
By AshleyRenee221b

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Every world, realm and race of life knows what war is. They know pain, loss, regret and hope. Some live the... More

Part 2
Part 3

Part 1

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By AshleyRenee221b

Chapter 1

Every world, realm and race of life knows what war is. They know pain, loss, regret and hope. Some live their whole lives without ever seeing the end of the war that plagues their world. Some see the end just in time; some see the beginning and thank the gods that they won't be around for the worst of it. My friends and I were born in the middle of the war that almost destroyed our world, Hikavie, now we have seen the beginning of the end. The villainous ruler, Tomnus Muse, was thrown from his window and laid dead on the ground for everyone to see. No one knew ended his life but cheers and celebrations were heard throughout the lands, people rejoiced at the death of their tormentor. Everyone thought that the darkness would recede back to the void from which it came but they were wrong. Tomnus might have died but his followers were still very much alive, and it was up to the Knights to catch and contain them. The Knights were formed by the original Seven, that had created the doorway from the human world to ours so that we could live in peace. They were forever called the Legends; they watched over us and intervened only when they believed we could not handle things on our own. They created our world for creatures like them and all the other creatures of fairy tales and myths, from Dragons to Phoenixes and all creatures could talk.

The Legends consisted of a Wizard named Kethro Emrys, a pixie named Anya Blast, a vampire named Skyler Tepes, a werewolf named Lucian Rayne, a mermaid named Tessa Macedon, a shadow walked named Dane Zaro and a shapeshifter name Jai Laufey. The Legends were not the humans described, well some of it was true but most of it was just made up. A wizard or witch can create spells, make potions and fly on brooms without a wand or even a spoken word. The only time a wizard or witch uses a wand is when a child is just beginning to learn control. Their minds are their most prized possession. A pixie is smaller than most things but so small that they can fly through keyholes, unless they shrink their body themself. They fly around on colorful wings and they have dust that can make thing or creatures shrink or fly. A vampire does require blood to live but not every day, they need it if they are weak or dying. They can walk in sunlight, eat normal food and even sleep, not in coffins. They don't breath but they can wake up if danger is sensed. They are fast, have extreme hearing and sight. They also have their own special talent from reading minds and invading dreams to controlling things and creatures with their minds. A werewolf turns into a wolf on the full moon but can also half change at any time. Their strength, claws, teeth eyes and even ears. When they are in danger or extremely angry, they can fully shift without the moon being full. A mermaid can live on land or under water, they can also control water as well. They can change the color of their eyes, hair or skin and the shape of their body to help them entice anyone and their voice can control whatever creature they are singing to. It can be used to calm them down, forget, destroy or even help the mermaid kill without touching the victim. The females were called sirens and succubi by the humans during their earlier years. A shadow walker looks human but can turn into shadow whenever they want, the travel through shadows and control it as well. A morpher can change into an animal and it's everyday appearance. They can change their clothes, hair, eyes, ears, skin, height and even their voice, it allows them to be great spies, thieves and cheaters. They can also tell when another creature is lying or hiding something. Some morphers can change into other people. In our world every creature knows magic, it is in their blood but witches and wizards are the strongest.

These creatures and many other make up our world, the Knights are now me and my closest friends. It was our family secret, even from us, until we were old enough. Our parents still help us but we have taken most of the work ourselves. I wasn't always a Knight because I was hidden from the world for my own safety. Like some of the creatures in our world, I was hidden to hide deep secrets but also help those who I could. Durin the Knight's task to find and capture the followers, we found the records of Tomnus, we thought it would be smart to record our records from our point of views as well. My name is Alice Victoria Rayne and I am a mixed breed. I am part mermaid, part Morpher and half vampire. I was born half werewolf but there was time in my life were I was unsupervised and things happened, including a spell to change my werewolf side to a vampire with a sacrifice of the man who did the spell but we'll get to that later. In my world mixed breeds are considered freaks or Filthlings by creatures that support the old ways of our life. I'm an outsider to most but I will do what I must to protect the world that I love. I am writing about our struggles now so that future generations will know what had happened and what must be done if we fail. After the is when the real trouble started, where secrets were revealed and where we found our true destinies.

Flashback - third person POV

Mary Murphy shook her head at Elisabeth and laughed lightly. "Not like that dear. You do that and the dough won't rise. Like this now."

Elisabeth wiped the sweat from her brow and readjusted her apron before pushing her sleeves up once again. Watching Mary intently, she blew hair from her eyes and set to work once more. "Like this Mary?" Elisabeth was kneading the dough gently with a rocking motion from her knuckles to the ball of her hand, before folding it in on itself.

Mary smiled in approval, "We'll make a cook out of you yet I gather." Elisabeth just smiled, her eyes holding a light they had not seen in years.

They both jumped as Eric Tepes came bellowing through the back door, his normally immaculate appearance mussed, "We have them Mary. Clear the living room and have plenty blankets. The fireplace must be lit."

Mary let out a muffled sob before throwing down her dishtowel and running from the room, calling for her children. Elisabeth asked quietly, her faced subdued. "How are they, Eric?"

Eric sighed, looking older than ever. "They'll live Lizzie." Eric walked into the library, where Fred Murphy was stoking an already blazing fire and Tony Weber was moving the furniture out of the way. With one last shove the couch was against the far wall. Erid tossed a pile of blankets into his hand, "Lay them before the fore. Not too close and no magic. Even the slightest bit of magical residue could harm their already frazzled nerve endings."

Tony nodded his head and set to work, laying out the thick quilts and comforters in a large bed of sorts. Wanda Yearo and Mary came rushing in, pillows and evenmore blankets in their arms. Without warning, Victor Rayne came barreling into the room with Rachel Murphy on his heels. Colin White and Emmett Murphy stood in the doorway, concern evident in their stances. Emmett was nursing a bloodied hand while White seemed to be favoring his left ankle.

Tony watched wide eyed as Victor laid a barely conscious and bloodied wolf on to the blankets they had just laid out. Jacob Zaro set down the pale almost lifeless body of Seth Weber beside the wolf, who turned to be Jasmine Smith. Mary's eyes went wide while her heart beated in her throat. This is what the young ones had become. An animal and a vampire. Thad and Fred came in minutes later carrying a small tub of heated water and plenty of towels. Tony watched in silence as Wanda crawled to the injured predator and sat on her bottom. The pale lifeless body began to move toward the wolf as if needing the wolf's comfort. Soothingly Wanda ran her hands over the beast's fur and the vampire's shaggy hair, whispering about rainbows and leprechauns while Victor began cleaning the blood and dirt from their lacerations. A small sound of distress had him and Thad turning to find his mother standing in the way, her complexion ghostly pale.

Thad wanting her from any form of pain at his father's hand, went to her and wrapped his arms around her waist tightly. Elisabeth wasn't stupid. She had been married to Richard Young for nearly twenty years and had seen almost all his tricks. He had known he couldn't keep Miss Smith forever so he left his mark. He knew not where his wife and son were but he knew who they were with and left a mark on his prisoners that would shake any solid ground she stood on. Her stomach rebelled and her eyes watered. Guilt. Shame. For the first time in her life, Elisabeth Annabelle Young was feeling the effects of true guilt and shame. Thad let go of her as she stepped forward, her small slipper covered feet making no noise on the carpet. She looked down on the two who had chosen to become martyrs for the cause. Looking at Mary, she asked brokenly, her words barely discernible, "Why? Why would there two that my son and I have shown nothing but contempt for go to such a length to protect us? The woman barely registered her fisted and shaking hands being pulled into Mary's.

"Elisabeth, you must understand. Though Jasmine and Seth may not have any love for you or Thad, they cannot ignore your pain. They chose to carry this burden. They are a part of the Knights and we are not known for thinking clearly when lives are on the line. Even as the smartest witch and wizard of their age must give in at one point or another to the bravery and brashness that runs rampant in our hearts."

"If we are all done gawking, I would like to clear the room and get to work on my patients." Eric's voice cut through the grief and tension like a finely honed insult, though his tone bore no venom. Thad reached out to his mother and gripped her arm tenderly, turning her away from the source of her pain. He knew his mother needed to come to terms for he was just as confused as she. Mary began ushering everyone from the room. Though her smile had not returned the women was no longer in tears. "Please send Colin in when he arrives." She squeezed Eric's hand in thanks before leaving, agreeing to his request.

Drake reassuringly hugged his mother to him as they followed the last of the Murphy's from the room. Behind them, White and Emmett closed the door before following the Murphy Matriarch into the kitchen to be patched up. "We owe them our lives Thad." The blonde only nodded and held his mother tighter as they walked. Turning his mother toward the stairs, he led her up flight after flight until they reached her room. Her banana bread could wait.

Jasmine's eyes were unfocused, her once again human body was trying to comprehend her brain signals. Turning her head, she saw Eric leaning over her, is hand scanning her body. She smiled, "Eric."

The Healer gave a start and flicked his eyes to her face. "Ms. Smith, do you know where you are? How do you feel?"

Jasmine scanned the room and saw Colin and Emmet Murphy staring back at her. They both held looks of concern and relief upon their usually grinning faces. Both wore pajama pants that seemed to be made of the thinnest material and Colin's normally tied back mane was flowing loosely over his shoulder. Looking back at the healer, she sighed. "I am home, safe. I feel tired and numb. Where is Victor?"

"Full Moon." This came from Colin as he walked forward. Emmet followed, hesitantly, not sure what he should do.

She reached a weak hand toward them and Colin grabbed it, holding it tightly. "I will be okay Colin and Emmet."

Wanda's melodic voice floated from the doorway of the attached bathroom, "The bath is ready."

Eric backed away and said, "Colin if you please. Your wolf seems to help her." Colin nodded and picked up Jasmine up in his arms, her warm skin to his scarred chest. Unconsciously she burrowed closer, the need for skin to skin contact almost overpowering. Eric turned to Emmet, "Retrieve the potions I have set on the dresser." The Dragon rider nodded, looking to do anything. God, the nerves were killing him, the feeling of helplessness eating at him. The healer watched him concern on his face. Oh he knew what had been going on between Colin, Emmet and Jasmine before her capture. They all held very intimate ties. Although they were nothing but platonic now, the deep seated concern was full force.

The rest of the night flew by in a flurry of images for Jasmine. She remembered Wanda's lithe form climbing in to the tub before she was lowered into the waterby Colin. Jasmine sighed at the contact of the water and closed her eyes against the lights. "The lights." She murmured and with a flick of his wrist, Eric replaced them with thick white candles covering every surface. Then she remembered taking several potions from Eric and Emmet, Wanda helping clean her skin softly while they were alone and whispering reassuring words in the dark room, being lifted from the water and dried,placed on silky white sheets in a large bed and being enveloped in the warmth of Emmet's hug before drifting off to quiet melodic whispers. She had no idea where they came from, her companions or the recesses of her mind. All she knew was that she was tired. "Where is Seth?"

"He is with Tony and Jacob, don't worry." Eric answered her as she fell asleep.


Seth heard Tony arguing with someone as he walked into the room. "No Dottie, he needs to be healed them we will decide."

"Yes, Mister Weber." said a small goblin behind Tony, carrying a tray covered with clothes, water, soup and bottles of different colored liquids. "Here we are Mister Zaro, everything you asked for. Oh deary, you look scared out of your mind and extremely pale for even a vampire. What is your favorite food? I will make it for you as soon as they let you eat."

Seth smiled at Dottie, "I like Macaroni and cheese, Dottie. Sorry my voice is so soft, I haven't spoken in about three months."

"Oh how awful. No one deserves. Whatever you need, you let me know deary." Dottie said as she waddled out of the room.

"Wow. She has quite a personality, who does she work for?" Seth wondered as Wanda smiled and pointed at herself. Looking around at everyone, he shook his head. "Please don't feel sad for me, I don't know if I will be able to take it. All that has kept me going is the thought of seeing you guys again. Laughing and hanging out together. I know it won't be the same as before but I refuse to a weakling anymore."

"No one here thinks you are a weakling, Seth." Tony said, sitting down next to him. Seth rolled his eyes but smiled at him. "I mean it Seth, none of us think that."

Seth look at me." Jacob said, kneeling in front of him. When Seth looked at him, he pointed around at his friends. "They care for you, they don't want you to remember all the bad things that happened while they had you. I am not like that, I want you to be strong and live."

"Don't do this, Jacob." Tony said, reaching out to stop him. Seth held up a hand to stop him.

Jacob looked back at Tony, "I have to," He turned back to Seth, he gently placed his hands on Seth's knees. "I won't say that I have been through everything you have but the pain, the whips and chains. That I understand, that I have been through too." Jacob slowly lifted his shirt up his back, Wanda gasped behind him. He turned to show Seth the scars that ran down his body. Tony got up and walked to Wanda. Turning back to Seth, "You can't keep it inside, it will kill you. I know you may not want to talk about it right now but when you do, any of us will listen. Honestly I don't know how anyone could handle what I went through without breaking, so what you went through I couldn't imagine surviving. I made a mistake thinking that you were weak, I will never make that mistake again. No one will, your pain and anguish will make you stronger."

Seth smiled softly, "Thanks Jacob, for being honest with me. When it happened to you, did you hear a voice. A female, caring and gentle yet demanding?"

Thad laughed from the doorway as Jacob shook his head, "Alice, you mean? Always telling me to hold on, not give up and she will reach her end very painfully. Yeah I heard her, at first I thought I was crazy but she was giving me tips and led me to you."

"If we ever find her, I am going to hug her. She is crazy, her controlling sweetness kept me going." Seth smirked.

"Did she sing to you?" Thad nodded. "What I heard her while I was growing up and so did Dober."

Seth nodded, focusing on him. "Yes she sang to me."

"Okay I think that is enough for today. Let's leave jacob to heal him, then Thad and Tony can take you upstairs, get you showered and changed then you can sleep." Bella cut in smiling at Seth, holding little Benji in her arms. Wanda walked up to Bella, took Benji and walked outside. Bella kissed Seth's forehead and walked upstairs to get a room ready for him. "Welcome back Seth."

Jacob handed Seth a bottle of blood and turned to his potions. "Okay, Seth. I need to know what I need to heal before I can give you anything. So you can tell me or one of the boys."

Seth sighed and focused on the pain he was feeling. "My head won't stop pounding, the gashes on my back and legs, the numbness of my legs. I haven't had blood in a long time, that is all I can feel." Seth watched him go through the bottles until he found to mixes, a tall skinny bottle fill with red liquid and a short round one with blue liquid in it. Seth saw Jacob's tears and reached out to touch his hand. "I am going to be fine. I just need some rest and I will heal in no time."

Jacob looked at him and smiled, nodding he handed him the bottles. "Drink those, with the bottle of blood then do what you want you must quickly the red one will knock you off your feet soon." He stood up, thanked Thad and walked outside with Wanda and Benji.

Tony watched Seth take the potions and stand up, "Can you walk up the stairs? If you can't, we can do it the fast way."

Seth took a step, he smiled at Tony and slowly headed for the stairs, "I can walk it. I don't think I can actually take a shower though. Where is Jasmine?"

Tony smirked and nodded, "Jasmine is resting now, you will see her soon. We can take care of the shower thing. So let's get you up the stairs and changed into actual clothes." Tony walked in front of Seth as Thad walked behind making sure he didn't fall. They reached the top and led Seth to a back room on the left, it was big with a window that looked out upon the cliff that lived next to. The colors of the room where brown and yellow. Tony unfolded the clothes as Drake used a spell to clean the dirt and grime off of Seth. Seth changed into the clothes that were defiantly Tony's as Tony took the coat and blanket down stairs. "Get some rest Seth, you are safe now."

Drake walked to the door before looking back at Seth, "You can relax here, Seth. She won't hurt you anymore. You may have nightmares but we will be here for you." He walked out of the door and left Seth alone.

Seth sat on the bed and looked out the window at the sky. He slipped under the covers and sighed, he closed his eyes and saw the faces of his friends, he was free. He tried to get to sleep when this feeling of dread came over him.

"Relax, Seth. Your friends will take care of you. Close your eyes and relax." Alice said as she softly began to sing for him. Listening to her, he began to relax and drift into a deep sleep.

End of Flashback

Chapter 2

Jasmine sighed, stretching out on the bench, her arm covering her eyes to ward off the onslaught of her migraine. The jostling of the boat was almost like a cradle, tossing her this way and that in hopes of lulling her to sleep. Toby and Wanda's smiling faces flashed behind her eyelids, making her spare hand reach toward the ceiling in hopes of grabbing onto their imaginary figures to no avail. It was pointless. They were here yet.

They had both graduated already but had promise to come back to see her and help her through. She was nearly healed and had said that she would meet up with them when her last college semester was over. Tony had said her summer was eventful enough and she didn't need to hurry to be put in anymore danger. Wanda had agreed, adding that she wasn't nearly as healed as she had said. As the boat continued to rock, she willed her muscles to relax. After all, she had the whole Advance car to herself. On the verge of sleep, memories of her abduction flashed behind her eyes.

Jasmine jerked awake, sitting up so fast the room spun. Sweat covered her brow and chest. Her stomach tingled, a reminder of her favorite souvenir from her captivity. Looking at her watch, she saw that they would be at Dravoca in about an hour. Time to change and walk the bout one last time. Jumping up, she quickly changed from her sweat soaked t shirt and jeans into her White blouse and grey skirt. Grabbing her favorite knee high rainbow socks from her carry-on, she slipped them on quick. Reaching under the bench she pulled out a pair of buckled knee high combat boots. Standing, she rolled her sleeves to just above her elbows, exposing the white criss cross scars that ran across her tanned forearms.

Grabbing a tie, she finished buttoning her shirt until two remained. Tying the tie loosely around her neck, she adjusted her shirt, trying to keep her cleavage inside, she needed new shirts. Over the summer she had a very fast growth spurt to her chest. A silver Celtic cross hung between her breasts, tauntingly. Grabbing her jacket, she slipped it on. Attaching her Avance Girl badge to the material, she looked herself over in the mirror. Running her fingers through her dark blonde hair, she examined the dark green streaks running through it here and there. She shook her head to make them brighter.

Taking a special made leather holster from her bag, she strapped it to her right thigh, under her thigh length skirt. In it went her wicked looking knife. Never again would she be helpless. Waving her hand at her bag, it disappeared. Looking in the mirror once more, she wished she could do something about that white ragged scar that ran across her left cheek btu dismissed that thought. Besides, Rachel said it made her look roguish, Jasmine liked that through as it were. Adjusting the dangly belly button rings that hung from her ears, three in each ear lobe and one at the top of each ear, she nodded to herself. Time to walk the boat.

Exiting the car, she began walking, knocking on compartment doors and giving warnings to the students. Many first years stared, mouth open, while anybody who knew her wore looks of shock at her appearance. Jasmine dismissed this. She tried to avoid any seventh years but no such luck. Knocking on compartment, she opened the door and came face to face with Seth Emrys, Rachel, Pearl Jones and Aaron Draner. Seth stepped forward and Jasmine looked away, unable to meet his eyes. "Almost time to get off. Get changed and make sure your carry-ons are together." Stepping out of the compartment door, she closed it behind her, trying hard not to see the worry in Seth and Rachel's eyes, the shock in the other's. It was to hard. She knew that Seth was the closest person to her at the moment but she just didn't know if she could handle his understanding love right now. At the last train car, she tried to hurry, only having about 20 minutes before they arrived and she still had to check the luggage car to make sure all the pets were alright. Coming to the last compartment, she knocked on the door, not waiting for an answer. Pushing the door open, she was momentarily stunned but quickly recovered. There sat Thad Young,Toby Laflor, Katie Holiday, Oliver Mirdril, Stephen Donavin and Winifred Madus.

Before anything scathing could be said, Jasmine spoke up. "We're almost there. About twenty minutes give or take. Make sure your things are together. Young, you have first shift after leading tonight. I'm taking second. Learn to do your job or I'll get you replaced."

As she turned around and went to leave, Katie spoke up, her nasally voice breaking the sweet silence. "Nice Scar, Smith." Winifred giggled, her laugh tinkling in the air.

Jasmine turned back around, a sweet smile on her face. "Thanks, want one?" Slamming the door behind her, she left and headed to the door, her body stiff with anger. If that bitch didn't watch it, she would get it. Man, she needed a drink. She walked into the luggage car, checking the pets before heading back to the front. As the boat stopped, Jasmine jumped off, her boots making no noise. Using a voice enhancing charm, she said, "First years, to the little boats, The rest of you grab a carriage. Please, don't dally." Canceling the charm, she smiled when she saw Jeremiah. With a wave she turned and took up sentry duty, ushering everyone to the carriage. She really needed a drink or two.

After rounding up some wandering third years, she had made it the Mess Hall, just in time for the chaos to end. Sitting up straight, Jasmine gave herself a mentle shake, and put a smile on her face. Looking back to Pearl, she said apologetically, "Sorry Pearl, What did you say?"

Pearl frowned, pursing her pink lips. "Are you alright Jazz?"

Jasmine smiled, "Just tired. Long day and even longer night ahead." Pearl nodded in understanding.

Suddenly, Nicole came running over to the two girls and said excitedly. "Did you hear?"

"Hear what?" asked Rachel, sipping her Ice Punch. Nicole was bouncing, a giddy smile on her face as she told the latest gossip. Jasmine just shook her head at the tree girls. School hadn't even started yet. Glancing at her watch, she noticed it was almost time for Rayne's final speech of the night before sending the students off to their rooms. Finishing off her pudding, she set the bowl on her plate which was scattered with potions of food. Unfortunately during her capture, her stomach shrank from lack of food so now she could barely eat anything without making herself sick. It would be a long and tedious process before she could eat normally again.

The hall quieted as Victor Rayne stood, his deep blue shirt glinting in the candle light. As the final whisper halted the Dean began. "First of all I would love to welcome you all, new students and old to another wonderful year. Now before we all head to bed for some much needed rest, I have a few announcements. First and foremost, I would like to remind you that the Lake is not for swimming. If caught swimming, you will not like the consequences. Secondly Mr Thomas would like me to remind you that no magic is to be used in the halls and the list of banned objects and items, totaling 627, is no longer in effect. We just ask that you are careful and don't go overboard with them, especially with the Getty Products."

Snickers rose up around the room, and Jasmine couldn't help the slight smile that graced her lips. As the noise died down, Rayne continued. "I would like to welcome Professor Zaro who will once again be taking over Defence and Creature Control." Cheers erupted throughout the students. Jacob stood and waved, a wolfish smile on his face. The five o'clock shadow on his jaw just made him more dangerous looking, and he was enjoying it. As he sat, Rayne cleared his throat. "Lastly, Advanced students duties will be done in pairs. No exceptions." A couple groans ensued. The Dean just smiled and said "Good night." Stepping down, he left via antichamber, the other professors following behind.

Jasmine watched the students go, the first looked like newborns. They were really quite cute. Had she looked that awestruck and lost six years ago? Soon enough the hall was empty but she could not make herself get up. Professor Howard had informed them over the summer that both Jasmine and Thad would have a student of their choice that would be allowed to room in the Advanced Dorms. After all the Advanced boy and girl couldn't go everywhere together, despite the safety in numbers proclamation. So, Rachel had agreed to room with her, seeing as the girl was jumping a year to begin with. Thad had chosen that quiet seventh year LeFlor.

Lost in her thoughts, Jasmine couldn't help her reaction upon being disturbed. A slender hand lay softly on her shoulder. Jasmine's right hand immediately went to her knife, as she turned sharply on the bench, an animalistic growl falling from her lips. Teeth barred and eyes wild she looked up into Rachal's smiling face. RAchel's long curls fell around her little body like a curtain, hiding her pixie-like form. Her brown eyes were wide and glittering, her lips pale pink and plump. Her skirt was slightly crumpled and her shirt buttons undone, showing a red spaghetti strap top underneath. Her tie hung loosely around her neck and a pair of pristine white flip-flops covered her feet, red sparkly toenail polish winking in the candle light. As silver beaded anklet jingled in the silence.

Around her neck hung a delicate silver cross, a partner to Jasmine's. "Jasmine." Rachel's voice brought the girl back from the edge, it's quiet and silky lilt a welcome and familiar territory. Slowly her grip on the knife loosened, as recognition clicked in the back of her mind.

"Rachel." It came out as a strained whisper and before Jasmine knew what happened, she was hugging the blonde's waist tightly, trying to stop the shakes that ran through her body. Rachel's arms enveloped her, smoothing their way down her hair and over her back.

Jasmine's thought were chaotic, a mass of dark emotion and icy fear. Anger, burned in her gut, not at Rachel but herself for the weakness she couldn't seem to purge from her body. Unexplainable and uncontrollable these breakdowns came at the most inopportune time. Sometimes when she let down her guard and was surprised, other times while she was sleeping. She couldn't breathe at best and at worst, she felt like she was drowning. gasping and coughing, frantically searching for the unseen enemy or a way to stop her agony.

Slowly the tremors eased, Jasmine's body once more becoming lax, though her arms were just as tight around Rachel. Rachel looked down at Jasmine, a small frown maring her normally serene and cool face. Slowly she reached around her back and unhooked the girl's arms. Helping Jasmine from the bench, Rachel took ahold of her hand and said, "Rayne gave me the password. Our rooms are located in the south tower. The Goblins fixed it up just for us." As the pair walked from the main hall, each candle dimmed and extinguished itself as they passed. Neither saw the eyes watching as they went.

Chapter 3

Rachel led Jasmine to a blue glasses mirror that resided on the seventh floor by the south tower. "Valor." Slowly the mirror turned translucent and Rachel led Jasmine through to the common room. Passing through the glass sent a shiver down Jasmine's spine. Looking around, the girls took in the decor of their new dorm. "Jasmine this place is better than I could have imagined."

A large fireplace made of inky black stone rested against the wall, a fire blazing. A black couch sat a couple feet from the flames. In the far corner sat a small table with a black armchair on either side. On the right wall a door stood open. Walking over Jasmine motioned to Rachel and said , "Take a look." The floors were covered in pearly white tile and a large whirlpool bath covered the left wall, the back wall was covered from floor to ceiling mirror and on the right wall held the sinks and toilet. A couple cupboards held the softest towels and washcloths Jasmine had ever felt.

Backing out of the room, the girls eyed the large stone staircase at the back of the common room that split at the top. Rachel smiled and turned toward the left wall. "We're on the left." Up the stairs they went into a large dorm room. A large king size bed rest against the far wall, facing the door. It was covered in a purple silk comforter and at least eight similar covered pillows. A small oak table sat by the headboard on either side, each holding a silver lamp. Two closet door sat on the right wall and the trunks were set at the end of the bed.

A good size full length mirror sat in between two desks that rested in a paned alcove overlooking the lake. Resting on one of the desks were several corked bottles. "Eric." Quietly Rachel kicked off her shoes and pulled Jasmine to the bed. Sitting her down, she removed the girls boots despite her protest and made her lay down. "Jasmine, you're tired. I'll wake you when we have to patrol." Jasmine was having a hard time keeping her eyes open, Fatigue creeping into her mind and soreness into her bones.

Eric found the boys patrolling the dungeons, where he thought he would. Stepping from the shadows his voice echoed behind them, "Boys."

Thad and Toby whipped around hands at the ready. Eric raised an eyebrow, Thad lowered his hand and Toby followed. Running a hand through his blonde locks, Thad said. "Eric, give a man a heart attack. What are you doing here?"

Eric's lips twisted into a sinister smirk as he said, "To remind you of your debt." Both boys stiffened and he continued, "Treat Ms Smith how you will but remember what she had done for you both. What she suffered for you both, consciously or not. You owe her." That said he turned and disappeared into the shadows once more.

Slowly Jasmine opened her eyes, blinking to straighten her vision. Her head felt heavy, her mind was groggy and her limbs numb. Rolling over, she watched as Rachel stacked potions into a drawer on the desk. She had lost her robe, standing only in her skirt and tank top. Rachel turned as she sat up and smiled, "Jasmine, I was about to wake you, it's almost time for our rounds."

Jasmine nodded, a yawn forcing its way from her throat. Jasmine slid off the bed and padded over to the alcove, staring out over the lake. Everything was calm, quiet as if time itself had stopped. Thunder rumbled off in the distance, lightning splicing the sky in all directions and there was no moon. "Storm's coming and more then one."

"Your boots are by the bed, Jaz, we should go soon." Jasmine nodded, pulling her boots from under the bed, Slipping them on, she checked her knife before following Rachel out the door, letting it click softly behind her.

Making their way through the common room, Jasmine mind went into overdrive, she nearly stumbled. Clenching her hands, she followed Rachel through the mirror, a shiver running down her spine. Rachel eyed Jasmine carefully, not wanting to let her know of her concern. Jasmine was tense, her body rigid as she walked. Fingers digging into palms and her mouth was set in a grim line but her eyes were more expressive. They shifted warily, examining every shadow and alcove for the next attack and the nearest escape route.

Slowly they made their way from one wing to another, then one floor to another, a comfortable silence between them. Along the way they managed to find a pair of very gullible and slightly hazed first years and a confounded third years who believed he was a knight. Upon reaching the second floor east wing, they were surprised to find one of the unused classroom doors ajar.

The two traded glances and Jasmine flicked her fingers accordingly, letting Rachel know that she would go first. Rachel nodded, her misty eyes clearing, the look in them sharp. With light steps, Jasmine glided forward into the room, her hand out infront of her. After a quick search of the room, she and Rachel found nothing out of the ordinary. Dusty desks, moldy textbooks in a cupboard, an old wardrobe in the corner adn a cracked cauldron on three legs. Normal stuff house in these old rooms.

Rachel shrugged before whispering, "Oh well, at least there are no Nymphs here." Jasmine smiled, thinking she had spent to much time with Wanda and turned to follow Rachel out the door but froze when a hollow rattling cut the silence. Shifting slightly, Jasmine waited to hear the sound again, her nerves crackling. Once again the heavy and hollow noise echoed throughout the dark room. Turning, she watched as the wardrobe to her left shake, it's door rattling. It felt like history was repeating itself with both Jasmine and the wardrobe playing a big part. Rachel stepped forward and raised her hand, a quiet "Lights." was uttered and a cool glow stretched over the immediate area.

Jasmine felt oddly cold as she raised her hand. Something was... coming and she found herself unable to look away from the Wardrobe as she flicked her wrist, "Open."

A thick and dead silence enveloped the room as the door slowly swung open, shadows stretching from the door as it made its journey. Hinges squealed in protest as the door performed its sole function for the first time in a long time. Suddenly Jasmine was cold and her chest hurt, her stomach burned, the brand fiery hot, the pain all to real yet her mind was unwilling to believe. Unwilling to go back through that door and down memory lane... Unwilling to give into what she hated the most, fear. The Wardrobe shook again. Beside her, Rachel shifted her stance, settling her weight evenly, she stood a foot or so to the left and a couple paces back, keeping the whole room in her sight. With a loud 'thunk' the door hit the wardrobe sliding, having no more room to fold back. The wood seemed to shudder, restless and hungry.

Everything was quiet until an almost imperceptible 'clink' sounded throughout the room. Jasmine's eyes were riveted on the dark glass bottle that rolled across the cold stone floor. It was emerald green in color, it's jagged edges tinted with a dark rust, the glass glittering in the light, taunting her with unholy memories. It came to a stop in front of her leather clad boots and somehow she couldn't look away. Her face reflected off the glass, eyes wide in fear, mouth parted in shock, head bowed in shame.

Rachel gave an almost imperceptible gasp, shocking Jasmine from her stupor. Raising her head Jasmine watched as a pale, dainty foot touched the floor. An equally pale and naked calf followed, though by the time a thigh was revealed there were blood smears. Out of the darkness a bloodstained hand gripped the aged wood, fingers clenching in anticipation. Before her, rose a monster, a beautiful and deadly beast of the most deceiving nature. Female... Jasmine.

Her heart pounded in her ears, the rapid staccato steadily escalating. Her mind was frozen, her world spun and her stomach churned. She could taste acid in the back of her throat, her body was colder than ice but her scars burned, the memories overpowering every rational thought. Her fingers went limp and her arm fell back to her side. Suddenly she smelt the urine, saw the blood and tasted the fear. She felt chains and heard the pained filled cries. She was cold, so cold. Stone scraped her cheeks as she rolled and curled into herself. Her body burned as if the fires of hell were licking at her skin. A monster, a beast is what she had become. She had killed a man and reveled in her revenge. Gripping her head she opened her eyes, looking for anything to concentrate on, anything to get back to her feet. At the sight of the bottle that lay just inches from her face, Jasmine let out a shriek and then she screamed.

Chapter 4

Thad lounged across his bed, a smirk on his face as he listened to Toby's muttering and watched him pace the floor. Suddenly the other boy stopped and turned to face him, his eyes dark and his mouth set in stone. "He was right you know."

Thad rose into a sitting position and ran a hand through his silver locks, his confident smile vanishing in an instant. Toby came over and sat beside him, their backs supporting each other. "He's always right, mother says it's a faculty flaw in his design."

Toby just nodded and closed his eyes. They were both enveloped in an uneasy silence, each wanting to say what the other couldn't. "Hey Thad?" Thad replied with a grunt. "What did Smith look like when they brought her back?" He hadn't been there at the time but arrived two days later.

Thad's body gave a shudder and he turned, leaning back against the pillows. Toby's head came to rest on his chest as the other boy spread himself out. Thad's reply was a whisper, as if he heard attacking demons. "Like death." Slowly, without even registering it, he began reliving that day and his first look into the heart of the Knights. He finally saw how far they were willing to go to protect their own. And whether he admitted it or not, that is exactly what he, his mother and Toby had become. Toby shifted, taking in every word his blood-brother said, not wanting to miss a thing.

Thad slowly pulled from his tale, his mouth dry and his conscience louder than ever. Toby had arrived two days later. His own parents had been killed three weeks earlier for not choosing a side. Even with his dying breath, Zachariah LaFlor had told his son to always remain where his heart saw fit to stand. So he did, Zachariah and his wife Mariah had remained neutral throughout both wars, unwilling to risk not their lives but their centuries old culture and heritage to war.

Reaching into the nearest bedside table, Toby procured a small silver flask engraved with his family crest of a crossed harp and sword both wound in rose vines. Inside it held the best vintage of whiskey. Popping the cap he drank deeply before passing it to Thad who did the same before recapping it and laying it on the pillow. How had they ended up in the position they were in? It seemed they were caught in a web of lies a mile long, both paying for sins of the father.

"BOYS!" The desperate shout had them both jumping from the bed. The shout came again before Thad recognized it was Victor Rayne. Quickly they headed downstairs to find him practically running toward the girl's staircase with an unconscious Jasmine Smith draped in his arms. "With me, quickly." Toby ran ahead and pushed open the dormitory door allowing the werewolf to enter first and then closed it behind Thad and him. Victor settled her on the giant bed, he felt her neck, searching for a pulse. Upon finding it he paused, timing it in his head. The two boys stood by the end of the bed, waiting. What the hell happened?

Victor relaxed as her heart rate began to slow down. "Thad, bring me a Dreamless Sleep from the desk. Toby, in her trunk, first compartment is an orange bottle of pills. Bring them here." As the boys set about their tasks, the door banged open, Eric striding through a worried looking Rachel on his heels and carrying a large black bag. Eric looked down at Jasmine, scanning her face.He took the two bottles held out to him before prying her mouth open and forcing two green pills down her throat. He scanned her body with his hand, watching as the report wrote itself up in the air. With a flick of his wrist, it was gone. "Eric?" Victor looked at him, praying Jasmine's recovery had not reversed.

"She is fine Rayne. Her mind is in shock which is perfectly normal and her body is simply reacting to it. Her body temperature had dropped a few degrees. I'd like to warm her up the best way possible as soon as possible. I doubt it will go any lower but to be on the safe side." His eyes slid to the boys, which cause them to back up a step, they knew that look and neither of them liked it. Turning back to his patient, he slowly poured the Dreamless Sleep down her throat as Victor held her head.

"Will we do this like last time, Professor?" Rachel asked, her musical voice making Toby jump. Thad snickered and elbowed him in the ribs, Toby just glared. How was he supposed to know the girl was there? She was quieter than a mouse.

"Yes Miss Murphy. Exactly the same way only with more clothes involved."

Rachel cocked her head. "Why?"

Eric's smile could have stopped Tomnus Muse in his tracks. "Because there will be more bodies this time."

Toby and Thad were promptly from the room to change into their nightclothes, both wondering just what the hell was going on. Drake tossed on his green silk pajama pants as he grumbled darkly, his back to Toby. His brother had donned white ones that seemed to meld nicely with his caramel colored skin. "What the hell is going on?" Thad asked as he rooted around his closet for his slippers.

Toby shrugged as finger combed his jet black hair, "No idea man, no fucking clue."

Entering the girls dormitory once more they found that Victor had left and Eric was standing silently by the bed, waiting for them. That same evil smile was still in place. Rachel had changed into a long purple shirt which advertised a new band called Strange Dog. She lay in the middle of the bed, with a similar dressed Jasmine draped across the front of her body as if they were a sandwich. All she did was give them one of her dreamy smiles. "Uncle Eric, What the hell?"

Eric smiled, "Simple. The best way to heat a body is not by blankets or even a warm fire, it is body heat. This is what was done last time by miss Murphy, Colin Murphy and Victor though they had considerably less clothes. However they are a 'Pack' and for them it is acceptable. For you it is not, hence the clothes."

Toby's mind was reeling. Next to him stood a frozen Thad, his eye riveted on the two girls in the bed. Toby snuck a glance at them before returning his attention to his soon-to-be least favorite man in the whole world. "So your saying we're to sleep in that bed and cuddle up to both of them to keep Jasmine warm and raise her internal body temperature?"

Eric nodded, "I knew you were smart Mr LaFlor."

The two looked at each other before Toby mumbled. "Thad, it's the least we can do. Besides, think of all the blackmail and innuendo's we can make out of this. I don't think they'll bite."

Thad sighed before giving his sharp go to hell look. "Nobody, I mean nobody is to find out about this." He grounded out. Eric just nodded and waved them toward the bed. Toby climbed onto the mattress from the left and lay himself on his side as close as he could get to Rachel's body before wrapping an arm around Rachel's body to keep himself in place. Drake did the same a bit more reluctantly, wrapping his arm around Jasmine. This was utter madness. What the hell was going though his uncle's mind?

RAchel's quiet tones filtered into the air as she said, "Goodnight boys. Goodnight Professor." Eric pulled the heavy blankets up over the teens as Jasmine's body suddenly shook with a shiver. She mouthed something, nuzzling herself even tighter into the human cocoon, her face in Rachel's shoulder. Rachel began to hum the lullaby from earlier that evening exactly where she had left off.

"Good night Miss Murphy, Mr Young and Mr LaFlor. Sleep well." Grabbing his bag he left, closing the door behind him effectively cutting off the glares that were burning holes in his back and no doubt now in the door. Rachel continued humming as the boys bodies began to relax, their muscles softening and their breathe evening as sleep took over them. It had been nearly an hour and a half since they had all gotten into bed and not one word had been spoken since Eric left. With a soft smile she closed her eyes nad was soon as dead to the world as her companions.

Chapter 5

God he was hot. Why was it so warm? Slowly Thad opened his eyes, blinking blaring at the sight in front of him. Man there was a lot of bodies in this bed. Looking down he noticed a mass of dark blonde hair on his chest. Bed... Toby... SMITH! Sometime during the night Smith had turned toward him and he wrapped his arms around her. Her hair fell over her face in a riot of curls, obscuring everything from vision except for her closed eyes and part of her pink mouth. His hand came up and he brushed her hair back, noting how the dawn made it gleam black in places and nearly white in others. Her face came into view.Ever so gently he rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip, as if savoring the soft texture. It was moments like this that he lived for, moments where he could relax a little and let down his guard, showing his true self to the quiet room and dark shadows that lay in it. Here he could cease being what he had always been labeled as since his birth and become the person his heart longed for. He was no longer Young. His hand moved to cup her cheek. And she was no longer Smith.

It was one of those guilty pleasure he loved so much. If anyone ever found out about his obsession with her he would be the laughing stock of the school. She was the darkest secret her had ever had and she didn't even know it. A small content smile curving her lips as she fell back into the throes of sleep. He watched it all, pale face practically glowing in the moonlight, bloody hell she was beautiful. He heard a soft giggle as he rested his head against her shoulder.

Shooting into a sitting position he looked down at the other occupants of the enormous bed. Rachel lay on her back wrapped in Toby's arms. Rachel's eyes were staring at him with such clarity and humor, he wanted to growl. What the hell had Eric been thinking? Toby was still sleep. Lifting the blankets, he looked toward the foot of the bed, wondering what kept him from getting up. Apparently there were four set of legs tangled together. Looking back at Rachel he hissed, "Not one word."

Rachel just smiled, her lips quirking sideways, her chest rumbling with a giggle. With impressive flexibility, Thad bent himself backwards over the side of the bed, straining for one of his slippers. Grabbing the soft object, he snapped back up before chucking it in Toby's general direction. The slipper hit the Italian over the head, jerking him from dreamland. What the fuck man?!" His black hair mussed, the white tips stinking up all over the place. Surprisingly it was Rachel who shushed him, her pale hand coming out of nowhere making contact with his chest. The boy gawked at the girl in his arms, but Rachel just covered her lips with a finger.

Thad jerked a thumb toward the door. "C'mon douchebag, let's get the hell out of here before she wakes."

Toby sighed, extracting himself from the human heater he was currently cuddling. Smoothly he slid from the bed and rounded it to help Thad disentangle Jasmine's hands from his waist. As they stood, Rachel made a shooing motion with her hand the proceeded to hide themselves under the blankets and out of sight. Toby held the door open for Thad before closing it behind himself. Thad jogged down the stairs and toward theirs swiftly, to avoid the cold common room. He hesitated however when he heard Toby shout, "Take your slipper, bitch!" With a grin he grabbed the item out of the air as it came rushing toward his head, before running up into their room. Toby followed at a more leisurely pace, his body shaking with laughter.

Later Jasmine yawned, tugging her messenger bag higher on her shoulder as she jogged down the stairs. Rachel was a few steps in front of her, brown locks swinging enticingly for any interested. Upon reaching the main hall the girls split, Rachel going to the professor's table while Jasmine headed toward the other Lighdons. Sliding ib beside Seth, she suppressed another yawn. Taking a bowl of fruit from Seth she tipped it, pouring grapes, strawberries and many other colorful fruit onto her plate. Passing the bowl back to Seth, she began to eat, quietly listening to the conversations around her. Sadly, Jasmine didn't think her new book would be publicly appropriate. Before she knew it, schedules were being shuffled down the lines as Victor passed from student to student.

Leaning over Jasmine's shoulder he asked quietly, "I trust you're feeling better?" Jasmine nodded, taking her schedule from his hand. Victor patted her shoulder before moving on. Looking down, Jasmine couldn't help the smile that crooked her lips. Double Mythology, Double Defence, Lunch, Free period and finally Double Medical Magic in the late afternoon. Her plate was full in a sense, which would keep her mind off her missing companions. Giving her goodbyes, she headed to the fifth floor west corridor. Taking a seat in the middle of the room, she looked around. Including herself there were thirteen students. Professor Sirotern was a very selective woman, only allowing those with the most talent and promise pass her fifth year classes. As class began, anyone in the room knew why. Mythology was a eat of be eaten class, she made it through that class with praises and made her way to Defense and Creature Control.

Smiles broke out as Professor Zaro walked out of his office, sitting between Seth and Nicole, Jasmine watched the class shuffle and mutter anxiously. They were excited to have an actual teacher and Jasmine couldn't blame them. The seventh year students were more subdued but if you looked at the right people for the right looks, you could see the excitement in them too. The class went silent as Jacob stripped off his outer jacket. Tossing them on his chair he headed to the chalkboard. His face became grave as he turned to the class, something feral sparking in his amber eyes. "As you all know, we have just won a war but most of Muse's followers are still out there. So instead of fooling around with Dragons, Nymphs and Werewolves, we're going to focus solely on combat. It's not about choosing a side or being a hero. It's about knowing how to protect yourself and all those that are weaker of mean something special to you. Any questions?"

Not a single person voiced anything from a concern to a objection. On impulse, Jasmine gripped her knife through her skirt with tremendous force. Around her faces were set in stone. In this class were 14 students. The seventh year class had been so much larger when they began but due to life, they had dwindled down to under half and that was counting all houses. They all knew the prices that life cost and happily exacted. Jacob scanned the classroom before stating solemnly, "Then let's begin."

Lunch was a quiet affair for all seventh years, their minds roaming. Every once in a while a student would look at another with silent understanding and grudging respect. Not all the seniors liked each other but not a one wanted to lose another to the outside world. Push came to shove, Jasmine was certain that is was an all for one and one for all situation. They were done playing sacrificial lamb. When the shit hit the fan, the claws were going to come out. Jasmine spent her free period in the library with Seth, helping him research man eating magical plants and how to safely pure them without... well being eaten. Surprisingly, a lot of the author's research assistants were eaten. She wondered how the explained that one.

Medical Magic was spent in tense silence as they brewed the Moon Elixir. The very thing that kept her beast at bay. Jasmine couldn't help but to keep glancing at Thad and Toby. Rachel had told her what they did for her last night, regardless of what they had thought of the notion. After all, they could have told Professor Tepes no and run away screaming. But they didn't. As Eric called for bottled samples from his meager class of nine. Her gaze kept slipping to him. He sneered at her, belittled her, insulted her and hurt her, but her gaze kept going back to him anyways, regardless of the years of damage he had done to her ego and her self-esteem. He had become a little nicer to her but he was still Young. But last night he hadn't done damage. Instead he had merely confused the hell out of her and manages to firmly wedge himself into her thoughts so that she was incapable of concentrating on anything but him. It was worse when she had classes with him, because then she would have to look at him while trying to keep anyone from noticing her glances.

The sunlight shined off of his silver hair as she scowled down at the potion before him. He dropped in the last piece and watched the potion turned colors before it settled. Finally he sat back with a smirk on his face not that she cared if he got it right or not. After all, if he failed the course his life wouldn't be any worse. It was well-known that his father hated betrayal more then he hated failure and Richard hated failure. After dropping her sample off at Eric's desk and giving him a formal nod in greeting she grabbed her bag and practically ran out the door. She stood in one of the side corridors that littered the dungeons for a minute or so before her targets came along. Stepping out in front of the pair, Jasmine pretended not to notice the slightly uneasy looks on their faces. What did they have to fear from her. Shaking her head, she looked them both in the eyes. Before she could lose her nerve, Jasmine softly said, "Thank you." Before Thad or Toby could blink, Jasmine was gone and they were standing alone in the corridor.

Thad and Toby looked at each other and shrugged, "I guess we should have known Rachel would have told her. At least she didn't rub it in our faces. Thad that could have been worse."

"I guess you're right, she did at least wait until we were just out of class and away from the rest of the students." Thad stretched and yawned. "I will admit that I haven't slept that good in a long time."

"I haven't either, although you looked pretty snug there in Smith's arms. Maybe there are some feelings there after all." Toby said as he laughed and walked ahead to the Mess Hall.

Low enough for only Toby to hear, "Maybe but I know there is some on your side, I mean you did have the pale beauty wrapped pretty tightly this morning. If that is the way you want to be about it."

Toby looked back at him and shrugged, "You keep you secret and I'll keep mine. Let's go eat, I am starving." he turned back around and walked ahead of Thad to the Mess Hall, neither one of them saying anything while they walked to the window table and sat down together.

Chapter 6

She didn't stop running until she had reached the library. Falling into a chair trying to catch her breath, she replayed the whole night in her head. Touching Young, making him whisper her name, she didn't know if he remembered that but she did and his touch was so gentle with her. Her breathe was still coming fast when Tony and Peter walked up to her. She had been so happy when Victor told her that Wanda and Tony had came back to help out, she just forgot they were here.

"Jasmine, I thought you were going to the Mess Hall?" Tony asked her, frowning slightly when she didn't answer. Touching her shoulder softly, trying not to scare her. "Jasmine..."

She jumped with a squeak and looked up at him. "Oh Tony, sorry I didn't hear you. What did you need?"

"Nothing, I just thought you were going to the Mess Hall. DId something happen? Are you okay? Tony asked, sitting down next to her.

"She probably just forgot something she wanted to tell us to do again." Peter commented. He had become very mean to her after they broke up. She didn't understand why since it was his idea to break up. He said that the war was over and he didn't really have those feelings for her. He He was nice to her when they were all at the Hollow but when they found out that they had to repeat the last year of Dravoca, he became rude and mean to her. Tony had noticed but told her not to worry for he was dealing with something on his own.

"Oh Peter why don't you go eat something." Jasmine snapped, she was growing real tired of his attitude.



"Absolutely not."

"Absolutely so."

"I refuse."

"I'll hex you."



"Loathsome half breed."

"Foul git."



"Irritating Filthing!!!!"

"Worthless PRAT!!!" He glared at her and stomped away heading for the main hall.

"Tony, I was on my way to the Mess hall when I ran into Thad and Toby." she said to distract Tony from Peter's new found favorite word.

"What happened? "Tony demanded. "DId they hurt you? I swear if they think they can touch you after everything you did..."

"No Tony, it wasn't that." she said, looking down at her hands, she hated to admit it, but Young had given her something to hate. In the past she could have thought about all the lovely ways to hex him, or just pace about her room in an angry flurry, content in her silent ranting against him. He occupied time. He amused her. He was, quite oddly enough, he most beloved enemy. Besides, it wasn't often that one came across someone who had the intelligence she did. Quite frankly she had enjoyed calling him a dimwitted fool a few months ago, only to be met with "Silence wench!!!" How many men said wench? Granted it was an insult equal to that of calling someone a female dog, but then again, her mental image of the word wench always brought up some extraordinarily beautiful barmaid with a sassy mouth and a knight in love with her somewhere in the 1300's. It was romantic sounding, even though it was from the wrong mouth entirely. And it wasn't as though he made a bad Advance Boy. One the contrary, he was excellent at it. Best of all was that he never let his duties interfere with his schoolwork, which was always done, if not the same night, then the night after. "They helped me last night before you got here. He was really gentle with me. I liked it, I don't know what to do."

Tony looked at his best friend and smiled. He drew her into a hug and laughed. "You like him, go for it. The war is over and he is changing slowly but he is, so go for it and see what happens. Come on let's go eat."

She looked up at him and smiled. She knew she could count on him. She grabbed his hand and walked with him to the Main Hall were everyone had already started dinner. Tony walked over to Wanda, hug her and kissed her. They began dating two months after Rachel broke up with him to understand herself. They were happy together and made a very cute couple. Jasmine sat next to Seth, who after the war became very outspoken. She stabbed at the food on her plate angrily, ignoring the odd glances as she scowled at her food. She sounded like some besotted school girl. Worse of all was who the bestowment was over, Drake Young of all people! Granted, he had many qualities that made him oka, but he was still a rich, stuck-up, irritating, cruel, beastly boy with no heart of conscious and certainly no morals or at least that is how he acted. This opinion was based on him calling her filthing for years, but now that she thought of it that was the worse he had ever done. A hand covered hers and she looked up at Seth, she smiled at him and out down her fork. She noticed Peter was once again sitting off by himself in a corner, bringing her eyes back to her friends who were talking about the upcoming finals, she saw Young sitting across the hall staring right at her. Unable to look away, she blushed and chewed on her bottom lip.

Thad had seen her the moment she walked in holding that ridiculous Weber's hand, something inside him wanted to hit Weber even though he knew Weber was dating Wanda. Thad watched her say hi to everyone and look around, he had noticed the frown she had when she glanced at Peter. He didn't know why they were fighting but Peter was being rude to her for no reason at all it seemed. From what he understood, Peter had dumped her after the war had ended. "Hey man, stare any harder and she will catch on fire." his best friend Toby whispered to him. "Just tell her you want her. No one will care that she is a mixed breed, well except your father."

"Shut up Toby. I don't care if anyone cares. If I decide to make my feelings public then I will. She, fortunately, already knows. I will tell her when you tell Rachel." Thad smirked when she finally looked in his direction. Seeing her blush and bite her lip, he laughed softly, "She is mine and no one will get in my way."

Toby smirked and waved at her across the room. "Well, I for one can't wait to see how this plays out."

Jasmine gasped as Toby waved at her, not sure what to do she waved back and turn to Tony. He noticed the exchange and smiled ather, nodding asking Seth to switch him spots. After switching seats, he whispered to Jasmine. "Don't look so lost, it will just make him think you can't resist him."

She laughed softly and shook her head, "I don't think I can resist him, Tony." Tony smirked and hugged her. She laughed and reached for her drink when Peter came walking up behind them. "That doesn't mean he has to know that."

Jasmine didn't know what set her fear off but she slid her hand down her leg, grabbed her knife and looked at the door. "So this is how you are? Hanging all over a taken man. You little slut." Peter said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear as he walked up behind them. Tony stood up and faced him.

"Are you stupid, Peter? We are friends and nothing else is between us. Everyone knows that, well anyone with a brain." TOny commented as Jasmine slowly got up from the table and faced them both. "What happened to you man? It's like you're a total different person."

Peter laughed, "Different person. You mean because I don't follow you like a lost puppy and think that the sun shines out your ass. Go to hell, Weber. I was talking to the whore."

Tony took one step toward Peter when Jasmine punched him in the face, making his nose bleed. "Don't ever call me that again. You are ridiculous and stupid. You were the only person I was ever really with and that shouldn't even count cause you were never there. I don't know what happened to you but you have changed and you are not wanted here. Don't ever talk to me again, Peter."

She turned around and began to walk back to the table when Peter reached out and grabbed her hair. Pulling her back to him, he reached inside his jeans and pulled out a pocket knife. "Call me stupid again, you Filthling whore. You don't deserve to be near me but I will forgive you this time and give you what you really want."

Tony clinched his fist as Peter swung Jasmine around and assaulted her lips, Jasmine fought against him but he was stronger then her, Tony pointed his glowing hand at Peter but Professor Zaro and Rayne had stopped him. "You can't, you might hit her or he might stab her."

"But we can't just not do anything." Tony started when another hand grabbed his shoulder. Turning he saw Thad and Toby climbing down from the table they had just jumped over.

"Wait until he is focused on me, then TOby will grab her and you hit him." Seeing Tony and Toby nod, he focused on the asshole who is forcing himself on his girl. He walked to Peter's other side, so that when Peter focused on him he would not see Tony or Toby. "Hey Murphy! Look at you, so poor and stupid that you have to force yourself on someone, who is a hybrid and can't stand you. Guess that is just one more thing I am better at than you."

Peter lifted his head to look at Thad, he pulled Jasmine so close she could hardly breathe. "What are you talking about? Who asked you to get involved anyways? Another thing when did you start saying Hybrid instead of Filthing?"

Thad looked quickly at Jasmine and saw the tears falling down her face. Calming the rage inside of him, he focused on Peter. "No one asked me to get involved. I guess I started using it when realized that they are not all that bad and I was talking about Jasmine and I shared a bed last night."

"What?!" Peter shifted his body, slightly releasing his grip on her. "Why were you in her bed? What happened?"

Thad smirked, "Well I was there because I was asked to be there. I saw her at a moment of weakness and couldn't turn away," he paused to draw on Peter's ompatentness, he noticed Peter's grip on her loosen a little more as Toby got in place behind them. "So I slept in my green pajama bottoms with her arms around my waist. We were all cuddled and warm, it was really quite nice. I can't wait to do it again."

Peter hearing what happened, turned ballistic. He dropped Jasmine, who was grabbed by Toby and turned on Thad. Right before he reached him, Tony stunned him and he fell to the floor. Not waiting to see if Peter was out, Thad stepped over him and over to Jasmine who was sitting at the table.

Thad turned toward Jasmine and held his hand out to her, unsteady she took his hand and stood up beside him. She noticed that the Dean had stopped a couple feet from them, watching the scene unfold. Thad bent his head and whispered to her. "Please trust me, you have given so much for me I don't begin to know how to thank you." Looking back into her eyes, she nodded. He looked around them, seeing that everyone was watching them. He smiled softly. "If anyone dares touch her again, it would be unwise. Anyone dares call her anything but the wonderful Witch and Pixie she is, it would be unhealthy. All have seen that she has changed, well know this is because she has given more then anyone, fought harder than anyone and survived more than imaginable. Don't push you luck cause this is your only warning."

"You are setting yourself up to be disowned, Thad. They will hear of this." Katie cried from the other side of the room, she pouted at him. He knew that she loved him but he didn't feel the same.

"I am basically already disowned, Katie. I have been ever since I choose them over my father, honestly I don't care if they find out, I won't lie anymore." Thad stated, looking back at Toby he nodded. "Let's go, I am suddenly tired. Will you join us?" he asked Jasmine, she nodded slowly. He headed toward the door and waited for Toby.

"If you ever touch her again, step to close to her or even look at her and make her uncomfortable, I will make you regret it. I will make you wish you had never come back here." Toby threatened Pete and flicked his wrist, sending him flying into the corner. He turned and walked to Thad but as soon as he reached them he turned toward the middle table once more and held his hand out toward Rachel. Without either one of them saying something, she stood up and walked toward him. Together, the four of them turned and headed out of the Main Hall.

Dean Victor Rayne didn't want to but he knew if he didn't someone else would. "One minute if you would please, Mr Young, Mr LaFlor, Miss Murphy and Miss Smith. I am afraid I must do this. Ten points each from Tony and Toby for unauthorized use of Magic and fighting." he started and the group of young boys cheered. "Also a hundred points from Peter for inexcusable actions and finally a hundred points each to Thad and Toby for protecting and caring for another classmate. Now you can go."

Thad smiled and nodded. "Yes Dean, see you in class." They headed down the hall, up the stairs to the Advanced common room.

Tony smiled after them and yelled, "See you tomorrow."

"I thought Thad hated you and her." Jacob stated as he lifted Peter over his shoulder.

Tony smiled. "He did, until he fell for Jasmine. Now I think we are going to become friends. Hold on and I will help you carry him to your office." Tony walked over to Wanda, kissed her softly, whispered in her ear then turned and walked out with Jacob.

Reaching the Advanced room, they said the password and walked through the mirror. Thad, still holding Jasmine's hand, walked over to the couch and sat down pulling her down next to him. Toby sat down as Rachel tried to walk past him, he reached out and pulled her into his lap. "Sorry Rachel, he has no manners."

He laughed, "Whatever Thad. I just know what I want and see no point in drawing it out. You okay with this?" he asked her. She smiled, nodded and leaned down to kiss him, groaning he pushed his hands into her hair and drew her closer. Thad laughed and turned toward Jasmine.

"Well since they're busy, is there anything you want to say now that we are not in front of people?" Thad asked, seeing that she was still deep in thought. He waited for her to face him, when she did he could see the disbelief in her eyes.

"Why did you do that? I mean I know the only reason you helped last night was because Tepes made you but back there, you didn't have to step in, Zaro was on his way and I could have handled him. Not that I don't thank you." she said quietly.

He laughed softly, "Tepes didn't make us last night, we could have said no and probably got in trouble but we still could have said no.I stepped in back there because it was what I wanted to do. Actually what I wanted to do was smash Peter's head into a wall then crush it under my foot but I'm pretty sure I would have gotten arrested for that. I stepped in because I wasn't exactly sure if you could handle it without going wolf. I stepped in because I needed to." he moved her bangs out of her face so he could see her eyes. "I'm sorry that he said those things to you. He had no right."

"Hey um, Thad. You mind sleeping with Jasmine tonight?" Toby cut in, Thad looked at him like he was crazy. "Not like that, I mean like we did last night. You know keep her warm, cause I really want to steal Rachel for the night." Rachel blushed and smirked at Jasmine.

"I can sleep by myself tonight." Jasmine started but Drake nodded to Toby and Rachel giggled, dragging him to the boys room. Turning back to Jasmine, he shrugged. "You really don't have to sleep with me. I mean by me if you don't want to."

Thad laughed, stood up and held his hand out to her once more, scared out of her mind she stared at it for a minute then placed her hand in it. Slowly he pulled her into his arms, standing there looking into her eyes. "I don't do anything I don't want to do anymore. I would very much like to sleep with you but tonight I will settle for sleeping next to you." he turned slowly and headed to her room as she thought about the words he just said.

He couldn't actually mean that he wanted to sleep with her like that, Jasmine thought to herself, he meant something else but what? Nothing else made sense. Could he have really meant that? she walked behind him as they entered the bedroom, where Toby sent a pair of his dark green pajama bottoms. He smiled, "Go get some pajamas or a big shirt to change into in the bathroom and I will change quickly out here." She nodded and walked over to her trunk, pulled out a long neon green shirt and matching panties then walked to the bathroom seeing that he had already taken his shirt off. She couldn't get herself to move or look away from him and the scars that ran down his back and sides, she thought it was a little unfair that he still looked gorgeous. He turned and watched her for a moment, "You see something you like Jasmine?"

She blushed and ran into the bathroom. After changing into her neon green t-shirt, she folded her dirty clothes and carried them out to her basket. She turned and saw Thad sitting on the end of her bed, looking around at her room a little more closely then last night. "So are you okay?"

Jasmine looked at him, his head fallen back on his shoulders with his eyes closed. "Yeah I am fine. Thank to you and Toby. You told Peter and everyone what happened last night, why? People will never let it go and your father could find out."

Thad shrugged his shoulders, "Peter needed to be focused on something that wasn't you, pissing him off sounded like a perfect idea at the time. I don't care what people think and as for my father, he can deal with it. I like you and want to get to know you that is all that matters."

Jasmine walked over to him, stopping in front of him. "Why?"

"Why, what?" Drake asked, slowly opening his eyes. He watched her as she shifted on her feet, blushing slightly. "What exactly do you want to know Jasmine?"

"I want to know why you helped me. Why you don't care what people will say about you and I? Why you don't care what your father thinks? Why you want to get to know me all of a sudden?" Jasmine asked softly as she began to chew her lip.

Thad smirked softly. "I helped you because if I didn't I would have killed Peter. I don't care what people think because it doesn't matter as long as we are okay with it. I don't care what my father because after the war he doesn't care about me or what I do. Wanting to get to know you is not all of a sudden, more and more each year you grew more interesting to me. Always hanging out with Tony and Peter yet most of the time they didn't even see you. Always wanting to help people even if the people didn't want help from you. I started wanting you two years ago but we were too far apart so it did me no good. So innocent even after everything you have been through and you really should stop chewing on your lip, it isn't safe."

She blushed harder at all he had said, looking a little confused. "I am not that innocent and why is chewing my lip not safe."

Drake laughed softly and stood up, standing within inches of her face. "I know you're somewhat innocent by that question. It is not safe to bite your lip because it draws my attention to your lips and I like your lips Jasmine." he said as he lifted her face back to his and kissed her cheek softly, "I want a reaction out of you but it is not anger, what do you feel when I am this close to you, when I touch and kiss you?"

"I feel, I don't really know what I feel. I can barely hear you over my own heartbeat, I see you and nothing else matters, I feel like I can't breathe but I don't want it to stop." She whispered softly before stepping back.

Thad smiled and they climbed into bed, they moved into the middle of the bed with her resting against him. Reaching under them, he grabbed the blankets, pulled it over them so she wouldn't be cold. "It's really late sweetheart, we should get some sleep."

Jasmine laughed and looked up at him, softly kissing his cheek. He hugged her gently and wrapped her in his arms. "Thank you and good night."

Jasmine woke up alone in bed with a letter telling her that Victor had stopped by and wanted her to rest. When she got up to go see Isabelle O'Connor, who had become the school nurse. So she got dressed, combed her hair and grabbed her bag. Heading down to the Nurse Wing, she walked into see Bella Rayne playing with her son, Benji and walked over to her. "So you're finally up, how are you?"

"I feel better," Jasmine said as Benji slowly crawled over to her and sat down in her lap, putting his lips up to her asking for a kiss. She laughed and kissed him. "Is it really all over school?"

"Yes but that is okay." she smiled and held out her hands to her son, "It seems someone has a crush on you."

"Well he is just going to have to wait until he is older." Thad said from the doorway, where he and Tony were standing. They walked into the room and up to Jasmine, Thad sat next to her on the bed while Tony sat at the foot of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel good, I just woke up." she blushed softly as Thad lend over and kissed her cheek. "I just don't understand what happened to Peter? Why did he that?"

Tony shrugged his shoulder. "Well, I might be able to shine some light on that, Tony did you know that Peter spent some time alone with Tomnus before the final battle?" Thad asked, Tony looked confused and shook his head. "I didn't think so, it seems that many people saw them together quite a few times while you guys were off searching for the scrolls. I know this sounds weird but I don't mean like they were meeting as friends but as something more."

"Something more? I don't understand, like they were together." Tony asked completely disguised when Thad nodded his head. "That is so wrong, where did you hear this? Do you have proof?"

"Not yet but Toby is getting it. We sent a letter to an old follower in Daraton, someone you know. He is sending proof, I won't completely trust him until I have it because of what he did to your family. Toby is waiting on the mail now."

"What he did to my family? You mean Damion? I thought he was dead." Tony said, as Victor and Jacob walked into the room, they looked confused at the mention of Damion's name. "Thad says Damion, who is in Daraton, has proof that Peter was having a relationship with Tomnus. Toby is waiting on the letter now."

"What? Damion died in the battle." Jacob commented. Thad shook his head, "He hid from the fight again, didn't he?"

Thad nodded. "Yes he did, he gave up everything he knew about the followers and they sent him to Daraton under a different name. He is there living out his life until the Peacekeeper decides to let him go free, which according to my father will be soon because a lot of people want their hands on him for the information he has."

Jasmine, who had been silent the whole time laughed out loud. "Oh my, thank you brain, I am so glad that nothing happened between me and Peter, that would be gross. He was Tomnus' lover." she fell back against the bed laughing hard.

"I'm glad you're happy about this, now I don't feel so bad showing these to you." Toby stated as he walked over to the bed and set the pictures down. "Just remember that I warned you."

The first picture was Peter sitting on Tomnus' lap wearing a collar around his neck while they tortured an old school professor. The second was them laying in bed together with only a blanket covering them, the third was one of them kissing.

"Oh man, this is so wrong. I can't believe he was with him." Tony looked away and shuddered. Thad looked at Jasmine and saw she looked as a sheet.

"I think everyone should go to the Mess Hall and get some food." Bella said, she smiled at Victor. "Because the day is almost over and the Peacekeeper and Madam Macavow are on their way to see you, Jasmine."

Jasmine slowly stood up, "What? Oh great, I can't wait."

THad stood up and led Jasmine out, Tony and Toby following behind them. "Man, I can't believe we only have until Christmas then we are done Dravoca."

"I am just glad I don't have to look over my shoulder for what you have planned next." Tony said as they headed to the stairs.

"Why didn't we tell them the truth, they are going to find out. When they do it could destroy her and what about Tony, he has the right to know." Jacob said as they watched the students leave. He felt like he was lying to Tony everytime he talked to Tony and didn't tell him the truth. "After everything we have been through and we still are lying to them. It's not right."

"I know, Jacob. It was the only choice we had. Let's just let them finish this without ruining their happiness." Victor commented, he wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulder. "I know you feel like you are lying to him but let's give them this moment."

"I am sorry Jacob. We just don't know what will happen if we tell her right now." Bella whispered. "They have been so close for so long and she is just beginning to stand on her feet again. We can't rip her world apart again, it might destroy her."

"I know, I just don't want to hurt her or Tony. I will be okay, I just need to rest and get this semester over with. See you tomorrow." Jacob groaned slightly as he left and headed down the stairs to his room.

"He'll be okay, Victor. Come help me put Benji to bed for a nap." Said Bellaas she headed to her office to pick up her son. She waited as he stood up and together they walked to their room. Unseen in the corner of the room, moved a shadow as a evil laughter whispered through the air.

Chapter 9

Jasmine didn't consider herself a violent soul. She supported equal rights for Goblins. She had been kidnapped, tortured and still believed that everyone deserves a chance. So, when visions of Debbie Macavow molested by a werewolf, then tossed into a barrel of spiked caterpillars, and then roasted slowly over a bonfire by none other then Jasmine, she was a bit unnerved. Only a bit, tough.

She couldn't believe Macavow came to Darcova with the Peacekeeper, to tell her that she was going to have to go through three trials if she wanted to go the Wizard Collage in Pandora. Jasmine had already been accepted but because Macavow hated her kind, she took every chance to destroy her life. Jasmine threw her book she had been pretending to read across the table. The librarian looked at her and made her leave. As she left, Debbie's words ran through her head again.

"It is unsafe and unwise to let an unmarried witch in to such a school so far away from her home." She smirked, "If perhaps she was engaged to a wizard from a rich, well known family she would have no problem getting into the school." The Keeper agreed with her.

Jasmine wasn't paying attention to where she was going. She didn't notice that Tony and Wanda had joined her, they were talking to themselves, knowing she was upset. They wanted to be there for her, if they had been paying attention maybe it never would have happened. Jasmine walked into a sixth year student and his friends.

"Watch where you're going filthing." he sneered at her, Tony stood beside her with his hand clinched. No one saw Thad and Toby walk up behind them. "Maybe you need glasses like Weber there, stupid bitch."

Tony raised his hand but Thad was faster, he flung the boy out the opened window and across the grass, getting everyone's attention. He moved in front of Jasmine, looking at the boy. "Apologies now."

Jasmine looked at Thad, "Thad, everyone is watching. Be smart about this, this could ruin you."

Thad smirked at her over his shoulder, her heart skipped a beat. "I can't be destroyed. Now what do you have to say to Jasmine?" he said turning back to the boy, whose friends were helping him off the grass.

"Are you serious? She is a Filthling, she is inferior to us Thad. Why do you stand up for her, she can't get into the college she wants because she is an unwed Filthling witch." he spat out.

"Call her Filthling again and we will have a problem." Thad warned him, then he smiled. "You're mistaken, she will be going to that college."

"Really, did the Filthling sucker some bloody prat to marry her?" he laughed and was flung back into the wall, hitting his head. Professor Tepes, Zaro and Dean Rayne came out, followed by Macavow and the Peacekeeper.

"Thad, what is this about?" Victor Rayne demanded, Thad shrugged as the boy answered for him.

"He attacked me because I asked if the stupid Filthling suckered some stupid prat into marrying her because he said that I had it wrong, that the Filthing was going to College in Pandora." He glared at Thad but froze in fear, the look on Thad's face promised pain, sooner or later.

"A thousand points from Mr. Andrews for calling a studenta disgraceful name and two weeks of detention." Tepes said, surprising everyone. "Five hundred points to Thad for defending a student's honor."

"Thanks Professor." Thad smirked as he unclenched his hand.

The Keeper stepped forward everyone turned to him, "Mr. Young, how exactly do you know that Miss Smith is going to the College, she must go through the trials first."

Thad felt the rage flow off of her from behind him, "No Peace Keeper, she won't. The only reason would have to is if she was unwed." Thad stated, feeling Jasmine move closer in wonder. He took a breath and Toby smiled in understanding, Tony smiled as if he knew what was happening. "But Peacekeeper, Jasmine Smith will be married, she is already engaged. Secretly to everyone around her because she didn't want to cause her future husband farther problems with his family."

"Lies, all of it." Macavow stated behind the Keeper. "If she is, where is he now?"

Thad looked at Jasmine over his shoulder and saw that she finally understood, she stepped closer to him, "I am right here, Macavow."

Everyone gasped at the announcement, Tepes, Zaro and Rayne stared in disbelief but hid it quickly so the Keeper would not notice. "Is this true, Miss Smith?"

Jasmine knew she couldn't say no without making Thad look like a fool, so she smiled, "I'm sorry for not telling you Peace Keeper but you must understand why. With his father were he is, his mother picking up the pieces of her life, we just didn't want to add to anyone's stress."

Thad smiled at how perfectly she lied, "You see Peace Keeper, she is going to that College. We just want people to stay out of our lives."

The Keeper leaned down to Macavow to hear whatever she was saying, when he lifted his head Macavow smiled like she had won the battle, turning to face them. "Well Mr Young, Congratulations. I expect you and Jasmine to be married shortly since your school year is almost at an end. There is just one thing, Macavow informs me that the two of you are not friendly toward each other."

Thad smiled at her, laughing softly she spoke up. "Unfortunately Peacekeeper, Macavow hasn't seen us in three years. Thad and I are quite friendly toward each other but thank you for your concern."

"You little liar, I know all about your lies and the damage they can do. Thad was only too happy to help me catch you and your delinquent friends, he hates you not only because you think you know it all but also because you are unfit to have magic as a Filthli..."

"I suggest that you don't finish that sentence, Macavow, I would hate to spend my honeymoon in Daraton. I will make myself clear one last time, Jasmine is a hybrid that is uncontrollable. If not for them, hybrids, our world would not be what it is today. Hybrids give our world a chance to expand and evolve, so I will not let anyone talk about them or Jasmine. I have stayed silent my whole life but not anymore, let's see if we can grow up and act our age, shall we Macavow?" Thad said. Macavow turned a shade redder and pointed her hand at Thad.

Tepes appeared at her side and whispered in her ear. She looked stunned but dropped her hand, bowing to the Peace Keeper, she turned and walked away from them. "Peacekeeper, we have had enough fighting here today and I think the couple would like to talk without everyone staring at them, so why don't you let them be."

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