It has to be you// Kiribaku

By TododekuisOTP

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(P.S this is not a collection of one shots. Its a full story. Thank you and goodbye) Bakugou didn't know wh... More

🎵If you were gay, that would be okay🎵
Flower Crowns and Parades
Fluffy Friend and Rainbows
Mountain Hiking
A pocky a day
Visit to the Kirishima's
Love and birthday cake
Chapter 15: Winter Wonderland


4K 152 148
By TododekuisOTP

(AAH I finally did it. Took me a while cause I was catching up on Voltron- don't @ me- Anyways I have to put a DISCLAIMER. This chapter contains a TINY spoiler. Don't get put off by it because literally I don't explain in any detail what happened, who it happened to or when this event happened so in hindsight it is not a spoiler. It is a very brief description of an event that happens in the manga. So yeah just wanted to say that. Also this chapter is quite crucial to the plot so you don't really want to miss it. If you really don't want to read the quote on quote 'spoiler' than I will add a line of stars or something after the 'spoiler' part. Bye)


Blank. White. Abyss. The chaos of silence.

Only one single noise disturbs this chaos, the sound of a repetitive beeping. It's getting quite annoying actually. Kirishima turns his head to the right trying to find the cause of the noise. However the first thing he notices is his calm boyfriend sleeping in the chair beside him. His ash blonde bangs cover most of his face and he sits slumped in the plastic chair. He looks beautiful, a sight that Kirishima has been able to see every morning before he goes to school for the past month or so. His face is completely relaxed and the lines that his frowns used to make are non-existent as he slumbers. His lips lightly pursed as he dreams, soft and inviting. His eyelashes are long and curled. (Something that he never admitted to even though he mocks Kirishima about his girlish eyes) What a silly hypocrite.

He lets the boy slumber while he tries to adjust to his surroundings. To do this he needs to sit up and when he does, he feels a sharp jab sink into his side as if he has been stabbed by a knife. The sheer pain of it causes him to yelp in an unmanly manner and thud back down into the bed. Sharp short breathes puff out of his mouth. The sound he made must have been quite loud because he can hear some shuffling beside him. The beeping continues. Before he knows it he feels an icy hand press against his forehead. He slides his eyes to the right and looks into Bakugou's eyes. They have lost their sharp edge and instead are immensely soft like melting lava. Bakugou watches him as worry slowly starts to cloud his eyes.

Bakugou uses the remote control attached to the seat to enable Kirishima to sit in a semi upright position. Know he is able to see where the beeping sound is coming from, he can also see his arms which are bandaged in thick casts and he can see the interior of the hospital room around him. The pain in his side lingers but it's not as bad anymore. Bakugou sighs deeply and presses his face into his hands. Kirishima watches him as he slowly lifts himself back up again.

"Fuck. Eijirou I was so fucking worried." He barely whispers. Even though his voice was low the meaning and reverence in the tone of his voice strikes Kirishima in the heart.

"Katsuki..." he whispers softly before he can continue Bakugou puts his hand up to stop him.

"What the fuck happened Ei? They only told me about the injuries but not the cause. What happened?" Kirishima shakes his head. The details of the event are quite blurry, he looks deeply into Bakugou's eyes and wracks his brain for answers.

And then it clicks.

The memories come rushing so fast that he feels as if his chest has punched and he hunches over slightly feeling winded. The memories rush through his brain like a sped up movie, various voices cloud his head in a thick black ball of trauma. Before he knows it he can taste the semi salty-sweet taste of tears on his lips. Bakugou springs into action and sits on the hospital bed, his large comforting hands sit on Kirishima's shoulders. The tears are never ending and between sobs he manages to blubber some words "I-I was supposed to be unbreakable" "I couldn't protect them..." "Katsuki I failed I....."

He squeezes his eyes shut and wails, loudly. His tears cause his whole body to shake violently making him feel as if the world is crumbling beneath him. He couldn't do it, he couldn't save them, he broke, and his quirk isn't as unbreakable as he thought it was. Bakugou gathers Kirishima up in his strong arms and runs his hands up and down Kirishima's back in large lethargic strokes. For comfort Kirishima shoves his face into Bakugou's chest and causes large damp circles to appear on Bakugou's shirt. He cries loud ugly cries as Bakugou holds him close and after they stay like this for a few minutes Kirishima musters up the courage to look up again.

"I- I broke." He says and the silence falls on top of them like a bus. Bakugou is avoiding Kirishima's gaze.

"Katsuki..." he pleads. When Bakugou finally turns his head Kirishima notices that Bakugou's eyes are weirdly shiny and glossy. Bakugou shakes his head lightly and reaches out to take hold of Kirishima's chin.

"Don't you ever say those things about yourself ever again you hear me?" he asks, a mix of desperation and anger in his voice. And then the tears start to fall down his beautiful face.

"You hear me?" he repeats his voice filled with thick desperation. It breaks Kirishima apart. All he can do is nod and cry along with Bakugou.


After they exchange tears and Kirishima tells Bakugou about what happened the try to enjoy each other's company as much as they can. It's been a month and a half since Kirishima and Bakugou's first date. Unfortunately the two were unable to hang out that much, since after the provisional licence exam Kirishima took up an internship. The same internship that caused him to end up in a hospital bed. Bakugou talks to him about how terrified he was and how he blames himself for letting Kirishima go ahead with the whole internship and how much he missed being able to hang out with him and Kirishima listens. It really is one of the most heartfelt and genuine things Bakugou has ever talked to him about. The two silently agree with each other then and there that everything that happened in that hospital room stays in that room. Once things have fully calmed down and the tears are long gone Bakugou stays sitting on Kirishima's bed and silently looks into his eyes as he filters his fingers through Kirishima's hair. They are caught like this when the nurse walks in. When she sees them she smiles.

"Looks like Eijirou is finally awake. How are you feeling hon?" she asks as she places down a tray of hospital food on the table in the corner and Kirishima almost gags at the smell before he answers.

"Yeah I feel pretty good except my side stings a little." She nods and goes over to the other side of the bed to examine him.

"Alright I should bring the doctor to do a quick check up on you and then we can invite that group of kids that are waiting in the waiting room for you." Kirishima watches her somewhat confused but complies anyway. Reluctantly Bakugou gets up to leave but before he does he places a light kiss on Kirishima's forehead and Kirishima is rather taken aback by the romantic gesture in public. Once the doctor has come in and conducted his check up the nurse sticks to her word and soon a swarm of students swarm into the hospital room. When Kirishima finally realises who they are he feels himself combust with happiness. Deku, Todoroki, Mina, Sero, Denki, Sero, Tsuyu, Jirou and Ochaco all walk in with relieved and happy smiles plastered on their faces. They all surround the bed and soon the room fills with laughter and happiness a stark contrast to what Kirishima and Bakugou just experienced. At least he is has all these friends who care and support him and who can distract him from his thoughts for a while. Speaking of Bakugou the boy stands slightly off the side away from the group and watches them intensely his arms crossed in front of his chest. Kirishima longs for him to be here beside him, to be included in the group but he knows that won't happen. So instead he focuses on chatting to his friends and enjoying their company. Mina sits beside him and her arms never leave his waist, Denki haphazardly wipes a few tears from his eyes while Jirou holds onto his hand tightly. Deku holds a meat platter in his hands and Todoroki stands close beside him the smallest remnants of a smile on his lips. Ochaco floats around the room making funny poses to make him laugh and Tsuyu stands on his other side and decorates his IV drip stand with kitten stickers. Sero tries to speak with Bakugou who bluntly ignores him.

After a while the group leaves and the silence seeps back into the room. Bakugou quickly walks over to the bed again and sits down beside Kirishima. The look into each other's eyes and a mutual feeling of comfort falls over the two. Bakugou reaches forward and cups Kirishima's face lightly running a finger across his lips. Kirishima feels a ball of excitement brew in his stomach. God he really missed hanging out with Bakugou like this. He especially missed kissing him and now after months he will be able to again. Bakugou leans forward so that his lips are a centimetre from Kirishima's. He can feel Bakugou's hot breath swirl around his lips which are lightly chapped so he quickly slides his tongue across his them before Bakugou closes the gap. Their lips slot perfectly together and Kirishima feels that familiar thrilling feeling rush through his body. Bakugou tilts his head to deepen the kiss and Kirishima open his mouth a little, he can feel Bakugou's soft lips move slowly against his own.

Kirishima feels a rush of desperation as Bakugou slides his arm around his neck to bring him closer and shifts his weight on the bed enough to hover above Kirishima but not enough to hurt him. Kirishima wishes that he could wrap his arms around Bakugou, bring him closer, but his stupid arms are useless in their casts. However these thoughts immediately disperse when he feels Bakugou's tongue slide into his mouth. Kirishima almost pulls back in shock but Bakugou is two steps ahead, he moves his arm from its place around his neck and cups Kirishima's face in an attempt to soothe Kirishima. So Kirishima complies and lets Bakugou's tongue explore the interior of his mouth, it feels weird and different, nothing like Kirishima has ever felt before, but yet it isn't that bad. Actually it isn't bad at all, this thought makes Kirishima feel kinda dirty and he feels his face warm up. They kiss like this for a bit till they hear the handle of the door click. Bakugou quickly pulls away and plops down beside Kirishima his face clearly as red as Kirishima's.


Bakugou stays with the idiot mummy all through his recovery and only leaves when the hospital finally dispatches him. The two spent most of their time reconnecting, talking...kissing, and watching stupid TV shows on the hospitals old television. Once the casts leave Kirishima's arms, Bakugou feels that it is now safe for him to lie down beside Kirishima on the hospital bed instead of sitting on the side and he stays like that for the rest of the time with Kirishima entangled in his arms. The nurses are very kind and don't seem to mind the closeness between the two boys and Kirishima has become quite friendly with one of them. In Bakugou's mind the nurse is quite irritating since she always popped into the room at the most inconvenient times but nevertheless he is happy to see his boyfriend smiling again.


A word that was only a dream to Bakugou before he and Kirishima got together. Saying it in his head, let alone out loud gets Bakugou flustered and giddy at the same time. Even months after he is still amazed at his luck, no he is grateful to be able to be with someone like Kirishima. If only he his pride didn't cloud his desire to tell Kirishima these things. He wonders if Kirishima really knows how much he means to him. He just needs more time to muster up the courage. Whatever it takes he will tell him how he feels. One day...


"Oi Denki! I bet I can beat you at Super Smash Bros!" yells Sero from across the room. Bakugou sighs deeply, he would literally rather be anywhere else but here, in this extremely loud and chaotic common room surrounded by annoying extras. He could be with Kirishima in their rooms hanging out by themselves in their own comfortable silence, except he is here sitting beside Kirishima surrounded by loud noises with no privacy for the two of them. At least Kirishima feels better now, he thinks as he runs his hand haphazardly through his hair. Speaking of the boy the bubbly red head sits squished between Bakugou and Mina. The annoying excited pink girl hasn't left Kirishima's side since he got let out of the hospital (2 days ago) and its getting on Bakugou's nerves. He would tell her off but that would seem weird and would most definitely cause a lot of questions and drama which Bakugou is way too fucking tired and pissed off to deal with. So instead he fights through the pain and tries to ignore the girl as much as he can.

As he watches Denki and Sero's intense battle he feels the weight shift beside him and the pressure on the couch lifts. Kirishima clambers off the couch and announces that he's gonna grab a snack leaving Bakugou all alone with Mina. Fuck. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't hate Mina- although he would never tell her that- she's not all that bad and can be kinda funny some times. Not only that but she seems to make Kirishima happy and that's enough for him. Now that Kirishima has left the room the silence between him and Mina has thickened.

"Hey Bakuchan..." starts Mina. The nickname causes Bakugou to grit his teeth, but he decides to listen.

"You and Kirishima have been really close recently, not only that but you call each other by the first name now, is something happening between you to?" When she asks this her head is tilted to the side and her amber eyes are curious. Bakugou opens his mouth to reply but gets interrupted by a loud yell. Looks like Denki lost. Sero decides to call it a day and Denki flops on the opposite couch in a huff while Sero packs up the game. Because of all this commotion Bakugou is safe from answering Pinky's question. At least for now. When Sero joins the group on the couch Bakugou almost screams in frustration. He is seriously considering leaving, if only Kirishima wasn't so social. So he does what he does best and elapses into his own thoughts, he eyes skim the common room passing from different happy smiling groups.

His concentration is diverted somehow when he feels someone's familiar lips on his cheek. Immediately he springs into action and sits up quickly, his face turning a brighter red by the second. He feels the couch sink under Kirishima's pressure as he flops down beside Bakugou slinging an arm around his shoulders- that bastard is pinning him down-. Then quickly after he hears a loud gasp from Mina.

"YOU GUYS ARE DATING?!" she squeals, it's loud enough for everyone to turn towards them. Bakugou is furious and embarrassed at the same time. He really doesn't know whether to blow everyone up or to curl up into a ball and die. This feeling is so strange and new to him, he's never really felt this embarrassed before probably because back then he didn't give a damn what people thought. And now he kind of does. The room is silent for a bit until it bursts into a bunch of excited murmurs. "Wow, how is that possible?" "I told you so!" "How did Bakugou get a partner before I did?" "Didn't know Bakugou would commit to a relationship." "Wait is Bakugou gay?" "I'm not sure if Bakugou deserves someone as sweet as Kirishima." The murmurs never end, the keep spiralling inside Bakugou's head making him feel overwhelmed, afraid even. He knew that they would get such a response, he wishes that Kirishima didn't decide to tell everyone now. Fortunately the murmurs finally stop when Kirishima raises his voice.

"Yes it is true. Bakugou and I are dating, we have been for quite a while. To be honest him and I don't really care what you have to say about it, but just know that it's a thing. If I have to say the truth I don't think I deserve him and I don't have to justify why I think that, Bakugou is an amazing person end of story." It's quite a long and cheesy speech but Bakugou loves it, he loves Kirishima and if everyone wasn't here he would probably tell him that. He tries to think of ways he can do this when Tenya starts to spaz in the corner, his arms moving around rapidly and then replies,

"Of course Kirishima, please do not take it the wrong way. Everyone is happy to hear about you two, we are just shocked, really I think you two are perfect and we all accept you." At that everyone whoops and cheers as Kirishima wraps his arms around Bakugou's waist holding him close.

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