My Teacher PJM (Jimin x Reade...

By TheBangtanian

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I watched as he moved toward my desk slowly, his hands in his pocket, as he took elegant strides toward me. ... More



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By TheBangtanian

As you started to walk back to the kitchen, questions started to form in your head as you wondered if your teacher had dual personalities.

Your thoughts were stopped as soon as you bumped into something hard. You look up to see it was the wall and all eyes were on you. Shortly after, everyone started breaking out laughing.

You just stood there embarrassed, playing with your hands and waiting for them to stop laughing.

"Is he ok?" Hoseok asks as soon as he's done, "Huh....oh right, he just finished taking a shower". He then nodded and headed to the living room and everyone followed, going back to what they were originally doing.

Jin stayed back to help Namjoon and you giggled as they argued over what to cook. It looked like an argument between a married couple, and you totally shipped it.

But you kept that thought to yourself of course.

You head to the sofa and take a seat, sinking into the furniture and adjusting yourself until you're comfortable. Feeling bored, you pulled out your phone and started scrolling through Instagram, spending most of your time searching. But while searching, you feel the spot next to you sink, momentarily lifting you up.

Ignoring the fact that someone is next to you, you continue your search, finding nothing amusing. But your search was stopped short by a breath on your neck and it sent a tingling sensation through your spine. "What are you looking at?" says the voice that caused you to shiver.

You turn you head only to be nose to nose with Jimin, his black hair still damp from his shower was now touching your forehead. He intently looked at your phone and you just stared at him, admiring the beauty that was in front of you. He was so close you could feel his every breath on your face.

Deciding to respond you say, "just looking through Instagram, but nothings interesting" he then lets out a light 'ah' and continues to peer over your shoulder.

Suddenly multiple dings were heard throughout the room. Simultaneously, everyone except you, looked at their phone. Namjoon walks through the room shortly after saying, "Did you guys also get the notification?".

They all nod and get up, heading for the door. Jungkook quickly makes his way to you, "Y/N, we have to go to a photoshoot. Be careful, don't let anyone in and no messing around while I'm gone" you stare at him slightly shocked, "You sound like Mom". He looks down shyly and rubs his neck. "Ah...I just don't want you getting hurt" he mumbled, but it was loud enough for you to hear. "Hmm, what was that?" you said faking confusion, you got up and started walking closer.

Your hand moved behind your ear, slightly cupping it and you leaned even closer to him. His lips only a few inches away of your ear. "I couldn't hear you, could you repeat that?" you smiled mischievously as you hear him stutter. "Uh..uh..N-Nothing" and he quickly scurries out the door to go to the others.

Namjoon was about to head out the door but stopped, "Y/N, we'll be back soon" he looks down then back up quickly and says "oh and Jin and I were in the middle of making Kimchi fried rice, it's still on the stove. Can you finish it for us". He smiled and his dimples showed, he looked so innocent and you just couldn't say no to that face. "Anything for you Joonie" you say and smile back.

He smiled widened even more and you swear your heart burst. Everyone was soon out and you headed to the kitchen to check on the rice.

It was starting to brown so you mixed it a bit and decided to leave it for a few minutes. Placing the spoon on the counter, you soon feel a pair of arms soon wrapped around your waist. You quickly turn your head to see who the intruder is and you were fully about to beat his a**.

But luckily it was just Jimin...if you would even consider that lucky and he smiled when you made eye contact. You were still about to beat his a** for scaring you but realized he was supposed to be with the others. "Why are you here! You're supposed to go to a photoshoot!" he smiled again and said "I wanted to see you before I go...and maybe get a goodbye kiss" his eyebrow raising, waiting for your response.

Hearing this, you took his arms off of you and look him straight in his eyes, crossing your arms "In your dreams". He starts coming closer but he stops as soon as you guys hear everyone scream his name. It was followed by a "JIMIN-SSI" and you easily guess it was your brother.

Jimin looks at you once again and smiles "We'll continue this later" and proceeds to run out the door, and in the process, slamming it. You flinch at the sound, THIS KID! WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?!?!

Letting out a loud sigh, you just decided to continue your day and forget about what just happened.

Now you were fully aware that you were home alone. But that didn't scare you, you were actually the complete opposite. All you wanted to do right at this moment was blast music and sing, not caring if it was good or bad, and just enjoying the moment.

You turn on some speakers and hook up your phone to it. Looking for a song to choose wasn't hard and you decided to play "Idontwannabeyouanymore" by Billie Eilish. Her angelic voice spread throughout the house and you couldn't help but join. Casually stirring the food and singing with the end of the spoon.
You had been dancing and singing for an hour.

The moment was full of peace and you felt like you were walking on clouds. But the sound of a vase shattering brought you back to Earth. Taking off your music, you freeze to see if you can hear any footsteps.

But there was none.

The only way to find out if someone was inside was by checking yourself.

Taking the nearest knife, you start to head towards the living room. Standing on the tips of your toes so that you can minimize the amount of noise you make.

Looking around the corner, you see an average height woman dressed in all black, her face covered by a mask. But her bleached hair was out in the open.

You bring up your knife to threaten her but as soon as you were about to open your mouth, you felt an excruciating pain in your back. It felt as if you got hit by a truck at full speed, the pain causing you to fall forward onto the cold floor. The knife slid out of your hand, too far to reach.

You look back to see a male with a pipe in his hand. He had hit you and he had hit you hard.

The girl laughs at your fallen body and gets on one knee, leaning forward to whisper in your ear. "This is what happens when people don't wanna listen to me". You try to grab her but the pain hasn't fully gone away, causing you to wince. She moves out of the way and signals the guy to continue.

He lifts up the pipe, ready to hit you again. You move your arms in a protective position, waiting for the pipe to come down on you.

But the door opens followed by a "Y/N!!! WE'RE HOOOME". Your head shoots up to the voice.


You've never been happier to see him.

His smile quickly drops at the sight in front of him and he screams to the others to come quickly. The mysterious male drops the pipe and the 2 intruders run out through the back, and left as fast as they had came. Hoseok ran to find them while the others helped you up.

"Y/N! Are you ok?" says everyone simultaneously. Worry clearly showing on their faces.

"Yeah...I finished the food by the way" you say and show a small smile.
That chapter took longer to write than I thought, but I finally updated!!!

Thank you for reading! Hope you guys have a lovely day 💗

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