Carina Malfoy//h.potter

By Jessie_V_

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"For once, can you look at me?" "I've always seen you as you are." __________________________________________... More



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By Jessie_V_


Investigations continue into the break-in at Gringotts on 31 July, widely believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unkown. Grigotts' goblins today insisted that nothing had been taken. The vault that was searched had in fact been emptied that same day.

"But we're not telling you what was in there, so keep your noses out if you know what's good for you." said a Gringotts spokesgoblin this afternoon.

Carina was studying carefully the article of the Daily Prophet when she put it down watching her brother as he sat opposite her at the Slytherin Table. He was beaming in delight and Carina raised her elegant eyebrow.

"There was a notice pinned at the Common Room!" Draco started to talk "Flying lessons will be taking place next Monday!" he finished excitingly.

Carina's mod changed at once and grinned happily at her brother. Many saw her full blown smile but quickly averted their gaze because of her ice cold glare. Well, almost everyone until the youngest Weasley elbowed him.

When they were younger, Carina and Draco's parents hired high-rated tutors to teach their children daily about everything a Pureblood should know, from dance lessons to table manners. Nonetheless, at the end, they still had time to spend with each other.

At first, Draco, after his sister's encouragement learned to fly a broom then he persuaded Carina to also learn how to fly. Let's just say that it became their favourite activity. Draco took a special liking at becoming a Beater as for Carina, a Chaser or even a Seeker suited her. So it was safe to say that they were aching to get their hands on a broom and fly once more. Flying for them was freedom and a way to forget their worries.

"If only we didn't have them with the Gryffindors."  complained Goyle.

Carina turned at him "Did you finish your essay for Professor McGonagall, Greg?" she questioned.

Goyle shook his head. Even though Carina disliked the fact that their close 'friends' were incompetent without her and her brother, she couldn't help but to grow fond of them. Carina understood that it's jest how their parents had raised them to be and she decided that she wants slowly to change that. She doesn't want to be a common puppet for anyone to use.

"At the end of classes we will head to the library so I can help you with that essay." Carina announced.

She stared at the others "Anyone else that needs help?"

Crabbe, Parkinson and Greengrass faltered a little before nodding their head "Then I shall meet you all at the library." she gazed pointedly at Draco with slightly narrowed eyes "What about you?"

"Mine is finished." he justified. 

Carina's lips pushed "Then I'll check it over."

Everyone was glad when the post arrived. Draco and Carina looked up and saw Achilles, their eagle owl, drop their package between them. The note simply read in their mother's handwriting: Love, Father and Mother. Draco went to open the package, that Carina was sure held the delicious cheery cheesecake which the twins adored, as she teared the Malfoy Seal of the letter to read it.

My dearest and precious twins,

Your father and I were pleased to hear that you both made it ti Slytherin, not that we had any doubts of course. Severus already sent us an owl to inform us about the exceptional work on your classes.

Carina, my beautiful daughter, even though I'm proud of you for being top of your classes I would like for you to make more friends and relax a little bit more. I'm sure that you will continue thriving through classes if you take a break now and then. Do me a favor, keep your brother in line.

Draco, my handsome boy, I must once again remind you that first years are forbidden to have brooms so please stop trying to convince us into buying you a new one, however, on your birthday will be another matter. My boy, please look after your sister and don't let her overwork herself.

Now my dears, I'm expecting you over on Christmas holidays to tell me about your adventures. Remember, keep each other safe.



Carina put down the letter and fold it into her bag. She turned to talk to her brother when she noticed him bother Longbottom while holding a ball made of glass. "A Remembrall." she realized.

She fought the urge to roll her eyes at Draco's childish behavior, he acted too much like their father expected him which irked Carina very much. She was the one who promised to act accordingly how he wanted them but what he doesn't know won't hurt him or them. Their father will not hear about this. She stood up and made her way towards the Gryffindor table and snatched the Remembrall out of Draco's hand.

"Hey!" Draco turned around to face the culprit when he met his sister cold angry stare "Cara!" he cried surprised.

Carina looked at him with narrowed eyes "Brother, dearest, you shouldn't touch other people' stuff. It's rude." she explained in a soft yet dark voice "Now, apologize." she requested.

Draco sensing his twin's anger turned at Longbottom and mutter unhappily "Sorry." making Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville's jaws dropped down and their eyes widen in astonishment.

Carina gaze at them amused as she returned the ball to Longbottom. Their stares turned at her void of any emotion face while she nodded respectfully at them and took her brother's arm making her way out of the Great Hall into her next class.

"Bloody hell." Ron whispered in amazement.

Harry stared speechless after the blond-white girl and her brother until they disappeared from his sight. Do not fret about his silent stares, they are only temporary and let's not forget it's only the beggining.


The days went by and finally it was Monday. Once Lunch was over, the first years Slytherin and Gryffindor hurried down into the grounds of the Quidditch field for their first flying lessons.

The Gryffindors and the Slytherins were divided into groups. As they were waiting their teacher to show up, Carina was explaining Pansy about their Potions' work when Carina commented "You know Pansy, you're pretty good in Charms, excellent dare to say."

Pansy blushed "You think so?" she muttered.

Carina nodded in agreement "If I were you, I would try to expand my knowledge to that certain field." she stopped to study her before saying "A Charm's Professor is not a bad job." making Pansy pause to think for a moment.

The teacher was the last one to arrive. She gestured them to stand by a broomstick. Their teacher, Madam Hooch had short, grey hair and yellow eyes that reminded Carina the ones of a hawk, called out the front "Stick out your right hand over you broom and say, UP!"

Carina's broom immediately jumped to her hand at her first try. She looked at Draco, who stood at her right and had a small smirk of satisfaction, also had in his hand his broom. She felt eyes watching her and stared ahead. There stood the famous Boy-Who-Lived with a broom on his hand.

Carina was not an idiot. She knew that the boy had been trying repeatedly to talk to her. Once, he tried to ask her a question at Potions but Snape stopped him. He had tried to catch her eyes at the Hogwarts halls, however, Draco would sneer at him and a row would begin. Carina was not an idiot, as I mentioned, so she knew that the Potter boy will bring troubles into her life.

Madam Hooch showed them how to mount their brooms without sliding off the end, then she started walking up and down correcting their grips. Carina as Madam Hooch was helping Longbottom kicked her brother and looked pointedly at his hand. He was holding the broom wrong, thankfully he fixed his grip before Madam Hooch saw or else knowing her brother he would have made a big deal out of nothing.

"Now, when I blow my whistle,you kick off the ground hard." said Madam Hooch "Keep your brooms steadily, rise a few feet then come straight back down by leaning forwards slightly. On my whistle,one... Two-!"

"And look at Longbottom go." Carina thought.  

Madam Hooch ordered Longbottom to come down but he continued to fly up high to twenty feet. His expression was one of a horror as he looked down until he fell off the broom and the next thing you know, Neville laid face down on the grass.

Madam Hooch was bending over Longbottom inspecting him carefully "Broken wrist." she stated "Come on boy, let's get you to the Hospital wing." she stared down at the class "None of you is to move while I take this boy to Madam Pomfrey! You leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch' "

As soon as they were gone Draco burst into laughter "Did you see his face, the great lump?" Carina pinched hardly his side making him yelp painfully and glaring at the other Slytherins who dared to laugh at her brother's stupid joke.

If Carina already held that much power in this age then believe me that the Slytherins in no time will have a Queen that everyone will want to please.

"Look!" said Draco, darting forward and taking something out of the grass "It's that stupid thing Longbottom's grandmother sent him."

"Draco" said Carina in warning as she stared at the ball glittering in the sun while he held it up.

"Give it here Malfoy." said the Boy-Who-Lived quietly making Carina stare at him curiously as everyone stopped talking and Draco smile nastily.

"I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find... How about up on a tree?" Draco smirked.

"Give it here!" Harry yelled but Draco already had taken off followed closely by Harry who ignored Hermione's words.

Carina sighed. Even though her brother was a pain in the butt, he was still her brother and they always stood by each other. So Carina mounted her broom, kicked hard against the ground and flew away with her robes whipping behind her.

As Harry turned his broomstick to face Draco who looked stunned for a moment before grinning cheerfully "Cara!" he shouted.

Harry glanced by his shoulder and there was indeed Carina Malfoy. The wind pushed her white-blond hair away from her face and the sun made her white like skin glow as her blue eyes glistened in the light.

Harry shook his head and threatened "Give it here or I'll knock you off that broom"

"Well, that's not nice." Carina mocked making Harry gaze at her.

"Oh yeah?" said Draco looking pointedly at his sister who nodded in return "Cara catch!"

The the game began. Carina made a sharp turn catching the ball and stared straight to emerald eyes which held a gentle expression "Malfoy give it here please." Harry asked.

Carina's eyebrows shot up and he continued "I know that you don't approve with your brother's behavior. You don't have to do this to please him."

Carina scoffed before replying "Potter, Potter, Potter... I am not doing this to please him. It's true his behavior it bothers me but his my twin brother, my other half and family always comes first. At least between Dray and I." she glanced at Draco's grey eyes then threw the ball at him.

"Catch it if you can Potter!" shouted Draco and he threw the glass ball into the air. The Malfoy twins went back on the ground then watched as Potter dive in with high speed and his hand stretched out.

A moment before Harry landed to the ground her pulled his broom up and inside his grip there was the ball. Most students gasped and others cheered, Carina and Draco looked at each other bewildered when they suddenly heard a roar "HARRY POTTER!"

Carina watched as the Gryffindors tried to justify Potter but McGonagall cut them off and taking Potter away. Carina's chest clenched painfully. She guessed that it was guilt.


Carina entered the Great Hall with Pansy and Daphne by her side. She looked at her brother's face who stood before the Potter gang as he watched Professor Flitwick walking away.

"What's going on Dray?" asked Carina as she reached her brother gaining the attention of the gang.

"Potter has a broom, Cara." explained Draco.

"A broom?" she wondered. She analyzed the package and questioned "A Nimbus 2000?"

Harry was at loss of any word just nodded. Carina studied him and the broom then announced "You're in the Quidditch team, aren't you? Let me guess, Seeker?"

The first years around her gasped in surprise as Harry asked "How did you know?"

Carina glanced at Draco before turning back at Harry and answered in a monotone voice "Well, I'm pretty sure that the Boy-Who-Lived, the Golden Boy wouldn't get expelled on the first weeks of school. I'm think it won't happen until fifth year or something." she joked making Harry tense uncomfortable.

"And it really pains me to say this but that dive was really impressive. Even I, if I was your House Head would have made you into a Seeker, or a Chaser. But looking at you, the Seeker suits you better. Are you sure you never flew before?" Carina finished watching as Harry's cheeks flushing red and shaking his head.

"Well, now I'm jealous." Carina pointed out.

"Unbelievable! Potter? A Seeker?" Draco spat furiously.

"You're a lot braver when your sister is with you to help you out." Potter said coolly. Draco tensed and Carina's blank eyes narrowed at Potter who in return flinched.

"I'll take you any time on my own." said Draco "Tonight, if you want in  a Wizard's Duel. Wand only and no contact. What's the matter? Never heard of a wizard's duel before I suppose?"

"Of course he had!" defended Weasley "I'm his second. Who's yours?"

"Carina." stated Draco without a second thought "We'll meet you in the trophy room at midnight. It's always unlocked." and the Slytherins walked away.

"What were you thinking?" Carina whispered-yelled.

"Do not fret about it. I know what I'm doing." said Draco trying to ease his sister's worries.

He stopped, looked at the ground and murmured "You'll be there right?"

Carina sighed. That boy is truly bipolar. She smiled gently and patted his head "Family above all."

Draco grinned.


The Malfoy twins were arriving at the trophy room when they heard the voice of the Weasley saying "They're late, maybe they chickened out."

"Don't worry Weasel we're here." said Draco as they entered.

Carina and Draco's eyebrows shot up. They were expecting to meet Potter and Weasley. Now what were Granger and Longbottom doing here?

"Let's put some rules, first." Carina started "No unforgivables and no blood spilling. The first to disarm the other, their second will take their place then-"

She was interrupted by a noise coming from the next room and made them tense in fear. They heard someone speaking "Sniff around, my sweet, they might be lurking in a corner."

"Filch!" they all gasped.

Carina run, she turned around and waved madly at the other to follow her as quickly as possible in order to get away. Harry was the first to act, then Draco, Ron, Hermione and lastly Neville. They raced silently to the door away from the place Filch was heard.

They heard him entering the trophy room "They're inhere somewhere, probably hiding."

"This way!" Harry mouthed and they started to walk fast down a hall full of suits and armors. Unfortunately, Longbottom tripped into a suit of armor.

"RUN!" Draco yelled and all of them sprinted away not daring to look back in case of Filch following them. They went from one corridor to another with Draco on lead who had no idea were he was heading.

They stopped and started to catch their breaths. "I think we've lost him." panted Harry sliding down against the wall.

Carina gasped clutching her chest and turned at her brother who was holding his stomach "We have to get back to the Dungeons!"

:And we to he Gryffindor Tower!"Ron said.

Suddenly, the doorknob rattled and Peeves shoot out in front of them. He gave a squeal of delight and shouted "STUDENTS OUT OF BED!"

Carina cursed inside her mind as she followed the others, ducking under Peeves, running towards the end of the corridor where they slammed a door which was locked.

"This is it!" Ron groaned as they tried to open the door "We are doomed!"

"Weasley, shut your mouth!" Carina sneered. She grabbed her wand ,tapped the lock and muttered "Alohamora!"

The lock clicked open and they went inside the room. They shut it close quickly then pressed their ears against it to listen.

"Which way did they go Peeves?" Filch asked.

"Say please." Peeves joked.

"Don't mess with me, Peeves, now where did they go?"

"Shan't say nothing if you don't say please." said Peeves singing.

"Fine, please." sighed Filch.

"NOTHING!" he laughed "Told you I wouldn't say nothing if you didn't say please!" Peeves laughed away and Filch cursed in rage.

The children sighed in relief but once gain froze in fear. They heard a heave breathing coming from behind them and realized they were at the forbidden corridor in the third floor. They slowly turned around and gasped.

Carina's heart stopped for a moment and there was a sudden dread. She was look straight into the eyes of w huge, when I say huge, I mean ginormous dog which filled the whole space from the ceiling to the floor. There were three heads, which means six eyes, three noses and twitching in their direction, drooling from their yellowish fangs.

They screamed and run away. They didn't care if Filch was near, they just wanted to go to their beds. Before they went to their separated ways Carina grabbed Harry.

"This never happened!" she said her eyes blazing in panic.

Harry nodded "It never happened" he agreed.

Carina and Draco rushed at the right side of the Entrance Hall. Behind the door was a set of stone steps which descend deep into the dungeons. Now they run behind a bore stretch of tone wall.

"Toujour Pours!" Draco almost yelled.

"They went inside a passage leading to their Common Room, they sat down in the leather sofas.

"Dray?" Carina said.

"Yes, Cara?" Draco spoke.

"Did you notice something odd about that room?" she questioned.

Draco stood silent for a moment "It was guarding something right?" his grey eyes met her blue ones.

"I think I know what the dog is guarding" she said "Or at least what is about?"

"And that is?" Draco asked.

"Well, the Gringotts break-in can't be a coincident." she explained.

"Cara?" she gazed at him "Please stay out of it." Draco almost begged.

"Alright." she replied and Draco sighed.

They both knew she was lying.


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