Diabolik Lovers: A Vampire Hu...

By Animefan446

1.9K 44 30

"Things should have been at peace after that battle on that day but, no matter which path I take, there will... More

Character Introductions
Welcome Home, Kano!
The Igarashi Twins! Sora and Sara!
Spending Time With My Onee-chan
The New Enemy Is Katsumi's Old Friend?!
Sora Vs Kano
The New Student Raiden Yamashina
Sing-off! Raiden Vs Kou!
The Enemy Attacks And Raiden Shows His True Colours
The Silent Treatment
Raiden's Rock Night
Christmas Special
Kano Gets Kidnapped!
Kano Gets Rescued And Meets Kino and Raiden's Father
Kano Learns More About Her Mother's Past
Bakeneko and Nekomanta Reunion
Precious Memories
Raiden and Kano's 'Date' Night
The Battle Begins
We've Got A War To Win
We'll Always be Together Big Brother!
The Fight Begins
Things Are About To Get Worse From Here
The Final Battle Begins
We Won't Lose! No Matter What!
I Can't Ignore My Feelings Anymore

Until We Meet Again In The Next Life

44 1 0
By Animefan446


"It's been a while, my old friends."

Katsumi said with a small smile on her face. Kino was shocked as he stepped closer to her and he said to her.

"Katsumi...? is it really you?"

"You've grown up a lot Kino, hmpf, you're no longer the spoilt brat that I remember."

Kino didn't care about her comment and then he hugs her tightly.

"I missed you so much! what were you thinking?! you promised that you wouldn't leave us alone!!"

"I'm sorry, that was one promise I shouldn't have kept if I had known Takeo was going to kill me but, in a way, I'm happy for you."

Kino pulled away from Katsumi and he looked at her confused.

"You've got someone who you care about other than me now, besides, you've grown quite attached to Kano, just like Raiden here."

Raiden blushed a little and he scratches the back of his head while I giggled a little. Katsumi then looked at the twins and she loses her smile.

"Sora, Sera."

Sora looked at Katsumi shocked before he grits his teeth in anger. Sora ran over to Katsumi and he tries to punch her but she dodged his attack.

"Whoa! Sora!"

"Why?! why?! why?!"

Sora shouted as he threw his punches at Katsumi who was still dodging his attacks.

"How could leave me and Sera like that?! you promised that you'd come back for us but you didn't!! the staff continued to beat us up! the orphanage got abandoned and then...."

Katsumi caught Sora's fist and then he begins to cry a little.

"Sera and I were...all alone....we only had each other until we were close to death....if Karl-sama hadn't come for us...we would have...."

Sora began to cry and then Katsumi gently hugs Sora and Sera then joined in the hug.

"Forgive me, to leave you two alone all this time....I'm so sorry I didn't come back for you two sooner, but, I had a reason for not coming for you two, it was because I was saved by Aoi when I was also close to death and because of this, I couldn't control my new powers easily, that's why I thought it was best to break my promise and not to come back for you two but, by the time I got there it was already too late, everybody abandoned the building and you two were no longer there."

Sera and Sora looked at Katsumi with tears still running out of their eyes.

"I tried to come back but, Otu-san had beaten me to it, in a way I'm glad it was him who saved you."

"You are?"

"Yes, because if he didn't I would be able to see you two again like this and that's not all, you two still have each other's backs even though one of you was mean and cruel to Kano."

Sora sweat dropped and he chuckled nervously.  I looked at Katsumi and she then said to me.

"Kano, Gomen, I should have done something to stop Koga all those years ago if I had known Takeo was going to bring him back to life as well."

"It's not your fault Katsumi, you had no idea what was going on when you were alive besides, I'm glad that I've finally learnt the truth about myself."

Katsumi looked at me surprised and then she smiles at me.

"I'm glad you said that because there's a certain someone who's been desperate to see you after Koga was defeated."


I asked her and then a familiar voice spoke up.

"Kano...my treasure."

My eyes widen in shock and when I turned around I saw the one person who I knew all too well.


"Kano, my beautiful sweet treasure."

Mom stood there with a smile on her face and she wore a beautiful white dress. Tears spilt out of my eyes and I then ran over to her and I hugged her tightly.

"Okaa-san!! it is really you!"

"Kano, my treasure, you don't know how much I've wanted to see you last time...I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to you properly."

"I don't care about that...I'm just so happy to see you again."

I said as I cried even harder and then Okaa-san hugs me and she gently strokes my hair to comfort me.


I watched Kano cry her eyes out as she hugs her Mother tightly. Her Mom looked beautiful and then Kou spoke up.

"Amelia...? wow, she still looks beautiful especially when she was still alive, at least now you know where Keneko-chan gets her looks and her singing voice from."

"I sure do..."

I said as I placed my hand on the cross that once belonged to my sister. Katsumi came over to me and she said to me.

"You've also lost someone special to you as well didn't you, Raiden?"

"I did...I practically blamed myself for not being there when Lucy died."

"It wasn't your fault big brother!"

My eyes widen when I recognised that voice. I turned around and I saw Lucy and she was smiling at me.

"I never once blamed you, big brother, it wasn't your fault that I died."


I fell to my knees and then she ran over to me and hugs my neck.

"I missed you, big brother!"

"Lucy....*sniff* I missed you too..."

I hugged her back and I tried my best to hold back my tears. Kou was shocked when he saw Lucy and he then said to me.

"Big brother?! wait, you mean this girl is...."


I pulled away from Lucy and I looked at Kou.

"This is my little sister Lucy, she died when we were both young, I blamed myself for not being there to protect her, we even made a promise that we would always be together but...."

"Stop it, big brother, you're making me upset now..."

Lucy said as she wipes away her tears. I smiled at her sadly and then Father came over to us.


Lucy looked at Father and she smiles at him.


Lucy hugs Dad's waist and she smiles at him. Father smiled a little and then he kneels down to her height.

"Look at you Lucy, you've grown quite a bit the last time I saw you...when you were alive that is...I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you and Raiden when the two of you were little, some Father I turned out to be..."

"It doesn't matter, I'm glad you and big brother got to see each other again and the two of you have that Father and son bond that you should've got in the first place." 

Father and I looked at each other and we thought the same thing, 'she's right'.


I smiled at Raiden's reunion with his sister and then Mom spoke up.

"Looks like I wasn't the only one who was desperate to see their loved one."

"It looks like it."

I looked at Mom and she ran her fingers through my hair gently and she smiled at it.

"I see you've changed your hair colour, it suits you."

"Arigato Okaa-san."

Okaa-san strokes my cheek gently and she smiles at me sadly.

"My beautiful Kano, you've grown up so much and you've found some friends who care about you, I'm also glad that you Kou are no longer rivals the two of you were like two peas in a pod before you became an Idol."

Kou smiles a little when Mom said this.

"I'll admit, that part is true, but we still have our rivalry moments every now and then."

"True and here's your punishment for calling my daughter an ugly witch."

Mom flicked Kou's forehead really hard making him shout in pain. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from laughing when she did this and I heard the others sniggering or chuckling at him. Mom smirked and she then said to me.

"I've still got it."

"You sure do, Okaa-san, I only wished you were still alive to watch me become to the woman that I am today."

Okaa-san smiles at me and she pats my head gently.

"I have been Kano and your singing voice is beautiful and so are the songs you've sung as well including one of my own, I'm so proud of you, my treasure."

Tears gathered in the corner of my eyes again and I tried my best to hold them back. Mom smiled at me and she said to me.

"Don't be sad Kano, remember what I told you before, no matter wherever you go or where you are, I will always be with you and I will continue to watch over you until the day you join me in the spirit world."

"*Sniff* Okaa-san...."

Just then, Mom's body began to glow and then she smiles sadly.

"Looks like time is up."

"You're leaving?!! but you can't go! we just got to see each other again!"

"I can't stay Kano, but let me tell you this now, someday you will join me in the spirit world and then we can sing songs together like we used to before, until then, be happy with the ones who love and care for you and also, find that special someone who will love and care for you, can you do that?"

I nodded my head as tears spilt out of my eyes and I then said to her.

"I will Okaa-san! I'm so happy to have a Mother like you!"

Mom smiled at me and then she hugs me one last time.

"And I am so proud to have a daughter like you Kano!"

I closed my eyes and I felt Mom's warmth spreading through my body as she slowly disappears.

"I love you, Kano! I'll miss you! until we meet again in the next life!!"

Tears continued to spill out of my eyes as Mom disappears from my sight.


Lucy was also starting to disappear and she then floats in the air.

"Looks like I'm away as well, big brother, Father."

"Lucy! don't go!"

Lucy smiles at me and then she kisses my forehead before smiling at me one last time.

"I have to go Big brother, but, someday, God will reunite us in heaven until then, you can continue to sing and become the greatest band that Japan's ever known...I'm so proud to have a brother like you until we meet again in the next life!"

Lucy said before she disappears from my sight leaving white particles behind. Kano and I stood next to each other as we watched Amelia and Lucy disappear.


As we watched Mum and Lucy disappear into the night sky, leaving white particles in the sky, Raiden and I held hands as we sadly stared at the night sky after Mum and Lucy left. I looked at Katsumi and she smiles at us as well.

"If it's not too much to ask Kano, is it all right if I sleep inside of your body? it was nice to see my lover and my daughter after all this time but, I realise now there still somethings in this world that I've yet to complete and that's why I want to be reincarnated into you."

I was surprised when she asked me this. I nodded my head and I said to her.

"Of course, Katsumi, if that's what you want."

Katsumi smiles at me and she looks over her shoulder and she waves bye to Hikaru and her daughter one last time before her body also turns into white particles. Katsumi looks at me and she then mumbled.

"Until we meet again in the next life..."

Katsumi disappears into a white ball of light and then it floated towards me. The white ball of light felt warm as it entered my body and I could feel Katsumi's happiness and the warmth that she left behind as well. I smiled a little and I thought to myself.

'Until we meet again in the next life...Okaa-san...Katsumi....'


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