Dare To Dream (A One Directio...

ItsSavvyLove által

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Savannah was an average 16 year old girl. She had a social life and was a straight A student. She was just l... Több

Dare To Dream
Bad News Or Is it?
Shopping & Packing & Flying Oh My!
The Arrival
Nice To Meet All Of You
Dude. Where's The Hotel?
Call Me Maybe
Waking the Beast
Here Comes Goodbye
Date time <3
Just A Dream


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ItsSavvyLove által

*Savannah's P.O.V.*

There before me stood the most beautiful white horses I have ever seen! But they had horns attached to their heads!

"What is this about?" I asked

Niall answered me. "You said you wanted a unicorn. But the real ones were far out of our price range. So we got you the next best thing! Do you like them?" Niall asked with a cheeky grin on his face. "No." I replied. "What?" "I love them! They're beautiful! Er, how did you get these horns to stick on their heads?" I asked curiously. "Super glue." Louis said, jumping into our conversation. "Are you kidding me!? You can't put super glue on a horses head!" Brooke yelled. We all just kind of stood there awkwardly till Harry busted out laughing. Then it was like a chain reaction of laughs till Louis pulled out a perfectly wrapped box from behind his back. "Here you go, love." Lou said. Handing the box to me. "What is it?" I asked. "Well silly, you're going to have to open it to find out." Louis said laughing. "Oh" was all I managed to get out. As I unwrapped the box I could fell the boys eyes on me, which only made me blush. I'm sure I looked a bit silly being all grinny and such. "Oh. My. God! You guyyss! You didn't have to get me this!" I said holding the entire series of Star Wars movies. "We wanted to, you were really sweet to us so we decided to return the favor." Louis said with a smile. "Lou, you let us stay at your house. You could have let us stay stranded in a forign country to us. We owe you if anything. Not vise versa."

*Louis' P.O.V.*

I stood there watching her and Niall just chat it up like there was no tomorrow. I'm not sure why but this kind of made me mad. Should I be mad? Nooo. That's silly. Niall's one of my best friends. If he likes her then I'm happy for him. Or amd I? Flack! I can't make up my mind! I think I like her. But I dont even know her? But she's so funny, and nice, and smart, and she makes great Tacos... and she really pretty. Ugh. I'm so confused. What if she doesn'y like me back?! Then I'll look stupid. "How did you get these horns to stick on their heads?" I heard her ask. "Super glue." I jumped in quickly. Why did I just do that? I totally messed up their moment. I saw Niall shoot me a quick glare but then recomposed himself. I cant let Niall stand in the way if I really like Savannah. If it wasnt for me, he would have never met her.

*Savannah's P.O.V.*

"Well, are we gonna have a Star Wars movie marathon or not?" I asked once we got back inside. "WELL YEAH! We didn't just get these movies so you could look at the box! Put it in!" Louis yelled. "That's what she said!" Harry yelled from the kitchen. "You pervert!" Lou yelled back. "Ooh. It's on like Donky Kong" I heard Liam mumble. "Take that back or else!" Harry yelled "Or else what.. Baby Haz?" Louis asked with an evil grin on his face. ''Oh, you know." Harry replied with the same expression. "LIGHTSABERWAARRRRR!!" I heard Zayn yell. The two boys then sprinted to the bedroom them came sprinting out just as fast. Harry with the red light saber and Louis with the blue. They started swinging at eachother making the swoosh noise and the sound of the light sabers hitting together with their mouths. This lasted about 7 minuted untill Lou grabbed Harry's light saber and crossed the under his neck. "Now apologize to the young ladies for being so dirty or I will cut your head off." Louis said, his accent as strong as ever. Gosh was it sexy... "Nooo!" Harry protested. "Do it! Or I won't talk to you for the rest of the night." "Finee." Harry responded. "I'm sorry." I crossed my arms and stuck my nose up. "For what?" I asked in a snooty voice. "For being a dirty pervert." Me and Brooke looked at eachother and grinned. "We forgive you Hazz!" We said in union jumping on him and smothering him in a big hug. "DOGGY PILE!" I heard Louis yell. "Noo, NO NO NOOO. Louis, NO!" I tried to stammer out as him, Liam, Zayn, and Niall all piled on top of us. "You guys are so fat!" I yelled. "Blame it on Nandos" Niall said, attempting to wink at me. "Guise! Niall promised Savannh y'all would cook for us to make up for breaking our hearts by ditching us today. So, are you going to!?" Brooke asked. "Way to pull the guilt trip, Brooke!" Harry yelled. Niall, Zayn, and Liam all got off of us but when I tried to get Louis to get off he wouldn't. "Lou get off of me! You're squishing my boobs!" I tried yelling. "I can't! Your hair smells too good!" "Get up weirdo, you need to help me get up!" "Finee!" He said standing up ,taking my hands and pulling me to his chest. His cologne smelled amazing. I looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes. He glanced down at my lips, I could tell he wanted to kiss me and I wanted to kiss him too. We were interupted by a cough and we stepped back awkwardly. Holy crap. Me and Louis Tomlinson just had a moment. I started blushing like crazy. He did too. It was so cute! I looked around to see everyone staring at us. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I looked at Brooke and said. "You don't have to be so rude about it you know!" Brooke said with just as much attitude as me. "Geez, I didnt realize you were PMSing, chill out!" "Whatever." Brooke said as she walked out the back door.

*Brooke's P.O.V.*

"Whatever" I said. I walked out the back do and went to lay in the hammock. Harry walked outside. "Are you alright?" He asked in the sweetest tone. "You and Savannah seemed kind of... ill with eachother. What's going on?" He asked laying down in the hammock next to me. "I'm not sure. Sometimes certain things can really set her off. She gets the worst attitude. I mean, I guess I could have just been nice so she'd stop. But this isn't the first time she's done this." I said. "Oh, well I know y'all with work this out. If y'all are really best friends. You both will make up in the next hour." He said smilng revealing his adorable dimples. "Thanks Harry. You really know how to cheer a girl up." "It's what I'm here for love." Holy crap. He was truely gorgeous.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

Someone should go check on her, I heard Lou say as he nailed me in the rib cage with his elbow. "Ouch!" I yelled. "That really hurt Louis!" He just looked at me then looked towards the back door a couple times. He wants me to go. "Ohhh. I gotcha" I walked towards the back door and went outside. "Are you alright?" I asked. Trying to sound as sincere as possible. "You and savannah seemed kind of... ill with eachother. What's going on? I asked as I layed down next to her on the hammock. Smoothe Harry. I listened to her as she talked. I could tell she really care for Savannah as a friend and she was indeed upset about their little bickerment. I couldn't refrain my eyes from roaming to her chest. To sound as American as possible I'm just going to say it. She has a nice rack. I've noticed how great of a body she has. Her long brown hair is gorgeous. And her eyes are a piercing deep blue. She has very full lips and crazy long eyelashes. I love how much natural beauty she has. She is really something special. "Hey, I might know something that could cheer you up!"

*Brooke's P.O.V*

I saw him out of the corner of my eyes staring at my boobs. What a dude! It was still kind of cute that he was trying not to look. "Hey, I might know something that could cheer you up!" I heard him say as he cuddled a little closer to me. "And what's that?"

*Harry's P.O.V.*

Now is your chance to make a move. If she pulls away then you know she doesn't like you that way, but I she stays with it then keep going! I looked up into her eyes as she did mine. I moveed just a little so I could reach her lips with out stretching my neck. I move closer to her lips so the were just an inch apart, I leaned in just a little closer. "OH MY GOD STOP HAVING SEX!" There is only one person in the world who could have walked out right at that moment. Louis. Damn it.

*Louis' P.O.V.*

"I think I'm gonna go check on Brooke. I really should apologize." Said Savannah. "No love, it's fine. You stay here and I'll go." I got up and went to the back door. I could see Harry leaning in to kiss her. My opportunist instincts are blazing! I opend the door really fast before he could kiss her and yelled "OH MY GOD STOP HAVING SEX!" Brooke sat up and blushed and Savannah ran to the door to see what was going on. As did the rest of the lads. "Vas Happenin'?" I heard Zayn ask. He's so stupid. "We should probably start cooking." Harry said getting out of the hammock. "Right you are mate." I said. Walked to the kitchen followed by the rest of the lads. We went to the pantry. ''What would you ladies like?" Zayn asked. "Chicken parmesan!" I yelled back. "Ooh, and don't forget the salad!" Brooke exclaimed "Sound good babe, anything else?" Zayn asked. "Do we have apple juice?" asked Brooke. When she said that I saw Harry glance up at her when he was getting the forks. I guess brooke liking apple juice was a turn on to Harry. Or maybe Brooke in general was a turn on to him. "Can we make milkshakes!?" I heard Savannah ask in a bubbly tone. "You like milkshakes!?" I asked. "Will you marry me!?" "Louis, are you cheating on me!? Harry asked drammaticly clutching his heart. "You about kissed Brooke! You cheated first!" I said back sticking my tongue out at him. "Meanie." I heard him mumble under his breath. I just rolled my eyes.

*Savannah's P.O.V.*

"Guys this is delicious!" I said with a mouth full of noodles. "Thanks, but Harry did most of the cooking." Liam said with a sweet smile. "Savannah, will you come help me with the milkshakes?" Louis asked. "Of course." I excused myself and Louis from the table. We walked to the kitchen. "So, what flavor? Your options are chocolate or chocolate." "Umm, gosh this is such a hard decision. I guess I'm going to have to choose... chocolate." I responded. "Gross NO! That flavor is nasty, you need to get chocolate. It's a whole lot better." He said with a wink. "Okay, fine." We started making the milkshakes in the blender. Everything was going great until we started on the seventh one. I put the icecrem and milk in the blender. I bushed the bled button but forgot to hold the top on and it exploaded all over me, Louis, and the kitchen. It was so funny. "Hey, you got a little somethin' on your face." I heard him say. But there was something meschivious about his tone. He walked towards me. "Where?" I asked. "Riiight... here." And boom. He crashed his lips on to mine. Okay, Savannah keep cool. Louis Tomlinson is just kissing you. No big deal. At first it shocked me and I wasn't sure if it was real. Then I my body relaxed. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. My heart was pounding in my chest. I felt it melt into my butt. This was really happening. It started slow. Then he started moving his hands up and down my back. He pushed my body was against the counter. He pressed his body to mine. HOLY FLACK! "Hey guys what ha- oh my." I heard Brooke's voice in the back of my head. I couldn't bring myself to move. I felt paralyzed... but in a good way. It wasn't until I heard Brooke bring everyone else in there and Harry yell "Oh my God, Louis! Stop having SEX!" We both started laughing and he kissed me one more time on the corner of my lips before he pulled his body off of mine. "Sorry, she had milkshake on her lips so I had to get it off somehow, and I wanted to be inventive." Louis said winking at me. What a flirt. Him and Harry really are just alike. "I was my milkshake!" Cried Niall. "You'll get you flackin milkshake in a minute now go sit down or I'm going drink it all myself." I yelled jokingly. ''You wouldn't!!" He yelled back. "Oh, SHE WOULD!" Brooke said laughing. "Guys for real, we need to take these milkshakes to the couch and atleast start starwars!" I protested. "Finee! As long as I get one!" Niall said. We all went to the couch and Liam put in the first star wars. Brooke made it through the first 30 minutes then crashed. At least, that's what the boys thought. As her best friend... I can tell when she's faking. And now was one of those thimes when she was .

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I was somewhat enjoying starwars. I was completely into the movie till I felt Brooke's head hit my shoulder. She had her legs across my lap. She had fallen asleep on my shoulder. What a sight she was. The angle she was at gave me a perfect view of her face. The light from the TV was dancing on her features. Her skin was flawless. "Hey guys, I think I'm going to carry this one to bed. She's out." I got a bunch of mumbled mkays in responce. I picked her up, she wrapped her arms around me and I carried her toher bed room. When I walked in the room she opened her eyes a giggled. "I wasn't really asleep." She said still giggling. I set her down he on the bed and laid down nest to her. "Now, where were we?" I asked. Smoothe Harry. ''Hmm, I think it went a little something like this." She grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me towards her. Our lips almost touching. "Now what happens?" She asked. "This." I leaned in and kissed her. It was the best damn kiss I've ever had. Her lips were so soft.

*Brooke's P.O.V.*

I felt his tongue on the edge of my lips. I opend my mouth and did the same. The feeling on his tongue on mine sent shivers down my spine. He was a great kisser. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he figerously moved his hands up and down my back. his was really happening to me. Me and Harry Styles were making out. In a bed. And I could tell he liked it too. This is the best day of my life. I pulled away. ''Harry, is this gonna happen often?" I asked. "I hope so." He replied winking at me. He kissed me again then got up. I grabbed his hand. "Will you sleep with me tonight?" I asked "Of course." He said as he laaied back down next to me taking my hand and holding it against his chest. He was so handsom! His curly brown hair flopped down infront of his face amd his gorgeous green eyes stairing back at me. I just made out with the same guy whose posters I used to kiss every night. This is going to be a GREAT summer

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