Cinema [Yandere!Sasuke x Read...

By Itachis-Wife

58.4K 2.2K 1.6K

Sasuke has PTSD and major depression thanks to one traumatic event that happened when he was younger. He view... More

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
Scene 5
Scene 6
Scene 7
Scene 9
Scene 10
Scene 11
Scene 12
Scene 13
Scene 14
Scene 15
Scene 16
Scene 17
Scene 18
Scene 19
Scene 20
Scene 21
Scene 22
Scene 23
Scene 24

Scene 8

3K 119 177
By Itachis-Wife

"So, what do you like Sasuke?" [Name] asks as the couple enters the adult section of the library.

Sasuke shrugs his shoulders as he admires the back of [Name's] head. "What kind of books are there in the adult section?"

[Name] places some mixed up books back in order and turns to Sasuke. "Well, there are books about politics, economics, romance, mystery. There are health books and such. Erotica, if you're into that."

She gives Sasuke a knowing look when she mentions erotica. "Most of the male patrons enjoy the series Make-Out Paradise."

"Oh? Is it any good?" He asks as he runs a hand through his hair. [Name] shrugs.

"I never read it, but I know it's a popular book series amongst men and women alike," she answers honestly. Sasuke smiles and begins to walk beside her instead of behind.

"Maybe we should read it together," Sasuke says without thinking first. [Name] chuckles.

"Like a book club?" She laughs again and Sasuke begins to feel humiliated by what he said.

He stutters over his words, "Y-Yeah, I mean if you-"

"Yes, I would love to have a mini book club with you Sasuke," she says, cutting him off from embarrassing himself even more. She hands him Make-Out Paradise and smiles. His mood skyrockets through the roof once the book is in his hands.

"Thanks," he mumbles. She shrugs her shoulders.

"It's kinda my job, and speaking of my job, I should get back to work."

"Right," Sasuke grumbles, his mood fluttering back down to Earth. "I can't take up all of your time, unfortunately."

[Name] laughs. "It was fun talking to you Sasuke, I'll see you later."

Sasuke's heart flutters in his chest once he hears her say his name. It's angelic the way his name comes from her lips, and he has no problem replying that sound over and over in his mind.

He stands there and watches [Name] walk away from him. The colors around him seem to instantly dull, but the feelings inside of him only grow with more enthusiasm.


"So?" Begins one of [Name's] co-workers, May. "Who's the hottie?"

[Name] chuckles and shakes her head. "What hottie?"

May scoffs and picks up a stack of books, readying herself to take them back to the shelves. "That cutie with the black spiky hair. The one you were totally flirting with."

[Name] laughs again. "I was not flirting with him."

"Yeah, sure you weren't," May says sarcastically. "And he totally wasn't looking at your ass like I look at a piece of cake."

"May," [Name] whines. "If you want to know, I barely know that guy. All I know is that his name is Sasuke and now we're going to read a book together."

"Ooh," May coos. "Which book? I saw that you took him to the adult section-"

"He seemed a bit interested in Make-Out Paradise," she says, and May gets a big grin on her face.

"You know what that means!" Her coworker nearly shouts. [Name] raises an eyebrow, utterly confused. May groans and shoves books onto the shelf.

"It means he wants to have a romantic and steamy relationship with you," May explains. "Oh, how I would let him pound my sweet ass."

"First off, that's hella gross. And secondly, I doubt he wants anything to do with me," she says as she watches her coworker swoon over Sasuke.

May groans. "You seriously didn't see that way he was gawking at you? Geez, he looked like he was ready to start dry-humping you against the wall."

[Name] rolls her eyes and shakes her head. She loves May very much and she is one of the only people that can make her job enjoyable, but sometimes she can be a bit annoying.

"Why must you be so vulgar?" She mumbles bitterly, even though the thought of Sasuke taking her against the wall makes her skin hot.

It's just a silly thought, she tells herself as she tucks the steamy fantasy to the back of her mind. She notes that hanging around May for too long causes her to think X-rated thoughts.

"I have to get away from you," [Name] states. "You're making me think dirty thoughts."

May chuckles and winks at [Name]. She returns to the circulation desk to check if any work-related notes are left for her, and there is one but it doesn't relate to her job.

"Some cutie left this for you [Name]," says Reena, her other coworker. "I think it might be his phone number."

[Name] takes the sticky note and it's indeed a number with a name at the bottom.

"Oh goodness," [Name] sighs. "May will have a field day if she knew he left his number for me."

"Is he your future boyfriend?" Reena asks, her glasses reflect the computer screen and [Name] sees she's not doing any work but is rather shopping for new shoes.

"No, why would you think that?" [Name] answers while shoving the note in her pocket. Reena looks at her knowingly.

"He was following you around like a lost puppy."

"That's only because I was showing him where the adult section was, he got lost," [Name] explains quickly.

"Doesn't mean he isn't interested in you," Reena insists.

"I'm pretty sure he isn't interested in me, we just met yesterday," she defends, pushing off any assumptions.

"Whatever," Reena replies sassily. "Doesn't change the fact that he was ogling you like you were a Goddess sent from heaven."

[Name] scoffs and rolls her eyes. "We're hardly friends."

"What-the-fuck-ever [Name]. You were flirting with him with all your cute little smiles. You might as well swayed your hips at him and twirled your hair all cutesy-like," Reena teases. "Now go clean up the children's section, it's a mess."

[Name] is dismissed and she heads to the children's section. It's an absolute mess. The small blue chairs are flipped over, there are books everywhere and not to mention a father who is allowing his kids to run rampant throughout the child section.

She sighs and starts putting the books back in order and sets the chairs upright again. It's times like these where she wishes she can just clock out and go eat some pad thai.

"Excuse me, sir," [Name] says while approaching the father of the rambunctious kids. "Can you keep your children from making a lot of noise? If you would like to know, there is a park not too far from here."

The man looks up from his book and sighs. "I'm sorry, I'll take them somewhere else," he says and gathers up his kids.

"Thank you, sir."

Once the family leaves, she sighs. She looks at her watch and sees she only has two more hours until her shift ends.

"Only two more hours," she grumbles. "And then I can relax."


Sasuke has already read a chapter of Make-Out Paradise since he's been home. Kushina is truly proud of her son for getting out of the house and doing something. But when Naruto found out that Sasuke brought home erotica, he immediately starts to tease his adoptive brother. Sasuke had to smack Naruto upside his head and retreat to his room to find some peace.

It's been a whole hour since he left the library - since he talked to [Name]. Ah, how he loves to hear her talk. He could've listened to her all day and never tire of the way her voice says his name. There was just a way she said it that send shivers up his spine.

Sasuke closes the book that's in his hand and starts to think about [Name]. He hopes she received his note, and also contemplates whether or not he overstepped his boundaries. Asking for her number is what he would have done if only she didn't have to work, so he settled for leaving his number on a sticky note.

Sasuke sighs and throws the book onto his desk. "I hope she calls me."

His longing for her seems to grow and he begins to wonder if he has fallen in love with [Name]. He shakes his head and pushes away the thought.

I just admire her, that's all. She's cool... and kind... and overwhelmingly gorgeous. He mentally slaps himself. She's just cool. You love Sakura. Don't be a cheating douchebag.

With that said, Sasuke stops all thoughts of [Name]. He focuses on the woman he loves and crashes onto his bed. His brain fills to the brim of Sakura's smiling face and her cute voice that whisper sweet nothings to him. He thinks of her soft hands sliding up his back and the kisses she presses to his neck. He thinks about making love to her over and over again, he thinks about anything, anything to rid him of all lingering fantasies about [Name's] perfect face.

Sasuke's face is flushed as he buries it in his pillows. His entire body feels like it's burning up. He flips on his back and grumbles when he realizes that he is indeed aroused. And it's not because he's thinking about Sakura.

Once he sees that his little friend wants to come out and play, his mind is plagued with fantasies of [Name], and he can't stop them from coming. He bites his lip wondering if he has time to rub one out. He weighs the pros and cons and ultimately decides against it.

That's until his phone starts buzzing in his pocket.

Sasuke softly moans as he lets the phone stimulate him a few milliseconds more before taking the phone out of his pocket and answering it.

"Hello?" He greets weakly. He hadn't looked at the caller I.D so he doesn't know who it is.

"Hey, is this Sasuke?"

What great timing. The woman I'm trying not to think of is calling me. Sasuke mentally curses himself and sits up on his bed.

"Yes, this is him," he says dryly. "This is [Name], right?"

"Yep!" She replies cheerily, but then her voice turns flat. "Sorry for calling you so suddenly. My coworker forced me to do this."

"No, it's fine," he says, palming his erection. "Is there something you needed?"

Cause I really really need to focus on not visualizing your face every ten seconds.

He hears a commotion in the background and multiple female voices.

"Ask him out! Ask him out!"

"No May, I'm not asking him out on a date. I just fucking met him."

"I bet he can give you that good dick."

"Reena, would you shut the-"

Sasuke hears a huge crash on the other end and slightly cringes.

"Hello?" He says. A new voice answers the phone.

"Hey hon, how's it going?"

"It's going," Sasuke answers, a bit annoyed that he no longer hears the angelic voice of [Name].

"Mhm. My name is Reena, [Name's] bestest friend."

"Bitch no the fuck you aren't, I am!"

"May, shut up. Anyways sweetie, May and I need you to give [Name] the good dick. Can you do that for us?"

Sasuke stops himself from laughing and plays along. "Yeah. I promise to give [Name] the best dick she'll ever have."

"Reena, I'll kill you! Don't talk to him like that!"

Another loud crash and a bit of static.


"Oh God, I'm so sorry Sasuke," [Name] says with slight horror in her voice. His shoulders unconsciously relax when he hears her voice. "My friends are such idiots."

"It's fine. I find it easier to play along with the idiocy rather than battle against it," he says and she chuckles.

"So, you have experience with idiots?"

"Yeah, my brother is one of them."

A warmth settles in his chest and he smiles as she rambles on. His arousal isn't forgotten, for it seems to twitch every time she says his name. He just has to keep himself from whipping it out right now and getting off to her voice. He starts to wonder when's the last time he has had sex and counts back to New Year's Eve, and now it's edging on the beginning of spring. He'd be lying if he says he doesn't feel deprived.

Thirty minutes pass and they're still talking on the phone. [Name] does most of the talking, with some raunchy outbursts from her friends. Sasuke listens to all of this and chuckles to himself at certain points in the conversation. Sometimes, [Name] stops talking to him and addresses her coworkers instead.

At some point during the conversation, Sasuke opts out of his jeans and lies on his bed in his underwear. He ignores his urges and the need to relieve himself and focuses on [Name's] voice and her amazing laugh. It wouldn't be insane to say Sasuke has fallen head over heels in love with this girl, and she is, without a doubt, clueless about it.

"You know what Sasuke," [Name] says, and he snaps from his trance.


"I'm supposed to be working, but I'm hiding underneath the circulation desk and talking to you instead," she confesses. Sasuke chuckles and runs his fingers through his hair.

"You must really like me then," he teases and she scoffs.

"Not you too," she whines. "I already get teased enough by May and Reena."

He hears her sigh and shuffle around on the other end. "Anyways," she continues. "I don't really want to get back to work, but I only have to work another thirty minutes."

"Does this mean you're hanging up?" She can hear the disappointment in his voice and feels guilt pool in her stomach.

"Yeah, sorry."

"Damn it," he curses. "I was hoping we could talk all night like two gossiping thirteen-year-old girls."

She giggles at his joke and apologizes again. "Yeah, sorry dude, but I have to go. I'll call you later, okay?"

"Yeah okay, bye."


The call goes dead immediately after and Sasuke pulls the phone away from his ear. Without anything distracting him, he's finally aware of how burning hot his body has gotten. [Name] fills his mind once again and he can hardly hold back.

"Fuck," he curses and looks down at his bulge. "I guess it's time."


A/N: I decided against NSFW stuff so early in the story. It's okay, we'll get to that stuff soon.

I'm 100% Reena when my friends have a crush, or someone has a crush on my friends. >Give them the good dick/puss/good, hunty<


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