Half A Heart {Sequel To Made...

By Zemilove

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Life works in unpredictable ways. When everything seems perfect, it comes tumbling down. Demi and Zayn have b... More

Chapter 2: Hospitals Suck
Chapter 3: Ecstasy
Chapter 4: Just One Good Day
Chapter 5: Ivan's World
Chapter 6: Happy Birthday
Chapter 7: Cuts and Cookies
Chapter 8: Don't Go
Chapther 9: You're Mine
Chapter 10: Stripped Bare

Chapter 1: Right Where I Want to Be

488 19 4
By Zemilove


"Work it! You've got to feel the burn!" I exaggeratedly shouted as I continued running. Demi shook her head as she slowed the treadmill she was working out on, to a stop. I chuckled at my goofing off before slowing my treadmill as well and peaking her lips.

"You're no help. You just goof off the whole time." She lightly pushed my arm before drinking from her water bottle.

"Well I just think you're already beautiful and in shape. I don't see why all this exercise and dieting is nessecary." I shrugged, holding her hand in mine as we moved away from the treadmills.

"Maybe because I just had a child?" She sarcastically spoke as I rolled my eyes before pinching her nose. "Stop." She giggled, pulling my hand away from her nose.

"Okay well I say we take a break from diets and excerise. After I finish this set, we go get burgers." I said as I sat on the bench, preparing to weight lift.

"Pizza." She decided and I nodded in agreement before lifting the weight with both hands off of the stand.

"Come on babe you've gotta feel the burn! I better see you sweating!" Demi imitated me as I shook my head and continued my set. "Ha ha ha. You're a comedian." I replied sarcastically.

"Not so fun on the other end is it?" She laughed as I continued to lift the weight with both hands.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I chuckled. After lifting the weight until my arms got tired, I placed the weight back on it's stand and got up.

"Water?" She handed me her water bottle as I took a sip. "Come on we have a pizza to get to." I smiled as I picked up my shirt and put it back on. Demi grabbed the baby monitor before we made our way out of the in-home gym. "I call the shower first!" Demi raced to the shower as I laughed at her childishness. I walked to Ivan's nursery to check that he was okay. Like before he still slept peacefully inside his crib. I smiled down at him, lightly kissing his cheek before making my way to mine and Demi's room.

"Demi!" I spoke over the sound of the shower and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" She asked as the sound of the shower turned off.

"Can I come in? I need to brush my teeth." She opened the door, wrapped in a towel. "Yeah I was just getting out." She walked by me.

Demi had been really self-cautious of her body lately. I didn't try to argue with her about it though. I didn't want her to feel any worse about herself, even though I didn't understand it. I guess it was expected that she'd have a little doubt about herself after having a baby, but I still seen nothing wrong with her. Any 'extra weight' wasn't even noticeable, I questioned if it was even in existence. Either way she was still the gorgeous woman that I loved no matter what. I began brushing my teeth before taking a quick shower and exiting the bathroom. I quickly changed into black jeans, a white t-shirt, and white sneakers. Demi walked into the room with a wide awake Ivan in her arms.

"Hey booger." I smiled and kissed his forehead. Demi smiled as I took Ivan into my arms.

"You look beautiful." I said to her and lightly rocked Ivan.

"No I don't. It's just a big sweater and some jeans." She shrugged and began packing the baby bag.

"You make big sweaters and jeans beautiful." I said sitting down on the bed. "What do you think Ivan? Doesn't mommy look pretty?" I sat Ivan up, his small body leaning against my chest.

"Daddy is right. You do look beautiful mommy!" I spoke in a baby voice as I moved Ivan's arms around. Demi laughed and leaned down to kiss our smiling son.

"Your daddy's a big ol' dummy." She joked to Ivan before lifting him from my arms.

"That is so mean." I said dramatically and placed my hand over my heart. She laughed before blowing a kiss in my direction.

"Come on we have a pizza to get to." She mocked my words from earlier and did a light skip out of the room. I chuckled before grabbing the baby bag and following her out, getting to the car and driving towards the closest pizza spot.

"Awww look!" Demi said as she was looking towards the backseat. I turned and looked to see Ivan sleeping with his stuffed monkey held in his hands tightly. I smiled at him as Demi took a picture with her phone. I turned back to the road where the red light had finally turned green and continued our drive.

"People are going crazy over him." Demi lightly laughed as she stared down at her phone.

"You posted it?" I asked, turning into the parking lot.

"Yeah why?"

"Nothing. I just thought we agreed we wouldn't put him the spotlight so early that's all." I said with a shrug.

"You can barely see his face and people have been dying to see a picture of him for four months already." She defended.

"It's fine. I was actually thinking about contacting People Magazine back. They want to have an interveiw and photoshoot with us soon."

"That sounds nice but do you think it'll be good for Ivan?" She asked worriedly.

"I don't know. I was hoping you'd know the answer to that." I replied as we stepped out the car and I went to get Ivan.

"I guess we can try it. And if it gets too much we can always back out right?" She questioned more than stated.

"Okay. I'll have management call that guy back then." She nodded in acknowledgement as we walked into the pizza parlor and made our way to a table. By now the movement had woken Ivan and his eyes wondered the room curiously.

"Hey munchkin." I smiled down at him as he looked over at me with a small smile.

"What are you so curious about?" I asked even though I knew he wouldn't answer back. His smile just stayed permantly on his face causing a smile to form on my lips. I held his hand in mine, lightly rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb.

"And you were worried about becoming a father." Demi lightly laughed from across the table and I chuckled before turning my attention to her.

"Says you." I chuckled.

"To be honest I still am worried and I am a parent." She laughed and lightly shook her head.

"So do I. But we're doing good so far right?" I questioned and smiled as she nodded her head in agreement.

"Well in my opinion you're doing a better job than me so far." She commented and I shook my head.

"Am I? And how am I doing at being the best fiancé ever?" I asked jokingly.

"I say you've won that title a long time ago." She played along and slightly leaned over the table. I leaned over as well, making it so our faces were a mere inch away.

"Great. Because I love being a winner." I lightly smiled and placed my lips to hers. She smiled into the kiss and lightly bit my bottom lip as I allowed her entrance.

"Excuse me." You've got to be kidding me. I pulled away from Demi's perfect lips and looked over at where the small voice had come from.

"Hi I'm Kali. Can I please get a picture? I'm a really big fan."

"Of course sweetheart." Demi smiled down at the little girl, appearing to be around 6 years old. We both got up and took a few pictures with the little girl before she ran off with her mother. I smiled as I watched her leave. I loved fans, they're the greatest.

"Here you are. One supreme and one hawaiian slice with two cokes." Our waitor said as he placed our pizza infront of us.

"Thank you." Demi smiled at him and he lightly nodded, recipricating the gesture.

"If there's anything else I can help you with don't be afraid to ask." He said, his eyes still on Demi, making me look at him questionably.

"Thank you but I think we're fine." I answered and he finally moved his gaze from Demi. Sending me a slightly annoyed smile, he nodded his head before walking off. Demi lightly giggled to herself as she grabbed her pizza.

"What?" I asked, grabbing my pizza as well.

"Nothing." She smiled and I raised my eyebrow at her in response.

"Tell me." I pleaded.

"You were jealous." She teased, taking a bite of her pizza.

"No I wasn't." I denied. She playfully rolled her eyes and giggled again before giving me a knowing smile. Is it wrong to be possessive of my fiancé?! I shook my head at her with a smile before eating my pizza. We finished eating our pizzas and ordered milkshakes before making our way to the studio since the boys and I had a quick session.

"Baby Malik!" Louis jumped up and ran over to us, taking Ivan's carrier from my hands.

"Well hi to you too mate." I chuckled as Demi and I walked more into the room.

"I've known you too long, you're not exciting anymore. Plus Ivan's more adorable than you." He laughed and carefully took Ivan out of his car seat, craddling him in his arms. Everyone chuckled at Louis' joke and gave a small greeting to me and Demi before going back to what they were doing.

"So what are we working on today?" I questioned as I sat down on the couch and pulled Demi into my lap.

"Fireproof and Steal My Girl. We're just waiting on Harry." Liam answered as he placed a small peak on Ivan's head. Louis smiled at Ivan's evident happiness at seeing them again and allowed Liam to hold him and then Niall.

"How is no sleep going?" Niall asked as he played with Ivan's hand.

"He actually sleeps alot. Usually whenever he cries I'm already up." Demi said with a small laugh.

"That's because you're so worried all the time, that you barely sleep anyways." I chuckled and she playfully rolled her eyes, though it was true.

"HAZZA HAS ARRIVED!!!" Harry burst into the room, making everyone look at him sternly as Ivan began crying.

"Oops." He looked at me and Demi apologetically.

"Don't worry I got it." Demi said as she took Ivan from Niall's arms and lightly rocked him back and forth. I smiled as I watched her calm him down until he happily stared up at her.

"Whoa she's already a pro." Harry chuckled before sitting in one of the chairs.

"He just loves his mommy that's all." Demi smiled before sitting back down in my lap. I smiled at her and peaked her cheek before lightly pinching Ivan's nose, earning a small smile in response.

"Okay boys let's get to recording." Liam said, getting everyone's attention back to the task. Demi stood up and I moved from my seat to walk over to the booth.

"Fireproof first?" Niall asked and we all nod in agreement.

...I got a feeling deep inside,

It's taking, it's taking all I got, yeah,

It's taking, it's taking all I got.

"'Cause nobody knows you, baby, the way I do. And nobody loves you, baby, the way I do." I sang my part when the music cut again.

"Zayn try to just relax into the high note. You're kind of hesitating." I simply nodded and the track began again.

"'Cause nobody knows you, baby, the way I do. And nobody loves you, baby, the way I do." I sang again, smiling lightly as I seen the thumbs up from the guys.

"It's been so long, it's been so long, maybe you are fireproof, 'Cause nobody saves me, baby, the way you do." I continued, having to re-do the part a few times before the pitch was what the producer wanted. Eventually we made it through Fireproof and got ready to sing Steal My Girl, everyone rehearsing their parts seperatly making the room loud in comparison to its recent silence when we were recording. I held Ivan in my arms, his eyes wide and alert as I lightly sang my parts to him when Demi came back into the studio finishing up her phone call.

"Everything okay?" I asked, taking note of her slightly flushed expression.

"Yeah perfect." She smiled and sat beside me. Reaching over, I bushed a strand of hair from her face and peaked her lips, making her smile lightly.

"Alright boys let's record this. Zayn you're first." The music producer said and I nodded before Demi took Ivan from my hands. I stood up and quickly kissed her cheek and kissed Ivan's forehead before walking into the booth. The music played briefly before I began singing my solo.

"She's been my queen. Since we were sixteen. We want the same things, we dream the same dreams. Alright." I sang when the music cut again.

"That was nice let's do it one more time just to have a comparison." The music producer's voice came through the headphones and I nodded in agreement before hearing the music restart.

"She been my queen. Since we were sixteen. We want the same things, we dream the same dreams. Alright." I sang again and got a thumbs up in response from everyone on the other side of the glass. We recorded for the next few hours and a sore throat later I was driving me, Demi, and Ivan back home.

"Whoa someone needs a diaper change." I chuckled as Demi took Ivan out of his carrier.

"I'm gonna wash him up and get him ready for bed." Demi smiled and I nodded before peaking her lips, watching her walk towards the bathroom. I sat down and turned on the tv, scrolling through the channels for a while before getting bored and grabbing the Xbox controller, loading FIFA.

"You are so getting your ass kicked." Demi said jokingly as she took the other controller and joined in, picking a team.

"You wished babe. Not to be rude but do you even know how to play soccer?" I teased.

"I know that I beat you last time we played." She shot back and I chuckled, shaking my head at her.

"I let you win." I defended and clicked start on the game.

"Sure you did. Keep telling yourself that." She laughed and sat beside me as the game started. We played until the half time of the game when Demi asked.

"Remember how we were going to do a whole interview and photoshoot with People Magazine?"

"Yeah what about it?" I asked back.

"Well they called my manager today PR thinks it'll be a great thing for both our careers and they decided to set up the shoot for Sunday morning. You don't have any plans right?"

"No just a soccer game with the lads around 3:00 p.m. but the shoot won't take that long." I shrugged. Demi let out an audible sigh which caused me to furrow my brows a little.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I was just a little nervous you wouldn't be happy that I set everything up without consulting you first." She replied with a slightly nervous expression on her face.

"That's perfectly fine Demi. Even if I did have plans I'd drop them in a heartbeat for you and Ivan." I smiled at her.

"Thank you." She smiled and peaked my lips.

"For what?"

"Being the greatest fiancé to ever walk this Earth." She explained with an even greater smile, making me chuckle a little and kiss her cheek.

"I try my best." I joked and succeeded in making her giggle a bit before she cuddled into my side and I held her closely to me.

"Let's go to bed we have a busy morning." I suggested after embracing her for a while.

"Ha beat you again." She smiled brightly at me.

"You did not win. I'm beating you by one." I pointed out.

"Yeah but you're suggesting we go to bed which means you automatically forefit. So I win!" She teased and I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

"That doesn't make any sense but okay you won. Whatever you say." I replied and she giggled before kissing my lips and then turning off the Xbox and TV.

"C'mon Mr. Malik. It's bedtime." She stood up from the couch and held her hand out for me. I chuckled at her and took her hand in mine, pulling her body into mine so her back pressed against my chest.

"Alright Mrs. Malik if you say so." I joked and smiled at the small giggle that came from her.

"Hey I'm still Lovato until we say 'I do' for the record."

"Yeah, but Malik is a lot cooler than Lovato." I teased as we walked towards Ivan's room to check that he was alright.

"Sure it is. By the way when are we getting married exactly? I'm not something you can just put on layaway and think you can come back for whenever you want, you know?" I laughed at her comment and replied.

"You're the woman here haven't you had a perfect wedding imagined up since you were 8?"

"Actually no I don't. At 8 I was being different than them basic bitches. I was imagining my name in lights and me singing on center stage with Barney!" I threw my head back in laughter at her joke and had to quickly cover my mouth to make sure I'd wouldn't wake Ivan.

"Shhh." She laughed and lightly slapped my abdomen as I tried to surpress my laughter.

"You see the craziness you have as a father?" Demi whispered down to a sleeping Ivan as she tucked the blankets around him more.

"This is not my fault!" I whispered to her still chuckling a little. I grabbed a second blanket from Ivan's closet and took it over to his crib.

"Your mother just makes ridiculous jokes about her childhood dreams." I whispered down to our sleeping son and wrapped the second blanket around him to keep him warm during tonight's cold weather.

"Please. My childhood dreams were freaking amazing." Demi joked and I shook my head at her with a smile before leaning over to kiss Ivan's cheek. Demi did the same and I turned on the baby monitor as we walked out and towards our room down the hall.

"Yay my favorite thing in the world!" Demi said before jumping onto the bed making me laugh.

"And here I thought Ivan and I were your favorite thing in the world." I joked and undressed before moving next to her in bed.

"Correction. You and Ivan are my favorite people in the world. But I gotta admit I do like sleep better than you two sometimes." She giggled and I put my hand over my heart, feigning hurt.

"Just wait till Ivan hears about this." I joked and wrapped her up in my arms.

"He won't believe you he loves his mommy too much to believe I'd ever say such a thing." She smiled and ran her hands through my hair.

"You are an evil little thing aren't you?" I laughed and tickled her sides. She threw her head back in laughter and attempted to fight my hands away from her.

"Babe st-stop!" She laughed and I smiled and moved my hands.

"I hate you." She laughed and settled back into the warm blankets.

"Well damn if you hate me then why are we getting married?" I chuckled and she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Shut up." She giggled and kissed me softly. I pulled her closer to my body as she cuddled into me.

"I love you." I kissed her cheek.

"I love you too." She smiled before drifting to sleep. I felt myself smile as I watched her peaceful features and realized how much I was in love with her. Every curve of her beautiful face. The way every breath she took seemed so angelic. Every little thing about her seemed perfect and I loved her to an unthinkable extreme that the very thought of ever losing her crushed every bit of me.

"I love you." I whispered and kissed her forehead before I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep as well.


"Demiiii Ivan and I demand some attention." I playfully whined as she continued writing but slightly laughed at my exaggerated complaining.

"Alright, alright you big cry baby come here." She put her book down and motioned me closer.

"You see how she talks about you? I don't know why we even love her so much Ivan." I joked towards Ivan who responded with the same curious look he had usually worn.

"I was talking to you. I swear Ivan cries less than you." She laughed and took Ivan from my arms as I laid across her lap.

"That's debatable." I joked and smiled as Demi laid Ivan on my chest again and lightly rubbed his head.

"Uh huh." She sarcastically replied as she ran her hands through my hair. Since tomorrow we'd have a photoshoot in the morning, we had decided to cancel plans today and have a 'lazy Saturday' instead of a lazy Sunday. After breakfast all three of us had been cuddled up together on the couch, Ivan and I watching tv while Demi continued writing in her book.

"It's gonna be 3:00 p.m. already. We are so lazy." Demi commented as she noticed the time and I smiled.

"There's nothing wrong with that. By the way, what were you writing all day?" I asked as I reached for her book, which she quickly moved out of my reach.

"Nothing." She lied and I raised my eyebrow up, even more curious than I was before.

"Mommy has secrets Ivan. I think we have to get to the bottom of this." I smiled down at Ivan who until now had been playing with the drool that he had collected on my arm.

"It's nothing Zayn." Demi said as she continued moving the book. I smirked and carefully got up and put Ivan in his bassinet.

"We'll see about that won't we Ivan?" I questioned and smiled as he looked at me confused and then went back to smiling at the air.

"Zayn. Stop." Demi has already began giggling as I moved closer to her and she pushed the book behind the end table.

"C'mon show me." I smiled as I got closer and then leaned over her.

"It's not important." She lied again and attempted to push me back slightly. I chuckled and reached for her hands to stop her from pushing me.

"I think it is." I smiled and began tickling her sides to try to break her defense.

"Z-Zayn st-stop." She said through her fits of laughter. I laughed and managed to pin her down to the couch as I tried to reach for the book. She held my arm back and continued squirming beneath me.

"Let me see!" I pleaded and reached for the book again. She continued to fight and reached up, connecting our lips. I smiled at her tactics but stopped my struggles for the book anyways. Her teeth grazed my bottom lip and brought me closer to her. I lightly pulled back even though I was enjoying every bit of this.

"Baby in the room." I reminded her and she nodded with a smile.

"I'm happy." She smiled and my grin widened even more.

"So am I." I peaked her lips quickly.

I'm right where I want to be.


A/N: I'm back at it! I'm trying to start a schedule of updating. Let's see how this works out.

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Thanks Loves

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