My Reality (Trafalgar Law X R...

By Roseforl

134K 6.4K 2.4K

You receive some bad news which results in you getting a computer with a virtual reality system leading to so... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Trivia Chapter

Chapter 29

1.8K 115 14
By Roseforl

The week long vacation at Sanji's bach feels like it started a lifetime ago but finished in the blink of an eye. You are about to return to your normal life where everything you thought you once knew has changed. You will never look at some of the people and places that used to surround you with a comfortable familiarity the same way. The veil that protected you from the truth has been lifted to reveal the real gross nature of people you once admired.

Your sudden change hasn't gone unnoticed but after enough persuading the questions stopped, but the odd glances and hushed whispers continue.

You leave the bach in the same car that you arrived in, with the same people and the same luggage. The only noticeable difference is the box that you hold firmly on your lap. It has air holes poked through the roof and it occasionally chirps, but it is mostly still and quiet.

Usopp had found a bird sanctuary on the way back to your home from the town and you had arranged to drop the young bird off so it can be raised properly and one day released back into the forest.

You feel Vivi glance at you every now and then but they have all become more relaxed.

There hadn't been even a whisper of any death during your final day of being in town. No rumours of blood found in the marketplace or even an acknowledgment of someone going missing.

Either all of the townspeople are really good at keeping their mouths closed or Vergo did a very good job of cleaning up the crime scene.

At least you know that your body will be cleaned up so no one has to stumble upon it when you are murdered by the creepy dark haired man.

"We're here." Robin announces as she follows Sanji's car down a driveway that has seemingly sprung out of the forest. There is a hand carved wooden sign that shows you have arrived at the 'bird rehabilitation and release' centre. The cars roll to a stop next to a dark green house that fades into the surrounding forest. An assortment of potted plants are scattered around the front porch and the screen door is wide open.

Usopp jumps out of Sanji's car to check if the person he contacted is there. You can see through the back window as Luffy scrambles into the passenger seat, now vacant of Usopp. As you step out of the car with the box in your arms you can hear a muffled argument between Sanji and Luffy at the dark haired boy's childish behaviour.

You wander carefully onto the porch, trying to keep the box as still as possible.

An elderly woman steps out of the house.

"Are you the ones with the bellbird?" She asks. Her voice is soft and pleasant to listen to.

You nod your head and Usopp jumps into a full explanation of the circumstances leading to the bird being in your care and what actions you have taken to try and help it.

The woman nods along politely and smiles as Usopp's story goes on and on. You zone out when he gets a bit off track and brags about his 'fight with ten cats to protect the bird'. He is probably practising his tale for when he finally catches up with Kaya again. The woman invites you inside when Usopp pauses for a second too long and the two of you enter. You give her the box and she opens it to check the bellbird chick.

"It looks quite healthy." She comments. "You two did well taking care of it."

"So now what happens to it?" Usopp inquires. He seems to have become very attached to it.

"I will simply help it grow up and when it's ready it can fly away." The bird woman replies.

She transports the box into another room, you and Usopp trailing along behind her with uncertainty as to whether you should or not. She leads you through a double door and into a humid aviary. There are spaces in the walls where birds fly in and out as they please. Four tiny waxeyes flitter out of the room and into the forest as you enter. There are two nectar eating tuis that hang upside down on some branches, reaching their beaks inside the flowers to eat. A fantail flutters around by your head, unpredictable with its movements. It lets out a little 'meep' when you get too close and flies further away, still staying somewhat close. There are also three plain pigeons on the ground, waiting patiently for something to fall so they can eat. This place looks like a bird paradise with windows covering most of the walls and various plants around a stone path, but apparently this isn't your destination. The woman leads you on and into the next room which is darker save for the light coming from an incubator.

"This is where I raise the younger birds and eggs." She explains. "So this is where your little friend will be staying." She places the box down under a lamp which she then switches on.

With that she ushers you away from the room and back outside. Your other friends are still waiting patiently in the car, except for Luffy, who is trying his best to annoy Sanji. You and Usopp thank the woman and get back into the cars. She waves goodbye from the porch as you go back down the driveway and onto the clear road again.


No one is home when you return from the week long trip. You are kind of sad because you haven't talked to your mother since you left and kind of relieved as you don't have to explain why you are back out of the door within minutes of entering it.

Checking your phone you see the address Law had sent to you when you had decided to talk at his place. At first you were going to meet at the park but the nature of the conversation you are about to have is not one for a public place.

You feel paranoid as you hop onto the bus that will take you to the centre of the city, feeling as if Vergo is watching every step you take. The sky has clouded over but the Summer heat still clings to everything, making the whole city feel sweaty and gross.

You check your phone again then glance around, watching out for the sight of any of the two people you have seen involved with your father's 'business'. You finally reach the stop and you leap out of the bus, almost forgetting to tag off.

You message Law as you come across the apartment complex where he apparently lives. You wait outside, tapping your foot nervously as Law makes his way through the building to let you in. You check your phone once again for no reason in particular, not even taking in what you read off the screen.

You finally calm down when you see Law through the glass door of the apartment complex, pressing a button and opening the door so you can enter. You walk in and he leads you to the elevator, taking you to his apartment.

It's small and very clean. Beside the door is a living room with a couch and a bookshelf and after that is a kitchen. There isn't a dining room but there is a desk where Law probably eats, though it is covered in books at the moment. Straight to your left is a bathroom and beyond that is a closed door which you assume is the bedroom. You can hear a bit of whining and scratching from the other side of the door and you guess that Bepo is in there. There is a small balcony which has a few dead pot plants and a weathered chair. The apartment is humorously small for such a tall man and his large poofy dog.

"Do you want a drink or snack?" Law asks, making his way to the small kitchen. He can step right across it with little more than a single stride.

"I don't think I can stomach anything yet." You admit, thinking back to the murder you had witnessed. You step towards the desk and glance over the covers of the books. Most of them are medical textbooks but there are a few others.

"When was the last time you ate a full meal?" Law interrogates, turning his grey eyes to you. You drop your own eyes and loosely cross your arms.

"The day before yesterday." You mutter.

Law's eyes narrow as he attempts to piece together what happened to have changed you so dramatically. He reaches into the pantry and grabs an apple, washing it and giving it to you.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." You murmur.

"I'm not a doctor yet so I'll stay right here." He replies, a small smirk forming on his face. You almost smile but then remember why you are here in the first place.

Law notices and sits on the couch. You pull out the desk chair and sit across from him.

"So what was it that had you so desperate to know the truth?" He inquired gently, in a way you haven't heard his voice before. It is relaxing and makes you want to open up to him about everything that has happened.

"I saw my father in the town Sanji took us to." You reply. "He had some bad looking people around him, looked like he was up to no good." It's not a lie but it's definitely not the entire truth.

"I don't think that's everything." Law says, keeping his voice soft and kind but still pulling the truth out of you.

"I watched him kill someone." You say bluntly. Law's grey eyes widen slightly as you start to shake. His eyes flash with many emotions that you can't name but the rest of his face stays the same, making it impossible to tell what thoughts are rushing through your head. "The guy's brains just splattered. Dad didn't look shocked or anything, just as if he was mildly inconvenienced." Know that you've started you can't stop talking. You tell Law everything, about Vergo, about your blood, about the woman and how the people of the town just ignored everything and went on living their carefree lives. You finally finish and all that can be heard is the whine of Bepo from Law's bedroom.

You feel a tear slide down your face and you recoil in shock. You aren't sure when you started crying but it makes you feel awful. You have come over to Law's house just to get him involved in a bad situation and then cry in front of him.

"Sorry, I'm such a baby." You mutter as you wipe your eyes.

"Your entire world has been turned upside down, you have every right to cry." Law replies. The softness is still in his voice but there's something else that you can't place.

"But it makes me feel so weak." You complain, getting up to grab some tissues from the kitchen counter.

"You're not weak." Law states. "You have taken all of this better than others would have."

"That's not true."

"Others would have just put their hands over their ears but you actively searched for the truth." Law is now standing behind you, resting a comforting hand on your shoulder. "The fact that you have taken all of this in your stride is what makes you so strong."

You turn on your heel and bury your face into his chest, wrapping your arms around him. You can feel him tense up in surprise but he quickly relaxes and returns the hug. The two of you stay like that for a while with only the only noise being Bepo's whining and scratching.

"I should really teach that dog some manners." Law rumbles softly. Your ear presses against his chest and you can feel him speaking, as well as the constant heart beat. You laugh softly at him but don't let go. 

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