Tevun-Krus #62 - Best of 2018

By Ooorah

1K 198 119

Your favourite TK regulars are back for this year's always-exciting Best Of issue! Take a look at the sub-gen... More

Type 2 Civilization - @JeffreyVonHauger - Final Contact
Overture - @elveloy - Space Opera
Captain Ahab's Lonely Hearts Club Band - @krazydiamond - OceanPunk
The Girl and the Devil - @angerbda - SpacePunk
The Art of War-Mart - @MadMikeMarsbergen - Military SF
The Tow Job - @jinnis - First Contact
Games for a Lost Bone Goddess - @Holly_Gonzalez - BonePunk
Wattpad Is Dead - @MadMikeMarsbergen - Anti-Hero SF
Closing Time

Watt's Inside...

93 15 9
By Ooorah

1. Type 2 Civilization - A Final Contact short by the always-appreciated JeffreyVonHauger. Keep them coming, bud!

2. Overture - A Space Opera short by the legendary elveloy, one of the longest-serving regulars still around!

3. Soulspore - A Colonisation short by the mad MadMikeMarsbergen, because he really wanted this issue to have a story for every tackled sub-genre!

4. Captain Ahab's Lonely Hearts Club Band - An OceanPunk short by the fuckin' krazy krazydiamond. That title gets my attention aroused!

5. The Girl and the Devil - A SpacePunk short by the talented angerbda. Let's see what they've done next!

6. The Art of War-Mart - A Military SF short by the still-mad MadMikeMarsbergen, because somebody went back on their word and left us in a lurch!

7. The Tow Job - A First Contact short by the genius jinnis. Show them some love!

8. Games for a Lost Bone Goddess - A BonePunk short by the fabulous Holly_Gonzalez. We're glad to have her back!

9. Wattpad Is Dead - An Anti-Hero SF short by the ever-mad MadMikeMarsbergen. This was the one he was supposed to write!

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