a promise [kookmin]

By j-hoebarn

18.4K 362 103

where jungkook is a famous k-drama actor and jimin is a bartender. one day "fate" brings them together. jungk... More

the party
sweet as candy
my Little
the journal
not a chapter


5.4K 108 37
By j-hoebarn

welcome! to the most shitty book you will ever read.

i was debating if i should write this book or not

apparently the dumbass side of me told me too
author's pov

22 year old park jimin was sitting on his couch watching an emotional k-drama, that he's been binge watching for the past week, love scene. it's a story about a young female that falls in love with a man, but leaves her for an acting job he had been given in new york. later in the show he comes back wanting to marry her and she says no because while he was gone, she met a guy and had fallen in love with him. jimin loved the actor that played the man. his name was jeon jungkook. he already fell in love with the actor the first time he appeared on the show.  

during the show, jimin had already shed to many tears that day. a different scene was about to play, until a knock and been heard from the door. jimin stood up for the couch, and opened the door to see his best friend taehyung crying in the doorway. jimin hugged his best friend and closed the door with his foot. he sat taehyung down on the couch and paused the tv holding taehyung hands in his own, "what happened" taehyung fell into jimin's arms crying until he couldn't. taehyung was and emotional person, but jimin had never seen him this emotional, "us-broke up-today-" taehyung spoke mixing his words up as he sobbed into jimin shoulders. he had cried in front of jimin before but only when his grandmother had passed, "here, i'll make you some ramen." jimin changed the channel on the tv to the movies mean girls. jimin had introduced taehyung into the movie and taehyung had been absolutely obsessed with it ever since. he then grabbed a nearby blanket and wrapped it around himself rolled himself into a tiny ball. in the kitchen, jimin could hear taehyung's giggles and sniffles from each scene that passed.

after the ramen was done, Jimin placed the warm bowl of noodles into taehyung's hands as he took the chopsticks and slurped the noodles into his mouth. he placed his eyes back on the screen and sniffed through his nose one more time as he rubbed his pink, puffed undereyes. jimin sat next to taehyung with a bowl of his own. he grabbed another blanket and wrapped himself up as well. he cupped his bowl of ramen and watched the movie.
45 minutes later

the movie finally ended and the boys had finished thier bowls of ramen. jimin turned off the tv and turned on some music. right before jimin got up to go change into more comfortable clothes, he had realized that taehyung had fallen asleep on his lap. jimin flinched when he realized the movements Taehyung had been moving. He was snoring in and taehyung of his mouth, loudly. jimin panicked until he lightly picked up taehyung's head and placed it on the pillow on the side of the couch. jimin turned off the lights and left the room.

jimin opened his bedroom door, walked into his room and opened his laptop computer to see a notification from twitter that read the username jeon_jungkook. when jimin opened the profile, he scanned thorough a bunch of photos that were mostly aesthetic but one of them had a selfie of him in a black tux with buttons down the sleeves and a black turtle neck undershirt. the background seemed as if he was at an event of some kind.

the moment jimin looked at the photo, the second he realized that it was the famous actor jeon jungkook, that was in his favorite k-dramas. his eyes opened wide and he aggressively shut his computer closed. he gasped for air as he was hyperventilating breathing in and out of his lungs trying to catch his breath, "is that really his account?"
"is someone just playing with me?"
"it's probably just a fan account" he thought.

he opened the computer and finally brought himself to accept the follow request. he clicked on the accept icon that quickly changed to following, which meant the account wasn't private. automatically, he got a chat from jeon_jungkook.


jeon_jungkook: hey

chim.jams: who the fuck are you?

jeon_jungkook: well hello to you too

chim.jams: are you just some fan account?

jeon_jungkook: hell nah. i hate those disrespectful people. always plagiarizing my shit

jeon_jungkook: let me properly introduce myself. i'm jeon jungkook, the k-drama actor in the movies love scene, charismatic, london magic, you've probably seen them

chim.jams: fucking liar

jeon_jungkook: it's usually not my liking to follow other people that aren't famous, but i saw your bio and you seem to have an addiction

chim.jams: stop messing with me!

jeon_jungkook: i'm not. i can prove it.

chim.jams: i don't trust you! you're probably just a fan! you're just messing with me! this must be some kind of fucked up dream!

jeon_jungkook: yo stop yelling asshole. but if you do trust me, you will meet me tonight here : *******, at 5:30

chim.jams: ...

jeon_jungkook: do it. you won't regret it

read 4:50
author's pov

jimin closed his laptop once more and fell back onto his bed letting out a loud sigh not knowing he was holding it. he placed his laptop on the nightstand and plugged it it for the day. he walked to the living room and saw taehyung still passed out on the couch. jimin walked over to him and covered his toes with the blanket. he turned the volume down on the tv and played some queit music. he grabbed his coat, wallet, phone, and keys and left the apartment. he shut the door quietly behind him and walked away. he sat in his car and headed off.

5:20 pm

jimin looked at the address to the place this supposedly "real actor" jeon jungkook gave him. he finally arrived to the place and looked out his window to see a broken-down building that had the words attention written on it. the building already left off a weird vibe. like strip-club vibe. he saw a line of people standing out in the front with thier ID's and money in thier hands. jimin shuffled his fingers through the glove compartment in his car to look for any loose change, and found 50 dollars. he grabbed his wallet, phone, and his ID and got out of his car and locked it. he stood at the back of the line that was lined in the front of a convenient store.

20 minutes later

jimin had made it up to the front of the line and the security guard asked for 15 dollars and his ID. he gave back the possessions to jimin and told him he couldn't go into the building. jimin was going to walk away when a hand wrapped around his forearm. he looked up and saw man in a black hood, black mask, and black ripped jeans. he had sunglasses on that were dark to the point where the street lights couldn't even light up his face. he showed his ID to the security guard, "he's with me" the dark voice spoke as the security guard checked him name on the list. the mysterious stranger aggressively pulled jimin into the building.

when jimin saw the inside of the building he already knew he was in trouble when he saw poles, a floor pad with built in lights, and a bar. the man pulled him into a room that had a golden plate that read jeon ... jimin was pushed into the dark room, where he tripped, and landed onto a couch nearby. he grabbed a pillow closeby and cuddled it like his life depended on it. the mysterious man turned on the lights, and in the process, took his glasses off and took rolled his sleeves up, "now don't freak out" jimin nodded as he made eye contact with the person in front of him. the man took off is hood and looked jimin in the eyes.

jimin's eyes widened as he had realized that it was the .. jeon .. jungkook. he squeezed the pillow tightly trying not to freak out, but it was kinda difficult when he was standing right in front of him. jungkook walked over to the couch and sat down. jimin sat on the other side of the couch and let jungkook on the other. he sat up against the arm of the chair not loosing eye contact from the other male. jimin crossed his legs and curled up with the pillow once again, "so" jimin flinched when he heard his voice. the deepness of his voice was the best. he sounded so smart and mature. jimin usually wasn't the most dirty person, but everytime he heard his voice, it makes him think so much differently. jimin had looked down at his crotch and saw he had been turned on by just one word.

he placed his hand on his private area and tried to keep it on the low, but it was to hard when it felt so good. he rubbed a little lighter and stared into jungkook's eyes. jimin fidgeted as he groaned a little. he thought he kept it in, but not enough to the extent, where, jungkook had heard it, and smirked. he moved closer until they could feel each others breath against their own faces. jimin's breath became shaky. jungkook backed away and sat in the other corner of the couch, "i've never had someone react that way to me" jungkook smiled and crossed his legs and arms in confusion. jimin was still in shock of what happens just .5 seconds ago. he had still realized that his hand was still on his private area. he quickly removed it, but caught the attention of Jungkook, "why did you, um, want to meet me ehere?" jimin asked hugging the pillow tightly again as he stared up and down at jungkook's perfectly shaped body "he looks just as perfect as he does on tv. i just want him to choke me with those — stop jimin-shi!! what are you thinking!! jimin thought as he shook his head in disgust. but what he didn't realize that jungkook had been talking. jimin looked at jungkook as if he was listening. he situated himself and took the pillow from his chest and layed it in his lap, "....so, that's why i wanted you here. i did think you were cute though" Jungkook finished explaining. he walked off to the front of the room, by the door, and picked up his phone that was laying on a dresser type cabinet. he handed his phone to jimin "give me your number and i'll text you sometime" jimin was in shock. after jimin entered his phone number, he gave the phone back to the jungkook.

"give me yours" jungkook demanded.
idk if this was good or not

pls tell me if there are things i could change

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