The Trinity

By Joeysiy

76 0 0

A novella set in the near future about a small device which can recall faded memories and dreams that the use... More

Part Two.
Part Three.
Part Four.
Part Five.

Part One.

35 0 0
By Joeysiy

Trains. I hate them. The click-clack of everything just makes me feel sick. That stale smell that everyone has to live with, that one individual in the corner who looks up from their paper every two seconds, glaring at everyone. The antisocialism of it all, everyone's buried in a book or texting on their phones. Don't even get me started on the noise... especially if there's a baby screaming in a stroller and the mother does nothing to stop them. That chewing sound, too faint to make a difference, but still noticeable. Ugh, trains. Can't stand them.

Getting on to one from Luton station is probably the worst bit. Luton's always been a rough area, no matter where you are. However, it's the closest station around, so I didn't really have a choice. I could have driven, I suppose, but that would have been a lot more effort. Plus the rain makes the roads slippery. Oh yeah, the rain. Forgot about that. I am just sitting there, slumping in my squeaky seat, just staring at the droplets trickle down the window in diagonal movements. About 45 degrees or so to the right. That'd be the speed of the train, of course. I listen closely as I hear the pitter patter of it just gently hitting the glass, almost like typing on a keyboard. Always there, but never loud.

The whole experience is just a nightmare. I could hear a couple just giggling away at each other, laughing at the poorest of jokes, and then almost clinging on to each other, without any concern about the people next to them, like that poor guy sitting opposite them, trying to read his book. I frown, sigh a little then look back at the window. The droplets were still there. No sign of a change whatsoever. It's almost as if they're having a race, which one can get to the bottom of the window first.

I continue to hear the couple just getting louder and louder, no consideration at all. I try and block them out but it's no use. Theres something about that laugh, almost sounds familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I don't know how to react, if I should say something, or do something; it didn't matter anyway, I could see them gathering up their items and were about to leave the train, when something on the wall catches their eye. The male signals the female to come and look at it, which brings my attention as well. It is simply a little print on the wall of the train, advertising some sort of device called a Trinity. I have no clue what it does or how it had got on the wall, but it resembles nothing like anything I've seen before. It's a small box, about the size of something you'd put in your palm, with a deformed oval with a hole in the middle. Sticking out the bottom is a little light, and a few buttons were placed right on the centre of it. A bit further up from the device appears to be a little screen, coming out of what looks like a crocodile clip used in circuitry, with a wire from that going into the screen. I don't say anything about it, I just try to read it. The couple eventually lose interest and finally get off the train. I go over to it and have a closer inspection.

The advert said that despite having radiology implemented into the Trinity, it gives the user an ability to recall a memory such as a dream in full detail, or something that they'd forgotten about, but remembered forgetting, which would then display itself onto the screen. Simply at the push of a button, they can relive something again and again. Thinking about the device, I pace back over to my own seat. Just as I'm about to gather my thoughts, a loudspeaker interrupts me. "The next station is St Pancras station. This train terminates at Brighton." With that I sit back down, watching the rain fall down the window again.

After a good half an hour, I feel the train finally stopping at the right station. Fatigue already kicking in, I gather my few belongings, leaving the train as quickly as I can. I step over the gap onto the platform, watching the other commuters step off too, just like I had. After a while, the doors close, and the train departs once again.

Then the device comes into my head again. I don't want to think about it much, I had to concentrate on getting out of the station. Busy as always. Never any change in London, it's similar to the trains, actually. Pollution, the lack of socialism amongst people, the loud noises, the annoyance.. I just don't know how people deal with it in the end. I refocus myself, heading over to a the ticket machines. A large clock hung above too, reading quarter to one in the afternoon. I don't really know if I'm hungry, I want to get my main task done first. Once the machine 'eats' my ticket, I walk through, the gates instantly closing behind me. I felt a bit like an animal, just being herded from one gate to another. I guess airports are always worse though. Always so cramped and the lines just take too long. Oh yes, the bit of paper in my pocket. I take it out, stepping out of the way of the main flow of people. It reads:

..once you've stepped off the train, get a taxi to head to Kew Gardens. There you will find me. I'll probably be at one of the food stalls, if not, one of the shops. Try and be there soon, Joe, don't keep me waiting. - Lou xxx

"And she even put three kisses at the end. She's so sweet.." I say to myself, smiling a little, folding the paper neatly back into my pocket and burying it deep inside my trousers. I step out of the open station to be greeted by the welcoming air of London. As I'd noticed before, it's polluted and stale. Brilliant. Now to find a taxi. I still have around ten minutes until lunch, surely I can nab a bite to eat? Hesitating between choices, I eventually decide to head off to the closest shop near me: a conveniently placed M&S. There I pick up a small cheese sandwich and a 250ml bottle of water too. This should keep me going until I get to the gardens, hopefully. As I walk up to the counter, a large, very tall, ferocious woman who towers over everyone stares right back at me with beady eyes. "J-Just these two, please.." I say, stammering a little."Cost are on them boxes, I ain't doin' your countin', don't come complainin' to me that I don't do nuffink eiver." she replied in a gruff voice. Her hair appears to be greasy, as there are many shades of glimmery brown throughout it, her face looks like it's been stretched and then reformed, in an almost naturally aggressive appearance. Distracted and looking frantic, I check the prices on the sandwich and the bottle without hesitation, not at all wanting to reckon with this woman.

The water is £1.20 and the sandwich is £1.50, so I tell her that the total price is £2.70, getting out of there as quickly as possible, darting out the shop like a bullet. I end up walking straight out onto the pavement, looking around for a taxi. "Wouldn't it be easier to get a bus?" I say to myself, suddenly realising that I have no common knowledge of London's locations. I've been plenty of times during my childhood, but never travelled alone. I always try to avoid the busy streets, as I'm extremely paranoid after the last visit I had to the West End where I got pickpocketed after having to hear an extremely irritating laugh for two hours straight. I smile to myself a little, remembering Louise's reaction when I told her what the sorry excuse for a laugh sounded like four years ago. Thats the reason I came to London at all, to see her again. I watch as a bus goes past, seeing a massive advertisement for the Trinity device again imprinted all over the bus's broadside. The thoughts on the train come back to me again, like the couple and seeing the much smaller advertisement too. Their weird, familiar laugh, when they were giggling.. where did I know that from? I blank for a few moments, realising that theres a man shouting: "Oi! You want a ride or not?" A black taxi had pulled up right next to me, very conveniently. "Oh, sorry! Yes please, I'd love one!" I call back through his open window. I quickly open the door and climb into the back, shutting the door again and putting my seatbelt on.

The taxi is already driving off as soon as I finish putting on my seatbelt. "So where to then, mate?" the driver says to me. "Oh, Kew Gardens if you please," I reply, still thinking deeply again about the Trinity and the giggling couple back on the train. "I believe that is only a couple o' miles from 'ere, so that'll be around.. er.." he pauses, thinking a little, "20 odd quid" he says in the end, sliding back the hind window after finishing the conversation with me, just as I give him a little thumbs up. London taxis were never cheap, but they always had style and definitely comfort, without a doubt.

After a while of sitting to my own thoughts and staring out at the rain again, I pull out Lou's note once more, re-reading it. Just as I do, the driver slides open the window again, with a curious look on his face. "What's that then, eh?" he says, still focused on the road. "Oh.. nothing much.. just some directions from my friend, that's all."

"Directions, eh? What you doin' then?" "Just going round Kew Gardens with her, really, maybe get a coffee.. I dunno.."

I shrug, leaning back into my seat. "Eyyy, she special to you then..? Best make it last, and don't let the rain bother you two." I go red in the face at that last comment, I haven't really told many people about her to be honest. But of course, Louise has always been special to me. It's only now when I've realised it more than I ever have before.

The taxi finally stops on a little street just outside the Gardens. He smiles at me, as I give him the twenty pounds, just as he said. "Don't forget to have fun, alright, mate? 'Ave a good one." With that, as soon as I'm out the car, he drives off. Then I remember the mini lunch I bought, is it still in the car?! I quickly run up to the it, luckily it had just stopped at a traffic light close by. The taxi stops, wondering what I'm doing. I come up to his window, tapping it and signalling him to let it down. He does so, replying with a "What is it now, eh?" I don't stop, opening the door and yanking my lunch from the seat, stuffing it into my rucksack. "Sorry!" I shout as I close the door, the taxi driving off twice now in a time period of ten seconds. The rain's picked up a bit as I'm walking down to the entrance of the Gardens, a large hedge on my right and the traffic on my left. "Trust Louise to choose a rotten day like today," I smile to myself, sloshing through the wet puddles in the pavement. I can feel the water seeping through my trainers, similar to how rain drenches any of your clothes at all. On the road to my left, the vehicle's fog lights are reflecting off the water, making it look all shiny and sparkly. I remember how it resembled the cashier's hair back in M&S, all manky and greasy, shiny and.. well, glossy! Shuddering and trying to shake that thought out my head, I finally reach the entrance, taking a deep breath and walking through.

Well, I should say into the Gardens, as it still technically is outside. "..Either at the food stalls, or one of the shops.." I repeat from Lou's letter, looking around for where she could be. There are trees everywhere, lots of dense vegetation, all reflecting a gleam from their leaves because of the downpour. I look again to the left to see where all the stalls and shops are, small lights outside. A few of them have tables and chairs outside them, there isn't a single person sitting at them. It isn't very difficult to look around for a figure in empty shops and stalls probably drinking coffee - or knowing Louise at 19 years old, probably an alcohol of some sort. I grin at the thought of her getting absolutely hammered, which is just when I see her sitting inside, hey, guess what, at a coffee stall! She's the only one in there, on her phone and occasionally having a sip of her drink every now and again. Her hair must have been messed up by the rain, but her glistening, brilliant blue eyes are sparkling at the reflection of the dim lights in the stall, almost like she's showing her own feelings and emotions just through her eyes. She has a neutral face, but her pretty appearance almost seems like it's glowing as she flicks through her phone. As always, of course. Her rosy cheeks are probably a little red from the cold, as she has a jacket on too, along with a long neck scarf which suits her very well. Despite Lou's hair being flattened from the rain, she has it up in a neat little pony tail right at the top, just the way she likes it, but some of it is flowing down right past her shoulders too. She starts giggling when she sees something on her phone, Louise's irresistible laugh lightening up my mood already.

I am just about to come over, when in the corner of her eye, she sees me, literally jumps out of her seat and runs into my arms, jumping on top of me almost. Her legs are instantly around my waist, her face is almost next to mine as she cuddles me as tightly as she can. Of course I am surprised at first, but I hug her back just as tightly, our foreheads touching against each other. "You said you'd be quick, Joe! I've been waiting here forever!" She starts to giggle as I laugh along with her, my sides hurting already. "I really missed you, you know.." I proclaim, and I can't help but smile. "Well, in that case come over here and show me how much you've missed me then!" and with that, she instantly presses her lips onto mine, closing her eyes, and all I can do is go along with it. We just stood there with her literally wrapped around me in a coffee shop. I couldn't have put it better any other way. Louise is literally an outstanding person. Her fuzzy lips and lets say, curious.. tongue were just simply amazing, and it saddened me a little to eventually have to pull apart for some air. I felt a little dizzy, my head spinning in delight and shock. "How was that then, hmm?" She said, as I re-gathered my senses. "A-astounding.." I stagger to say still in utter shock. The one guy at the counter is literally watching in amazement at how sweet that all was, as that just so happens to be literally one of the best experiences in my life so far. Other than meeting her, of course.

After we settle down, order a few more drinks, when I say drinks for me, I literally mean tap waters, I tell Lou about my trip and a little about the Trinity too. She says she's seen it around as well, and might be thinking of getting one just to try it out. "I mean, how much do you think the things cost, huh? They must be at least hundreds, to be able to comprehend and then project an image from simply a chemical reaction in your brain seems impossible!" I say to her. "Well, if that's the case, and we do happen to get one, there's no way we're going to damage it. Because it's probably going to be an extremely expensive repair and I've heard that each one is kinda different too." Louise then remarks. "How do you mean, Lou..?" I say, a little confused. "Well, basically, the Trinity's are all unique. Each one shows a slightly different representation of the memory or dream. They'll probably be only minor details, but as you know, any difference could be important. Each one will have to be tailor made to the person's own head, to suit their brain patterns and to make sure they get as much right as possible. For example, if one were made for someone with a high level of intelligence, like me of course," I shove her arm playfully at that one and we both start laughing "..then for someone who's not as smart, like you, duhhhh" I stick my middle finger up at her as a joke, laughing even harder ".. then the configurations may be different!" I think for a bit, realising that each one almost has its own 'personality' in a way that is suited for one person only "I think that makes sense. But how did you find all that out?" I say, in a questioning tone "Ever heard of the Internet, smartarse?" she pushes my arm this time and we both start giggling again, until we finally pull ourselves back together.

"You know, Louise, something weird that happened on the train, was that there was this couple I told you about, right?" She just nods, urging me to continue "So, basically, they were messing around like we are now, all fun and games, but just before they looked at the advert of the Trinity, on the train, I had a really weird.. memory trigger almost!" I exclaim. Louise looks at me, telling me to keep going. She tilts her head as to say she is listening carefully. "So this laugh, right... it was weird.. I felt like I.. recognised it from somewhere. I can't really say what or how, but there you go.." I suddenly remember the whole conversation, the Trinity helps you remember a forgotten memory. And also my lunch too that I still haven't eaten. So in that case, I pull out the sandwich, and I can already see Louise eyeing it very carefully. "So what if I used the Trinity to find out what that was all about?" She's lost focus, just aimed at my cheese sandwich now. "Oh you are typical, aren't you.." I smirk and start laughing again, throwing her a sandwich like you'd throw one to a seagull. "There you go you greedy git.." I snigger again, as she leans across the table to say "Thanks, stupid" and with that, she gives me a little kiss on the cheek, going a little red in the face. Me on the other hand, a victim of surprise again, go bright red, her soft lips felt like silk on my cheek, which makes it even more surprising.

"Shall we get out of here, then?" Lou says, finishing off her coffee. "How you drink that stuff I do not know, Louise.. it's revolting.." I start gagging on purpose making puking noises which makes us laugh uncontrollably again. "Y-yeah.. I'd love to head somewhere.." I'm still sniggering even now. "Come on then, you.." Lou says, still smiling. She takes my hand as I grab my bag and we take off out of the coffee shop into the rain again. "It's still raining Louuuuu I hate ittttt" I whine, being that annoying little kid again. "Well deal with it, Joe, it's England, London. What did you expect?! You know we have at least 60 different ways of saying it's raining??" She giggles again, resting her head on my shoulder. I wrap an arm around her shoulder as we walk down the path in the rain, pulling her closer to me. Despite the rain and the cold, I can still feel Louise's body heat emitting onto me, making me feel much more relaxed in general. We walk straight out the gate of Kew Gardens, out onto the pavement. "So what now, hmm?" I say curiously, expecting Louise to just happen to know everything all the time. "Oh don't ask me, I thought it was you taking me out after all!" she exclaimed, in her cunning, serpent-like manner. It always worked on me. Clever girl.

"Oh, did you like MY cheese sandwich then, hmm, Lou?" I say with a snigger, pressing my cheek onto her head gently as we walk down the street with my arm wrapped tightly around her shoulder. "You know, Louise, nothing can ruin this moment, I'm so happy because of you.." I smile at her, kissing the top her head lightly. Just then, a speeding car comes straight down the road, driving fast into a large puddle at the side filled with not only water but mud too, splashing us even more if we could get any more drenched. "Aw.. seriously?! That wasn't fair at all.." Louise yells out to nobody in particular, as I try and make an effort to clean some of the mud of her jacket and scarf. "You alright..?" I say lightly to her, still a bit agitated from the poor driving. "Yeah.. don't worry, Joe, I'll be fine.. it's just people who are so inconsiderate makes me so annoyed!!" she exclaims, as I try and cuddle her that little more to try and calm her down a bit. "Ugh, some people are just the worst.. ah well, at least we're still together though, right?" I look into her eyes, smiling deeply at her. "Do you want to go into that café for a bit until the rain dies down, Joe?" she suggests to me. "That's a great idea, lets go." I take her hand, interlocking my fingers into hers, running towards the café.

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