


"Hold still!"



"There we go! That should help. Welcome Mahiru Shirota and Kaida Kelly hahaha!!" the doctor said.

"Okay so who are you again?" asked Kaida. "I'm part scholar and part researcher. Vampires are my speciality," he said. "Huh?"

"Johannes Mimir Faustuss here. That's technically my name. The letters that denote my individuality. But you two can call me doctor, or Hans, Johannes, Faustuss, or Mimir or whatever you like really the more important thing-"

"Johanne~" said someone. Kaida and Mahiru saw a man with blonde hair, hat, scarf, and gold eyes jump down from the ledge above.

"Welcome back Miku Miku," the doctor waved. The said man kicked Johanne in his back. "I told ya not to come here without asking! And where exactly did my dear Violetta's head go?! Huh?!"

"Uh... hi?" said Mahiru. The man turned to him. "Oh hi Mahiru and who's this young lady?" asked the man. "This is my friend Kaida Kelly," said Mahiru and Kaida just waved. "Okay. Do you two have some business in my store?" asked the man. "Um... maybe. Miku is it?" asked Mahiru.

"That's right. I've never told you my name. I'm Mikuni Arisuin. Nice to see you," he said. Kaida and Mahiru was shocked.

'Wait. Isn't that...?'

"Thanks so much for looking after my little brother."

"You're Misono's big brother??!!!! That can't be right!!!!!" said Mahiru.

"But how come Misono didn't say anything? Is there bad blood between you two?" asked Kaida. "Enough chit chat I want to touch these Servamps of yours, they're a cat and dragon right? The Servamps of Sloth and Hope, well where are you two hiding them, these powerful beasts! Bring them out already!!" said Johanne.

Mahiru showed them the ball Kuro was in. "No way!!" said Johanne backing up. "I'm trying to find a way to get him back to normal. Kaida actually have a problem with her Servamp too. Show them," said Mahiru. Kaida took Crystal out her bag and showed them. "That's your Servamp?!" asked Johanne. "Hmm... this does seem like a real problem," said Mikuni. He tried to touch Crystal but Kaida stopped him saying he'll only get zapped.

"Ah! Problems in need of looking at. I wish I could freeze this moment, so beautiful. Now, into my laboratory!!" said Johanne. He pushed the both of them into a door only to have it move.

"So we didn't break it? Must be a revolving door," said Kaida. She looked to see still had Crystal in her arms and looked to see Mahiru and the ball with Kuro by her.

The door creaked open. "It's time for some fun experiments with the good doctor aren't you excited?!"

'More like creeped out!!!'

Johanne ended up doing some check ups or whatever on Mahiru and Kaida, being the person she was, didn't look. She would've left but Mikuni wouldn't let her.

The next thing Kaida knows, she's listening on how to destroy a subclass and a Servamp before she heard a thud and Johanne laugh.

She looked to see Mahiru on the floor. "Mahiru!!!" she said and ran up to him.

"Taking unnecessary risks as usual I see," said Mikuni. Kaida glared at them. "What did you do to him?!" she asked. "Oh relax Kaida dear. We're helping him. Plus you shouldn't be worried about him..." said Mikuni. He came closer and bent down to her height. "Huh?"

"You should be worried about youself." He said. The room changed, Johanne was gone, Mahiru was gone too and Kaida looked around surprised. "What just happened?!"

Mikuni stood up and so did Kaida. "Tell me Kaida, do you know how powerful your Servamp is?" asked Mikuni. "Well, of course I do."

"I don't think you do."

"Huh? What do you know?! I know Crystal best!"

"So do you like your Servamp? Do you trust her?"

"Yes! I don't like Crystal, I love her like a sister and of course I trust her. We're very honest with each other!"

"So what would you do if I told you everything you know about Crystal is a lie?"

"Huh? Y-you're wrong! Crystal would never lie to me!"

"Oh really? Why don't ya take a look yourself?"

A sharp pain emitted in Kaida's head and she fell to the ground clutching it and whimpered. Her vision was getting real fuzzy. "Good luck Kaida Kelly, hopefully you can handle it," said Mikuni.

That was the last thing she heard before everything went black.


*laughs evilly*

Time to learn about Crystal.

Ask questions if you get confused over anything.

Hope you liked it.

I do try!


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Love you guys,


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