Book of Fates ✔

By Daktalion

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✨7x AWARDS WINNING + 8x FEATURED✨ ❝There is a dream, and there is a nightmare. Which one of yours will come t... More

✨ Read Me ✨
| Blurb |
Prologue. Fall awake
A mystery
The whole world is a theatre
A daitya
The parcel
Uninvited guests
Fire and Earth
Good night
What eternal snows unravel
Swords and grumblers
The legend of chaos
Decisions are made
Her cris de coeur
Before we leave
Show time
A crypt
Celestial eyes
A guide
Manco Capac
Back into the past
An astral trip
A great Pachacuti
[Hilarious news]
The path
The city
The darkness
At last
Shall they meet
No way back
The last chance

The journey begins

397 42 46
By Daktalion

The skies in the room were yet merged in the haze of dawn when Anya opened her eyes. The dizzying heights bewildered, and startled, and stupefied her. A few moments had passed before she grasped the reality and remembered all it was just the bizarre interior of Kelas. The slumber left her limbs instantly.

Wait... I'll be late!

After brushing her teeth and dressing up simultaneously, Anya slung the backpack over her shoulder, and hurried out of her room, along the hallway and down the stairs. Nikk's crystal gift was now hanging from her neck, and she quickly hid it under her top, taking the stairs two at a time. If Daphne saw the pendant, there'd be another tirade about 'the earthling's uselessness'.

Whatevs, I won't retreat.

For the first time in her life, Anya felt like she was finally going the right direction, like she had finally found the missing piece of her soul, her very existence, like she had a chance to prove herself worthy of something-and not just something, but everything! Excitement kindled Anya's heart.

When she descended the broad steps to the main hall, it was still early, but the daitias were all there and ready to set off. Eirney wasn't late even; he was packing his bag, jabbering to Klliss and Naaek.

Not far from them, Daphne talked to her ominous friends. For a fraction of a second, Anya's gaze met that of Daphne's. The daitian winced as if was doused with a bucket of icy cold water, and averted her eyes quickly, her expression sulky and irritated.

I wasn't going to say hello anyway, Anya thought and started toward Nikk, who stood aloof, leaning against the wall, lost in thoughts. I'd better-

"Are you ready for some heroic deeds?" Radiating with enthusiasm, Amarillis hopped in Anya's way.

"Um... I guess so," Anya nodded slowly, watching Rill's swift fingers running through her pink hair, plaiting it into a braid. "Wasn't your hair green yesterday?"

"Yep," Rill jerked her chin up, proud. "A new adventure's calling for a new me! Do you like it?"

Suppressing laughter bubbling up her throat, Anya gave a shrug. "You're amazing." Rill's outfit was as crazy as always-rainbow colored leggings, a strappy top and a fringe vest -the spirit of adventure in flesh and blood.

"I knew you'd like it!" A full smile blossomed on Amarillis's face. She opened her mouth to say something, but Klliss interrupted her as he approached.

"Here," he handed Anya a passport.

Anya looked at the document, and then raised her eyes to Klliss in confusion. It was her photo there, no doubts, but the name and the signature suggested different. "It's fake?"

Klliss chuckled, amusement sparked in his eyes. "Technically yes, practically no one will ever see the difference."

"Why to change my name?" Anya glanced at her passport once again. She was Anne Elliot now.

"Your real identity can draw unwanted attention.Klli Do you think Nikk is actually Nikk? Or," Klliss pointed at Daphne, "Daph's ID says Daphne From-Another-Planet Aurion?"

Hearing her name, Daphne glared at him. "I asked you not call me Daph anymore."

Klliss's shoulders stiffed. "You ask for too much sometimes," he replied without looking at her.

Astarta appeared in one of the archways, and the others abruptly grew quiet. The chief eyed everyone as she walked over to the center of the hall, her gray hair shimmering in the fluorescent lights.

"I am glad to see all the members of the mission here," Asta began in her permanently impassive voice. "We've been tarrying on Earth too long, seeking out for the means to prevail in the war. The people of Sutāla expect us to succeed, thus we have no right to let them down. Once we find The Book of Fates..."

"My name's actually Nikk." Anya flinched as she suddenly heard him whisper in her ear. When did he cross the entire hall? Surprised, she turned her head and found her eyes less than an inch from Nikk's. He gave her a sly grin, "It's just a short version that I prefer."

Anya swallowed, watching his lips move so close from hers. Why do his lips bother me at all? She cast the thought aside. "And what's your full name then?" she queried.

Nikk's forehead furrowed for a split second, then he stared off, straightening. "Doesn't matter, I don't like my full name. Besides, not everybody can pronounce it properly, so..." he made a dismissive gesture. "What's the point of knowing it?"

"...And as we always say back home: may your path be light and clear," Astarta continued, clasping her hands together. "And may the fortune of the stars watch over us all."

"May the fortune of the stars watch over us all," the daitias around Anya repeated in unison.

After the pep talk, the chief ushered them outside, through the same passage Anya, Nikk and Daphne had come into Kelas not so long ago.

"Good luck!.." Klliss's voice faded, and the noise of the headquarters dissolved, replaced with the sound of echoing footsteps.

To Anya's astonishment, the passage was no longer plunged into pitch black darkness as before. It was still dim, yet illuminated enough for her to see the polished stone floor and the walls arching high overhead. On her right, Anya saw a line of strange glyph carved into the rock at eye level. The marks seemed to be glowing from the inside, stretching from the beginning to the very end of the corridor.

"What are those?" Anya asked Nikk, who was strolling beside her.

Glancing at the glyphs, Nikk shrugged. "Our alarm system. A sort of electric field that creates an illusion of sheer murk when you enter."

"I've never heard of such a thing."

Eirney chortled behind them. "No offence, but humans are unaware of many fancy technologies."

Nikk brushed his hair from his forehead and went on, taking no notice of Eirn's comment. "Once, some bold researchers were wandering around the mountains nearby and found the entrance to Kelas. The trick is if you step in, you turn blind. Even if you look back outside, you'll see nothing-no sky, no snow, not a glimmer of the sun. All just black, black, black. Pretty depressing, I imagine." He traced his finger along the line of symbols, chewing on his bottom lip. "So, as that man lost his ability to see anything, he screamed and shouted in pure terror..."

"As though being eaten alive," Eirn prompted, tittering.

"...His colleagues, standing a few yards away, gaped at him, shocked. But once they walked into the tunnel, they found themselves sightless, too. And guess what? A minute later, they bolted out, yelling something about 'a God-forsaken place'." Nikk's shoulder's rose and fell as a short laugh escaped him, "They never returned."

Erin made a throaty chucklesome noise again, "It was hilarious to watch the cameras, to see respectful scientists pray and swear and grow superstitious so quickly."

"And beside the dark part, we have no doors," Nikk added. "Regardless, no one desired to visit us so far."

Astarta stopped by the end of the passage, her sturdy figure maliciously gloomy against the whiteness of the snow. The frosty air filled Anya's lungs, tousling her hair and stinging her cheeks as she and the other daitias walked out of the passage.

"Keep in touch. If something unexpected comes up," Asta gave Daphne a meaning look, "return immediately. Take no actions on your own. Understood?"

"Yes," Daphne muttered, scowling.

"Good. And be careful." For the first time, Anya saw a flicker of life in Astarta's eyes, concern and affection in her gaze. "The war may make us stout, but not heartless. I'll be worrying about you."

"Uh!" Rill sighed, hutching forward and folding the chief in her arms. "I hate goodbyes." A second later she stepped back, her eyes brimming with tears. "Let's go, let's go before I begin to cry!"

Without another word, Astarta bobbed her head in a nod, stepped back into the corridor and receded from the view.

Eirney extended his arm, holding a big cerulean crystal in his hand. "Hold on. The airport of Rio de Janeiro is waiting."

One by one, the daitias placed their hands on the adri, and Anya hurried to follow. "Aren't we going to Peru?" she asked, puzzled. "Why Rio de-"

The question caught in her throat, as the sky and the ground reversed themselves, the border between them effaced itself. A glint of blue light flashed before Anya's eyes. Like the previous time, it all happened so fast she hardly had time to think.

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