Unconditionally (Spartacus FA...

By NessiSimone

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Jana was plucked away in the nick of time as part of her family was killed in the street. This is her story o... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII
Chapter LIII
Chapter LIV
Authors Note
Chapter LV - Gannicus
Chapter LV - Caesar
Chapter LVI - Caesar
Chapter LVI - Gannicus
Chapter LVII - Gannicus
Chapter LVII - Caesar
Alternate Ending 1
Alternate Ending 2
Alternate Ending 3

Chapter XIX

912 27 0
By NessiSimone

All morning Dominus was out to Market with Ashur and a few slaves in attempt to find Spartacus a new set of armour for the games as Domina and Naevia were below attending to Crixus. I took this time to do some snooping, something felt wrong. The tone Ashur had taken with me about Barca did not sit well with me, and knowing how close he was growing with Dominus I was worried. I walked myself below into the Ludus avoiding Domina and Naevia as they made their way back up to the villa.

That was when I saw Pietros near the back playing with the birds he and Barca tended too, must like he had with Auctus not but a few years before. I walked slowly towards him as I could see he was alone. I lifted my robes up to avoid getting dirt on them as I could see the mud was being tracked through the halls. I moved the door open a small bit more watching him, I counted the boy friend though we did rarely have much contact since he had been purchased.

"Pietros, may I have words?" I asked him as he put one of the birds back into a cage turning to me offering me one of the worlds kindest smiles. He really was such a delicate thing, I could see why Barca had taken such a shine to him.

"Why of course, you are Dominus' body-slave... Jana. Barca has mentioned you a few times when he would remenice of his past days." He told me excitedly.

"Only good things, I would hope." I smiled at him as he welcomed me into the room. "Of course, Barca always says he has love for things that are small and delicate." He told me. He was not wrong, Barca was such a gentle giant for things like us.

"I was wondering if Barca had told you, of his dealings the other night. With Ashur, the Syrian?" I questioned him. Pietros eyes lit up, "Yes! He told me that he had finally won enough coin to buy our freedom. We will have a life together, I have never known freedom." He told me happily.

I smiled at him, he was such a soft heart, so kind, yet so naive that he reminded me of Naevia, Diona and I when we were younger and Diona was...yet still among us. "That would be most wonderful." I told him softly, "I would like to ask you of but one thing..." I questioned him.

"Of course, anything." He was quick to say. "Should you be asked, of Barca's hands in the night with Ovidious... I would implore you to say that he did kill them, all of them." I told him as his face contorted. "That would be a lie though." He told me as I nodded, "Sometimes, we must lie to keep those of which we love alive." I told him as he sat on a bench looking around.

"Barca is in danger?" He asked me as I shook my head, "I don't know. Though I have had this awful feeling in my stomach since a few words were spoken between myself and a friend that left me unsettled. I care for Barca, he has been there for me as best as one could be in our silence towards mutual topics..." I explained to him slightly.

"He spared the boy... he told me... is that why he is in danger?" He asked me.

"I believe so, should the suspicion be confirmed that he failed to kill all witnesses... The punishment could be his life... I would not wish to see that." I told him, though I knew Barca. He was one of the most loyal to the bone gladiators in this house. The child was very much among the ruins in that burnt down villa, it was Pietros that had been lied too.

"I would not either, I will make sure to lie for him. I would not ever wish for Dominus to think Barca betrayed him or his commands." He told me as I smiled, "I would not wish to see either of you parted from one another either." I told him as I slowly left the room the boy was in.

I started walking down the hall when I could hear Crixus' groans in pain, I wanted to visit the man yet I knew an appearance by me would reach the words of Dominus or Domina. I did not either thinking I either was seeing the man or going against command of Dominus by being down here without reason. I had favor but such a thing was hard to gain yet so easily lost.

"See this is why I believe strongly that you more than just find yourself drawn to me." Varro's voice filled my ears. "You are impossible, you know this." I told him slowly turning to see him.

"I came to see a friend, I had been given information and had to make sure all was right." I lied.

"Is that why you were standing just beyond my cell gazing into the distance?" He questioned me with a smile. "Impossible." I told him again as I made an attempt to start walking again.

"Why beyond me being with wife, do you pursue yet avoid me?" He asked me as my eyes grew wide. "You think I pursue you?" I questioned him as he looked taken aback.

"You don't?" He asked me as I let myself laugh softly.

"Had you not a wife, I would be. You do have a tendency to make me forget my life is chained in servitude. Sometimes not remembering the pain and the bad... helps me sleep if even just for one night." It wasn't a lie, the few moments I let myself believe I could be happy. The years without Gannicus were lonely, and in more ways than just one.

I lost a friend, a companion, trust and love. Sure I had Naevia, Crixus and Barca through those years. Though none of those things replaced the space of Gannicus after he was gone. Naevia did he best to fill the whole after Diona and Melitta and to her credit she did that job beautifully. Yet Crixus and Barca were as brothers, my heart felt as if it were missing half of it.

The sideways glances, and small conversations I was even allowed to have with Varro filled me with small amounts of joy even if they were fleeting moments. The times, he would kiss me or the moment we had been ordered to share in embrace that had only been something I had given to Gannicus. Were fleeting with even moment apart, they were not him.

"I would love to be able to help you forget your pains, you've shared much with me yet always keep me at further than arms reach. You trust me, yet will not let me in...close." He told me as I nodded slightly.

"It is best this way. You are with wife and have a son. I would not ever wish to come between this." I told him as he looked down, "And yet, my wife has done just that on her own. With friend in the market, she thinks I did not know and yet she had done so many times." He told me.

"Varro..." I started to say to him, "Yet, I allowed it. It made her happy and she was still always home once I had been there. She would be a hypocrite not to allow me a few moments of happiness while locked in here, even in it was of my own free will."

"What are you even asking of me Varro?" I questioned him.

"To allow me hope." He told me, "Hope that maybe you will allow me more than just mere glances, or kisses hidden in shadow, but your touch." He told me as he took my hand. The truth of his words about his wife could be just words spoken to get his own way yet, Varro was never a man I had seen to be a liar. His eyes seemed to speak truth, they were filled with sincerity on each word.

"You may have your hope. Yet should your wife visit, I will not deny her truth should she ask of it. Nor would I seek to cause her any harm, no woman deserves the hurt of a lie." I told him as he nodded.

"Should she ask, I will tell her the truth. I promise this." He told me, yet I knew she would never ask if he was being faithful. No one outside of the ludus knew how one ran, let alone that the slaves inside were allowed to interact as we all did. The question would never arise and his infidelity would likely never come to light. This wrong thing, why did it feel as if somehow it was right?


Dominus had finally returned home and with the Magistrate and his son. Spartacus was showing the boy how to fight. Which seemed of an odd suggestion, yet I knew his plans of escape when Dominus did not. Seemed a fool's errand. I stood next to Naevia as we all watched them slowly fight. The boy constantly being disarmed by Spartacus much to his upset.

"I have no hand for this." The boy argued him. Spartacus picked the boys sword off the ground and explained to him that part of what he wore was the issue that was holding him back. I cast a glance at Naevia who herself looked confused considering the gladiator was wearing armor. Luckily the boy was smart enough to point out the exact thing I was thinking.

"In time, so will you." Spartacus told him. "But a true warrior needs only a sword." Spartacus told him as he examined the wooden sword. "To cleave his fate."

The boy quickly removed his belt and sat it down on the floor, was when I noticed the dagger among his possessions. That was why he had the boy remove the belt, not because it hindered his performance; but because he had likely a mind in stealing the boys dagger. Genius.

"I see your meaning." The boy offered in return. "Let us go again." He said softly as he looked over to his dad before seeing me, his cheeks growing red. The boy had a crush, long gone were the days I felt such innocents in my heart. Such a thing was so beautiful to see, even if only warranted because I shared in a love for the games with the boy the day Spartacus rose to Champion.

"A warrior, they always win the hearts of those around them?" The boy asked him as I tried to stifle a laugh.

"Of course, they are coveted as heroes." Spartacus explained to him. "Heroes, they always get the most beautiful of woman, given to them for marriage?" The boy seemed to be telling him yet it came out sounding more of a question.

"I believe the gods see if fit to reward the most brave, honourable and heroic of men with the finest things life has to offer." Spartacus told him, as the boy looked over at me again. "I would love to be so blessed." He admitted before Spartacus began showing the boy how to fight again.

"You play Theokoles and I will attempt to bring the rains." The boy then said to him as I could see Naevia staring at me from the corner of her eye. "What?" I questioned her quietly.

"He likes you." Naevia teased, "How ever did I become so lucky, though he could be speaking of you, you are a rare beauty Naevia... so exotic." I told her as she nudged me to tell me to stop.

"Apologies for our late arrival. My inquiry at my cousin's villa was... overwhelming." The Magistrate explained. "How did you fare?" Dominus asked him

"As expected when walking on dead relatives." He told Dominus almost making him swallow his words, "Your son is a quick study with the sword." Domina offered quickly to change the tone.

"Born of a fascination with gladiators. He has spoken of nothing else since the games, but of this house, your man Spartacus and your slave girl, Jana." He offered "Jana?" Domina offered.

"He finds the girls beautiful, and shares the interest of the games with her. Young boys often find the beautiful in the exotic woman." He offered her, "She is a very knowledgeable woman, I and my father were always fond of her ability to learn quickly." Dominus offered, "A treasure for sure." He smiled looking back at me. "Gratitude, Dominus and Magistrate Calavius. You honor me with your kind words." I told them slightly bowing my head.

"As you honor us with your beauty." The man told me making my skin crawl, the man was almost older than Titus. The thought of him near me was enough to make stomach turn. "My sons fifteenth birthday approaches, my ears are assaulted with request for a pair to show demonstration at his party. I had thought to engage Solonius'' men, but his wares have fallen out of fashion since your victory over Theokoles." The Magistrate continued, though the victory laid with Crixus and Spartacus. Not Batiatus.

"It seems your son has a taste for what is in favor." Dominus agreed. "And I would see him well fed." The man responded. "Come. Let us negotiate a price for the meal." Dominus said as he stood up motioning for me to follow him.

"Begging pardon, Dominus." A slave spoke as he rushed towards the two men forcing all around to halt in all motion. "I bring word of great import to Magistrate Calavius." As the slave handed the Magistrate a piece of paper.

"An important man, seldom out of reach of public matters." Dominus spoke as I stayed in my place next to Naevia, fear that this would be something terrible.

"This message strikes more personal." The man said his air almost taken from his lungs. "Ovidius' boy yet lives."

"Well this is fantastic. How can it be?" Domina interjected. "By Jupiter's blessing. He was discovered miles north of Capua, wandering the road." He told us, though the slaves face revealed more to me than the note did. This was a lie, the boy wasn't found, someone had paid for this man to come here with this. His life would surely over by nights end, and he knew this.

"What of his words? Does he describe the horrors? How he came to survive?" Dominus pressed for the information, too much even so. "Details not yet clear." The Magistrate told him. "Numerius, come."

I looked over at Spartacus after he handed the boy his things and the boy left, he placed the boys dagger into his armour before being walked back towards the ludus. This wouldn't go unnoticed, he was becoming bold towards his wish for escape. He would press this and surely be killed in the process.


Dominus went into a rage after the Magistrate left the villa, I stood just outside of the doorway as he seemed to throw everything I had placed orderly on the table all over the floor, "How can the boy still be alive?" Domina asked her husband. "He could not." Dominus snarled to her.

"Your eyes held his death?" She asked him as Ashur moved to my side watching carefully.

"What stirs such anger with, Dominus?" He asked me. I looked over at him and let out a sigh, "Apparently the boy, Ovidius' boy was found wandering along the roads just outside Capua. Not dead as he was claimed to be."

"Barca did not kill the boy?" He asked me, "I believe he did. Barca is if not nothing, loyal to Dominus. He would not dream to betray his trust, knowing what such act would case." I told him as he nodded to me, "Of course." He commented. "He is a loyal one."

"Did you not say he tried to hurt you the other night?" I asked him as he looked worried. "Yes, but it was over coin owed from the match with Theokoles. Simple misunderstanding, the amount owed was a large sum not easily procured in the time frame expected. He was angry." He told me.

"Strange he would be upset over needing to wait." I remarked, Ashur had always been such a trusted friend over the years, why now I was started to feel he was becoming less a friend and more an enemy was besides me. "Pietros had mentioned in passing that the money was to secure their freedom." He told me, such a thing was possible.

"This is true, the boy had told me such things as well. Though with the things Barca knows... freedom seems unlikely to be a thing obtainable." I told him as he nodded, "You don't think Barca lied about killing the boy, do you?" He asked.

"I don't think he lied, through... anything could be possible. I just hope he did not, I have lost too many friends in this life already. Crixus' life in question, and Barca's loyalty now being questioned... I fear, for much."

"I would not see you hurt anymore, sweet Jana." He told me with a smile. "Gratitude." I offered a smile back. Maybe the vile side I was seeing, was just my mind playing tricks on me.

Ashur began to walk into the chamber me at his side, cause being his hand on my shoulder walking me alongside him. "Pardon the intrusion. Provision for the celebration arrive." Ashur told them. "Cunt with celebration! We are betrayed by the Beast of fucking Carthage and you bray about wine and whores?" Dominus growled at him.

"Barca?" I questioned as Dominus looked to me with a nod. "The man has always been loyal." Ashur added.

"As a snake to the breast. The son of Ovidius lives." Domina chimed in, "What is rumors prove to be false? Barca would never..." I started to say, "Jana, dear you are blinded by years of friendship." She told me as I lowered my head.

"Unfortunate news." Ashur muttered. "Would the boy know your face?"

"No I was in shadow. But Barca was clearly revealed." Dominus said as he slowly turned from the table he was at to face us. "I cannot believe Barca would betray you. And yet..." Ashur started saying causing me to look over at him confused, what was he doing?

"If you have knowledge bring it to light." Domina seethed.

"Barca placed a wager against Theokoles, winning sizeable coin. I had overheard Pietros intentions to buy their freedom with it. Jana heard the same thing, yet straight from the boy." Ashur told me as all eyes were on me.

None of this was a lie, and yet all of this could possibly end Barca's life. "Barca has never mentioned desire to leave these walls. Did he tell you this Jana?" And lying to Dominus would cost me everything, was this Ashur's intent or was he simply trying to solve the situation and find Barca's guilt. It was no secret that none of the men liked Ashur, or Ashur them. Yet many of them did find friendship with me, I would be betraying them should I say anything yet... I could be sent to the mines for lying.

"Jana?" Dominus said again as he was now closer to me. "Y-yes, Dominus, the boy. He had mentioned they were seeking to buy their freedom." I hardly managed to get the words out of my mouth. Dominus moved away from me slightly, "Freedom." He scoffed, "Is that what you all want?" He asked us, of course I wanted to be free I could find Gannicus if he would still have me. Not like a life with Varro would ever happen.

"No, Dominus this is my family, my home." I half lied to him as Domina smiled, "A slave you never have to question the loyalty of." She smiled. "Maybe Barca seeks to fly before discovery." She then added. "If the child is allowed to look upon his face, he will be known as your man."

"Surely he has not spared the boy... I could speak with Barca? He would not lie to me?" I offered as Dominus put a hand to my shoulder, "The only link Barca holds to you is, Gannicus. Who is no longer a thought of this villa. Barca's connections to you are simply lies, Jana. Do you not see?" Dominus told me, I knew such a thing were not true and yet. If I were to speak up in Barca's defence I would be punished alongside him.

"Dominus, he has always been so loyal. He would do anything for you or this ludus. Surely there is a mistake..."I commented as Dominus face grew dark. "Not another word of this Jana." He growled at me as I held back tears. "Y-yes, Dominus." I told him.

"Gather proper guard and return with Barca. I would hear truth spilled from his mouth." Dominus commanded Ashur. "When a man is pressed, lies flow with greater ease." Ashur told them.

"End him and be done with it." Domina told her husband. "Not before I look into his eyes, and see if treachery lurks there." Dominus argued as Domina stormed away from us.

"Perhaps there is another path to illumination." Ashur offered. "One traveled by more delicate sensibilities..."

"Take Jana with you, the boy is more likely to come at her request. They have a friendship be it small." Dominus told him as we both nodded and retreated from the room. We walked in silence for a short distance, "Are you trying to kill, Barca?" I questioned him.

"No. Though if it ever came to light that we knew anything of these words, we would be sent to the mines. Likely not in the same part of the miners either, I would not be able to protect you." I nodded, this made sense. He wasn't wrong, we kept walking down the stairs to see the men all around with all the prostitutes and wine going a little more than crazy. I stopped outside on the training grounds as it kept raining lightly. "Wait here, I will go get the boy." He told me as I nodded.

I looked back towards where the men were to see Varro and Spartacus speaking to one another. I watched as Spartacus slowly walked away from him towards the hallways two drinks in had as Varro noticed me standing in the rain. He made his way towards me as I felt my heart flutter, a feeling I had not felt in years. Was it his attention that was leaving me overjoyed? There was no possible way it was anything beyond this.

"Always in the rain." He told me, "It's been many months of a drought, not to seek any chance to be graced by the cool water would be a wasted one." I told him as he smiled at me.

"Your robes, they will become see through." He mentioned to me as I laughed slightly letting my head fall back as the water softly in my face, "And you would be opposed to this?" I asked him as he took a hand in his.

"I would be opposed to you becoming sick." He offered kindly. "What are you doing down here?" He asked me as I could feel the tears coming, "I fear walking a friend to his grave." I remarked as he turned to look back at the men. "What do you mean? Jana?"

"It has come to light that... one of the gladiators failed to do as he was commanded. Could result in death for Dominus and Domina, us all traded off or sold...if not the mines in return. Should the command in fact be proven to be true, that is." I told him.

"What are you saying?" He asked me confused.

"Dominus, he had Barca kill a man, his family and slaves... a man who had attempted his life back in the pits. Rumor has spurred that the boy in the family is still alive. Should he be alive, this house will fall to ruin. Should he be proven dead, I fear a life will still yet be lost." I lowered my head.

"Barca... would never lie to Dominus. He's just as bad as Crixus when it comes to stubborn loyalty." He told me, "I tried to tell Dominus this, he would not listen." I told him.

"Jana, do not speak up for him. It could be seen as defiance, you could be sent to the mines... I know this hurts but you must." He told me as I nodded, Varro pulled me into a hug our wet bodies tightening against one another as I let myself cry into his shoulder. "All will be fine, the truth will be see, Jana. Don't let it be seen at the cost of your own life." He said as he pulled away from me. "Let's get you out of the rain." He told me as he walked me back to shelter.

"Varro, this is not your wife." Ashur commented. "Is she not allowed to have friends?" He asked Ashur.

"She has many friends, yet not many that would attempt to see her naked under their own bodies, as badly as you." Ashur mocked the man. "Ashur, don't." I commented as I watch Pietros walk towards us. "Shall we?" He asked me as I nodded. "I will see you after dark should you not be too drunk, and thank you..." I commented to him as I gave him a soft kiss on his lips before chasing after Ashur up the stairs.

Dominus welcomed Pietros as he offered him a glass of wine, Pietros made attempt to decline it as most slaves would. Dominus didn't seem to take offence he just mentioned as the the wines worth being far greater than that of the wine the ment were drinking below. Not that any of them would be able to tell the difference.

The boy took the glass and began to drink it slowly, as I stood off behind Dominus now soaking wet as I watched the conversation start. It seemed so innocent and yet, I only hope he would take my words I had told him and lie to Dominus about Barca at all costs. Protect him as I was unable too, my words fell flat and meant nothing to them.

"It truly tastes of the gods." He remarked to Dominus, "And brings us closer to them." Dominus smiled to him.

"How fares Barca?" He asked him, as the boy turned to look over at me as I nodded slightly my eyes closing for but a moment. He remembered, this was a good start.

"In fine spirits, as are all the men." He informed Dominus. "Is for confidence to be trusted?" Dominus asked him as they had begun to walk, myself and two guards to follow. "Yes, of course Dominus." He spoke. It was no secret all of us slaves were terrified of lying, the result of being caught in a lie almost completely meant a sentence to the mines.

"Several days ago, I was forced to take retribution against Ovidius, the grain merchant. He had made attempt on my life in the pits. The man was a danger and not to be trusted, he had to be handled accordingly. You understand?" Dominus asked him as the boy looked to me, I just mouthed to him to tell the truth. Thought our truth or the truth he believe would be up to him, I only hoped that he would tell a lie over handing Barca's life to the Dominus.

"Now rumors abounds that more than Ovidius gave up their lives. His entire family, slain. There was even a child." Dominus was making it seem as though only the man was to be killed, not his whole family. He was making it sound like Barca killed all of them of his own action. I closed my eyes, this night would cost me the life of a friend.

"The rest I can put from mind." Dominus said, the boy looked tormented. He looked so confused, scared. I worried for him greatly, I only hope he didn't tell him the lie he was told by Barca. "But the boy, he troubles my conscience. If Barca exceeded my orders and laid hand to such an act..." Dominus had begun to say as Pietros cut him off, uttering words I wish he could take back instantly.

"No, he didn't kill the boy." Pietros told him, "Perhaps you only tell me what I wish to hear." Dominus told him, please apologise, and admit the boy is dead. "No, no, no. He told me so himself. He swore he'd never harm a child."

"Well this gives reason to put conscience to rest." Dominus told him, yet his eyes betrayed him. He felt and looked as if he had been betrayed, Ashur, Pietros and I were to blame for this downfall of a man beloved to this house. "He'll be so pleased to know it." The boy offered.

I couldn't be upset with him, he didn't know he was being manipulated. The wording of Dominus was in favor only to pry the words he wanted from his mouth. Much like how he wanted to keep the ones from coming from mine. "We'll keep it from him yet a while. I do not wish to tain the celebration with such dark thoughts." Pietros was so innocent, such a sweet boy. "Yes, Dominus." Yet so very, horribly naive.

"Thank you for your honesty Pietros." Dominus spoke as he took back the wine. I walked closer to Dominus as Ashur walked out to join us, "The true nature of the man is revealed." Ashur told him. I was so confused, was the young boy actually found by the side of the road or had he been killed by Barca. I was becoming less and less sure of my own friends.

"I would not have thought it of him." Ashur told him, "Let Barca hoist his cup a while. When his wits are damp with wine then I will see him rewarded for his loyalty." He spoke handing the two cups to Ashur.

"Is there any possibility he lied to Pietros?" I asked Ashur. "A chance." He told me. "Want to join me in the ludus, you could possibly continue talks with Varro." He smirked at me, "No. I have to attend Dominus." I told him, "And do not poke fun, it is a small thing and it keeps me happy." I told him as he grinned, "Meant nothing of it." He told me as I walked off to find Dominus.

As time passed, Dominus was ready to meet with Barca my heart slowly breaking. He had sent Ashur to collect the man, likely under a false pretence. Yet I stood there behind Dominus as Barca slowly emerged from the shadows into the room, Ashur slightly behind him, "I hear whispers you seek freedom." Dominus questioned him.

"Ashur represents me in the discussion." Barca offered, he was completely unaware to the betrayal he was about to experience. "Discussion?" Dominus questioned.

"There's none to be had in the matter. The bond between master and slave has already been dissolved..." Dominus spoke as Barca looked back at Ashur, the man was drunk too. I shut my eyes for a small moment, why was I here? Was it to show me what thoughts of escape and betrayal would cost me as if it was a think I didn't already know?

"The moment you disobeyed me." Dominus told him his voice grown dark. "Disobeyed?" Barca questioned his voice filled with confusion as he looked at me, my face filled with sadness and regret that I could do nothing.

"The son of Ovidius lives." Dominus told him as he looked to me, than to Ashur chuckling slightly before regaining his composure "Impossible." He told him.

"The Magistrate rides to retrieve him. Yet breathing, small fingers trembling to reveal the beast that took away his family." Dominus told him as he pointed at Barca.

"This cannot be. My hands upon his throat, I felt the life flee from his body." Barca explained, I looked to Ashur who looked conflicted and worried. Why would he be worried?

"Your lover spoke otherwise." Dominus told him, "Pietros?" Barca question.

"The same who told both, Jana and Ashur of your wishes from freedom" Dominus started to tell him as he looked to me as I nodded to him, confirming it was true. "You told him the boy lives. Did you not?" Dominus continued.

"I did, but only to calm him. If he knew the child's blood stained my hands..." Barca explained.

"So you lied to him?" Dominus asked him. "Or he lies to you now?" Ashur interjected, why would he say this? The guards slowly approached, "Dominus, please... Barca would never lie to you. He has always been ever faithful." I pleaded from behind him as Dominus turned to face me, "Not another word, Jana." He scowled at me as I lowered my head. "Either way, we've a serious issue of trust." Dominus then spoke to Barca as he then turned to leave.

"It is not your loyalty questioned, Jana. Never would it be, remain silent." Barca told me as I nodded. "Look away." He told me as he tried to gain Dominus attention when Ashur stabbed him in the back on his lower neck. He screamed out in pain causing me to back up hitting one of the statues as I moved to hide between them. Terrified.

Barca kicked two soldiers before pushing Ashur into Dominus as he then ordered the guards to stop him as Barca attempted to make a run for it. "Jana, you fragile thing." Ashur spoke to me, "Was this the plan...all along?" I asked him as he helped me up.

"Jana, guilty or not. Dominus no longer trusts the man. Even if the boy was in fact found dead, this would still be the outcome. Leave to your room, this is not a thing such a delicate flower should ever be made to see." He told me as I arched my brow.

"I have been made to see, many friends die in my lifetime." I told him as he just lowered his head to me before leaving the room with the few guards to see what would become of Barca. "I know you trusted the man, and I know he was friend." Dominus said as I had slowly made my way to the doorway viewing towards where Braca was now fighting the men.

"What if he is innocent, Dominus?" I pleaded with him. "I will never again trust a man who seeks nothing but freedom from my walls. Who is willing to lie to those he loves." He continued as I stood there fear gripping my whole body as I watched one of the last few people I cared for be slashed and cut to the point of near death.

Dominus took me by the wrist and forced me out to where they were now stabbing Barca deeply. My face covered in tears to the point the difference between the water and the teas were indistinguishable. The man's cries and screams in pain flooded my mind, filling me with an uncontrollable sadness. Ashur took his place next to me as Dominus let go of my wrist, Ashur placed an arm around me in attempt to comfort yet, I wanted nothing of this night. I wished this was never something that would come to pass.

Barca looked up at me, "Do not cry for me, Jana. This is not your fault." He told me as I shut my eyes moving myself so I would not have to watch as they continued to stab and slash at him my face covered by Ashur's shoulder. Was this on him, did Ashur cause this to happen? Why would he put me through this he was my friend? Was he not?

I could hear Barca panting and crawling in the pool of water next to us, Dominus robe softly hitting my side letting me know that he was no longer standing beside me. "I think Dominus wanted you to see this." Ashur whispered to me. "Why, I would never dream of either leave this place or betraying him. He knows this... do not make me watch this Ashur I beg of you." I told him as he seemed to wrap his arms around me lightly stroking my hair. I prayed to the gods that he was not the reason behind Barca's demise, behind this hurt Pietros was about to feel.

"Jana, sweet girl, I would never make you do anything. You are but my dearest....friend." He whispered into my ear forcing a cold chill all the way down my spine, his arms around me leaving me feel like something more was going on than I was seeing.

I felt Ashur move his body so that he could see the scene behind us as I took this as the time to remove myself from his touch only to see Dominus with Barca in his arms, knife to his throat. "Now you're free." He growled into his ear before cutting the man's throat. Killing him, I let my eyes close. I had to get Pietros out of this villa, and I had to do it without anyone knowing. "I am so sorry..." Ashur told me softly as I just looked away from him to see Naevia standing next to Domina. Her heart just as broken as mine currently felt, if I was wrong and Ashur was not a friend. He was having all those who hurt him, removed. Using his new found position to do such, I only hoped this were not the truth.

"Barca purchased his freedom." Domina spoke to Naevia and I as I had made my way towards her holding back anymore tears that yet threatened my cheeks. If this taught me one thing, is was that we all must remain and stay strong. "We wished him well and escorted him through the gates of the villa." She was now telling Naevia. "You were not aware of his freedom until Naevia had told it to you." She told me as Naevia and I exchanged looks of sorrow. "Do you two understand?" She asked us.

"Y-y-yes, Domina." We both had to force out, while tears threatened both of our eyes. Domina then slapped Naevia hard as I stood there forced to watch as my friend held her cheek. "Do you understand?" She asked us again, more so to Naevia. My loyalty still not entirely being called into question. "Yes." Naevia practically shouted.

Pounding on the door could be heard in the distance, Dominus walking towards us as the guard had started to remove the one guard and Barca's body from the villa. "Juno's cunt." He growled. "What now?"

"Make way for the Magistrate." The guard knocking could be heard saying. "Fuck." Dominus said, the pool and floor was almost covered in Barca's blood, and would be hard to clean this quickly. "Close the curtains." Domina ordered Naevia.

"You clean up all that in there, get it cleaned up." Dominus ordered another slave.

"Make way." The Magistrate spoke as he entered the villa. "Batiatus!" He called out.

"Magistrate." He spoke wiping his hands off on a small towel as Naevia and I made sure the curtains were shut stopping the sight of blood from being seen as we began to clean up the room. "We must stay strong Naevia." I told her as I placed on on her wrist. "We must protect each other."

"At all costs." She told me softly.

"You call at unexpected hour." Dominus said as we looked over at him.

"Drawn by matters that will not wait for dawn." The Magistrate told him, "What new offense is this?" He asked as he looked over at Batiatus blood stained robe.

"Ah, Nothing. A disobedient slave, freshly corrected." He said as I felt the sting of sadness consume me again.

"Not the only wretch deserving of blood this night. I have just now returned from the promise of reunion with Ovidius' son, and would have words with a man seen in your house." He told Dominus. "Which man do you speak of?" Dominus questioned.

"The messenger that filled my heart with false hope." He told Dominus, as he questioned who the messenger was. "Ovidius' child was not seen on any road. Returning to the city, we had news that his body was discovered among the ashes of my cousin's villa."

"The messenger lied..." Domina spoke her voice breaking. "I will have knowledge of the reason, along with the fool's tongue." The man informed her.

"Every effort will be exhausted until the villain is discovered." Dominus informed him. Barca was killed, because that messenger lied. I knew I had seen the guilt in his eyes, all of this pain was to be suffered because someone felt need to lie. I felt Naevia's hand upon mine, "There was nothing we could have done that would not have seen us to the mines." She told me.

"We can help Pietros to escape. Without Barca to protect him, he is as good as dead down there." I told her as she nodded, "I will do best to help." She told me as I smiled to her.

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