
By AshleyRenee221b

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Every world, realm and race of life knows what war is. They know pain, loss, regret and hope. Some live the... More

Part 1
Part 3

Part 2

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By AshleyRenee221b

Chapter 11

Walking a short way down the hall, a door appeared in the wall, Eric opened the door and stood aside to allow everyone to walk in the room. Eric shut the door and turned to the group, everyone was sitting down in chairs and on couches. Thad and Jasmine sat together opposite the group. Eric walked over and sat in the only chair left. "Weber, my guess is you want to go first."

Tony nodded and looked at the couple across from him. "I honestly can say this is one thing I thought I would never see but here it is. So Thad I will say I was surprised about what you said back there and I thank you for standing up for Jasmine. I am not won over on the idea of you marrying her yet but she is sure of this so I will trust her. I know you and I have not gotten along, I hope we can be friends."

Rachel cut in, "I just don't want you to hurt her, I will admit that I was shocked by your attitude today. I will be watching you and if you hurt her, I will kill you."

"Rachel!" Jasmine gasped as Thad laughed.

"No Jasmine. It is okay, I expect them to be protective toward you. If they weren't, I wouldn't envy them." Thad said without embarrassment, he looked over at Jasmine then back at the group, "I know I have no right to ask for forgiveness and all I can do is show you that I won't hurt her, that I want to be with her. I know that I have a lot to make up for and I am ready for that. I understand that I will be watched in everything I do, I just want a chance."

Tony and Rachel looked stunned, Jasmine smiled and relaxed against him. tony laughed. "Wow, I didn't think it was possible. I will give you a chance Drake. I can't say I forgive you for what you did to her but as for me I don't hold it against you. I won't comment on you being envious."

Wanda smiled softly. "I won't hate you forever but I am not forgiving you just yet. All I ask is make her happy."

Thad nodded, "Thank you Rachel, Wanda and Tony. Does anyone else have an input?" he looked around at thee rest of the group. Jacob and Victor looked at each other and nodded.

"It is actually for both of you, Jasmine your parent, the ones whose memory you erased, did you know the truth?" Victor asked, looking at her. Everyone looked confused as they saw Jasmine tense up.

"I didn't at first but when I got older, Goldgrimm asked me to do a report on my family tree. I didn't understand why but I did it anyways, for the first two weeks I couldn't find anything, then I found the papers. I couldn't believe, it broke my heart but I still loved them. How do you know?"

Victor sighed and rubbed his hands together, "Because I have always known. I know the truth and it is time that you did too."

"What? What is going on? What are you talking about?" Tony demanded suddenly unable to stand the uncomfortable silence. Jasmine looked at him and knew she had to say it.

"I was adopted. My parents aren't my real parents." She whispered and everyone stared at her.

"It wasn't her fault, it is mine." Jacob yelled at them, she looked confused. "Your mother was murdered by Chloe because of your father, he couldn't protect you of her. He failed you both, when he refused to give up his best friend. He wanted to hurt the person that betrayed both him and his best friend but could not find them. He went into hiding until he was found out, scared out of his mind he went back to Tomnus, to be a spy for the Department. When the war ended he went to Daraton and is still there today. He knew he still could not tell you the truth because Goldgrimm had told him it was not safe. To wait until all the followers were captured. He didn't want to ruin you life by telling you the truth, he was sure you would hate him because he failed you." he turned to look at her, "because he unknowingly betrayed Casey Weber and couldn't fix it."

Victor patted his friends back and looked at Jasmine. "Jacob, Casey and I didn't think you were in danger because no one was after you. Chloe went after your mother and you to hurt him for not telling Tomnus where Casey was. He hates himself for not being there, he can't bring himself to forgive himself."

Jasmine sat there, looking at men who knew her father. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Damion? Damion is my father? All this time you knew and couldn't tell me, bloody hell. WHat you must have felt knowing but couldn't tell me." Thad mudged her off the couch and her feet carried her the rest of the way. She knelt in front of them, waited for them to look at her and smiled, "Well I know now and we can start over from here. Chloe is crazy and she'll get hers in the end, so let's get over the past and move on."

Jacob smiled at her and nodded, "I would like that very much, and I just don't know what to do or how to act. Your his only child and we didn't even know or let him explain. I am so sorry."

She laughed, "We will work it out. So let's start from here." She stood up, hugged him and walked back to Thad. He looked at Jacob and sighed.

"So if I hurt her, I'm going to die right?" he asked, placing his arm around her shoulder as she sat down.

"That sounds about right, boy. So watch it." Jacob growled at him, then Victorand he looked at each other and smiled, "I mean her godfather is a werewolf and her uncle is a giant dog with sharp teeth. So I mean if you want to try it, you can."

He laughed, "No I think I am good right here." he lend back on the couch and pulled her down to lay against him, "So how do we handle this? Everyone thinks she is a hybrid, it will be weird to hear otherwise. Her and I are both Advance students, we spend quite a bit of our time together anyways btu no one will believe this is a real marriage if something doesn't happen. I would just start hanging out with her and kissing her but I really don't think people will believe that."

Tony nodded, "We have to come up with something or everyone will think Jasmine is pregnant. So any ideas?"

"I am sure it will come up eventually. I mean everyone knows about the fights today and what Drake did the other morning. So seeing the two of you together won't cause to much problems but someone will eventually say something to Thad about being with a hybrid and he will flip out, no offence." Bella said.

"None taken, it is the truth. Someone will say something eventually, so maybe we should figure a way to make it real and tell everyone the truth without raising any suspicion. So what are we going to say?" Thad wondered.

"How about we tell somewhat of the truth? Like we kept my true identity a secret to keep me out of the eyes of the press, because my father was falsely accused of murder. I, for one, have never heard that he had a wife or child, by the way?" Jasmine spoke.

"They married in secret because they didn't want everyone to know so that no one could hurt them or kidnap you, her name was Melissa Jean. When he was arrested, they thought they had an open and shut case. He didn't get a trial of even a chance to tell his side." Jacob stood to his feet.

Jasmine looked enraged, "That is not only stupid, it is unethical. That is how we do it, we tell the truth and everyone will focus on the Department, not us." She smiled softly, looking at her uncle.

He was so proud of her, "I think it will work, so how are we going to get it out?"

Tony and Rachel laughed, "Jasmine, in our first year, caught and blackmail that reporter, Dori Pickler. I think she can get it out, what do you say Jasmine?"

She blushed lightly as everyone looked at her shocked. "I didn't have a choice, she would have outed everyone, including Jacob. Although they are right, I can tell her and get her to run the story. First, I want to get some rest and I think we should all get some.

Chapter 12

The next week newspapers and letter appeared at breakfast and everyone got a paper with Dori Pickler's new story on the front page. Jasmine was sitting at the far table with her friend. Wanda smiled and showed everyone that her father had printed the story as well in The Joker's handbook. They all smiled, laughing to themselves. Another letter appeared in front of Jasmine, she looked confused but opened the letter, on the back was For your eyes only. She frowned at it for a moment then stuffed it in her pocket. Tony looked at her but she shook her head. She ate her breakfast and excused herself. "I will meet you guys after your sparring practice, okay."

Tony nodded but after she walked away, he turned to Jacob. "I have to go to practice, can someone keep an eye on Jasmine. She got a letter today she isn't talking about."

Jacob nodded and headed off to find her, he caught up with her right as she walked into the room of possible. He thought about going in after her but before he could make up his mind, Victor showed up. "Where did she go?" he pointed to the wall and Victor nodded, "What do you think is in the letter?" Jacob shrugged, sitting down to wait for her. Victor shrugged as he sat down beside him.

On the other side of the wall, Jasmine sat on a big green couch in front of a fireplace, it looked like she was in someone's living room. She pulled out the letter and opened it.

Jasmine, you are treading on dangerous grounds. Leave Damion where he is or more then his life will be at stake. Don't dig up the past, it will bring more pain then you can imagine. Do you want to break Tony now, after all he has been through and now he can have a normal life. Get you father out of Daraton if you must but leave the past in the past. For if I am found, I will destroy you and all that you love. Sincerely yours, Your New Shadow.

She sat there reading the letter a second time, setting it on the table she got up and began to pace. She didn't understand, leave the past in the past, what could that possibly mean? Bring more pain then I can imagine, is that possible? It could brake Tony but that would mean it has something to do with the murder of his parents. Leave the past in the past, I don't get it. Think Jasmine, come on what could that mean... unless the letter came from the person who betrayed Casey and Sophie Weber. But how could they know about the article, it just came out today and letter looked like it was written days ago. Dori was just informed last week. Dori must have talked to the real murderer, Jasmine had to find out but the letter said it was from her new shadow. She was going to have be careful, for this person had to be in Darvoca right? So maybe if she stole Tony's map that he and Fred made in third year so she could see if anyone is following her. She had to do it without Tony knowing but she could do it on her own, she also knew she couldn't watch her own back. She had learned that the hard way once and wasn't taking the risk again.

She sat down on the couch, rested her head against the back of it. Staring up at the ceiling, she drifted to sleep. "Maybe I should tell them anyways? We always find a way to handle everything together." She fell asleep, unaware of the Professors sitting outside.

After Tony, Rachel and Thad finished their sparring, they headed inside to find Jasmine, picking up Wanda on the way. Instead of finding her, they found their Dean and favorite Professor sleeping against a wall in the hallway. Tony laughed, waking up the sleeping men, "Forget your passwords?"

"No, we were waiting on Jasmine to come out of the room of possible. If you're done with sparring then she been in there a long time." Victor answered.

"Three hours, to be exact." Jacob said getting to his feet, walking to the wall he hoped she was okay. "What could possibly keep her in there that long?"

Thad, Tony and Wanda walked up to him. "I'm going to find Toby and I will be back." Rachel called walking down the hall. The others waited for the door to appear, slowly they opened it and found Jasmine floating mid air above the couch. Wanda screamed as Thad and Tony ran to her. Victor shut the door as Jacob walked around to make sure they were alone.

"Victor, what happened to her?" Jacob asked, walking over to them. They all looked up at Jasmine. "She looks peaceful, is it a spell?"

Victor moved forward, "I don't know, I think we need to get Tepes."

As if he heard his name, Tepes opened the door with Rachel and Toby behind him. "Bloody hell, is she okay Professor?"

"Shut the door, LaFlor." Tepes ordered as he walked over to him, Rachel sat in the chair looking up at her friend. "She is not in pain, boys. She is reacting to some sort of fear, it is an effect of her torture. It happens in some witches and wizards after they went through extreme torture. Something happened today to make her afraid, any ideas?"

"The letter." Tony said as everyone looked at him, he picked it up off the table. He kept it close, knowing Jasmine would tell them if they needed to know. "She received it breakfast this morning, it is why I asked Jacob to keep an eye on her. It said for her eyes only."

Tepes looked up at her, he reached up but stopped short of her. "Someone who cares for her, loves her the most in this room must wake her." he looked to them, Tony shook his head.

"I care for her but she is like my sister, it is not me." Tony said, Eric was about to argue with him but Thad walked between them.

"Bloody hell, there really are no secrets in this group." he reached up and grabbed her hand, she opened her eyes and gasped as she fell. He caught her in his arms and gently sat down on the couch. "Are you okay?"

Jasmine looked around at her friends the back to him, she nodded. "I just needed to think, then I couldn't keep my eyes open. I was so tired, was I floating?" Thad nodded, she laughed. "Man that must have looked weird."

"It was brought on because something made you afraid, anything you want to tell us?" Eric pointed to the letter that Tony held. She squeaked, jumped up and grabbed the letter, walking away from them.

"Did you read it?" she asked,sighing in relief as he shook his head. She held out her hand, "Your map, I need it."

Tony looked confused but handed it over, she opened and saw no one outside the room. "Jasmine?"

She looked up at him. "The letter says, you are treading on dangerous grounds. Leave Damion where he is or more the his life will be at stake. Don't dig up the past, it will bring more pain then you can imagine. Do you want to brake Tony now, after all he has been through and can have a normal life. Get your father out of Daraton if you must but leave the past in the past for if I am found, I will destroy you and all you love. Sincerely yours, your new shadow. Tony, the real person who betrayed your parents knows that we know. There is more to this them being told and I plan on finding it all. I won't be afraid anymore."

Tony sat down on the table, looking at Wanda, who was smiling down at him, "Okay, I'm in. What do we do first?"

"Get Damion. Find out everything he knows." Jacob said, "I got a letter for the Keeper telling us to meet him at Daraton in a hour."

Eric nodded, "We can't all go, some have to stay behind to keep everyone in the dark. So who is going to go?"

"Tony, Jacob, Jasmine and Thad." Victor said as he looked at the others. "They will help me hide the fact that you are gone. Rachel and Toby stay in the Advanced dorm and everyone will think that Jasmine and Thad are there as well. Wanda, you and Seth take charge of Jacob's classes if anyone asks it is part of a new program that Professor Zaro Tepes and I are starting to help those who want to be professors."

"Victor are you sure about this?" Jacob asked.

Victor smiled, "Yes, Bella will get things ready for you and Damion to return here. It will be okay, it is almost dark soon the kids will be going to their rooms. Go, Eric will help you leave without being noticed."

They all walked out and went separate directions. Jasmine, Thad, Tony and Jacob followed Eric to his office. In his office, he walked to a portrait of himself on the wall, swiping his hand along the edge, it swung open wide displaying a tunnel. He turned to Jacob, "It will led you to the edge off Dust Hallow and you can travel by broom from there. Mark the spot because it is the only way back without being seen."

Chapter 13

They followed the tunnel and came out the other side walking out of a tree, Jasmine laughed as Thad marked the spot with brightly painted butterflies. He shrugged and turned to Tony, who had summoned their brooms. Jacob pulled his out of his pocket, unminichized it as the boy reached up to grabbed theirs out of the sky. Thad got on his and looked at Jasmine. "Tony's or mine?"

She blushed, looked at Tony, who nodded, she climbed on behind Thad and wrapped her arms around his waist. He nodded to Jacob, who turned and flew off leading the way to Daraton. They flew above the clouds to be unseen by anyone. Jasmine hated flying so she put face in his back making him laugh. Tony smiled as he and Jacob raced through the clouds and around mountains, laughing Jacob dipped down to skim the water with his fingers. Thad and Tony followed him down, reaching back to nudge Jasmine he slowed down. "Hey Sweetheart, you don't have to open your eyes, just give me your hand, trust me."

Without lifting her head, she held out her hand, he took it in his and leaned forward to touch the water with their finger tips. She laughed as the cool water touched her skin, he smiled and placed her hand back at his waist. As they flew back up to the sky, she clung to him and put her lips close to his ear, "Thank you, that was nice."

He smiled, "No problem, Sweetheart." he didn't why but he did not want this to end, he didn't want to go back to Darvoca, he hoped that Rachel and Toby were getting real close during their day alone in the Advanced dorm. He wanted all the time he could get with Jasmine, he was secretly happy she agreed to marry him. He saw Jacob dip toward the ground again and followed him, as they reached the ground they felt the chill take over them. They got off and Jasmine stashed them in her magic bag, she also pulled out jackets for the boys and a blanket for her. They wrapped themselves up and headed toward the lake shore, Jacob stopped and talked boatmen, who nodded and stepped aside. Once on the boat, they headed to the island and Jasmine began to grow nervous. She was going to meet her father, she had met him once before but now she knew he was her father. She thought about the last time she saw him and tired to see any resemblance but couldn't find any. Jacob pulled her out of her thoughts, holding a letter out to her, "It is from Damion."

She looked at him and took the letter, turning to the side she opened the letter and read the words of her father.

Dear Jasmine, I know that this is a shook to you and I am sorry that I could not tell you myself. I also know that you must hate me but that man you met in the shake was not me, not the real me. I do not look like that man, I put myself under a spell so that no one could see the real me for if they did, they would know that I am your father. It could have coasted you your life. I couldn't risk it. Your mother was an amazing women and I wish you could have known her but I know that she loves you, as I do. I hope that you come to the island when they release me and that we can start our lives over. I also know that I must prove myself to Tony, Jacob, Victor and anyone else who is in your life and for you I will. You are my daughter and I will do what I must to be in your life. Your loving father, Damion.

Jasmine set the letter in her lap and looked out at the water, she thought about the words her father had written her, She was tired of fighting and wanted a new life. She turned to Thad, who was joking with Tony at the moment and saw that if the right reason came along, anyone could get along. She looked at Jacob and smiled, she saw the nerves that she felt inside of her. She laughed as the boat reached the island, Thad helped her out of the boat.He stood behind her as they all walked toward the Department workers, Jasmine stayed behind everyone as the worker had Jacob sign the papers for Damion's release. After they were signed, the Department workers left and the prison doors were opened, Damion walked through them and held up a hand to shade his eyes form the light.

He looked around the island and saw them on the water's edge, she smiled and walked over to them. As he reached them a bag was dropped from the sky, they looked up and saw a Vulture passing over them. He picked up the bag, walked up to Jacob with a smile. "Need you to do me a favor, old friend, before we go anywhere."

"What do you need?" Jacob asked without hesitation, Damion smiled as he handed his bag to Jasmine, who grabbed it and held it close.

"I need you to point your hand at me and Image Transforma Cleara, I am tired of looking like a fat little man." Damion laughed.

Jacob looked confused but nodded, he pointed his hand at Damion,"Image Transforma Cleara."

They all watched as Damion grew a little, his stomach disappeared and his hair grew shaggy and turned a deep brown color, his eyes shined a rich chocolate brown. He smiled and his brilliant white smile caused everyone to step back. "Now all I have to do is get some clothes, so how do I look Jacob?"

"Great, I didn't understand how you could go from the high school you to that old short fat balding guy. It was weird, this is better." he laughed, Tony hit him in the ribs.

"You look different, Damion. It will be good to get to know you." Tony said, holding his hand out to Damion. Damion smiled and shook his hand, nothing.

Damion turned to Jasmine,"Do I look a little more like your father now?"

"Yes you do. I can't wait to get to know you." she said as she hugged him.

Thad smiled as he watched her, Damion looked at him over her head, "You know in world, news travels fast. New is that there will be a Young marriage soon."

Jasmine looked up at him and started to say something but Thad laughed, "Yes sir, the news would right this time. I am getting married to your daughter in fact but I am sure you already know that. I hope that you are okay with because I already got her to agree to it and I will not let her go now."

Tony and Jasmine looked from Thad and Damion. Jacob laughed, "Damion, he is a young version of me."

"Yes I would say so since he is your son." Damion said, Thad looked confused and Jacob shook his head, "Don't argue with me Shade. I was under cover for about twenty years, I know more about everyone then people think. One thing I know is that Thad is your son, not Richard's."

"Can you prove it, please tell me you can prove it." Thad pleaded, making everyone look at him. He shrugged, "I hate my father and we all know it but I am nothing like him and if I am not his, I want to know. If I am Jacob's, that would be awesome. So can you prove it?"

"Yes I can." Damion stated, "Do you want me to?"

"I do." Thad said, looking at Jacob who shrugged.

"I don't see what harm it could do to know the truth but only if you are sure." Jacob said and Thad nodded. They walked to the boat and headed across the lake. Thad sat next Jasmine and watch Damion talk to his could be father.

"Would it make any difference to you if I were a Zaro instead of a Young?" he whispered to Jasmine, they were as alone as they were going to get for quite some time.

She looked at him and frowned, "No, you name doesn't mean a thing and you already proved you are not who your family is. I like you as you, Thad." She smiled at him and he knew that everything would be okay as long as he didn't lose her, he wrapped his arm around her as they reached the other side of the lake. Getting out of the boat, he turned to help Jasmine out. They got out their brooms and Thad looked down at his then Damion, looking at Jasmine he sighed. He handed his broom to Damion and walked over to Tony, who shrugged and got on his. Thad got on after him, watching Damion climb on his and hold out a hand to Jasmine. She looked at him and smiled, taking his hand she climbed on in front of him. They took off in the air and laughed together, Thad thought they looked happy. "She isn't going to forget you, she just wants to know her father."

"I know Tony, it is just that I have never seen her that happy." THad said as they followed them, Tony laughed and turned slightly to face him.

I have, the morning after you and Toby helped warm her up. She had that same smile but her eyes said that she was in love. Don't tell her I told you that, she will kill me." Tony said as he turned back around and caught up to them. Jacob looked over at them and shook his head making Tony laugh, he flew over to them. "You okay Jacob?

"Yeah, it is just weird. Damion is back." Jacob said, he looked to Thad. "What would you like to do if Damion proves that you are my son?"

"First, change my name." Thad said without hesitation. "If it is okay with you, I want the world to know. I am tired of being a Young."

Jacob smiled, "Sounds great to me." looking up at Damion and Jasmine, he smiled, "I wonder what they are talking about?"

Damion smiled "Are you sure that you want to marry Thad? You don't need to rush into anything, just to go to college."

"That is not why I agreed to marry Thad, daddy even if that is what he thinks. I like him, Dad I have never felt this way about anyone." she blushed softly. "I know he feels something for me, I just don't know what it is. We haven't really had a chance to talk alone because no one will leave us alone."

"Well that sucks, we will have to do something about that." Damion commented, "Every couple needs time alone."

She smiled and laughed, "So how do you plan on doing that?"

"Easy, I will take care of Thad and I am positive Tony and Jacob can take care of everyone else." he said as he lowered the broom, on the ground he waited until everyone was paying attention. "You go ahead to your room, shower and get ready for the night. Thad, Tony, Jacob and I are going to grab Victor and celebrate."

Thad smiled and Tony laughed, "Don't worry, we will keep him safe, Jazz. Go ahead." She laughed softly and walked into the tunnel and headed to the Advanced Dorm. As she walked into her room, Tony sent a note to Victor.

Gloom, come out to play, we have much to celebrate. Join Shade, Hops, Snake and Phoenix at the tunnel for some fun.

Victor laughed at the letter and his old nickname, he walked into the back room and watched Bella put Benji to bed. She stood up and looked at him, he held up the letter. "The boys are calling. Are you okay with me going out for a while?"

"Have fun." she answered as she turned back to Benji, he smiled and walked to his room, changing into a pair of jeans and a light blue shirt, he headed to Eric's office to the tunnel. When he came out the other side, he saw the boys sitting down watching Jacob and Damion wrestle. Victor walked up to them and laughed as Damion took down Jacob.

"Nice Damion." he said as they got to their feet. He looked at Damion and smirked, "Now this is the guy I remember from school, who the hell was the other guy?"

Damion laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "Haven't a clue what you are talking about. Come on let's go catch up over some food and whiskey." They all laughed as they headed to their favorite old bar, The Cerberus, picking a table in back, they sat down and talked about school, drama and life.

Chapter 14

Thad stumbled wearily off the stairs leading to the Advanced Dorms. He had just come in from Eric's office, where Tony, Jacob, Victor, Damion and him managed to sneak in very quietly despite being drunk. Well... mostly quiet. His blurry gaze focused on the picture in front of him and he slurred out the password. Dear lord, he hoped that Jasmine wasn't out in the common room. The last thing he needed was to be caught in his disheveled state by the one witch he knew he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of. Not only that, he knew she would probably interrogate him as to why he was drunk, as well as yell at him for being so foolish as to let her father, uncle and godfather get him drunk as well as themselves. The picture swung open and he climbed in, accidently catching his foot on the frame and nearly tripping. Why on earth was it so bloody dark in here? He wondered angrily and held out his hand.

"Lights." He said, only it came out more like, Mihits. He said is again then dropped his hand angrily when it didn't work. He stumbled over blindly to the wall, then moved his hands along until he encountered the door to the bathroom. Right now, his plan of action was to go in, climb into the bath fully clothed, then strip to take a shower after his clothes no longer smelt like alcohol, and possibly go to bed nude. If he could fall asleep that was. He shoved the door open, ignoring the irritating creak it made and the steam coming from the shower and began to move towards it. Humph, she must have left it running. He opened the curtain and froze.

Was it too much to ask? Was it? Was it to much to ask that her life have pleasant surprises as opposed to seriously unpleasant, frightening, and utterly embarrassing surprises? Surprises such as a very drunk Thad pulling the curtain back on her right as her arms were raised to scrub away her shampoo and just stand there looking at her. Worse yet, he smelled of booze, and his eyes kept closing like he could barely lift them. But lift them he did, right into her eyes, and then they dropped to her body. He choked out an apology and falls out the bathroom door, slamming it shut with his feet.

Jasmine did the only thing she could think of at the time. She turned off the shower and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around her. She opened the door, seeing Thad still laying right outside the door with his hands over his eyes, "Um, Thad? Are you okay?"

He looked at her, the looked away from her realizing she was just in a towel. "I'm... I... I am so sorry Jasmine. I should have knocked first or made some noise. I didn't mean to walk in on you. You father got everyone some whiskey and I am a little drunk but I never... I'm sorry."

Jasmine smiled softly as she knelt beside him and reached to move his face towards hers. "It was an accident, Thad. It is okay, come on. Let's get you to the couch."

She stood up and held out a hand, having tied the towel around her. He slowly got to his feet with her help, draping his arm around her shoulders she led them to the couch. Helping het sit down proved more difficult then they had thought, she ended up falling half on his lap and half on the couch next to him. Looking at him, she blushed and tried to get up. Placing her hands on either side of his shoulders to help push herself up only to push herself all the way on to his lap. "Sorry Thad, I think I am stuck."

Thad trying hard not to notice the water dripping off her hair and running down her body, put his hands on her waist and helped her to her feet so that she was standing right in front of him. Looking in her eyes, he ran his hands slowly up her body to play with the ends of her hair. "You should probably go now, sweetheart. We don't want anything to happen that you will regret in the morning."

Jasmine looked at him and bot softly on her lower lip. Not knowing why, she bent forward and placed her lips on his. Caught by surprise, he stood there for a moment, the his hand rested at her hips as he pulled her body to his. Kissing her as he had in the dreams that had been haunting him recently, his left hand traveled slowly up her body slowly inching his fingers in between the edges of the towel. Feeling her skin, he pulled back and stopped himself from going to far. "Sweetheart believe me when I sat that I am going to kick my own ass in the morning but we have to stop. I am drunk and you are innocent, you first time can not be like this."

"Like I said before I am not that innocent, I want this Thad. I know what I am doing." Jasmine said looking hurt from his rejection, she looked down at her feet.

Thad lifted her face to his, "I trust you when you say that you want this and that you know what you are doing. Please don't think that I am rejecting you. I just want our first time to be special and perfect. Tonight would not be that for you. I am too drunk to be that tonight. I want you, I really do but it cannot be tonight."

Jasmine looked at him, realizing he was trying to do something nice for her. She smiled softly and nodded. "Thad, it will be perfect for me because it will be with you."

He groaned and kissed her softly as her hands moved under his shirt pushing it up over his head. He smiled at her nervousness but loved the way she kept her hands steady. He kissed her and pulled her into toward her room, once inside he shut the door and pushed her gently down to sit on the bed. Kneeling before her, kissed his way up her legs stopping at the edge of the towel. He looked up at her and saw something in her eyes that made his heart stop, he stood up and pushed her down onto the bed. He undid the knot at the top of the towel, watching her closely he separated the edges of the towel revealing her perfect dripping body to his eyes. He groaned and placed both his hands on either side of her, leaning down he kissed where her heart is, trailed his lips down her stomach and nibbled on her hip, making her moan and reached down for him. He smirked and raised to kiss her lips. "Are you sure about this? This is the only chance out that I am giving you."

She smiled up at him and nodded, "Yes, I am sure." He smiled and ran his hands down her body, watching her close her eyes closed and her body arched toward him. He bent and took one of her breast in his mouth, she cried out as he tugged and sucked on it. He ran his left hand down her body to the valley between her legs to test her tightness as he took her other breast in his mouth. She cried out as his fingers stretched her out btu didn't ask him to stop, in fact she arched and pulled him closer to her body. He felt her close to reaching the edge and kissed her, swallowing her screams as she came in his arms. As she relaxed, he raised himself above her and slowly entered her. He watched her close her eyes, dig her nails into his back and moan, "Thad, please."

He smiled as he bent his head next to her ear, He drew her earlobe into his mouth and drew it out of his teeth, "What do you want me to do, baby? Tell me."

"Don't stop, please. Thad..." She gasped as he drove farther into her, he pulled her legs up and wrapped them around his waist, "Oh Thad, more."

He smirked as he listened to her cries of pleasure, he knew that he was close to losing control but if he did that she might not like how she feels in the morning. He rested his forehead on hers and drove her crazy with his slow pace, she raked her nails down his back to his waist and pulled him to her and arched into him causing him to groan. He felt her tighten around him and he groaned as he felt her orgasm tun through his body, he drove into her one last time as he came inside her. His energy gave out and fell on top of her, he lifted himself enough to push himself to the side. She turned into him and he wrapped his arm around her waist. "I am probably going to be really pissed in the morning but not at you, at myself. I promised myself that i would wait for the right moment so please don't get upset with me tomorrow."

"I won't, I promise. Thad, I lov... I like you alot. To me, tonight was the right moment." she whispered, she kissed him and snuggled closer to him as he pulled the blankets over them.

As she fell asleep, he kissed her forehead and whispered, "I love you too."

The next morning he woke up to a letter slapping at his head. He swatted at it, making it drop to his chest. Picking up the letter, opening seeing that it was from Damion, Jacob and Victor. He read it twice before it sunk in, he looked down at Jasmine, kissed her good morning and got out of bed, got dressed in black jeans and a dark green silk shirt. Jasmine sat up and looked at him as he walked out of the bathroom, he smiled and walked over to kiss her again, "Go to sleep, I have to go get Toby and meet your father in the Dean's office." she nodded and laid back down, he smiled and went to find his best friend Toby.

He walked out of Jasmine's room, headed over to his' and knocked on the door. He heard Toby curse then loud thud, Rachel laughed as Toby opened the door. Toby smiled and shrugged, "Hey buddy, I am sorry for locking the door last night, I well..."

"Don't worry about it, I never even tried the door last night, I got drunk with Jasmine's dad and uncles, walked in on Jasmine taking a showering and let her take me to bed." he smirked, "We don't have time for this, get dressed, We need to go to the Dean's office."

Toby smiled and shut the door again, a moment later he came out in jeans and a bloody red shirt. "Let's go. Why are we going to go the Dean's?"

Thad smiled and began to walk out to the stairwell. "I found out yesterday that Richard might not be my father, that it could be Jacob. Damion says he has proof and we are going to see it. I don't really want to go alone so you are coming with me." Thad answered, Toby looked confused only for a moment then laughed, throwing his arm around Thad's shoulders. "Yeah I know, a little weird but I am hoping."

"Don't blame you, Snake. I am glad you want me there with you." Toby smiled at his friend as they turned down the hallway to the Dean's office. They pause at the doorway to the stairs, "Bones." Thad looked at him as they walked up the stairs. "I was up here yesterday."

Chapter 15

Thad laughed as they reached the door, he knocked and Tony opened the door, motioning for them to be silent. They walked in, staying behind Tony, noticing that Elisabeth and Richard Young were standing at Victor's desk. Thad stepped forward when he saw his mother crying but Tony stopped him, he turned to watch the scene before him.

"Shut up Elisabeth. I told you to kill the child and raise my son as your own." Richard said. "My son would have been just the same."

"Except that he wasn't my son, her was hers. I was not going to raise Chloe's son." Elisabeth cried. "I couldn't kill my son, I love him so you had Dober do it but thankfully he couldn't do it either. He switched the kids, Thad and that monster's son look so much alike as babies you never noticed. So I kept it from you, Thad is not you son, he is Jacob's."

Richard glared at her then raised his hand to beat her, Thad reached for her but Jacob was faster. He knocked Richard down on the floor, climbed on top of him and beat him until he was knocked out. Damion and Victor pulled Jacob off Richard. Jacob looked up at Elisabeth. "I'm sorry, I couldn't let him hit you again. I can't stand it, he has destroyed you and the fire is gone."

She looked down at her hands, "I know but I had to stay with him, if I left he would have found out Thad is not his and he would have killed him."

Thad laughed, "He would have tired, wouldn't have gotten that far but he wouldn't have tired." he walked over to Richard, knelt down and checked his pulse, sighing he stood up and faced his mother. "You should have told me, then we could have both left him. I don't care what we have or where we are as long as he isn't there."

Elisabeth hugged him and cried. He smiled, held out a hand to Jacob, who looked confused but took it and stood up. Thad turned his mother into Jacob's arms and watched his mother blush for the first time in years. She looked up at Jacob and he looked at her, he bent and kissed her softly. Thad smiled and laughed, "You better make an honest woman out of her this time, just ont at the same time as I do Jasmine."

Damion laughed, "So how did last night go?" Thad looked at him in disbelief. Damion shrugged, "You're both old enough to do what you want, and if you hurt her, I just kill you."

Thad laughed, "That is so wrong but last night went great. Mom, I am changing my name."

Elisabeth smiled at him, "Your real name is Thad Lee Zaro and Dober helped me hide the papers in a safe place. Dober and Monster that is."

"You mean I actually have to thank Monster for something. Damn it." Jacob cursed. Everyone started laughing as they heard a scream from outside the office, they turned as Jamine, Rachel and Wanda ran through the door. Rachel ran to Toby, Wanda ran to Tony and Jasmine shut nad lend against the door. There was a bang and she was lifted off it a couple inches then she fell back and shut it again.

"Someone help me keep this door shut!" she screamed and a goblin came out of nowhere and snapped his fingers and the door bolted shut. Jasmine fell to the floor, looked at the goblin, "Who are you?"

"Tinker Madam. I am the goblin for you and your father." he smiled at her brightly. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Maybe, hold on." she looked around, her eyes falling on Richard. She pushed herself to her knees and slid over to him, she shook him awake. He glared at her and raised his hand to her but she pulled her knife and held it to his throat. He froze and stared at her. "What, did you really think that I wouldn't protect myself after what you and him did to us? Pay attention Richard, trust me your life depends on it. We weren't the only people down in the Cellar, I know we weren't. We say him, he was lost, confused, scared and dying inside. Three nights a month you stole him, hide him from us at first we didn't know why because we didn't know what day it was but now I figured it out. He was a werewolf but you didn't kill him of let anyone torture him like me and Seth that I don't understand. Why, tell me or I will tell Tinker to open that door and hold you out to him. Your choice."

"You won't let him in here, you are too scared." Richard laughed, she pulled him up to his knees, turned him around, pushed everyone back with a force field spell and looked at Tinker.

"Open the door." Tinker nodded, opened the door then flashed over to her side, a giant nose nudged the door open and a giant wolf walked through the door. It looked around until his eyes landed on Jasmine, she pushed Richard forward so that he laid between them, "Is that who you were looking for? Richard?"

The wolf growled at Richard's cowering body, he raised his head back and howled as his eyes turned a deep red, he leaped at him. Richard fled for the door but Jasmine got there first slamming the door shut as the wolf flung Richard across the room, the wolf sniffed Jasmine and licked her face then turned to Richard. Jasmine moved slowly across the room to the other, standing against the force field she asked. "Victor, how old does one have to be to turn at will?"

"At least eighteen but they must be a werewolf for ten years before they can control it." Victor said. Jasmine looked back at him horrified.

"He is only about nineteen Victor." she whispered, "How is that possible?"

"He was turned at the age of three." Elisabeth stated, everyone looked to her. "It is Richard and Chloe's son, Justin Lotrin. He was supposed to be dead but Dober couldn't kill him either. He must have hidden him."

Jasmine groaned, "Great, I really wish you hadn't told me that."

"Why?" Elisabeth asked.

"Because, I spent a lot of time with him and there is one thing I know about him above all else." she pushed off the force field and ran between the wolf and Richard, shielding his body with her. The wolf drew his hand back to strike but stopped an inch away from her, he dropped his arm and transformed back into the man she knew from hell, he waved his hand and he had clothes on. He bent and touched her shoulder, she looked up at him and he helped her to her feet.

"Why? After everything he did to you, all the blood, scars, screams and tears, you protect him." he asked, with quiet rage in his voice. "Why Jasmine?"

"You told me before that when you love control of yourself that you can't hear anything but your anger. You needed to know," she said as she his face in her hands, "that man at our feet, the one that tried to break me, destroy everything that I am and turn me into a cowardly nothing. That man is you father, you are Richard's son. Your mother is Chloe, you are Justin Lotrin. If you still want to kill him then I will move but if you don't think you can the we can do what we need to do."

He looked from her to the man he hated most in the most in the world, his hair turned bright green to clash with his bright blue eyes, showing everyone that he was morpher. "How can it be? My father is the man I hate with everything. How can I move on from that?"

She smiled and pointed to Thad, "You see that man, he was raised by this man as his son but he isn't. He turned out to be an amazing person and so can you. I will help you, I promise. WHatever you need me to do."

He smiled and walked away from her, leaning against the wall, he held his hands up, she smiled and nodded. Waving her hand, the force field fell as she walked over to Victor's desk to write a letter. Damion walked over her, "If you ever scare me like that again, I will lock you in a room."

She smiled and kissed his cheek, she looked at Thad as he walked over and held his hand out to Justin. Justin smiled and shook his hand. She set the pen down, turned to Victor's fireplace and threw letter in, the fire turned red and the letter disappeared. "Justin, you okay with this?"

He nodded, "Yeah," he smirked at her, "So did we interrupt something important?"

"Not really." Thad said. "We just found out that he is not my father, my mother loves Jacob, who is my father and you dad, he added," turning to Jasmine, "intentionally got me drunk so that last night would go pretty much like it did."

Jasmine looked to Damion, who shrugged. She shook her head as the fireplace turned red again. The Peacekeeper stepped out of the fire. "Miss Smith, what can I do for you?"

"Well you can take Richard back to Daraton for one." She stated, "Before you say that I have no proof, I would like to introduce Justin Roddly. The other young man in that dungeon with me and Seth."

Justin stepped forward and smiled, "Hello Peace Keeper. I hear that you let that monster loose on our world after all those evil, demented and torturous things he did."

The Keeper looked form him to Jasmine. "So you were there while they were there." Justin nodded, "You can prove this?"

"I don't know," Justin took off his shirt and everyone gasped as they read the word across his chest, FILTHING. "you tell me."

The Keeper looked at Richard, then back at them. "I require a full report by the end of the week, Mr Roddly and Miss Smith."

"t is actually Mr Lotrin and Miss Giovanni, Peacekeeper." Justin corrected thim, causing the old men to pause and stare at them. Justin's hair turned blonde causing the men to jump. After a moment he grabbed Richard's body and disappeared into the fireplace. Justin turned, "Well, this should be fun. Does he want to know everything that happened down there?"

Jasmine sighed, "I am afraid so." she sat on the floor and looked up at him, "Why hasn't yours healed?"

"It reopens every time I turn." he answered, he sat next to her, "You think we can go back there?"

"I don't know but we have to try." she said. "I want him put away forever."

Justin nodded as he let his head fall against the bookshelf behind him. "So you will be honest with me right? Was I better off an orphan? I mean both my mother and father are Tomnus' followers, can I come back from that?"

"Hey, if I can come back from insanity, I think we can handle your parents." Jasmine smiled, then she sat straight up. "Oh my, Tinker, did you know Dober?"

"Yes, he was a very good friend of mine, why?" Tinker answered her.

Jasmine laughed. "Do you know if he had a secret hiding place?" Tinker nodded with a smirk, "Can you bring me everything he had in there?"

Without answering her, TInker vanished. Jasmine looked up at Elisabeth. "If Dober him Justin from the world, then maybe he took care of all the paperwork to keep him from his parents." Elisabeth smiled as she began to understand what she was saying.

Tinker appeared beside her with a pile of papers, Jasmine went through them carefully making sure not to destroy any of them. "There is Thad's Birth Certificate, letters from Tomnus to Richard, photos of Chloe with Richard and some other man, documented torturing of many people and here." she held up a folder with Justin's name on it. "He has your Birth Certificate and adoption papers, oh my goodness, you were adopted by Percius Zaro. They kept your name Justin but changed your middle and last name so that you would not be singled out for it. You are Justin Jacob Zaro."

Justin took the papers from her and read them word for word. He looked at her, his eyes turning dark purple and he smiled, "I don't know who Dober is but I love him."

Jasmine smiled, "He probably loved you too," she went through the papers and stopped on the last folder, her name was written on it but not in Dober's handwriting. "Tinker, who else knew about the hiding place?"

"Chloe's goblin, Miss." he frowned slightly. "Alfred, he is the only one. Dober never kept a secret from him, he is his brother. No one has seen him in years, not since Chloe freed him because she caught him helping Goldgrimm."

"We have to find him, some one knows where he is." Jasmine started.

"There is no need for that, Miss." a soft voice came from beside them. "When Chloe let me go, Dober and I had me assigned to Justin. What can I do for you?"

"Did you make this folder?" Jasmine held out the folder with her name on it for everyone to see.

Alfred nodded, "Yes, I made it. Dober wanted everyone that they tortured or killed to have a folder, half were kept in Dober's spot and the other in mine. Would you like those as well?"

"Yes thank you Alfred," She said as she looked down at her folder, Justin scooted closer to her. she took a breath and opened the folder, there inside were photos, written papers of the many tortures she went through and one plastic bag full of her hair. "I thought that maybe there was a way for me to forget and never have to remember but I was wrong, they kept a record and took pictures. Have they nothing else to do."

Alfred arrived with his arms full of folders, she set them down on the floor. "Here you are, Miss Giovanni." He stepped back and sat next to Justin, Justin smiled and gave him a small hug.

"So you think this will convince the Keeper?" Justin asked, "All this and a sugarcoated version of what went on in that wine cellar."

Jasmine nodded, "Yes, I think it will work. I wish Seth were here with us." she closed her folder and handed it to Tinker, along with ones marked Emrys, Weber and Apollo Rayne. "Go hide these in my room." He nodded and disappeared. "Victor, we need some paper."

Justin looked at Alfred and nodded to him, he disappeared. Jason reached for paper and a pen from Victor the turned to Jasmine. She sighed and told him what she remembered of her hell.

Chapter 16

Flashback - Seth and Jasmine's POV

Roughly five months ago, Tepes's home had been set on fire, luckily while he was away. The Knights, thinking it safe sent Jasmine and Seth to investigate. She had been having a particularly bad day, the migraine which had plagued her at the time making her light and sound sensitive. She should have said something but they were short handed and needed all the help they could get. So, she went anyway. After about fifteen minutes, Jasmine concluded one thing, just because Tomnus was gone doesn't mean his followers are, this was only a warning. Before they could disappear back to headquarters, they were attacked and kidnapped.

For two months they were held in an enchanted Cellar, they were chained to walls only released when they were tortured. They uttered not a word while Richard Young had beaten or whipped her, it changed depending on his mood, they didn't shed a tear as Mirdril Sr. had performed torture curses on her one right after another, they never looked away as Chloe Lotrin told them all the twisted things she planned on doing to Thad, Elisabeth, Toby and Tony when she finally gets her hands on them. THey kept their emotions to themselves when they came down to the Cellar to eat in front of them, they didn't beg, plead, promise or tell them anything they wanted to hear. Jasmine didn't cringed when Mirdril bought other prisoners into the cellar and raped them in front of her, promising to do it to her as soon as Richard came to his senses and let him. Seth didn't give up hope when Chloe brought a man into the Cellar to turn him into a vampire. They showed no fear or panic.

"Well now what is this?" Chloe asked as Richard and her walked into the Cellar, she picked up a thin piece of glass, the tip covered in blood. Looking over in the corner, where a broken, bloody Seth Emrys laid on the floor. "Did you think I would let you die so easily? You little fool, you are mine and no one is coming to save a pathetic little wizard like you."

She walked over to him, grabbed the collar around his neck and lifted him to his toes. He could see her belly growing every time she came to see him, not wanting to upset her he kept it to himself. She licked up his neck to his mouth, that she had covered with metal so he couldn't bite her, and grabbed his manhood. He yanked his face away from hers and closed his eyes against what would come next. Since the day they got here, it had not changed. SHe would jerk him off until he became hard from her hand, then she would push to the ground and climb on top of him. He kept his eyes closed because the last time he opened them she whipped him until blood covered his back. When she was finished, she climbed off of him, grabbed the piece of glass and added another cut to his leg. She added a cut every week he was there. He was so weak from not having any blood that he couldn't heal. Laughing, Richard kicked him in his side. "You get to die only when I say so, when I grow bored of you. Don't forget it or try to kill yourself again."

Chloe walked over to Jasmine and smiled down at Jasmine's naked form with a smile that made him shudder. The room stank of blood and urine, the stench making her want to gag every time she breathed. Shifting slightly, the chains rattled and the cuts all over her body burned like fire. Jasmine bit her lip, not wanting to give this woman the satisfaction of hearing her screams. Stepping forward, she lifted a hand and caressed Jasmine's cheek as though she was a long lost love.

"Smith, you could make this so much easier on yourself and just tell us why you were at Broomstick Hollow inspecting the ruins of Tepes's home. Matter of fact, you could tell me where Richard's wife and son are." Jasmine just watched her, resisting the urge to spit in Chloe's face. "Come on Smith, just tell me and this will all go away... forever." she laughed and this time Jasmine acted on her urge.

She leaned forward, with an almost inhuman snarl and spit in the laughing woman's face. Jasmine smiled as the soft voice whispered in her ear, "Good job, Jasmine."

Angry, Richard stepped in front of Chloe, lifted his hand and backhanded her, the family crest on his ring, digging a long line of flesh from her left cheekbone to her lower jaw line. This time she did scream, the sound was ragged and torn. It had been at least four days since she'd seen water at least two months since she had been brought here. "Nasty Filthling," he snarled. Jasmine bared her teeth like a caged animal, trying to block the searing pain in her back, muscles, and face with uncontrollable rage. In the time she had been here, wherever here was, she had been beaten, whipped, starved and put under torture curses almost every day. Richard once again gave her that feral smile of his and said calmly, his composure back in place. "You'll come around eventually. Until then, enjoy your stay at Young manor, Mirdril will be here to visit you shortly."

As the cell door slammed behind them, Jasmine let out a bitter sigh. Hearing their footsteps fade, Seth turned to his side and began to shake uncontrollably. Silently crying, he dragged himself to Jasmine's side where he slept. He no longer knew day from night, how long they had been there or even if they were looking for them. He closed his eyes to fall asleep and saw all of his friends smiling at him. Damn it all to hell and back! At least they weren't alone anymore, about a month ago they had thrown a young man through the cellar door. He had been beaten and starved but Richard never let anyone whip him or torture him. Jasmine could tell that Seth was losing whatever battle he was fighting and she wanted to get him out. The creaking of the cell door pulled her from her thoughts as Richard and Mirdril walked in smiles on their faces and whips in their hands. Inwardly, Jasmine cringed, knowing where this was going. Every day she fought and every day they overpowered her with brute force but that didn't stop her from trying.

Richard grabbed Seth and held him to the wall as Mirdril reached with an old brass key to unlock her cuffs. Forst her ankles then her hands. Alice whispered to her, "Fight Jasmine, Fight. Something is not right." Once free, Jasmine became a hellcat, punching, kicking, biting, and scratching. Sure it was kind of humiliating to fight naked but she wanted out. And would do anything to get out. She could hear her cell mate cheer her on. Richard laughed at her attempts. Blood ran down her back, the wounds reopened from her struggles. Jasmine was getting desperate, her struggles more prominent. Something was wrong, different. Richard never laughed before, never uttered a word. They never strapped her down on her back, always on her stomach. She aimed one last good kick and managed to graze Mirdril's groin as he buckled her ankles with the leather straps. He grunted in pain but was undeterred.

Unlocking Seth, they chained him down next to Jasmine, which frightened them for they were never tortured at the same time. As Mirdril stood, he pulled a large knife from his boot and handed it to his partner. What was going on? Tears came to her eyes as her struggles became more and more desperate. Richard laughed once again, the evil sound echoing off the walls. "Now is the perfect time to take her, Mirdril."

Jasmine knew the day had come, she looked at Richard's evil smile as Mirdril laughed and climbed on top of her. She bit her lip to stop the scream in her throat as he slammed into her, she took a deep breath to keep herself from throwing up on him. She didn't close her eyes, knowing that it would piss him off and he would choke her as he did the others. Seth pulled against the chains but knew he couldn't save his friend, Mirdril laughed as he slammed into her, turning to Richard, "Bloody hell, Young, She is so tight, you sure you don't want a turn?"

Richard shook his head, "No, she is not my type. Hurry up, we have much to do." He smirked down at her, reaching a hand out to pull her hair causing her to scream. Mirdril groaned and came inside her, making her want to bathe in bleach. Mirdril smiled as he got off her, fixed his pants, took the whip from Richard and flicked if across the floor, a sharp crack in its wake. Richard smiled and said, "Tenderize the flesh, will you? It'll look better."

Mirdril nodded and with a smile, he brought the think strip of leather down across their stomachs. Biting her lip, Jasmine tried not to make a sound, her body arching off the table. the skin burned. It was like flames raced across her skin. As Seth held his eyes shut, hot tears leaked from between the lids, evidence of agony that he was in. Blood was slowly oozing down the tilted table from their stomachs and shoulders. A few cuts on their thighs had opened as well. The whip hit them again and again until they were nearly delirious with pain. "That'll do." Richard announced some minutes later. Jasmine's stomach was burning, the insides mush while Seth had passed out. Thin cuts had formed across their skin, blood trickling from the wounds. Richard roughly wiped it away and without missing a beat, held the knife to Seth's skin then turned to hers. "You worthless filthlings and when I'm done, everyone who sees this will know it too."

Jasmine screamed as the knife cut flesh, tearing the searing skin open. Meticulously, Richard worked as Mirdril held her from moving to much. After all, he wanted his work to look good. Sometime later, when he finished, he looked up to find that Jasmine had passed out. Shrugging, he wiped the blade his pant lep and said to Mirdril, "Hope they like the work." The two laughed and left, anticipation for their next victim across the room on their faces.

Hours later, Seth stirred, finding himself still strapped to the table. He began to wiggle but bit back a curse that would have had Mattus' greasy hair standing on end. Looking down at his stomach, Seth couldn't help the horrified scream that escaped his throat. Jasmine heard him and opened her eyes, her eyes traveled to his stomach then hers, crying uncontrollably. One word was etched into their skin, blood drying around it. FILTHLING. The voice had called to them, "You must stay calm, don't let them win. Don't give up."

A week later, Jasmine's eyes never left the broken bottle that lay in the corner. Long necked and emerald green though broken as it was, labeled it as a wine bottle. Jasmine was pretty sure her lovely prison had once been a wine cellar. The signs were there/ What looked like old racks had been stacked outside the door at one point, there were no windows and doors and the air was cool but not damp. And this was the Young Manor. Of course they would have a wine cellar, if not more then one. To think they cleared one for her and the men sleeping on either side of the cellar.

Suddenly explosions rocked the building and screaming was heard. Angry shouts and even angrier spells were being thrown around. Just as Seth was beginning to relax, he heard the explosions and yelling coming from upstairs. They couldn't help their goofy smiles, the Knights had found them. Footsteps sounded outside the door and Jasmine watched as the door opened. Richard and Mirdril stepped through, their faces set into an angry scowl. Richard grabbed the young man and vanished before their eyes as Mirdril turned toward them. His forehead sported a good size laceration that bled freely down his face. It did absolutely nothing for his looks to tell the truth. Her eye narrowed spotting the keys in his hand. What the hell was going on?

He came forward, intent coiling through his muscles. He was here for them! He reached for the chains holding her but stopped when he saw their handiwork. The letters were almost healed, scabbing over the F and H. The skin otherwise was shiny and pink. Slowly and ever so carefully he traced his finger over the letters, something akin to reverence on his face, Suddenly she was angry. Jasmine had never been this angry before. Rage clouded her mind as he continued his ministrations. Blood pumped through her veins, her skin hot and her heart pounded in her ears. No, no, no!

Before she knew what happened, the chains had disappeared and she was on him faster than she would've ever thought to move considering the pain she was in. They hit the floor with such force, Jasmine was stunned, if only for the shortest moment. Sitting on his chest, she managed to land a punch to his jaw but he threw her up and over his head. The stone scraped against her body roughly as she curled into a ball, trying to lessen the impact with the wall.

Her sight was hazy and her head hurt. Ears ringing, she frantically looked around for Mirdril, praying she could get to the door before he got to her. Somehow though she knew this wasn't a possibility. A swift kick in her gut, dispelled and air she had in her lungs and sent her into a coughing fit. Her ribs screaming as she was kicked again and again. She couldn't breathe. Jasmine tasted blood, but pushed that aside. With a burst of energy, she managed to jump to the side and continue rolling to the far wall. Peering at her attacker, Jasmine noticed her looked tired and out of breathe as well. Jasmine jumped, when her her hand came into contact with the wine bottle. The broken wine bottle. Steeling herself, she wrapped her fingers around the long neck bottle and stood, holding her makeshift weapon to her side.

Mirdril watched her intently, a smile playing on his twisted lips. Hate, anger, desperation, but most of all unadulterated rage coursed through Jasmine. He thought he had her trapped, that he won. No, he just signed his death certificate. He would see. Jasmine half heartedly rushed him but dove to the left as he swiped out at her. Turning her torso sideways, she ignored the pain and drove the broken bottle into his side. He gave a shout as his balance was lost and he toppled to the side.

Jasmine wasn't even aware she had changed into a wolf until she sunk her jaws into the man's neck and began tearing away with no regard to her actions. Claws dug into flesh, spraying blood everywhere. Her anger and pain spurred her on, allowing for the revenge she had dreamed of while chained to the wall. Minutes later, Jasmine stood to the side, eyeing the mangled body that had once been her most hated tormentor. As the adrenaline wore off, revulsion took its place. She had killed a man but that wasn't what terrified her. What really scared her was she had taken pleasure in it. She curled into a small ball and closed her eyes, against the blood and need to feel it again.

"Don't be afraid, Seth." The soft voice said, the voice had started a week after being in the cellar. At first he thought it was Chloe, trying to get him to reveal secrets then he began to trust the voice. She would sing him to sleep and tell him what was happening in the world, After what felt like weeks that voice told him to call her Alice. He didn't know when she was there. "They are here for you both. Don't give up. You have to let them know you are here, it is Jasmine's and your only hope."

"How?" Seth gasped in a whispered behind the metal as he stared at Jasmine's unmoving body, he had not spoken louder than a whisper since that first night when he screamed in pain so loud he lost his voice. "They won't hear."

"You must make them, Seth. Take all the pain and anger that they have given you, all the hatred you have for them, take a deep breath and focus on your friends, then lift your head up and scream." he closed his eyes and did all that she said, taking a deep breath. "Scream for Jasmine and you, Seth or they will leave without you."

He screamed with everything he had in him. There was a moment of pure silence then he heard banging on the basement door and familiar voices, "Seth, hang on mate, we are coming for you."

"Good job Seth. You did it, they will protect you now," Alice whispered as the door blew open and five figures walked down the stairs. As his eyes closed on their own out of pure relief. Eric Tepes, Victor Rayne, Jacob Zaro, Bentle White and Emmett Murphy. "They will take you home."

"Bloody hell Victor, will he be okay? Is that Jasmine?" Jasoc whispered as they walked up to him. They knelt around him, Victor felt for his pulse and sighed in relief. He took his coat off to cover Seth's naked body, Jacob noticed the collar, the metal covering his mouth and the chain that attached him to the wall. "Eric come help me break this off, Victor can handle the collar and mouth piece."

Victor nodded as Eric and Jacob attacked the wall where the chain was melted into it. As Victor gently grabbed the collar, Seth tensed up and fought against him. "Seth calm down, I just want to take it off." Seth cringed, crying. Emmett reached out to stop Victor. "Okay Seth. We won't touch the collar. Will you let us break off the mouth guard and chain tough so we can leave?"

Seth looked up at him, seeing compassion in his eyes. He nodded and relaxed enough for Victor to grab the chain and ripped it apart from the collar. Victor put his fingers between the mouthpiece and Seth's face and gently worked the magical enchantment off of it, it feel to the floor without a sound. Slowly putting his arms through the sleeves of Victor's coat, he tried to stand up. He made it to his feet before his legs gave out. Before he hit the ground, Emmett caught him around the waist. "I got you, do you think you can move your legs?" Emmett asked, when Seth shook his head, he put his other arm under Seth's knees and lifted him into his arms. "I won't hurt you, I promise."

Jacob laughed at his confused face, "You've been through alot but one thing that hasn't change is your friendships. We never gave up Seth. Let's get you back to the Willow. We will tell you everything when you feel better."

No one commented on Jasmine's bloody fur or the mangled remains of Mirdril Sr. Nobody needed to. They followed Emmett and Seth up the stairs, where Bella and Trevor Hawthorne were helping some people Seth didn't recognize contain Chloe for her trip to Daraton. She sneered at Emmett and Seth, "This isn't over and I'm not done with him. I'll make you pay for this."

Seth tensed then passed out in Emmett's arms. "Shut up Lotin. You will never get near him again and I don't fear you. Take her out of here, Trevor."

End of Flashback

Chapter 17

While Jasmine told her story, Damion's legs gave out beneath him, Thad had walked away and flipped a table, Tony hung his head and Wanda, Elisabeth, Bella and Rachel stood together and cried for her. She shook her head to bring her back to the present, Looking around she saw the love, adoration, concern and acceptance in their eyes. Justin sighed and cursed, causing everyone to look at him as his eyes turned white and his hair turned red, "I'm not writing about your wolf or you killing Mirdril. The Keeper will have you locked up."

"But that is what happened, how will we end it? They already know Mirdril is dead." Jasmine asked him, he looked at her then those around her. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"The keeper knows that I am a werewolf, we will just change the person. When Richard let me go, I freaked out when I saw Mirdril grab you so I turned and tore him apart. When I settled down, Richard stole me away and left you for dead. The Knights found and rescued you. It will be believable, and the Keeper will accept it as an accidental werewolf killing. Unstoppable and uncontrollable. It will be the last of it." he looked at her, she opened her mouth to say something but he cut her off. "Jasmine, the Keeper wants to take you down. We can't let him have any chance, we know his secret but can't prove it yet and he knows it. Please let me do this."

Jasmine closed her eyes and waved her hand, "Okay, do what you think is right." She got up and paced across the room. "We wouldn't have to worry if we could just get proof that he is who did it. There has to be a way, he must have messed up somewhere."

"Only one way to know for sure, we have to go back there. Look around for anything we can find." Justin said as he signed the paper and set it with the pile of folders, "Alfred, take these to the Keeper. Jasmine, how much school do you have left?"

"A couple of weeks then I'm out for good, I only had to do one semester." She answered, "How are we going to get back in? Don't you think that he would stop us if we just tried to walk in so any ideas?"

Justin smirked as his hair turned deep blue, "Maybe we can ask the other Youngs that you know. For what I have seen, one of them is in love with you."

"Hey, you know it is not fair to read people's emotions," Jasmine pointed at them, "I told you it is intruding on their privacy. So cut it out."

He laughed and stood, "I'm not reading him, he just keeps watching you, he flipped a table during your story and he wants so bad to ask what the hell we are talking about and that is not reading him. It is the look on his face.

Thad shrugged, "Can you stop talking about me like I can't hear you." Justin laughed and Jasmine blushed, "So what the hell are you talking about?"

Jasmine sighed and turned to Thad, who was standing between Elisabeth and Jacob. "We need to get into Young Manor, where we were held. Elisabeth I know you haven't been there since but I need to get in there because I need to find whatever was left behind. I also need to go back to Tepes', I dropped some things before I was grabbed."

Thad shook his head, "You want to go back there? After everything I just heard, I don't even want to go back there."

"Thad please, I need to do this, I can't keep looking over my shoulder scared that I will mess up. I won't be going alone this time." Jasmine said.

Thad sighed and nodded in agreement. Damion turned to Victor, "When can she leave?"

"Tomorrow. She has done all her work and she did her test already, so she just has to wait until tomorrow when I can tell the teachers she will be leaving early to handle some personal business." Victor stated, kissing his wife as she left to go put Benji down for a nap.

Damion looked at her and she nodded, "We will stop at Tepes' on our way to Jacob's."

"No, after Tepes' we go to Young Manor. It is originally mine." Jacob said, "I let Richard have it when I found out that Elisabeth was pregnant, his home was falling apart. The Manor is mine and the name will be changed back over tomorrow, when Elisabeth and I go to the Department of Information. Thad would you like to come with us?"

Thad smiled at Jasmine, "I would love to go with you, Dad." He laughed at the look on Jacob's face and hugged his mom. "You do realize I will be calling you that now."

"Of course, it just took me by surprise." Jacob stated, he smiled at Thad but noticed the look on Justin's face. "Justin, you must come with us too, seeing as how you are my nephew."

Justin smiled, his hair turning black and his eyes became an ice blue. "I would like that very much. Oh, I know my hair has changed a lot but I haven't figured out how to control it yet, it changes with my emotions. I am working on it though."

"I can help you with that." Bella said as she stepped back into the room and her hair turned bright red. "Does that sound good?"

Justin nodded, "Yeah, so I'll meet you at the Manor." he stated as he turned to Jasmine.

"Don't go in that cellar, none of you, not until I get there." she commented, Tinker appeared beside her and tugged gently on her robe. She looked down at him, "Yes Tinker?"

"It has been noticed that none of you have been seen all day, everyone is at lunch maybe now would be a good time to join the rest of the school." Tinker suggested.

"He is right, let us go eat some lunch." Tony said as he led Wanda, Rachel and Toby out of the office. At the door, he turned around, "Justin, would you like to come with us and get a look at Darvoca?"

Justin smiled, "Yeah, I would." He turned to Victor, "Is that okay?"

Victor nodded, Justin smiled and walked over to Wanda who held out her hand to him. He smiled at Jasmine and walked out with them, Wanda turned and smiled at her, "We will keep him out of trouble, don't worry."

Jasmine smiled, Thad walked over to her and held out his hand. She held his and walked out of the office, over her shoulder she looked at Jacob, "I don't think he has been near a human in a very long time. He doesn't know how to handle himself around them just yet, so don't be to hard on him."

Jacob nodded as they walked down the stairs to join everyone for lunch. Thad smiled as he entered the Mess Hall, "I think the girls found someone else to throw themselves at." he pointed at Katie, who Rachel was pushing off of Justin. Justin looked surprised and turned to Jasmine.

"Are they all like this?" he asked, motioning to Katie and the group of girls that stood nearby staring at him.

"Only if they are desperate and pathetic. Don't concern yourself with them." Jasmine said loud enough for them to hear her. Katie glared at her and pointed her hand at Jasmine, before she could utter a word Justin was standing in front of her. He grabbed her hand and pushed her softly to the floor.

"Don't you ever think about doing that to her again." he whispered in a tone that made Katie cringed away from him. He turned away and smiled at Jasmine. Together they all sat down at the table and began to eat the food set out before them. "This place is huge."

"Wait until you see the rest of it." Toby said, smiling at the new boy. "You will love it."

Jasmine smiled at everyone, finally started to feel like everything was coming together but she was wrong, dead wrong and she was about to find out why. Jacob, Bella, Victor and Elisabeth walked in and sat down at the head table as Seth ran into the Mess Hall, he ran half way down the aisle then stopped to catch his breath. "Mary wrote, Chloe is pregnant, she is having a son."

Jasmine stood up and grabbed him as he fell to his knees, she knew that Seth felt lost over what went on between him and Chloe. She looked up to see Eric go pale, she knew he had become a second father to him after Seth's parents died. "We will handle this, it will be okay."

Chapter 18

Two Months Later

"Wake up Seth! We have to get to the prison before someone else does." Thad yelled through the door. Seth woke up and shook his head. It had been three months since he had been rescued and two months since the Department contacted him to tell him Chloe was carrying his child. The baby was born last night but they had to wait until today to be able to take the baby away from Chloe. He knew it was going to be hard but he was not going to let his child be raise by her. Victor told him that he would help because 19 years ago, he was were Seth stood but with Chloe's sister. Unlike Seth's, his child didn't survive.

"I'm up, I'll be upstairs in a minute." He yelled up the stairs. Once he was healed, he had moved into his old home which was left to him when his grandfather had died while himself and Jasmine were kidnapped. He choose to have his bedroom in the basement because it made him comfortable. Jasmine had moved in with Thad, they were dragging their feet about getting married. Wanda told everyone that she was pregnant and Tony and her were married two weeks ago. Bella was pregnant again, Jacob was married to Elisabeth and Damion was dating the new Sparring Coach at Darvoca, Miss Sonya, but he was away right now doing a mission for the Knights. Seth got up and changed into a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. He stepped into his shoes and walked out of his room. He walked up the stairs where everyone was waiting for him. "Okay, let's go."

They all focused and disappeared from his house then appeared in front of the lake that separated them from Daraton. The Keeper stood at the edge, talking to the man who would take the across in the bost. Seth guessed he felt safe enough to be here in person only because the magic-free enchantment on all the prisoners and guards. The guards carried wands to keep the prisoners in line. They all stepped into the boat and headed to the prison. When they reached the edge of the jail, they heard the screams of Chloe. "You will pay for this! He is mine, do you hear me, Mine!"

Seth stepped out of the boat and walked up to Toby, who was holding the newborn boy. He looked at the baby and sighed, just as he hoped the baby looked like him and not Lotrin. He held out his arms and Toby handed him the baby. "He doesn't have a name yet, you know."

Seth smiled and looked at Thad, who had become a good friend to him. "I was thinking about naming him Kethro if it was a boy, what do you think?" Thad smiled and nodded his head. Seth smiled and looked down at the baby. "Does she know that I have him?"

"We didn't tell her but she has guessed. She is not happy, Seth. She is fighting harder then ever." Toby said, just as there was a crash, bang and a scream coming from inside the prison.

The guys walked toward the prison as Edwin Brown stuck his head out and yelled, "It's Chloe, she escaped and killed Jonathan, she has his wand. Get out of here."

"Bloody hell, come on Seth let's get out of here." Thad started as he grabbed Seth's arm, when they turned around they saw Chloe holding the wand to Wanda's neck, smirking at them.

"No one is going anywhere until I get my boy and Seth dies," Chloe stated. She pointed the wand at Wanda's belly and laughs. "Now Seth, bring the boy over here like a good boy."

Seth looks at the baby then to Tony, he saw the terror in his eyes. He took a step forward when another wizard appeared in front of him to stop him. "I am sorry I can't let you do that, Emrys. That baby is not going back to her and she isn't going to hurt Miss Wanda there."

"Well, well Doltin Richards. What are you doing here? Did you come to visit me? To keep Damion safe?" Chloe spat at him. "I think they know that he killed my niece."

Doltin laughed, "Damion didn't kill you niece Chloe. He stole her away, told everyone she had died so that you couldn't get to her and destroy her. Now that she is making herself known to the world, he can have her. Damion might have been a coward when it came to the Weber's but he tried to do right by Victor."

Chloe pointed the wand at him, "Where is she? What have you done to my niece? I will kill you, you and Damion."

Victor reached out for Doltin. "My daughter, she survived? How do you know?"

Doltin not taking his eyes off of Chloe, reached into his pocket. He pulled out a letter and handed it to Victor. "It is for you, Damion wrote it to you when he gave me your daughter to raise and keep safe." Victor grabbed the letter, opened it and read it.

Dear Gloom,

I know that I failed and betrayed you, Jacob and Casey. I should have been stronger for them, maybe he and Sophie would still be here, Tony would have been in a happy family and you would be free to have your daughter. She looks so much like you with her curly brown hair, she does have bright purple eyes. She is only a toddler but she smirks like you do when you get one of those schemes in your head. She is a mini you, I hope that you give her a chance. I stole her from her Aunt the moment she was born so that Chloe could never touch her and destroy her heart. I lied and said that she had died to give her a chance at life. One day, when you prove your innocence and my guilt, she will find you. From her first day, she has known the truth and you. We told her everything and never lied to her. Love her as yours, don't hate her as Lotrin's.

Truly sorry, Hops. P.S. if I am freed before you get this or meet your daughter I apologize, I couldn't risk her life by telling you. Forgive me.

Victor looked up from the letter, with tears in his eyes. "Where is she? Where is my daughter? Is she near here?" Victor asked as he handed the letter to Tony and Jacob to read. Victor walked up beside Doltin and grabbed his arm. "Is she?"

"I guess you could say that Daddy." A voice said behind Chloe, who turned so fast that she let go of Wanda. Doltin grabbed Wanda and drug her back against him. The girl that stood behind Chloe was a young lady with long curly brown hair, her bangs covered one of her bright purple eyes. She stood there with her black glowing hand pointed at Chloe and a smirk on her face. "Hello Auntie dearest, I would say it has been a long time but it hasn't been." She flicked her wrist and sent her aunt flying across the island. She ran to Doltin. "Is she okay?" Doltin nodded as he gently set Wanda down on her feet. 'Okay we don't have much time so Seth, Wanda and everyone head to the boat. I will distract Lotrin, Victor please don't argue with me. I have waited for this for a long time. I have seen the damage she can do, I won't let her do it again."

"Alice?" Seth asked as he took a step toward her, "Is that you?"

She smiled brightly, "Yes Seth. It's me. We can talk about this later, right now you need to get my cousin out of here. Victor and Jacob, please go with him, I need to know he is okay. I promise when she is contained I will come find you. Seth, don't go home, you can't go anywhere she knows. Is there anyone whose house is not well known to everyone?"

"Yes, my cousin's. He just got a new place." Thad said, grabbing Seth and lead everyone to the boat. "WHen you're ready to find us, call out Boomer. It's my Goblin, he will take you there."

"Okay, go we will take care of her." Alice turned around just in time to dodge a jinx her aunt had thrown at her. She sent one in her direction ad ran for cover. "Take the other side, Doltin."

Jacob looked back at Alice and Doltin as the boat reached the other side of the lake. Doltin blocked and disarmed Chloe while Alice sent a spell her way knocking her back in to the prison wall. Standing all together, they appeared at Justin's house. Walking up the stairs to the door, Justin opened if and moved to let them in. "What's going on? I thought you were going to take the baby straight home."

Chapter 19

"Chloe escaped, held Wanda hostage until Alice showed up and saved the day. Alice by the way is the daughter of Chloe's sister, Haylie and Victor, form 19 years ago. She and Doltin, Damion's brother, are coming over here after they get Chloe contained." Jacob said as Tony led Wanda to the couch, to sit down and catch her breath. "Did I miss anything?"

Seth shook his head, "Nothing that I can think of, except I am naming my son after Thad's ghost. His name is Kethro Jai Emrys. Other then that, Nope."

"Wait, Alice? You mean the voice?" Justin asked, both Seth and Thad nodded their heads. Justin sat down in the big brown chair. "She is real, she actually isn't something Chloe made up?"

"Of course I'm not, why would you think that." Alice asked as she and Doltin walked through the front door. "You really should shut the front door, Justin. Oh Thad, Boomer is adorable, I love him." She smiled down at the goblin beside her who blushed up at her. She stood in the doorway looking around at everyone, not sure what to do next.

"Bugger Alice. Why did you not tell me you were bleeding?" Doltin demanded as he grabbed her arm and lifted up her sleeve to see the back of her shoulder, she shrugged and tried to see it. He turned her head forward and gave her a little blue bottle. He folded back her sleeve and focused on the deep cut that ran down her shoulder and arm. "How did this happen? I didn't see Chloe get near you. I just don't understand how this happened, drink it."

"Yes sir. I didn't get it from Chloe. I got it from one of those idiots." she laughed as she drank the bottle and looked to Victor. "So hi, I know this is not what you ever thought would happen today when you got up but is it okay?"

Victor looked at her and smiled. "Of course it is okay, I thought you were dead. I don't know if I want to thank Damion for this or kick his ass but I am so glad he did it. You must tell me about yourself and your life, please."

She smirked, reminding everyone of a younger Victor. "Okay. My name is Alice Victoria Rayne, Rayne and Victoria because of you according to Damion, Alice because she is the reason he saved me. Because she gave her life for Tony and showed Damion what love is supposed to be. Doltin Richards, this guy, is his half brother and raised me. Telling me stories of my father and his two best friends, Casey Weber and Jacob Zaro. Stories about the troubles you would get in, the pranks you would pull and the trust you guys shared. Stories of how Damion betrayed the webers because he was weak at heart. Stories of the boy who lived through hell and a father who gave up everything to take revenge for his best friend."

She walked to a chair and sat in it. "I lived in the middle of a forest so it would be hard for anyone to find me. I knew about the war and Tomnus Muse, I never saw anything of the war because I was never allowed to leave. I hated it because couldn't leave on my own, I didn't understand that it was for my own good. So naturally I snuck out, wondered the forest and ran through the shadows. I saw the destruction of the war, I watched people get dragged away from their homes and families. The town we lived nea called me the Boogey Child, after a couple of years of just watching people live life I would toy with them a little. Move their things around, leave toys for kids birthdays and stop people who tried to break the law. Doltin called me a rule breaker, they called me a vigilantly. I guess it depends on your point of view, I was just bored and needed something to pass the time."

"When I turned sixteen Doltin told me everything Tony had lost his parents, Aunt Chloe was in Daraton, for killing my mother, until she had broken out, Damion was hiding and everyone thought I was dead. Doltin had papers for me to be homeschooled so that I would not show up at Darvoca, which sucked cause I wanted to go there." she sighed softly, "When Chloe broke out, I came out of hiding somewhat. I watched her from the shadows, all the people they tortured and killed. I tried to stay to myself but when she started in on Justin, Jasmine and Seth I couldn't just watch. I became the voice, I would tell them not to give up, to hold on, to focus on what they wanted and to pretend they were somewhere else. When she became pregnant, I watched again this time I knew I would get involved.

Jacob laughed out loud, "Thank god, she is just like you, we would be lost if she was like Lotrin. So growing up Alice, I bet you got into a lot of trouble, didn't you?" he asked as he sat down in front of her to play with Benji on the floor. "Why did you come back?"

Alice frowned at him and took a moment to think about it. "Well yes, I did get in trouble alot. I came back because I needed to, I want to know my father, his new family and his other best friend, Jacob. I want to not be hiding for the rest of my life. I want to be part of a family, to feel like a daughter not an object that has to be hidden and protected. I want a life, all I know is fighting, hiding, planning and never being seen." she whispered, turning so no one would see her cry.

Not knowing what to do, Victor looked around for help. Justin came up and knelt in front of her, lifted her face to his and wiped away the tears. "You may not have been seen but Seth, Jasmine, Thad and I know who you are. We will help you grow and find out who you are and what you like. You are not alone and there is no reason to hide anymore. I promise I will be beside you every step of the way just as you were there for me."

She looked at him and laughed softly. "What if I am like her, what if I hurt someone? What will happen to me then, will I be taken to that place?"

Victor shook his head and smiled down at her, "You are not like her. You care about people, some that you don't even know. You like to cause some problems and bend the rules yet you stop people from breaking the law. You have feelings unlike her, she feels nothing. She likes to see people suffer, you try and help them through the pain. You are nothing like her. You are my daughter."

Smiling, she jumped up and hugged him tightly, he looked shocked but hugged her back and laughed. She smiled and stepped back from him, "Thank you Dad, is it okay to call you Dad? I mean I just showed up out of nowhere and kind of barged into you life, Sorry."

"You can call me dad if you want to. I thought you were dead for 19 years. Showing up out of nowhere is something I care little about." Victor chuckled, looking at Jacob. He looked around at everyone and shrugged. "Is anyone not okay with this?"

Jasmine stood up and walked over to her. "I am glad to meet you, I am glad to see him really smile but if you hurt him or betray him, I won't be nice. Is that understandable?"

"Yes, it is perfectly understandable. I will prove to you that I won't hurt him or any of you." she said, holding her hand out to shake hers. Jasmine nodded and shook her hand, looking at Victor she smiled and nodded, Victor nodded and walked back to the wall to lean on. "Oh Seth, I want to know if I can hold my baby cousin, is it okay?"

Seth walked over to her and handed her the baby, "I think I am going to name him Kethro Jai. What do you think?"

She smiled and held the baby close to her, she looked at the baby. "Kethro Jai is perfect for him, he looks like you. I am glad he is safe." she said as she turned him in her arms to switch sides, she paused midway and frowned slightly. She reached into the blacket and pulled out a small red blinking light, tensing up she handed the baby back to Seth. She turned to Doltin and held the light up. "You're being unreasonable, Alice. No one is after the baby, Alice. He won't help Chloe escape, Alice. Look at this, it is a tracer, he knows where we are, where my cousin is. You told me not to worry about him. Not to care because he used to be their friend, he wouldn't do that. Well you were wrong, he did betray them and he is after the baby, Doltin. You lied to me, you said that you checked him out and that he was clean. Bloody hell Doltin, I am tired of fighting."

He stepped to her and held up his hands, "I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I didn't think he would betray them like that, he seemed to be so into himself." he said as she threw the tracer at him and walked to the chair to get her bag. She glared at him and turned back to Seth.

"Stay in the house, stay hidden and protect Kethro. Justin, help me keep them outside of the house. They want Kethro for some reason and I will not let them have him." As Justin nodded, she turned to Tony and Jasmine, who was standing in Thad's arms. "I know you don't know me and that you don't even trust me. I know that I couldn't get Doltin to believe me but I hope that you will listen. These people are after Kethro, they have been the ones stopping you at every turn you make. Whoever is helping them is someone you know, and they have turned from his former self and become something dark. I don't care if you believe me right now, I have to protect my cousin from these men."

She turned and walked away from Tony, who looked lost as her words sank in. She opened the door and walked outside with Justin following behind her. Tony, Jasmine and Thad went to the window to watchwhat was going on. Seth held his little Kethro and walked to the corner as everyone positioned themselves between him and the door. Alice and Justin stood at the bottom of the stairs outside.

"You should turn around and walk away. If you don't, you'll regret it I promise." Alice said as six men walked up to the house, they were all wearing blood red robes. "You won't get what you came for."

"Give us the baby and no harm will come to you." the tall man with dark blue hair said. "All we want is the baby then you can go on living your life."

Justin laughed out loud and raised his hand, "That is not an option, so either turn around or duel."

All six men raise their hands to curse them when suddenly the ground underneath them began to shake. Alice lost her balance and would have fallen if Justin hadn't caught her and helped her stay on her feet. "Enough Jeremy, let's see if we can handle this without fighting, shall we?"

Alice turned her head and could hear Tony curse through the window. Tony and Thad ran to the door and stood at the top of the stairs. TOny looked at the man standing to the side of everyone and saw a twisted version of his friend. "Peter, what are you doing? You can't really be on their side?"

Peter laughed, "On their side? Tony, you are confused. They work for me, so hand over the baby and we will leave without anyone getting hurt. Hello Thad, how is that Filthling of yours? Does she love being a whore?"

Thad growled and his hand clinched. Tony grabbed his hand to calm him down. Tony looked at Alice, whose face was emotionless but eyes held all the sadness he felt in his heart, he nodded, turned and pushed Thad inside the house. Alice turned to Peter and smirked, "You're not getting your hands on my cousin. So what is your choice?"

Peter looked at her, at the house then at his men. He shrugged, "We will give you some time to think about it but something else for everyone to think about. You won't be able to hide forever." He turned and disappeared, his men followed right behind him.

Alice turned and ran into the house but stopped in the doorway of the living room staring at Tony, who was on the floor fuming. "I'm sorry that you had to find out like this. I didn't want to hurt anyone."

Tony looked up at her, from the floor where he sat. "This is not your fault. Everything had changed, after the war everyone assumed that it would stop but that didn't last long. Jasmine and Seth were kidnapped, Seth became a father, Justin finally showed himself to the world, me and my 'enemy' had become friends. My whole world is falling apart but i don't seem to care. Peter chose this. We needed to know how he was gone, thank you for being honest with us. Now we know the truth."

She watched as the people around her mourned the loss of an ally, she was curious for she had never felt that way about anything. She didn't know what most emotions felt like, she had only seen them in others. Doltin walked to her side, leaned in and whispered in her ear. "I have to leave, are you staying or going?" she looked at him then at her father.

"Victor, because of what Damion sacrificed getting me out, Doltin was giving custody over me. He has to leave now to go back to his family, am I staying or going?" Alice asked, looking at the man she had dreamed about her entire life.

Victor looked at Bella, who smiled. "I'm okay with you staying, if you want to." Victor said as he watched her, she smiled and nodded to Doltin. Doltin nodded and disappeared. She sat down and watched her father interact with his friends. "Alice are you okay?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I haven't spent much time around other people so I don't really know how to act around them, I have a habit of just watching." she smiled as Seth walked over and handed her Kethro. SHe held him, rocking him to sleep as Seth went to Jasmine, who was crying. Alice sat there as everyone cried not knowing what to do.

"Why don't you sing for them?" Justin whispered from behind her shoulder, she turned to look at him. "It can help calm them down and you know something inside you wants to, I have heard you catch yourself humming at least four times since you got here."

Smiling, she looked down at her nephew then at the people she helped tonight. She started singing softly, "Sometimes people come into our life to make us stronger, sometimes they came into our lives to brake so that we can grow when they leave us. People come and go through our lives, that doesn't mean that we should give up and close ourselves off. Every person that walks through our life, whether they stay or go, push us closer to the person we are met to be. So don't hold back when you met someone new, Don't hide when you feel something new. Stand up and face whatever may come, and don't oh don't let anyone tell you that you are never going to be something special. It is up to you how you live, whether you in hell or peace don't ever give in to the blackness. Be who you are, be what you want and makes you happy."

Everyone had turned to watch her, she didn't notice for she was looking down at the baby sleeping in her arms. Seth smiled, stood up and walked over to pick him up. "I told you she could sing, I am going to put him down for a nap. Justin that okay?"

Justin nodded from his spot and Victor saw the sparks between Justin and Alice, looking at Jacob knowing he saw it too. "So what are we going to do about Peter?"

"We will figure that out later." Jacob said, watching everyone switch gears to the upcoming wedding.

Chapter 20

Two Weeks Later - Headquarters

Jasmine sat under the Weeping Willow, flipping through a book that she wasn't even reading. The Knights had moved their headquarters to Dravoca a week ago after Peter had found their old one. She had slipped from her room in the middle of the night, needing to get away from everything. Everyone was being so nice to her and so protective that they wouldn't leave her alone, she was slowly going crazy. She only had one more week before she could go back home, visit Seth and Kethro. She looked forward to it because she had agreed to help Seth with studying for his final test so he could graduate from homeschooling.

She was starting to become happy again, thinking that all the darkness was behind her. She had to figure out who was behind that letter, she also needed to read those folders she had Tinker hide for her, she hadn't had time yet. No one would leave her alone long enough. She had just gone to Eric's house last weekend, she had picked up her memory glasses and invisible knapsack that she had thrown before she was taken. She still needed to get to Young Manor, oh wait it was Hideaway Manor now. They would be home for good in two days, she didn't know if she would go to her place at Thad's of if her father wanted her to go with him that is if he was back by then. She sighed, she didn't know that she would miss him while he was gone. She didn't know how to do all these things unseen, she could think of only one person to help her, Alice. She would see Alice sometime in the next week, seeing how Alice would always find some reason to stop by Thad or Justin's house.

She laughed softly remembering the look on their faces when she and Wanda had caught her and Justin in the hallway arguing then suddenly Justin was kissing her. She loved the way they stuttered for something to say but ended up turning and walking away. She frowned slightly at the fact that Thad hadn't touched her like that again, probably because of the whole reliving her torture thing but she vowed to change that. Laughing softly to herself.

"Well that is a sound we have all missed," she heard Jacob say as stepped out from behind the tree, sitting next to her looking out at the school. "You scared a lot of people when Wanda came to check on you before she went to bed."

She sighed, "I just needed some time where I wasn't being smothered. I wish they would stop treating me like I am going to break."

"So stop acting like you're going to." She heard Alice call out, looking around for her, Jacob pointed up and she saw her sitting on one of the branches. She patted the branch and it lowered her to the ground. "If you want people to treat you like a powerful young witch capable of protecting herself, then act like that is what you are. Stop hiding in your room, be the girl that would make Jasmine proud and stop acting like followers are waiting around every corner. Show the world that you are Jasmine Giovonni and make everyone watch you, hear you and want to be you."

Jasmine looked at her and laughed, "You're right, I am tired of hiding. What are you doing here by the way?"

Alice smirked, "I convinced Jacob to let me come help you through this rough time. So how about we go get some sleep and tomorrow, we can take over the school, okay?"

Jacob looked concerned as Jasmine smiled and nodded, "Just be safe, you two." he said as he watched them get up and run toward the school. He shook his head, knowing he needed to tell Victor that she was here so he headed to Victor's wing. He laughed remembering Bella insisted on making it bigger so that they all could live together, slowly walking up the steps he knocked on the door. After a few moments, Bella opened the door looking confused. "I'm sorry to bug you at this hour but i need to talk to Victor."

She smiled and nodded, quietly calling out. "Jacob had something he needs to tell you." she walked away leaving the door open as she went to check on Benji.

"What's up Shade?" Victor asked, looking tired with his hair sticking up all over. "Did you forget it again?"

"No, I got it but I figured I should tell you that Alice is here, with Jasmine. She seems to be helping her so I didn't see a problem with that but I thought I would tell you." Jacob said, leaning against the door jamb waiting for his words to sink in.

"WHAT?!" Victor hollered after a moment, making Bella come back out wondering what's going on. "Sorry, love. Alice is here and Jacob was just making sure I knew."

She smiled, "It is about time, if anyone can get Jasmine back to herself, it is Alice. I wondered when you were going to being her here. Well, thanks for telling us, let's all go get some sleep, seeing how it is midnight. Good night, Jacob." she pulled her husband inside as Jacob laughed and turned around to walk to his room.

The next morning, Thad and Toby walked to Jasmine's room and knocked on her door, Alice walked out with a smile shutting the door behind her. "Hey guys," they stared at her confused. "I know right, confusing. Jacob brought me here last night to help out Jasmine, who by the way is getting ready still. So why don't you boys go to the Mess Hall and we will join you two soon."

Toby frowned but Thad nodded, Toby and Jasmine had become really close friends. Thad shrugged at him, "Okay we will see you down there. Tell her I said Good Morning." he turned and dragged Toby away from her.

Alice waved at them and walked back in the room, "Okay so Thad is okay with it, your new best friend is a little annoyed." Alice said as she looked at Jasmine, who walked out of the bathroom wearing a black mini-shirt, green tank top, her hair falling free over her shoulders and green and black striped leggings. Alice smiled, going to her magic bag and pulled out a pair of black high heels. Handing them over, she headed to Jasmine's bathroom to get changed. "So Thad said Good Morning. I know you two are engaged but are you two dating?"

"I think, he said he loved me and ha has been so sweet and close to me but since the whole reliving my torture thing he hasn't touched me." she whispered as she put on the shoes and sat back waiting for her. "But I want to change that."

"Oh trust me, we will change that. Then maybe you can help me with my guy problem." ALice said as she walked out, wearing a bright green sundress, with her curly brown hair framing her face. She stepped into a pair of green ballerina looking shoes and sat down to do her make-up.

"Your guy problem?" Jasmine looked confused, then her eyes became wide, "Justin?"

She blushed lightly, "Yeah, I mean I can't seem to get him out of my head and that kiss, bloody hell, it haunts my dreams." she laughs as she stands up and twirls for Jasmine.

"Beautiful, Let' go tilt everyone's world." Jasmine stood up, laughed and walked out of her room.

Following her, Alice laughed, "Tilt, more like flip it over." they walked down the stairs and head toward the Mess Hall as soon as they hit the doorway, everyone stops talking and looks their way.

They smiled at each other and head to the Toby, Tony, Raylin, Fred and Thad at the end of the window table, they take turns sitting between class tables just to make it fair. Everyone watched Jasmine and Alice like they were Goddesses walking right out of a book. Suddenly the boys let out cal calls and whistles, making the girls laugh. Alice looked up at her dad, who was shaking his head but smiling. She waved at him and sat down next to Fred. "Good morning guys, been awhile."

Tony smiled and nodded, "You both look great, I am glad Victor let you come." he looked at Thad who couldn't seem to stop staring at Jasmine. He pointed it out to Toby, who laughed and nudged him.

Thad looked at Toby and shrugged, "Sorry mate. Can't help it, she is to beautiful." Jasmine smiled and blushed. "Can I ask what brought this about, Jasmine?"

"Alice. She showed up last night and knocked some sense into me. I need to stop acting like a victim if I want to stop being treated like it." Jasmine said with a smile. Thad hugged her tightly as Katie walked up to the table.

"Wow, nice look. Did you finally realize after Thad took notice of you that could dress like that and get men to like you?" She snarled, Thad and Toby tensed and moved to get up when Jasmine stood up, turned to her and laughed. Alice walked around the table to stand beside her.

"Aw Katie, did we upset you, taking all the attention away from you again? Did we interrupt you giving someone a hand job for another necklace?" Jasmine smirked and stood face to face with her.

Katie gasped and drew back her hand to hit Jasmine, who laughed, grabbed her hand, twisted it behind her and smashed her into the wall. Katie fell to the floor and looked up at Jasmine in confusion. Alice knelt down beside her, yanked her face in her direction and smiled very slowly. "If you ever think that you can get away with talking to her or anybody like that again, we suggest you rethink that. We don't like you Katie, deal with it because we will keep reminding you. I will make you regret coming to Darvoca if you talk about her like that again, am I understood?"

Katie nodded as Jasmine turned to the rest of Katie's group. They watched the scene unfold, glaring at the girls. Jasmine took a step forward. "Is there something you need? go back to lunch and mind your own problems."

Alice stood and lifted Katie to her feet, dusted her off and smiled at her. "It is your choice, we can be friends, fellow witches or enemies. We don't have to fight, we don't even have to talk but if we do it will be up to you on how it goes. So?"

Katie sighed and watched them closely,she nodded and in a voice so that everyone could hear her. "I am sorry Jasmine, I shouldn't have said that about you, it is a very cute outfit. I will see you around." she turned and weakly walked back to her seat where she shushed everyone around her and nodded again to Alice.

Alice smiled and hung her arm around Jasmine's shoulders. "That worked for a second step. We got their attention, and their hesitation. Now let's work on their love and hate. So let's eat and focus on us."

Jasmine smiled and sat back down as Alice walked back to the other side of the table. Jasmine sighed and looked up at the Head table expecting to see disappointed gazes but instead she saw smiles, winks and nods. She giggled and looked at Alice, gesturing to the table. When she turned around, she saw the pure adoration in Bella's eyes, the understanding in Jacob's and the happiness in her father's. She smiled, her eyes lighting up, she turned and started eating.

After breakfast, Alice separated from Jasmine to explore the school while Jasmine was in class, promising to be back for Defense and Creature Control with Jacob. She walked up the stairs and looked at all the paintings and photos covering the walls, she walked down a hall and found old class photos. She laughed at the styles of hair over the years, stopping in front of a big photo of her father and his friends, Jacob, Casey and Damion. Smiling she walked up to the photo and touched it, suddenly she was being pulled into it and falling until she landed on the grass out by the lake but somehow it looked different. Standing to her feet, she dusted off her legs and looked up as four young men, that she recognized as Jacob, Casey, Victor and Damion.

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