sister, sister | ๐—ท๐—ฒ๐—ป๐˜€๐—ฒ๐—ป...

By spideykiyo

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โ I would drive on to the end with you A liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full And... More

Sister, Sister
โ” wikipedia page


2.8K 64 34
By spideykiyo

It was the day of the convention and Thea had a lot of panels to do. She had one by herself, one with Rob and Richard, one with Alex, and one with j2m.

While Thea did her panel by herself, Arrow and Zeppelin hung out with her Uncle Misha as they're mother talked to fans.

It was going pretty smoothly, and then someone asked a question about Arrow.

"Can you tell us a story about your twins, Arrow and Zeppelin?" a fan asks Thea.

The adult nods and says, "Okay so, if you didn't know I have twins, boy and girl. Their names are Arrow and Zeppelin and they're four and three quarters as my daughter likes to remind me."

People in the audience laugh as she rolls her eyes fondly.

"Okay." Thea pauses as she tries to think of a memory, "Um, last week when I got home from filming, it was about 9:30 pm and they go to bed usually around 7. So, when I come home I always go into their room, wake them up, and talk to them for about 30 minutes. Well, last week when I got home, Arrow told me that she lost a tooth, and that's a big deal. It's her first tooth. So, she showed me and everything. So, I told her, okay put it under your pillow that way the tooth fairy can get it and bring you something special in the morning." Thea pauses, looking at the sea of fans in front of her. "So she did. So, the next morning, I'm in the kitchen making breakfast, and she comes in upset. I asked her what was wrong, and she tells me that the tooth fairy gave her five dollars. Now, I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with that when she goes on to say that all of her friends who had lost a tooth had gotten one dollar and that it wasn't fair that she got five. So, I tell her that the tooth fairy made a mistake and she didn't mean to. She has the five dollars in her hand and goes 'mommy can I have a dollar'. I tell her 'yes' and then I ask why. And she says that even though the tooth fairy made a mistake, it wouldn't be fair to her friends, so she wants me to have the five dollars and have me give her one dollar. I have never been so proud. By the way, that was mainly about Arrow."

All the fans 'aww' at the story as a large grin on her face.

She stands up from where she was sitting, "I know, I know. Adorable little munchkins, aren't they? So, next question." Thea points to a guy sitting in the fifth row with his hand up, "How about you?"

"Hi, my names Oliver. I was wondering who watches the twins or what their schedule is when you are filming?" He asks the actress.

Thea smiles and starts talking, "Hi, Oliver. I love all the questions about my kids. I think we should talk about that for the next thirty minutes until Rob and Rich join us. Well, luckily I get to take them to school. So, they're at school and then they takes the bus home to Daneel's, Jensen's wife, and Zeppelin goes home with Shep since they're good friends, and since JJ and her are good friends. Plus Daneel and Gen and I are all good friends. Anyways, about an hour or two later, Rob goes and gets them and stays with them until I get home, usually that's how things work. Which is nice because Rob, Daneel, Gen, and me all live in the same neighborhood. So, it's easy to get things taken care of. When Rob is in LA or filming, usually Daneel has them or a babysitter or Alex until I get home." Thea sits back down, taking a drink of cucumber water, leaving out the fact the Rob doesn't leave the house after she comes home, he stays there. Where he's lived for over a year.

Then, Thea picks another fan to answer, "Hi, Thea." A fan greets her.

"Hi." She waves back.

"I first want to say that I love your character, Cathetel on 'Supernatural'. My question is what is it like having two kids at such a young age?" The fan questions.

Thea chuckles, "well I'm not that young. I'm 35.  If you want to talk young ask Osric, because everyone but Misha and Mark are in their thirties or lower. Rob just turned 46. He's getting up there higher than most of us." She jokes with everyone. "I was 31 when I had Arrow and Zep. So, once again not that young. It was hard because my family, except Jared, were not happy that I was having kids without a father, so I only really got support from Jared and friends, I mean they love their grandchildren to death, but they aren't very happy with me. So, it was hard and it still is. I don't regret having them, though. It's definitely the hardest thing I have ever done though, yknow being a mom."

After finish up answering, a staff member picks a fan this time.

"Do the twins ever get to see their dad?" The fan asks.

Thea slightly freezes before answering, "To answer your question, yes, but let me tell the story about it. So, about five years ago, I was working with my little bro on set, and then I meet this guy who was visiting his buddies and me. He's great and all, and we were best friends, we are still best friends today, but back then, all I thought was 'hot damn, my best friend is hot' and You know, you're in your early thirties, you're single, they're single, and you hit it off when you're both intoxicated because lord knows that you wouldn't have done that to each other sober. Lets just say you don't think about protection when you're drunk. So anyways, poof, I'm pregnant with my little ones and I don't regret it because I love them more than anything."

Thea looked around for another hand when her eyes decided to land on a ginger girl with freckles, "Hi, I'm Emily and I'm new to the fandom and was wondering who their father was."

"Hi Emily, and also just to put this out there, I forget that not all of you google us, I know that this is something I do and so apologies for forgetting some of you guys are normal," Thea comments, making the crowd laugh, "Anyways, I think I'm going to let the fans answer that because I have a snickers in my pocket and whoever answers correctly gets it. So let's start, who's the twins father?"

Someone stands up yells Jensen, making Thea laugh.

"I'm sorry, did you say Jensen? That's incorrect, pretty sure he was married or in a relationship at that time." Thea chuckles.

About ten people stand up, and only one of them got the right answer, Rob Benedict.

"Who said Rob?" Thea questions, standing up, getting ready to pull the candy out of her pocket. The fan who said it stood up, jumping up and down, "you get a snickers bar!" Thea exclaimed as she throws the bar. Thea sits back down and continues, "yeah, their full names are Arrow Elizabeth Benedict and Zeppelin Elliot Benedict. Sebby was upset because her name isn't Sophia so that her initials aren't SEB and that we didn't name Zeppelin Sebastian." Some of the crowd chuckles lightly as she picks another fan.

"First I just want to say I'm sorry for this question, and I was wondering if you would play Fuck, Marry, Kill?" The girl in the Dean cosplay says.

Thea takes a moment and looks at her phone, "Hold on for like a minute because Rob and Rich are going to be joining me and then all three of us will play. How does that sound?" The whole crowd cheers. "Now one more question from the guy in the black, seventh no tenth row. I'm blind!" The fans laugh.

"Hi. Excuse my blindness, I've been needing glasses since I had my kiddos, I just forgot to wear them today." Thea explains to the guy.

He laughs, "It's fine. I was wondering how it feels to go from being in just for season five to a series regular. Or more regular than Mark Sheppard at least."

Thea let out a hearty chuckle, "I don't have my wallet. Thank you for that. It feels great. I was expecting to die. I still am, truthfully. But, it's amazing. Not only that I already knew some of the cast beforehand. So, it's amazing. I think that is my favorite word."

The guy laughs as he sits down. Thea looks behind her and sees that R2 has yet to show up, and she decides to answer one other question.

"Okay." Thea sighs, "Looks like I can take one more question." She points to someone further in the back.

"Hi, I was wondering if you have any projects coming up?" The person asks.

"Hello, sweetheart. I do have a few. I'm allowed to talk about some of them too. So, while someone is hunting down Rob and Rich, I will tell you about them. First I will be starting a YouTube channel that's going to have a lot behind scene stuff and when I'm not filming, my kiddos. Other than that, I'm working on having my own wine business, as you all know, I love wine more than Balthazar, but not as much as I love vodka." Which made all the fans cheer loudly, "wow, I didn't know you guys loved my love for alcohol. Also, I was joking, I'm saving the wine business for when they kill me off or retirement." The crowd laughs, "I'm actually going to work a movie with Marvel, I can't say much about my character except for this, Jessica Drew."

The crowd screams loudly, knowing the actress's love for Marvel.

"Awesome you got them hyped up for us." Rich says sitting down next to her on her left, surprising the her.

"Actually I was talking about Marvel." She tells him, making the crowd laugh.

She looks over to see Rob sit on the other side of her, he gives her a sweet, soft smile before looking at the crowd. "Hey guys! I hope you have some questions for us."

"Hold on. I heard something backstage about Fuck, Marry, Kill. That's what I want to do first." Rich says.

The girl from before stands up again, "Hi so the options are Misha, Jensen, Jared."

Thea laughed at the looks on Rob and Rich's faces. "Hi. I already know. Kill Jared, fuck Misha, and marry Jensen. I would get to also marry Daneel if I marry Jensen, so that's a benefit."

"Why kill Jared?" Rob asks.

"He's my brother, that'd be incest." She says bluntly, "and Gen thinks it's fun to tell me about their sex life, I'm scarred. Also, I know little about Misha and Jensen in bed, so it leaves some mystery." She continues to explain.

Rich shrugs, "Makes sense. And I have to agree with you, Thea. Not exactly with your reasons but I agree."

"Rob?" Thea ask.

"I'm in shock. But, I'm going to say kill Misha, fuck Jensen, and marry Jared." Rob says.

"I'd steal you from him like I stole Gen," Thea jokes with her best friend.

"You already have me, sugar." Rob smiles before he kisses her forehead.

"Anyways, moving on from that sappy shit. Anyone else got a round of FMK for us?" Rich asks. A few hands shoot up. "You in the blue dress. What are our options."

"Rob, Rich, and Thea." The fan tells us. Handing the mic back to a helper before they can question her.

"Well then. That is interesting." Rich says

"No shit." Thea retorts.

"Does anyone know their answer?" Rob asks.

Thea shakes her head no, lying. 'I definitely know who I want to marry' she thinks.

"I do. I will fuck Thea, marry Rob, and kill myself after doing both." Rich tells everyone.

"I'm sorry, Rich. I feel bad now. Because I'm going to kill you, fuck myself and marry Thea." Rob says, getting cheers from the fans.

"There's a term that goes everybody wants to fuck themselves, so I think you know one of my answers. I'm going to kill Rich," Thea pauses to laugh. "Fuck myself and marry Rob. He practically lives me with anyway." Well, he does live with her but they didn't need to know that.

"Wow! My best friends just killed me so they could have each other. I don't know whether to cry or laugh. I'll do a bit of both when I'm going to sleep tonight, alone." The crowd giggles at Rich's answer.

"Alone? Is that what you call -" The rest of her answer is cut off by Rich's hand over her mouth.

"You aren't allowed to finish that." He says as takes away his hand.

"Yes dad." She says, sticking her tongue out at Rich.

"Okay. Anyone have a question?" Rob asks, ignoring the two.

Thea leans her head against Rob's shoulder, giving him a small smile when he looks at her. She turns to the fans and see one standing up, a nervous look on her face. She takes her head off his shoulder and says, "Hi, sweetheart. How are you?"

"I'm-I'm good. You?" She stutters out.

Thea smiles, "I'm doing fine. What's your question?"

"My question is actually for you. I was wondering where the twins are right now."

"I can answer this one!" Rob yells.

"Me too!" Rich yells, getting laughs from the fans and Thea.

"I will answer the question. Arrow and Zep are currently hanging out with Uncle Misha. They were very happy when I told them that they got Uncle Misha to themselves for two hours long." Her brown eyes on the girl who asked the question.

"Before we came out here. We were hanging out with Arrow, Zep, and Misha. I have to tell you. They are playing a really intense game of monopoly." Rich laughs.

Rob nods along with what Rich is saying. "I think Misha was getting ready to throw the board across the room."

Suddenly, Thea feels something wrap around her legs. She looks down and sees Arrow, her bright blue eyes staring at her, the ones she got from her father, as a dopey smile plasters itself on her face.

"Mommy! Mommy! I beat Uncle Misha and Zeppy. Uncle Mish lost all of his money and now he's after me, and Zep teamed up with Uncle Misha as payback for me eating all the cookies." Arrow explains, out of breath into her microphone.

Thea is about to pull her into her lap when Rob beats her to it. A habit he hasn't been able to break since Arrow fell in love with Rob and vice versa, a habit for as long as either could remember. Rob sets Arrow on his own lap as Thea asks, "So you won?"

Arrow nods, speaking into Rob's microphone. "Yep. I kept on putting hotels on things and he kept on landing on them."

Thea laughs, "Your uncle is horrible at monopoly and he knows it. It's his own fault for playing that game. As for Zep, well, you know how he is with his cookies."

"Should we go beat up Uncle Misha and Zep?" Rick asks Arrow.

Arrow jumps out of her father's lap and exclaims, "NO! That's not nice. You'll get in trouble. Mommy will ground you and take away cookies."

Rob and Thea laugh at Rich's face as he says, "Not the cookies!".

"That was daddy. That was all him. And I think he did it more for himself than anything. But, I will ground you." Thea laughs, remembering that day.

Thea had just came home from shooting, earlier than usual. Rob was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands, shoulders slumped.

"Rob what happened?" She asks, her eyes scanning the room, looking for anything out of place, as she looks at her boyfriend.

He lifts his head up, giving her a sad smile, "Arrow and Zep hit a little boy at the park, and I didn't mean to but I got mad at them. I didn't yell but, I wasn't very nice. I'm sorry, Thea. You trust me enough with our kids and I just screwed up!" he mutters, angry.

"Rob," the female Padalecki chuckles, "It's okay that you got mad. I'm mad. The one thing I'm happy about is that you didn't yell at them. That would've made the situation worse. I still trust you and they're grounded. You can decide another punishment for them."

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah. Now why did they hit a little boy?" She asks, surprised by their daughter's behavior.

"Well he wasn't really little. He's older than Arrow and Zeppelin. The kid said something to Arrow about not having a dad, since you know, people who don't know us don't really know that I'm her dad. Arrow got angry and well punched the kid. When the kid fought back, Zeppelin got mad that he laid a hand on his sister, so he punched him, too." Rob explained to the woman.

Thea sighs, "I had a fun day planned out. Now, it's mostly ruined."

"Mostly?" Rob asks, confused.

"Mostly." She whispers, a smile playing on the both of their lips before she makes a spontaneous decision by pressing her lips to his.

Arrow nods with everything her mom is saying.

"Okay. It might of been for my own needs that I took the cookies away. But, your mom grounded you." Rob says to Arrow.

"I'm fine with the grounding I deserved that. But, Dad you took cookies away. And not just any cookies, mom's candy cookies. No one deserves that punishment. Also, Zep shouldn't have been grounded, he was just standing up for me." Arrow tells Rob, "he is my big brother after all." The crowd cooed at Arrow's love for her big brother (by five minutes).

"arrow, would you like to answer any questions?" Rich asks the four year old.

"Sure, uncle Richie." Arrow answers.

"Okay, pick someone from the crowd to answer." Rob instructs his daughter as she gets back into Rob's lap. Arrow points to a female dressed as Castiel in the front row.

"Hi Arrow, I'm Mary, for one I just want to say that you are one of the cutest kids I've ever seen, and my question is how close are you and JJ?"

"Hi Mary, thank you for calling me cute, you're pretty too. Me and JJ are best friends, she's my bestest friend in the whole wide world. Me and JJ are going to grow up and live together, and live by each other when we have our own families-"

"Woah, woah, what are you talking about growing up?" Thea questions jokingly.

"Yeah, you're staying little forever!" Rob says as he hugs her tight.

"No, I'm not Daddy, you know that. To continue, me and JJ are going to be best friends forever, and nothing could ever get in the way." Arrow says and yawns, and as if on cue, Zeppelin runs out form behind the curtains to his sister.

"Row, I stole uncle Misha's cookie and now he's after me!" Zeppelin exclaimed to his little sister.

"How about we go take a nap, he won't disturb us if we are sleeping," Arrow suggests. Zeppelin nods along to his sister's words and they go behind the curtains.

"Rob, can you tell us a story about the twins?" A fan asked.

"How much time do we got?" He jokes
"yeah, of course I can. Arrow and Zep turn five September 17th, and they are about almost fluent in French, and you see I don't know French, Thea only knows what she has learned from the show, which isn't much. We have a feeling that Sebastian has been teaching them whenever he watches them, which is about twice a week because Daneel and Alex have lives." The crowd laughs, "They've been speaking French since they were about two, I don't know if that's normal." He says as he shakes his head, "Then, one day, I got a call from Jensen and he told me that JJ got upset and started talking in French." The crowd erupts with laughter, "So not only has Seb been teaching my kids French, but now my daughter is teaching Jensen's daughter French, and we can't help but to blame Seb." Rob shakes his head and laughs with the crowd, "He said it's his payback for not naming her Sophia so her initials can be SEB or not at least naming Zeppelin Sebastian." The crowd whoops and erupts with laughter.


Before Thea and R2's panel ended, there was one last question, "this is for Thea and Rob, is there any song you guys sing to the kids before you put them to sleep or just because? If so, can you sing it?"

"Ahh, yes, we do in fact sing her a song. It's one of Louden Swain's song, and honestly, my favorite song of all time. It's called, She Waits." Thea tells the crowd as the cheer, "and of course we can sing it. Do you want us to bring them out here to sing it to her or just sing it?" She questions, to which the crowd replied with chanting their names, causing the kids to come out.

"I heard my name?" Arrow says, coming out more as a question as she rubs her eyes.

"Hey darlings, how would you like us to sing you your special song?" Rob asks his adorable twins.

"Of course, daddy, I love that song!" Arrow exclaims as her mom pulls her to her lap and cradles her baby girl, and Rob does the same with Zeppelin.

The two start singing as Thea strokes her daughters hair.

"Have faith
Promises were made
You just take care, and behave
You left, and now you are saved"

The blue eyed four year olds started to doze off, their eyes getting droopy.

"The path, it walks you away
And meanwhile the house is empty
The floors lay, naked and weary
The walls, barley hanging on
Carry on
And she, waits for you"

Arrow's head lays in the crook of her mother's neck as her mother and father sing her the song that she loves. Zeppelin clung onto his father from behind, Koala style and his head slumped into his father's neck.

"Last night
You left like a bird
Fly away, and never be heard
The wind, it's cold and absurd
But, man, you gave her your word
And meanwhile the house is empty
The floors lay, naked and weary
The walls, barely hanging on
Carry on
And she, waits for you
She can't hear anything they're saying
She can't believe what is true
It doesn't make sense what they're saying
She can't see anyone, but you
Little girl
Hold on and wait
It's not fair, the fairness is overrated
Wait and you will be saved
The path, it walks in this way
And meanwhile the house is empty
The floors lay, naked and weary
The walls, barely hanging on
Carry on
And she, waits for you
She waits for you
She waits"

By the end of the song, Arrow was sound asleep in her mother's arms. The four seemed like they'd be the perfect family, one of the reasons why everyone ships #benelecki so much.

"Thank you, that is all for us today." Richard says quietly as the three of them walk behind the curtain with the blue eyed children.

(The tooth and cookie story credit goes to multfandomlove2002 on tumblr!)

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